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Mathematical Sciences --- Applied Mathematics --- Mathematics --- Mathematics. --- History --- British Society for the History of Mathematics --- British Society for the History of Mathematics. --- Math --- Science --- BSHM
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Worlds Out of Nothing is the first book to provide a course on the history of geometry in the 19th century. Based on the latest historical research, the book is aimed primarily at undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics but will also appeal to the reader with a general interest in the history of mathematics. Emphasis is placed on understanding the historical significance of the new mathematics: Why was it done? How - if at all - was it appreciated? What new questions did it generate? Topics covered in the first part of the book are projective geometry, especially the concept of duality, and non-Euclidean geometry. The book then moves on to the study of the singular points of algebraic curves (Plücker's equations) and their role in resolving a paradox in the theory of duality; to Riemann's work on differential geometry; and to Beltrami's role in successfully establishing non-Euclidean geometry as a rigorous mathematical subject. The final part of the book considers how projective geometry, as exemplified by Klein's Erlangen Program, rose to prominence, and looks at Poincaré's ideas about non-Euclidean geometry and their physical and philosophical significance. It then concludes with discussions on geometry and formalism, examining the Italian contribution and Hilbert's Foundations of Geometry; geometry and physics, with a look at some of Einstein's ideas; and geometry and truth. Three chapters are devoted to writing and assessing work in the history of mathematics, with examples of sample questions in the subject, advice on how to write essays, and comments on what instructors should be looking for.
Mathematics. --- History of Mathematics. --- Geometry. --- Mathematics_$xHistory. --- Mathématiques --- Géométrie --- Histoire des mathematiques --- Geometrie --- Geometry --- History
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Mathematics --- History. --- Philosophy. --- 51 <09> --- 51 <09> Mathematics -- History of... --- 51 <09> Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- Geschiedenis van de wiskunde --- History of mathematics --- Mathematics--Geschiedenis van ... --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van.. --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van. --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van
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Bourbaki, Nicolas --- Bourbaki --- Wiskunde --- Geschiedenis --- Frankrijk --- 20e eeuw --- 51 <09> --- #GGSB: Wetenschap --- 001 wetenschappen --- 510.2 --- 51 <09> Mathematics -- History of... --- 51 <09> Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- Geschiedenis van de wiskunde --- History of mathematics --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- (zie ook: realistische wiskunde) --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van.. --- Cultuur --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Atlas --- Museum --- Wetenschap --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van
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Newton, Isaac, --- Mathematics --- -Mathematics --- 51 <09> --- Math --- Science --- 51 <09> Mathematics -- History of... --- 51 <09> Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- Geschiedenis van de wiskunde --- History of mathematics --- Early works to 1800 --- Mathematics--Geschiedenis van ... --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- Mathématiques --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Newton, Isaac --- Oeuvres --- Écrits,. --- Written works. --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van.. --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van --- Écrits,. --- Mathematics - Early works to 1800 --- Histoire des mathematiques --- 17e siecle
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Didactics of secundary education --- Didactics of mathematics --- wiskunde --- Pi (getal) --- 51 <09> --- geschiedenis --- meetkunde --- 485.3 --- 51 <075> --- Pi --- Wiskunde --- 51 <075> Mathematics--Schoolboeken --- Mathematics--Schoolboeken --- 51 <09> Mathematics -- History of... --- 51 <09> Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- Geschiedenis van de wiskunde --- History of mathematics --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- didactiek secundair onderwijs - wiskunde --- 510 --- Getal --- (zie ook: realistische wiskunde) --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van. --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van
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Bringing together the histories of mathematics, computer science, and linguistic thought, 'Language and the Rise of the Algorithm' reveals how recent developments in artificial intelligence are reopening an issue that troubled mathematicians well before the computer age - how do you draw the line between computational rules and the complexities of making systems comprehensible to people? By attending to this question, we come to see that the modern idea of the algorithm is implicated in a long history of attempts to maintain a disciplinary boundary separating technical knowledge from the languages people speak day to day.
Semantics. --- intellectual history, history of mathematics, algorithms, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Nicolas de Condorcet, George Boole, programming languages, machine learning. --- Semiotics --- Computer science --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- Mathematical linguistics --- Algorithms --- Formal languages --- Mathematical notation --- Language and languages --- Computer programming --- History. --- Philosophy.
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How a new mathematical field grew and matured in America Graph Theory in America focuses on the development of graph theory in North America from 1876 to 1976. At the beginning of this period, James Joseph Sylvester, perhaps the finest mathematician in the English-speaking world, took up his appointment as the first professor of mathematics at the Johns Hopkins University, where his inaugural lecture outlined connections between graph theory, algebra, and chemistry--shortly after, he introduced the word graph in our modern sense. A hundred years later, in 1976, graph theory witnessed the solution of the long-standing four color problem by Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken of the University of Illinois.Following graph theory's trajectory across its first century, this book looks at influential figures in the field, both familiar and less known. Whereas many of the featured mathematicians spent their entire careers working on problems in graph theory, a few such as Hassler Whitney started there and then moved to work in other areas. Others, such as C. S. Peirce, Oswald Veblen, and George Birkhoff, made excursions into graph theory while continuing their focus elsewhere. Between the main chapters, the book provides short contextual interludes, describing how the American university system developed and how graph theory was progressing in Europe. Brief summaries of specific publications that influenced the subject's development are also included.Graph Theory in America tells how a remarkable area of mathematics landed on American soil, took root, and flourished.
Mathematics --- anno 1800-1999 --- United States of America --- Graph theory --- 1800-1999 --- United States. --- America. --- Appel and Haken. --- G. D. Birkhoff. --- Graph theory. --- Hassler Whitney. --- J. J. Sylvester. --- North America. --- W. T. Tutte. --- algorithms. --- applications. --- computer science. --- four color problem. --- history of mathematics. --- map coloring. --- mathematics. --- operations research.
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Alan Turing (1912 -1954) is ongetwijfeld een van de belangrijkste computerwetenschappers aller tijden. Tijdens WO II kraakte hij de Duitse geheimtaal, de Enigma-code, waarmee onderzeeboten communiceerden. Turing bedacht ook de naar hem genoemde test : zet een computer in een aparte ruimte, haal mensen binnen en laat ze vragen stellen. Als zij niet doorhebben dat ze met een computer praten, dan is de computer geslaagd voor de turingtest en hebben we te maken met 'intelligentie'.
Turing, Alan --- 510.2 --- computers --- 929 biografieën --- 001 wetenschappen --- 004 computers --- 51 <09> --- 51 TURING, ALAN --- #GGSB: Wetenschap --- 51 <09> Mathematics -- History of... --- 51 <09> Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- Geschiedenis van de wiskunde --- History of mathematics --- Geschiedenis der wiskunde - Wiskundigen --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- Mathematics--TURING, ALAN --- Geschiedenis --- Techniek --- Informatica --- Computers --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van.. --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van. --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Computer --- Geneeskunde --- Atlas --- Museum --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van --- Wetenschap
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Al duizenden jaren voor onze jaartelling waren verschillende volkeren met wiskunde bezig. Het ging daarbij meestal om praktische toepassingen zoals landmeetkunde en sterrenkunde. De Babyloniërs deden echter zelfs al aan wiskunde om de wiskunde.In deze Zebra komen verschillende aspecten van de Babylonische wiskunde aan bod, zoals rekenen, algebra en meetkunde. Daarbij wordt vaak uitgegaan van originele teksten in spijkerschrift op kleitabletten. Een beroemd tablet dat aan de orde komt is Plimpton 322, waarop een serie raadselachtige getallen staat. De vele opgaven maken dit boekje een wiskundige en historische ontdekkingstocht.
tafels van vermenigvuldiging --- Mathematics --- Assyria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia --- Wiskunde ; Babylonië --- 51 --- 51 <09> --- 51 <075> --- 485.3 --- kleitabletten --- wiskunde --- 510.30 --- Babylonië --- Kleitabletten --- Meetkunde --- Rekenkunde --- Talstelsels --- Vergelijkingen --- Wiskunde --- 510 --- Babyloniërs --- 103496.jpg --- 51 Mathematics --- 51 <075> Mathematics--Schoolboeken --- Mathematics--Schoolboeken --- 51 <09> Mathematics -- History of... --- 51 <09> Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- Geschiedenis van de wiskunde --- History of mathematics --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van... --- didactiek secundair onderwijs - wiskunde --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van. --- 51 Wiskunde. Mathematiek --- Wiskunde. Mathematiek --- Wiskunde -- Geschiedenis van --- Didactics of mathematics
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