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"The witch came to prominence--and often a painful death--in early modern Europe, yet her origins are much more geographically diverse and historically deep. In this landmark book, Ronald Hutton traces witchcraft from the ancient world to the early-modern stake.
This book sets the notorious European witch trials in the widest and deepest possible perspective and traces the major historiographical developments of witchcraft. Hutton, a renowned expert on ancient, medieval, and modern paganism and witchcraft beliefs, combines Anglo-American and continental scholarly approaches to examine attitudes on witchcraft and the treatment of suspected witches across the world, including in Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, Australia, and North and South America, and from ancient pagan times to current interpretations. His fresh anthropological and ethnographical approach focuses on cultural inheritance and change while considering shamanism, folk religion, the range of witch trials, and how the fear of witchcraft might be eradicated"--
Witchcraft --- Witch hunting --- Witches --- History. --- History of civilization --- History --- Occultists --- Warlocks --- Wiccans --- Burning witches --- Hunting witches --- Witch burning --- Witchburning --- Witchhunting --- Persecution --- Persecutions --- Violence against --- 398.4 --- 133 --- 133 Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- 398.4 Bovennatuurlijke verschijnselen. Geesten spoken. Bovenzinnelijke wereld. Bijgeloof --- Bovennatuurlijke verschijnselen. Geesten spoken. Bovenzinnelijke wereld. Bijgeloof --- 133 The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena --- The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena
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'Enchanted Europe' offers a comprehensive account of Europe's long, complex relationship with its own folklore & popular religion. From debates over the efficacy of charms & spells, to belief in fairies & demons, Euan Cameron constructs a compelling narrative of the rise & fall of 'superstition' in the European mind.
Superstition --- History. --- Europe --- Religion. --- History of civilization --- Christian church history --- History of Europe --- anno 1200-1799 --- Superstitions --- Histoire --- Religion --- Geschiedenis --- Europa --- Bijgeloof --- Volkskunde --- 398.4 --- 398.4 Bovennatuurlijke verschijnselen. Geesten spoken. Bovenzinnelijke wereld. Bijgeloof --- Bovennatuurlijke verschijnselen. Geesten spoken. Bovenzinnelijke wereld. Bijgeloof --- Folk beliefs --- Traditions --- Folklore --- History --- 133 --- 133 Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- 133 The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena --- The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena --- Volkscultuur --- Crisis --- Cultuur --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Atlas --- Museum --- Sorcellerie --- Religions
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Magic --- Magie --- History --- Histoire --- 133 --- 133.4 <09> --- -Magick --- Necromancy --- Sorcery --- Spells --- Occultism --- Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- Occulte werking. Magie. Toverij--Geschiedenis van ... --- History. --- 133.4 <09> Occulte werking. Magie. Toverij--Geschiedenis van ... --- 133 Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- -Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- -133 Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- Magick --- Occulte werking. Magie. Toverij--Geschiedenis van .. --- 133.43094 --- 133.430902 --- Philosophy & psychology Magic and witchcraft Europe --- Philosophy & psychology Magic and witchcraft (500 - 1500) --- Esoteric sciences --- anno 500-1499 --- Europe --- 133 The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena --- The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena --- Occulte werking. Magie. Toverij--Geschiedenis van . --- Occulte werking. Magie. Toverij--Geschiedenis van --- Magic - Europe - History
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133 --- #GROL:SEMI-222.6 --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Chri 1 --- 133 Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- 133 The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena --- The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena --- Esoteric sciences --- Patrology --- Justinus Martyr --- Eustathius Antiochenus --- Apollinaris Laodicenus --- Gregorius Nyssenus. --- Euagrios ho Pontikos --- Diodorus Tarsensis. --- Theodorus Mopsuestenus. --- Cyrillus Alexandrinus --- Theodorus Cyzicenus --- Pionius --- Origenes. --- Origène --- Theodoretus Cyrensis --- Theodoretus van Cyrus --- Théodoret de Cyr --- Theodoret --- Theodoretus Cyrrhensis --- Cyril of Alexandria --- Cyrille d'Alexandrie --- Cyrillus van Alexandrië --- Kyrillos von Alexandrien --- Qērellos --- Théodore de Mopsueste --- Diodorus van Tarsus --- Diodorus van Tarsos --- Εὐάγριος ὁ Ποντικός --- Euagrius Ponticus --- Evagre le Pontique --- Evagrios Ponticos --- Evagrius Ponticus --- Evagrius van Pontus --- Ewagrîs îḥîdoyô --- Gregory, --- Ghirīghūriyūs, --- Grégoire, --- Gregor, --- Gregori, --- Gregorio, --- Grēgorios, --- Gregorius, --- Grigoli, --- Grigoriĭ, --- Grzegorz, --- Qiddīs Ghirīghūriyūs Usquf Nīṣṣ, --- Grigorije, --- Gregorius Nyssenus --- Gregor von Nyssa --- Gregorio di Nissa --- Gregorius van Nyssa --- Gregory of Nyssa --- Grégoire de Nysse --- Apolinarios, --- Apollinaris --- Apollinarius Laodicensis --- Apolinarius, --- Apollinaire, --- Apollinaris, --- Apollinarius, --- Martyr, Justinus --- Martyr, Iustinus
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De apostel Thomas geloofde niet dat Jezus uit de dood was opgestaan. Hij eiste bewijzen. Christus nam het hem kwalijk: Zalig zijn zij die niet zien en toch geloven. Maar Thomas had een punt. Buitengewone beweringen vragen om buitengewone bewijzen. Niemand is immuun voor pseudowetenschap, bijgeloof en irrationeel denken. We leggen makkelijk valse verbanden, maken verkeerde statistische inschattingen, zijn kwetsbaar voor drogredenen en vertrouwen te veel op onze waarneming en ons geheugen. Ook intelligente mensen ontsnappen hier niet aan. Zij zijn bovendien meer bedreven in het verdedigen en rationaliseren van aantoonbaar foute overtuigingen.In De ongelovige Thomas heeft een punt bespreken de auteurs historische en actuele denkbeelden die hun wortels vinden in drogredenen, foutieve intuïties en cognitieve valkuilen. Naast klassieke pseudowetenschappen, zoals parapsychologie, homeopathie, creationisme en psychoanalyse, passeren andere bizarre opvattingen de revue, zoals het geloof in het monster van Loch Ness, complottheorieën, telepathie, de lijkwade van Turijn, klopgeesten en mirakels. Braeckman en Boudry verduidelijken de verschillen tussen wetenschap en pseudowetenschap, tussen kritisch en onkritisch denken, en tussen zin en onzin.Iedereen die de kwaliteit van zijn denken wil bevorderen, heeft baat bij dit boek.
Kritisch denken --- Bijgeloof. --- Decroos, Johan. --- Niet-confessionele zedenleer --- Parapsychologie. --- Pseudowetenschappen. --- Secundair onderwijs. --- 130 --- denken --- pseudowetenschappen* --- Logica en kennisleer --- 133 --- 133 Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- BPB1111 --- 361.531 --- #GGSB: Filosofie --- systeemdenken --- Logic --- pseudo-wetenschappen --- kritisch denken --- argumenteren --- wetenschappelijk denken --- Philosophy of science --- Philosophy --- Critical thinking --- Thought and thinking --- PXL-Central Office 2017 --- wetenschapsfilosofie --- 133 The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena --- The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena --- Kritisches Denken. --- Logic. --- Philosophy of science. --- argumenteren. --- kritisch denken. --- pseudo-wetenschappen. --- wetenschappelijk denken. --- Filosofie --- desinformatie --- cognitieve vaardigheden --- gestão do tempo --- immaniġġjar tal-ħin --- ajaplaneerimine --- spreekvaardigheid --- slušne spretnosti --- skills development --- skaitymo įgūdžiai --- läsförmåga --- įgūdžių ugdymas --- Hören --- Zeitmanagement --- развитие на умения --- zručnosti v čítaní --- abilità di lettura --- tidshantering --- δεξιότητες ανάγνωσης --- luistervaardigheid --- ontwikkeling van vaardigheden --- capacidades de escucha --- čitanje --- gestionarea timpului --- listening skills --- puhetaito --- slušanje --- gestion du temps --- organizacija vremena --- tidsforvaltning --- sviluppo delle abilità --- ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων --- gestione del tempo --- bralne spretnosti --- poslechové dovednosti --- tidsstyring --- govor --- rozwój umiejętności --- Sprechen --- talförmåga --- govorne spretnosti --- умения за говорене --- time-management --- lukutaito --- gestión del tiempo --- умения за слушане --- διαχείριση χρόνου --- capacidade para ouvir --- capacité à s’exprimer --- zarządzanie czasem --- čtenářské dovednosti --- leesvaardigheid --- prasmju attīstīšana --- rozvoj dovedností --- olvasott szöveg értése --- δεξιότητες ομιλίας --- beszédkészség --- δεξιότητες ακρόασης --- készségfejlesztés --- prasme klausīties --- lasītprasme --- taitojen kehittäminen --- rozvoj zručností --- lugemisoskus --- umiejętność słuchania --- tidsplanlægning --- časový manažment --- oskuste arendamine --- capacidades de expresión oral --- dezvoltarea competențelor --- väljendusoskus --- abilități de ascultare --- competências comunicativas --- organizace času --- abilități de vorbire --- umiejętność czytania --- ħiliet tas-smigħ --- desenvolvimento de competências --- abilità di produzione orale --- språklig förmåga --- razvoj spretnosti --- desarrollo de capacidades --- læsefærdigheder --- ħiliet tat-taħdit --- kuuntelutaidot --- abilități de citire --- zručnosti v počúvaní --- Lesen --- capacité à écouter --- zručnosti v rozprávaní --- kuulamisoskused --- competências de leitura --- ħiliet tal-qari --- laika plānošana --- żvilupp tal-ħiliet --- færdighedsudvikling --- hallott szöveg értése --- ajanhallinta --- razvoj vještina --- talefærdigheder --- compétences en lecture --- reading skills --- умения за четене --- upravljanje časa --- abilità di ascolto --- klausymo įgūdžiai --- kalbėjimo įgūdžiai --- lyttefærdigheder --- développement des compétences --- speaking skills --- intellektuell förmåga --- laiko valdymas --- runātprasme --- capacidades lectoras --- időgazdálkodás --- Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten --- vyjadřovací dovednosti --- kognitiivsed oskused --- kognityviniai įgūdžiai --- compétences cognitives --- когнитивни умения --- cognitive skills --- aptitudini cognitive --- kognitīvās prasmes --- kognitivní dovednosti --- competências cognitivas --- kognitivne vještine --- abilità cognitive --- kognitívne zručnosti --- kognitive færdigheder --- kognitive Fähigkeiten --- kognitivne spretnosti --- γνωστικές δεξιότητες --- umiejętności poznawcze --- kognitiiviset taidot --- ħiliet konjittivi --- capacidades cognitivas --- kognitiva färdigheter --- kognitív készségek --- погрешна информација --- viltus ziņa --- falske nyheder --- maldināšana --- αναληθές δημοσίευμα --- bulo --- fausses informations --- lažne vijesti --- nepnieuws --- fejknyheter --- noticias falsas --- ψευδείς ειδήσεις --- fałszywa informacja --- bufala --- mal-information --- știri false --- falošné správy --- aħbarijiet foloz --- notizie false --- potegavščina --- fake news --- неточна информација --- álhír --- embuste --- qerq --- falešná informace --- nieprawdziwe informacje --- nepravdivá informace --- невярна информация --- falska nyheter --- Falschmeldung --- pettus --- gezielte Falschmeldungen --- libauudised --- fakenieuws --- melagingos naujienos --- canular --- bluff --- hamis információ --- измислица --- menzogna --- boato --- falešné zprávy --- misinformation --- лажна информација --- melagingi pranešimai --- valeuutiset --- hoax --- lažna vijest --- фалшиви новини --- Hoax --- lažne novice --- notícia falsa --- dezinformacja --- disinformaatio --- παραπληροφόρηση --- dezinformáció --- desinformação --- dezinformare --- desinformatsioon --- dezinformācija --- désinformation --- diżinformazzjoni --- дезинформација --- bréagaisnéis --- дезинформация --- keqinformim --- dezinformácia --- dezinformacija --- desinformación --- Desinformation --- disinformation --- disinformazione --- dezinformace --- desinformation --- félretájékoztatás --- škodlivá informácia --- informare rău-voitoare --- informazzjoni ħażina --- informare greșită --- irreführende Information --- misinformaatio --- väärinfo --- zlonamerne informacije --- hamis tájékoztatás --- má informação --- väärä tieto --- mífhaisnéis --- informacja szkodliwa --- neúmyselne nepravdivá informácia --- virheellinen tieto --- bevidst misinformation --- misinformatie --- pogrešna informacija --- miżinformazzjoni --- informação errada --- nepareiza informācija --- εσφαλμένη πληροφόρηση --- maldinoša informācija --- nesprávná informace --- falsk information --- klaidinga informacija --- pakenkti skirta informacija --- información falsa --- informacja wprowadzająca w błąd --- mésinformation --- drochfhaisnéis --- Fehlinformation --- zavádějící informace --- napačne informacije --- malinformazione --- lažna informacija --- Falschinformation --- κακόβουλη πληροφόρηση --- Schadinformation --- información errónea --- cattiva informazione --- #gsdbF --- geloof --- bijgeloof --- lichtgelovigheid --- het menselijk brein --- samenzweringstheorieën --- hoaxen --- cryptiden --- het geheugen --- zelfbedrog --- cognitive dissonantie --- religie --- het bovennatuurlijke --- wetenschap --- pseudowetenschap --- complotisme --- complottheorieën
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