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Desertification in the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa
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ISBN: 0821308971 Year: 1987 Publisher: Washington D.C. World Bank

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Turning points in African democracy
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781847013170 9781846157738 9781847013163 1847013163 1847013171 9786612988219 1782041559 1846157730 1282988212 Year: 2009 Publisher: Suffolk Boydell & Brewer

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Radical changes have taken place in Africa since 1990. What are the realities of these changes? What significant differences have emerged between African countries? What is the future for democracy in the continent? The editors have chosen eleven key countries to provide enlightening comparisons and contrasts to stimulate discussion among students. They have brought together a team of scholars who are actively working in the changing Africa of today. Each chapter is structured around a framing event which defines the experience of democratisation. The editors have provided an overview of the turning points in African politics. They engage with debates on how to study and evaluate democracy in Africa, such as the limits of elections. They identify four major themes with which to examine similarities and divergences as well as to explain change and continuity in what happened in the past. ABDUL RAUFU MUSTAPHA is University Lecturer in African Politics at Queen Elizabeth House and Kirk-Greene Fellow at St Antony's College, University of Oxford; LINDSAY WHITFIELD is a Research Fellow at the Danish Institute of International Studies, Copenhagen.

Prisma groot woordenboek Afrikaans en Nederlands
ISBN: 9789049102562 9049102565 Year: 2011 Publisher: Houten : Unieboek,

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Dutch language --- Afrikaans --- Afrikaans language --- Dutch. --- Afrikaans. --- Nederlandse taal --- Zuid-Afrikaanse taal --- woordenboeken --- 803.936 --- Afrique --- BPB1106 --- Langue néerlandaise --- Dictionnaire --- (038)=112.5=112.6 --- 831 --- Zuidafrikaans. Zuidafrikaanse taalkunde --- Afrika --- Woordenboek --- woordenboek Nederlands-Zuid-Afrikaans --- 803.936 Zuidafrikaans. Zuidafrikaanse taalkunde --- woordenboeken. --- Flemish language --- Netherlandic language --- Germanic languages --- Afrikander language --- Cape Dutch language --- Dutch --- Wörterbuch --- ordbog --- dizzjunarju --- slovar --- slovník --- ordbok --- dicionário --- słownik jednojęzyczny --- sõnaraamat --- λεξικό --- sanakirja --- szótár --- речник --- rječnik --- dictionary --- woordenboek --- vārdnīca --- žodynas --- dicționar --- diccionario --- dizionario --- fjalor --- Lexikon --- slovní zásoba --- sanasto --- etymologický slovník --- lexikón --- lexique --- lexikon --- leksik --- verklarend woordenboek --- тријазичен речник --- dizionario etimologico --- glossario --- leksikons --- leksikon --- фразеолошки речник --- překladový slovník --- vocabulario --- výkladový slovník --- dvoujazyčný slovník --- léxico --- specialordbog --- толковен речник --- етимолошки речник --- lessico --- vocabolario --- lexicon --- sõnastik --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Africa --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- An Afraic --- foclóir --- Afrikaans (langue) --- Dictionnaires néerlandais --- Dictionnaires néerlandais

Le temps de l'Afrique
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782738123275 2738123279 Year: 2010 Publisher: Paris : Odile Jacob,

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Third World: economic development problems --- Africa --- Economic development --- Social change --- Développement économique --- Changement social --- Afrique --- Economic conditions. --- Conditions économiques --- Economic conditions --- Contemporary Economic, Political and Socio-Cultural Outlook --- Conditions sociales --- BPB1005 --- Économie --- Régime politique --- Culture --- Afrika --- Economie --- Politiek stelsel --- Cultuur --- Développement économique --- Conditions économiques --- Development, Economic --- Economic growth --- Growth, Economic --- Economic policy --- Economics --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- Developing countries: economic development problems --- system polityczny --- politiskt system --- politiskā sistēma --- politinė sistema --- politički sustav --- political system --- πολίτευμα --- sistema politika --- politický režim --- politikai rendszer --- politični sistem --- politický systém --- politiek stelsel --- regime político --- régimen político --- sistem politik --- regime politico --- sistem politic --- politisk styreform --- poliitiline süsteem --- политички систем --- poliittinen järjestelmä --- политическа система --- Regierungssystem --- politinė santvarka --- regjim politik --- système politique --- forma státu --- πολιτικό σύστημα --- regim politic --- Staatsform --- forma vlády --- политички режим --- sistem guvernamental --- Regierungsform --- druh státu --- politiek systeem --- valitsusvorm --- államforma --- politisk system --- political regime --- sistema politico --- sistema político --- poliitiline režiim --- kormányforma --- vládní systém --- politisches System --- státní řízení --- ordinamento politico --- političko uređenje --- sistem de guvernare --- druh vlády --- politiskais režīms --- hospodářství --- икономика --- talous --- gospodarka --- economia --- majandus --- hospodárstvo --- ekonomika --- economy --- economie --- Wirtschaft --- gazdaság --- økonomi --- οικονομία --- привреда --- gospodarstvo --- економија --- ekonomija --- ekonomi --- economía --- ekonomikos mokslas --- gazdálkodás --- стопанство --- kultur --- kulttuuri --- culture --- cultură --- cultuur --- kultura --- πολιτιστικός τομέας --- kultúra --- kultūra --- cultura --- Kultur --- kultuur --- култура --- livello culturale --- vita culturale --- културен живот --- erudizione --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- An Afraic --- córas polaitiúil --- geilleagar --- cultúr --- Développement économique - Afrique --- Economic development - Africa --- Afrique - Conditions économiques --- Africa - Economic conditions --- ūkis --- Régime politique --- Économie

De Grote Afrikaanse Oorlog Congo in de regionale geopolitiek 1996 - 2006.
ISBN: 9789085421733 Year: 2009 Publisher: Antwerpen,

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anno 2000-2009 --- Congo --- Great Lakes Region [Africa] --- 851 Burgeroorlogen --- 881.2 Centraal-Afrika --- BPB0905 --- Géographie politique --- Guerre civile --- af-cong 337 --- oorlogen --- Politieke geografie --- Burgeroorlog --- politiek - Congo --- Politiek: Congo-Kinshasa --- Politiek: Congo-Kinshasa. --- Internal politics --- International relations. Foreign policy --- Polemology --- anno 1990-1999 --- Afrique --- Afrika --- Civil war --- Great Lakes Region (Africa) --- Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Politics and government --- 1997 --- -Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Foreign relations --- -Civil war --- -Politiek: Congo-Kinshasa. --- -Internal politics --- -851 Burgeroorlogen --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Africa --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- civil war --- občanská válka --- wojna domowa --- burgeroorlog --- εμφύλιος πόλεμος --- državljanska vojna --- гражданска война --- kodusõda --- Bürgerkrieg --- sisällissota --- borgerkrig --- грађански рат --- pilietinis karas --- guerra civile --- pilsoņu karš --- občianska vojna --- граѓанска војна --- inbördeskrig --- gwerra ċivili --- guerra civil --- polgárháború --- război civil --- luftë civile --- građanski rat --- vzpoura --- востание --- felkelés --- insurecție --- sukilimas --- insurrection --- povstání --- kapina --- sacelšanās --- lázadás --- guerra interna --- kryengritje --- ustanak --- pobuna --- povstanie --- resistenza --- ülestõus --- politický zemepis --- geografía política --- political geography --- politinė geografija --- geografia polityczna --- poliitiline geograafia --- gjeografi politike --- politisk geografi --- politieke geografie --- politische Geografie --- πολιτική γεωγραφία --- politikai földrajz --- politična geografija --- geografia politica --- ġeografija politika --- politiskā ģeogrāfija --- geografaíocht pholaitiúil --- geografia política --- politický zeměpis --- политичка географија --- geografie politică --- poliittinen maantiede --- политическа география --- politička geografija --- politická geografie --- politische Geographie --- An Afraic --- cogadh cathartha --- Géographie politique --- guerre civile

La guerre du Kivu : vues de la salle climatisée et de la véranda
ISBN: 9782872910267 2872910263 Year: 2010 Volume: 297-298 Publisher: Bruxelles : GRIP,

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Les images en provenance du Kivu se suivent et se ressemblent : des victimes civiles fuyant les zones de combat, des exactions et des viols perpétrés par toutes les forces armées impliquées dans le conflit, des Casques bleus plus observateurs qu’acteurs... Une guerre indissociable des événements au Rwanda en 1994. L’ombre du génocide plane toujours, même si le « droit de poursuite » de l’armée rwandaise contre les « génocidaires » aura surtout été la façade d’un pillage systématique et organisé de l’est du Congo. Si le vide politique à la suite de l’implosion de l’Etat n’a fait que compliquer la donne, il reste que la guerre couvait depuis longtemps. Dans une première partie, l’auteur décrit et analyse l’évolution du contexte politique et socio-économique au fil des décennies. Sont notamment abordées la dimension ethnique et la situation démographique caractérisée par des densités élevées. Vient ensuite le temps des seigneurs de la guerre – de Laurent-Désiré Kabila à Laurent Nkunda – et de bandes armées informes qui n’ont en général d’autre agenda que les razzias et le banditisme. La deuxième partie traite des « parrains » du Congo (ONU, Union européenne, …) : leurs injonctions diplomatiques sur la «bonne gouvernance» et la démocratie, la lutte contre la corruption, le déversement de millions de dollars en aide humanitaire, de multiples accords de cessez-le-feu et de paix, … Des actions de la « communauté internationale » sans grand succès jusqu’à présent ! La question vient donc à l’esprit : le Kivu, véritable poudrière de l’Afrique centrale, pourra-t-il un jour s’en sortir ? L’auteur apporte des éléments de réponse, au-delà des propos convenus.


Kivu --- Guerre civile --- Zaïre --- --République du Congo --- --Zaïre --- --853 Regionale conflicten --- 881.2 Centraal-Afrika --- Congo [historische term land Congo -CG] --- oorlog --- Burgeroorlog --- Politiek en ideologie --- 853 Regionale conflicten --- --Polemology --- Polemology --- Internal politics --- Civil war --- Congo (Democratic Republic) --- European Union countries --- Congo (République démocratique) --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Politics and government --- Relations --- Politique et gouvernement --- Kivu [Lake ] (Congo and Rwanda) --- History --- 1994-.... --- BPB1003 --- Afrique --- C8 --- Afrika --- civil war --- občanská válka --- wojna domowa --- burgeroorlog --- εμφύλιος πόλεμος --- državljanska vojna --- гражданска война --- kodusõda --- Bürgerkrieg --- sisällissota --- borgerkrig --- грађански рат --- pilietinis karas --- guerra civile --- pilsoņu karš --- občianska vojna --- граѓанска војна --- inbördeskrig --- gwerra ċivili --- guerra civil --- polgárháború --- război civil --- luftë civile --- građanski rat --- vzpoura --- востание --- felkelés --- insurecție --- sukilimas --- insurrection --- povstání --- kapina --- sacelšanās --- lázadás --- guerra interna --- kryengritje --- ustanak --- pobuna --- povstanie --- resistenza --- ülestõus --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Africa --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- --Kivu [Lake ] (Congo and Rwanda) --- cogadh cathartha --- An Afraic --- République du Congo --- Nkunda, Laurent (1967-....) --- Conflits de basse intensité --- Révoltes --- Résistance politique --- Kivu (Congo, République démocratique) --- Congo (République démocratique) --- Congo (Republique démocratique) --- 1996-1997 (Guerre civile) --- 1998-2002 (Guerre civile) --- 1997-.... --- 1990-.... --- Rwanda --- Economie --- Histoire --- ONU --- Union européenne --- Afrique centrale --- Congo --- Politique --- Guerre --- Génocide

Retour de l'État : pour quelles politiques sociales ? Points de vue du Sud
ISBN: 9782849502242 2849502243 Year: 2009 Volume: 16, 2009(2) Publisher: Louvain-la-Neuve: Centre tricontinental,

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Social policy --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Developing countries --- Politiek [Sociale ] --- Politique sociale --- Sociaal beleid --- Sociale politiek --- State, The --- Morocco --- South Africa --- India --- Indonesia --- Venezuela (République bolivarienne du) --- Chile --- Brazil --- BPB0911 --- #SBIB:327.4H60 --- Asie --- Afrique --- Amérique latine --- Derde wereld: ontwikkeling, sociale verandering: algemeen --- Azië --- Afrika --- Latijns-Amerika --- Social policies --- Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) --- Латинска Америка --- Amerika Latine --- Latin America --- America Latină --- America latina --- Lotynų Amerika --- Latinská Amerika --- América Latina --- Latinska Amerika --- Amerika Latina --- Ladina-Ameerika --- Latin-Amerika --- Latinalainen Amerikka --- Ameryka Łacińska --- Λατινική Αμερική --- Latīņamerika --- Latinamerika --- Lateinamerika --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Africa --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- Aasia --- Ázia --- Ασία --- Азия --- Azja --- Asien --- Asja --- Asia --- Ásia --- Азија --- Āzija --- Azija --- Ázsia --- Azia --- азиски држави --- paesi dell'Asia --- asiatische Länder --- paesi asiatici --- ázsiai országok --- Aasian maat --- ázijské krajiny --- Asian countries --- țări asiatice --- país da Ásia --- ασιατικές χώρες --- landen van Azië --- vendet e Azisë --- Länder Asiens --- asiatiska länder --- pays asiatiques --- země Asie --- asiatiske lande --- asijské země --- Aziatisch land --- asijské státy --- pays d'Asie --- χώρες Ασίας --- státy Asie --- Aasia riigid --- Asiens länder --- país de Asia --- Azijos šalys --- país asiático --- sociálna politika --- socijalna politika --- социјална политика --- sociaal beleid --- socialpolitik --- socialna politika --- sociālā politika --- szociálpolitika --- politică socială --- sotsiaalpoliitika --- politikë sociale --- política social --- κοινωνική πολιτική --- politika soċjali --- politica sociale --- Sozialpolitik --- sociální politika --- socialinė politika --- sosiaalipolitiikka --- polityka społeczna --- социална политика --- social policy --- socialplan --- socijalni plan --- planificación social --- pianificazione sociale --- planifikim social --- sociálny plán --- sosiaalipoliittinen suunnittelu --- sotsiaalpoliitiline kava --- planeamento social --- socialinis planas --- social planläggning --- szociális politika --- κοινωνικό πρόγραμμα --- κοινωνική πτυχή --- sociální program --- social planning --- sosiaalinen suunnitelma --- социјален план --- Gesellschaftspolitik --- sociālā programma --- sociale planning --- plano social --- social plan --- sociālā plānošana --- ühiskonnapoliitika --- socijalno planiranje --- социјално планирање --- sociaal plan --- sociální plánování --- piano sociale --- socialinis planavimas --- Sozialplan --- socialplanlægning --- sociálne plánovanie --- Sozialplanung --- szociális tervezés --- pacchetto sociale --- κοινωνική σκοπιά --- planification sociale --- κοινωνικός σχεδιασμός --- sotsiaalkava --- sociaal luik --- plan social --- An Afraic --- An Áise --- Meiriceá Laidineach --- beartas sóisialta --- Afrique du sud --- Brésil --- Inde --- Developing countries - Social policy --- Amérique latine --- Chili --- Etat --- Indonesie --- Maroc --- Venezuela

Micropolitiques du boom minier
Authors: ---
ISSN: 02447827 ISBN: 9782811110598 2811110593 Year: 2013 Volume: 131 Publisher: Paris: Karthala,

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De nombreux pays africains ont, à l’instigation de la Banque mondiale, libéralisé leur secteur minier au cours de ces deux dernières décennies, ce qui leur a valu de connaître un afflux d’investisseurs privés d’origines diverses. Comment la mise en oeuvre de ces réformes est-elle négociée par les élites politiques, de la présidence aux édiles locaux ? Dans quelle mesure les comptoirs et les sociétés qui organisent l’exploitation minière artisanale facilitent-ils l’implantation de ces investisseurs ? Que deviennent, dans ce « new scramble » des ressources naturelles, les creuseurs artisanaux et les employés des anciennes entreprises minières ? De quelle façon les syndicats se positionnent-ils face à l’ordre économique et politique qui est en train de se mettre en place ? Au-delà des évaluations générales et normatives dont les investissements miniers font habituellement l’objet, ce numéro a pour ambition d’interroger la portée des changements qu’ils induisent en partant des espaces de lutte dans lesquels ils sont pris et des logiques d’action de ceux qui y prennent part. Sur la base de recherches menées au Burkina Faso, au Cameroun, en République démocratique du Congo et en Afrique du Sud, les contributions réunies ici proposent des pistes d’analyse originales pour décrypter les jeux micropolitiques qui président à la « formation » du boom minier en Afrique.


SEPA --- BPB1311 --- #SBIB:39A73 --- #SBIB:39A4 --- #SBIB:327.4H61 --- Afrique --- Exploitation minière --- mäetöö --- mijn --- рударски коп --- Bergwerksbetrieb --- kaivostoiminta --- oibríocht mhianadóireachta --- kopalnia --- rudarski obrat --- sfruttamento delle miniere --- gruvdrift --- kasybos darbai --- operat tal-minjieri --- minedrift --- exploração mineira --- důlní provoz --- explotación minera --- εξορυκτική επιχείρηση --- експлоатация на мини --- shfrytëzim i minierave --- rudarska djelatnost --- mining operation --- рударска активност --- ťažobná prevádzka --- exploatare minieră --- bányászati tevékenység --- raktuvju izmantošana --- cava --- povrchová ťažba --- bányamű --- dagbrottbrytning --- külszíni fejtés --- shfrytëzim i minierave në thellësi --- explotación a cielo abierto --- gurore --- allmaakaevandamine --- minierë --- kamenolom --- steengroeve --- рударско ископување --- ontginning in diepbouw --- bányaüzem --- Steinbruch --- avolouhos --- raktuve --- exploitation souterraine --- otvoreno rudarsko okno --- důl --- baňa --- ontginning in dagbouw --- cantera --- coltivazione con escavatori --- exploração subterrânea --- stenbrud --- podzemní těžba --- povrchová těžba --- exploatare minieră subterană --- deep mining --- carieră --- gropë e hapur për hedhje --- louhos --- impianto minerario --- mina --- μεταλλείο --- Untertagebetrieb --- coltivazione in sotterraneo --- kaivos --- gruva --- požeminiai kasybos darbai --- karjäär --- podzemná ťažba --- exploitation à ciel ouvert --- atklātās izrakteņu iegūšanas karjers --- explotación subterránea --- exploração a céu aberto --- mină --- ορυχείο --- Grubenbetrieb --- υπόγεια εκμετάλλευση --- stenbrott --- επιφανειακή εκμετάλλευση --- coltivazione a cielo aperto --- karjeras --- miniera --- exploatare minieră de suprafață --- atvirasis kasinys --- kaevandus --- Bergwerk --- rudnik --- рударска дејност --- λατομείο --- brytning ovan jord --- coltivazione manuale --- coltivazione a gradini --- open groeve --- pedreira --- ondergrondse ontginning --- syvä kaivos --- pazemes raktuvju izmantošana --- quarry --- mélybányászat --- open-cast pit --- lom --- carrière --- underjordsbrytning --- mine --- mélyművelés --- Tagebaubetrieb --- An Afraic --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Afrika --- Africa --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- Etnografie: Afrika --- Toegepaste antropologie --- Derde wereld: economische ontwikkeling --- Mines - Industrie - Afrique subsaharienne --- Mines - Industrie - Finances --- Mineral industries - Africa, Sub-Saharan --- Mineral industries - Finance --- Afrique subsaharienne - Politique et gouvernement - 1960 --- -Africa, Sub-Saharan - Politics and government - 1960 --- -Politics --- National wealth --- Economic structure --- Mines --- Mineral industries --- Afrique subsaharienne --- Africa, Sub-Saharan --- Politics

Corps habillés : politique des métiers de l'ordre
ISSN: 02447827 ISBN: 9782811108564 2811108564 Year: 2013 Volume: 128 Publisher: Paris: Karthala,

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Répressions violentes, engagements guerriers, mutineries, coups d’État : les « corps habillés » apparaissent régulièrement avec fracas dans l’actualité africaine. Avec la multiplication des programmes 
de « réforme du système de la sécurité » (RSS), les professionnels de l’ordre font désormais l’objet d’une grande attention sur la scène internationale. On sait pourtant peu de choses des militaires, des policiers ou des gardes forestiers qui exercent leur métier en uniforme ou en civil, dans la rue ou dans un bureau. Quels sont les savoirs, 
les pratiques et les conflits propres à ce champ professionnel ? En 
se défaisant de la perspective du « professionnalisme » qui marque les expertises de la RSS, ce dossier montre que les forces de l’ordre sont à la fois des instruments centraux de la surveillance et de la répression des populations, et de la contestation du pouvoir d’État. À partir d’études de cas au Sénégal, au Nigeria et en Sierra Leone, 
il invite à penser les rapports des métiers de l’ordre à l’État en étudiant ensemble leur fonctionnement ordinaire et les expressions les plus spectaculaires de l’action politique.


#SBIB:39A11 --- #SBIB:39A73 --- SEPA --- BPB1303 --- Afrique --- Police --- Sécurité et gardiennage --- seirbhísí slándála --- ασφάλεια και φύλαξη --- servizzi tas-sigurtà --- seguridad y vigilancia --- usługi ochrony osób i mienia --- zaštitarstvo --- безбедносни услуги --- sikkerheds- og vagtservice --- shërbime sigurie --- bezpečnostné služby --- bezpečnostní služby --- turvateenused --- biztonsági szolgáltatások --- varovanje in nadzor --- segurança e vigilância --- turvallisuus ja vartiointi --- sicurezza e sorveglianza --- Sicherheit und Bewachung --- apsaugos paslaugos --- безбедносне услуге --- servicii private de pază --- служби сигурност и охрана --- apsardzes dienesti --- beveiliging en bewaking --- säkerhets- och bevakningstjänst --- security services --- privatna zaštita --- услуги поврзани со безбедноста --- ιδιωτική επιχείρηση παροχής υπηρεσιών ασφάλειας --- приватен детектив --- private Sicherheit --- yksityiset turvallisuuspalvelut --- privat säkerhetstjänst --- vagyonvédelem --- usluge zaštite --- услуги за заштита --- лично обезбедување --- privat sikkerhed --- zaštitarska djelatnost --- segurança privada --- guarda jurado --- empresa de seguridad --- sicurezza privata --- testőr --- őrző-védő szolgálat --- particuliere beveiliging --- физичко обезбедување --- személyvédelem --- лична заштита --- sécurité privée --- eraturvateenus --- osobná bezpečnosť --- обезбедување --- private security --- seguridad privada --- privatni detektiv --- privati apsauga --- servicio de seguridad --- policja --- police --- pulizija --- politie --- полиция --- policie --- rendőrség --- polícia --- αστυνομία --- poliție --- polici --- politsei --- poliisi --- politi --- Polizei --- póilíní --- policija --- полиција --- polizia --- policía --- polis --- national police --- πυροσβεστικό σώμα --- Policie České republiky --- police nationale --- policajac --- štátna polícia --- apparato di polizia --- kansallinen poliisi --- policía nacional --- policejní sbor --- rijkspolitie --- policijski službenik --- polícia nacional --- polizia nazionale --- forze di pubblica sicurezza --- polici kombëtare --- cuerpos de seguridad del Estado --- nationalt politi --- nationell poliskår --- riiklik politsei --- αστυνομία πόλεων --- Bundespolizei --- nacionalinė policija --- nemzeti rendőrség --- pořádkové síly --- forze dell'ordine --- organi di sicurezza dello Stato --- Cuerpo Nacional de Policía --- nationell polis --- χωροφυλακή --- policie státu --- σώματα ασφαλείας --- szövetségi rendőrség --- δυνάμεις ασφαλείας --- λιμενική αστυνομία --- αγροφυλακή --- fuerzas de orden público --- státní policie --- An Afraic --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Afrika --- Africa --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- Antropologie : socio-politieke structuren en relaties --- Etnografie: Afrika --- Sociology of occupations --- Political sociology --- Politics

The scramble for Europe : young Africa on its way to the old continent
ISBN: 9781509534562 1509534563 9781509534579 1509534571 9781509534586 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cambridge: Polity press,

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From the harrowing situation of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean in rubber dinghies to the crisis on the US-Mexico border, mass migration is one of the most urgent issues facing the West today. At the same time, viable solutions seem ever more remote, with the increasing polarization of public attitudes and political positions. In this book, renowned journalist Stephen Smith argues that current events must be understood as part of a dramatic demographic shift. Today, 510 million people live inside EU borders, and 1.25 billion people in Africa. In 2050, 450 million Europeans will face 2.5 billion Africans - 5 times their number. The demographics are implacable. The scramble for Europe will become as inexorable as the "scramble for Africa" was at the end of the 19th century, when 400 million people lived north and only 200 million lived south of the Mediterranean. Then it was all about raw materials and national pride, now it is about young Africans seeking a better life on the Old Continent, the island of prosperity within their reach. If Africa's migratory patterns follow the historic precedents set by other less developed parts of the world, in thirty years, Europe will include at least 150 million Afro-Europeans. Seeking to address the question of how Europe will cope with an influx of this magnitude, Smith argues for a path between the two extremes of today's debate, advocating migratory policies that strike a balance between compassion and the interests of European nations. The result of years of research by one of the leading experts on contemporary Africa, The Scramble for Europe will be of great interest to anyone concerned with the great social and political questions of our time.


Human geography --- Africans --- Immigrants --- BPB9999 --- Ethnology --- Anthropo-geography --- Anthropogeography --- Geographical distribution of humans --- Social geography --- Anthropology --- Geography --- Human ecology --- Migration --- Africa, Sub-Saharan --- Europe --- Africa, Black --- Africa, Subsaharan --- Africa, Tropical --- Africa South of the Sahara --- Black Africa --- Sub-Sahara Africa --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- Subsahara Africa --- Subsaharan Africa --- Tropical Africa --- Emigration and immigration. --- Mobilité géographique --- Afrique --- Courant migratoire --- BPB1905 --- Geografische mobiliteit --- Afrika --- Europa --- Migratiestroom --- Migration. --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Africa --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- földrajzi mobilitás --- movilidad geográfica --- geografinis gyventojų judumas --- geografische mobiliteit --- maantieteellinen liikkuvuus --- geographical mobility --- lëvizshmëri gjeografike --- γεωγραφική κινητικότητα --- geografska mobilnost --- mobilidade geográfica --- prostorna pokretljivost --- географска мобилност --- teritoriālā mobilitāte --- geografická mobilita --- geografisk rörlighet --- soghluaisteacht gheografach --- mobilitate geografică --- geograafiline liikuvus --- geografisk mobilitet --- mobilność geograficzna --- географска покретљивост --- mobilità geografica --- räumliche Mobilität --- mobbiltà ġeografika --- zeměpisná mobilita --- просторна распределба на населението --- teritoriālā pārvietošanās --- geografisk bevægelighed --- географска подвижност --- geografische Mobilität --- zeměpisná pohyblivost --- geografinis mobilumas --- migrační proud --- migrantų judėjimas --- migracijski tok --- siirtolaisvirta --- migračný pohyb --- migrationsstrøm --- mișcare migratoare --- ruch migracyjny --- migratsioonivoog --- lëvizje migratore --- migratory movement --- миграционно движение --- corrente migratória --- migrācijas kustība --- миграциско движење --- Wanderungsstrom --- migratiestroom --- migrációs mozgás --- corriente migratoria --- migrationsström --- migracijski pokret --- μεταναστευτικό ρεύμα --- миграционо кретање --- moviment migratorju --- corrente migratoria --- indvandrerstrøm --- migracijski tokovi --- fluks migrues --- migrationsvåg --- migrācijas plūsma --- migrációs hullám --- ροή μεταναστών --- flux migrator --- migratory flow --- flusso migratorio internazionale --- migrantų srautas --- movimiento migratorio --- fluxo migratório --- flujo migratorio --- flux migratoire --- movimento migratorio --- migračný tok --- flusso migratorio --- migrační tok --- bevándorlási hullám --- Eiropa --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- hEorpa --- Evropa --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- Demography --- Migration. Refugees --- HUMAN GEOGRAPHY--AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN --- HUMAN GEOGRAPHY--EUROPE --- AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN--EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION --- EUROPE--EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION --- An Afraic --- gluaiseacht imirceach --- An Eoraip --- Human geography - Africa, Sub-Saharan --- Human geography - Europe --- Africans - Migration --- Africans - Europe --- Immigrants - Europe --- Mobilité géographique

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