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Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Droit au silence --- Détention préventive --- Preuve --- --Silence (Law) --- Self-incrimination --- Confession (Law) --- Preventive detention --- 7660 --- 2407 --- Silence (Law) --- 343.13 <493> --- Consent (Law) --- Declaration of intention --- Immunity from self-incrimination --- Nemo-tenetur --- Privilege against self-incrimination --- Right to silence --- Civil procedure --- Confidential communications --- Evidence, Criminal --- Evidence (Law) --- Privileges and immunities --- Procedure (Law) --- Witnesses --- Detention, Preventive --- Detention of persons --- Criminal procedure --- Congresses --- --Détention préventive --- --Preuve --- Silence (Law) - Congresses --- Self-incrimination - Congresses --- Confession (Law) - Congresses --- Preventive detention - Congresses
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reclassering --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Criminology. Victimology --- criminologie --- Netherlands --- 343.9 --- Pre-trial intervention --- -Preventive detention --- -Detention, Preventive --- Detention of persons --- Pre-trial diversion --- Pretrial intervention --- Corrections --- Pre-trial procedure --- Criminologie --(algemeen) --- -Criminologie --(algemeen) --- 343.9 Criminologie --(algemeen) --- Preventive detention --- Detention, Preventive
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Damages --- Government liability --- Preventive detention --- 343.122 <492> --- 343.122 <492> Burgerlijke partij. Benadeelde. Schadevergoeding--(strafrecht)--Nederland --- Burgerlijke partij. Benadeelde. Schadevergoeding--(strafrecht)--Nederland --- Detention, Preventive --- Detention of persons --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Tort and negligence --- Netherlands
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Arbitrary arrest and detention have been the most consistent violations of fundamental individual human rights throughout history. The world's major criminal justice systems reveal the historical struggle between monarchs and dictators on the one hand, and advocates of the supremacy of the rule of law on the other. This struggle has been over the power to arbitrarily arrest and detain persons whether they be accused of common or polical crimes. Preventive Detention: A Comparative and International Law Perspective seeks to reconcile theory and practice by selecting studies representing different legal systems, thus advancing the multi-disciplinary understanding of the application of international and regional human rights norms in criminal justice systems.
Comparative law --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Preventive detention --- Human rights --- Détention préventive --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Comparative studies --- Etudes comparatives --- Droit comparé --- --Preventive detention --- 2407 --- 343.13 --- Detention, Preventive --- Detention of persons --- 343.13 Strafrechtelijk vooronderzoek. Voorlopige hechtenis. Huiszoeking --- Strafrechtelijk vooronderzoek. Voorlopige hechtenis. Huiszoeking --- Détention préventive --- Preventive detention. --- Détention provisoire --- --Droit comparé --- Comparative Law --- International humanitarian law --- Humanitarian conventions --- War (International law) --- Comparative jurisprudence --- Comparative legislation --- Jurisprudence, Comparative --- Law, Comparative --- Legislation, Comparative --- Détention provisoire
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alternatieve straffen --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Criminology. Victimology --- voorlopige hechtenis --- Belgium --- Droit pénal --- Strafrecht --- Preventive detention --- Congresses. --- 343.13 <493> --- Academic collection --- 343.133 <493> --- 343.126 <493> --- -Detention, Preventive --- Detention of persons --- Strafrechtelijk vooronderzoek. Voorlopige hechtenis. Huiszoeking--België --- Congresses --- 343.13 <493> Strafrechtelijk vooronderzoek. Voorlopige hechtenis. Huiszoeking--België --- -Strafrechtelijk vooronderzoek. Voorlopige hechtenis. Huiszoeking--België --- Detention, Preventive --- Strafrechtelijk vooronderzoek. Voorlopige hechtenis. Huiszoeking--België --- Preventive detention - Belgium - Congresses.
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Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Preventive detention --- Pre-trial intervention --- Détention provisoire --- 343.9 --- -Pre-trial intervention --- -Pre-trial diversion --- Pretrial intervention --- Corrections --- Pre-trial procedure --- Detention, Preventive --- Detention of persons --- Criminologie --(algemeen) --- -Criminologie --(algemeen) --- 343.9 Criminologie --(algemeen) --- Détention provisoire --- Pre-trial diversion
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Human rights --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Preventive detention --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Détention préventive --- Arrest --- Detention of persons --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Criminal procedure --- Pretrial detention --- Criminal justice, Administration of --- Imprisonment --- Provisional remedies --- Law and legislation --- Détention préventive
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strafvordering --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- voorlopige hechtenis --- Belgium --- Droit pénal --- Strafrecht --- Preventive detention --- Détention provisoire --- 343.13 <493> --- -343.13 <493> --- Detention, Preventive --- Detention of persons --- Strafrechtelijk vooronderzoek. Voorlopige hechtenis. Huiszoeking--België --- 343.13 <493> Strafrechtelijk vooronderzoek. Voorlopige hechtenis. Huiszoeking--België --- Détention provisoire --- Preventive detention - Belgium --- Strafrechtelijk vooronderzoek. Voorlopige hechtenis. Huiszoeking--België
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1: Bepaling - 2: Grondbeginselen van het gerechtelijk onderzoek - 3: De onderzoeksrechter - 4: De saisine van de onderzoeksrechter - 5: Bespreking der onderzoeksdaden - 6: De wet van 12 maart 1998 (wet Franchimont) - 7: De voorlopige hechtenis - 8: Toezicht op het gerechtelijk onderzoek en regeling van de machtspleging - 9:Het internationaal strafrecht uit Belgisch perspectief
Law of civil procedure --- Belgium --- Droit pénal --- Strafrecht --- 121 Strafrecht en strafprocesrecht --- PROCEDURE PENALE --- Procédure pénale --- JUGE D'INSTRUCTION --- Méthodes particulières de recherche --- DETENTION PREVENTIVE --- Juridictions d'instruction --- DROIT PENAL INTERNATIONAL --- Mandat d'arrêt européeen --- Convention d'entraide judiciaire en matière pénale --- EXTRADITION --- BELGIQUE --- Instruction --- Information --- Saisine --- Chambre du Conseil --- Chambre des mises en accusation
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Cet ouvrage est conçu dans le cadre de l'enseignement du cours ' Éléments de droit pénal et de procédure pénale ' dispensé aux étudiants de la mineure en droit et de la mineure en criminologie. Face au fossé existant entre la lettre de la loi et le droit tel qu'il est appliqué, l'ouvrage a pour ambition de constituer pour le lecteur un outil adapté pour aborder la matière non seulement à partir des textes de loi mais également dans ses aspects pratiques.
Criminal law --- Criminal procedure --- Droit pénal --- Procédure pénale --- Procédure pénale --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Belgium --- Acqui 2006 --- Belgique --- Principe de légalité --- Loi pénale interprétative --- Application dans le temps --- Principe de territorialité --- Infractions --- Imputabilité --- Peines --- Exercice de l'action --- Information --- Instruction --- DETENTION PREVENTIVE --- Police --- Juridiction de jugement --- Organisation judiciaire --- Procédure --- Voies de recours
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