Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Ill-Posed and Non-Classical Problems of Mathematical Physics and Analysis : Proceedings of the International Conference, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Abdinazarov, S.
Amonov, B. K.
Ashurova, Z. R.
Begmatov, A. H.
Begmatov, Akbar H.
et al.
Begmatov, Akram H.
Djuraev, T. D.
Dzhuraev, Tukhtamurad D.
Haidarov, A.
Hashimov, A. R.
Hämarik, U.
Hämarik, Uno
Iskakov, K.T.
Iskakov, Kazizat T.
Kabanikhin, S.I.
Kabanikhin, Sergey I.
Khadjiev, DJ
Khadjiev, Djavvat
Khaidarov, Akram
Kholboev, B. M.
Kholboev, Bakhodir M.
Kobilov, S. S.
Lavrent'ev, Mikhail M.
Lavrentx27ev, M. M.
Ochilov, Z. H.
Ochilov, Zarif H.
Rajabov, N.
Rajabov, Nusrat
Saitoh, S.
Saitoh, Saburou
Shodiev, D.
Tautenhahn, U.
Tautenhahn, Ulrich
Yamamoto, M.
Yamamoto, Masahiro
Yarmukhamedov, I.
Yarmukhamedov, Sh
Yarmukhamedov, Sharov
Zhuraev, Yu. J.
Zhuraev, Yunusali Y.
Çavus, Abdullah
Çavuş, A.
ISBN: 9783110936520 9789067643801
Year: 2014
Publisher: Berlin ;; Boston De Gruyter

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Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis : Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 13-17 August 1993
Axelsson, O.
Bainov, D.
Barel, Marc Van
Beauwens, Robert
Bruneau, Charles-Henri
et al.
Bultheel, Adheuar
Byun, Du-Won
Covachev, V.
Dang-Vu, H.
Delcarte, C.
Encinas, Luis Hernández
González-Vera, Pablo
Hemker, P. W.
Hermey, D.
Holter, William H.
Iriarte, Angel Arteaga
Jovanovic, Bosko S.
Kajiwara, Joji
Masqué, Jaime Muñoz
Meinardus, Günter
Mitsou, G. V.
Navon, I. M.
Navva, Hayato
Neytcheva, M.
Nürnberger, G.
Oppe, Thomas C.
Orive, Ramón
Saitoh, Saburou
Schmidt, Jochen W.
Shishkin, G. I.
Simos, T. E.
Watson, G. A.
Østerby, Ole
ISBN: 9783112318805 9783112307533
Year: 2020
Publisher: Berlin ;; Boston De Gruyter

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Proceedings of the Fourth International Colloquium on Differential Equations, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 18-22 August 1993
Adomian, G.
Aiki, Toyohiko
Alemayehu, Dejene
Allen, Myron B.
Bainov, D. D.
et al.
Bainov, D.
Belbas, S. A.
Ben-Yu, Guo
Brown, R. C.
Casasús, L.
Caubet, Jean-Pierre
Covachev, V.
Covachev, V.C.
Ferragut, L.
Galeotti, Marcello
González-Pinto, S.
González-Vera, P.
Grobbelaar, Marié
Hinton, D. B.
Horozov, E.
Iliev, I. D.
Jodar, L.
Kajiwara, Joji
Kozakiewicz, E.
Lee, E.S.
Martin, J. A.
Misawa, Masashi
Miyazaki, Yoichi
Montenegro, R.
Nakane, Shizuo
Nanbu, Tokumori
Nenov, S. I.
Owens, D.H.
O'Regan, Donal
Plaza, A.
Popivanov, P.R.
Porru, Giovanni
Puttaswamy, T.K.
Raikov, G.D.
Rogers, E.
Saitoh, Saburou
Vatsala, A. S.
Villanueva, R.J.
Yamaura, Yoshihiko
Zayed, Ahmed I.
ISBN: 9783112318874 9783112307601
Year: 2020
Publisher: Berlin ;; Boston De Gruyter

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