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Manuscrits cisterciens de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique
ISBN: 2870930526 9782870930526 Year: 1990 Volume: 226 Publisher: Bruxelles: Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier,

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Manuscripts. Epigraphy. Paleography --- Bernard of Clairvaux --- Cistercians --- Brussels --- Catalogues d'expositions --- Handschriften --- Manuscrits --- Tentoonstellingscatalogi --- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- Theology --- Manuscrits latins médiévaux et modernes --- Théologie --- Catalogs. --- Facsimiles. --- Manuscripts --- Catalogues --- Fac-similés --- Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier --- Bibliotheque royale Albert Ier --- -Catalogs --- 091 <493 BRUSSEL> --- 271.12 --- 091:271 --- -Theology --- -Christian theology --- Theology, Christian --- Christianity --- Religion --- Medieval and modern Latin manuscripts --- Manuscripts, Medieval --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--België--BRUSSEL --- Cisterciënzers. Bernardijnen --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Kloosterwezen. Religieuze orden en congregaties. Monachisme --- Catalogs --- -Cistercians --- -Zisterzienser --- White Monks --- Bernardines (Cistercian) --- Order of Cîteaux --- Cîteaux, Order of --- S. Ordo Cisterciensis --- Sacer Ordo Cisterciensis --- Ordo Cisterciensis --- Cisztercita Szerzetes --- Cisterciensi --- Řád cisterciáků --- Cisterciácký řád --- Cisterciens --- Trappists --- Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I --- Belgium. --- Royal Library Albert I --- BR --- KB --- Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Belgium) --- Bibliothèque royale de Belgique --- -Facsimiles --- Exhibitions --- -Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--België--BRUSSEL --- 091:271 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Kloosterwezen. Religieuze orden en congregaties. Monachisme --- 271.12 Cisterciënzers. Bernardijnen --- 091 <493 BRUSSEL> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--België--BRUSSEL --- -271.12 Cisterciënzers. Bernardijnen --- Christian theology --- Manuscrits latins médiévaux et modernes --- Théologie --- Fac-similés --- Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier --- Facsimiles --- Manuscripts&delete& --- Zisterzienser --- Illumination of books and manuscripts [Cistercian ] --- Brussels (Belgium) --- Enluminure cistercienne --- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) - Belgium - Brussels - Catalogs. --- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) - Facsimiles --- Theology - Manuscripts - Catalogs --- Catalogue de manuscrits --- Bruxelles --- Bibliothèque royale

Handschriften uit de Abdij van Sint-Truiden
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9068310569 9789068310566 Year: 1986 Publisher: Leuven: Peeters,

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Manuscripts. Epigraphy. Paleography --- Saint-Trond --- Catalogues d'expositions --- Handschriften --- Manuscrits --- Tentoonstellingscatalogi --- Illumination of books and manuscripts --- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- Monastic libraries --- Theology --- Exhibitions. --- Manuscripts --- Exhibitions --- Benediktijnerabdij van Sint-Truiden (Belgium) --- Scriptoria --- Bénédictins --- Bibliothèques de monastères --- Manuscrits latins médiévaux et modernes --- Enluminure --- Catalogues d'exposition --- Benediktijnerabdij van Sint-Truiden --- -Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- -Illumination of books and manuscripts --- -Theology --- -#GOSA:X.RO.M --- #GOSA:IX.Cata. --- 082146.jpg --- Handschriften ; Sint-Trudoabdij (Sint-Truiden) --- 091 <064> --- 271.1 <493 SINT-TRUIDEN> --- 091 <493 SINT-TRUIDEN> --- 091 <492 CUYK> --- Christian theology --- Theology, Christian --- Christianity --- Religion --- Illuminated manuscripts --- Manuscripts, Illuminated --- Miniatures (Illumination of books and manuscripts) --- Ornamental alphabets --- Illustration of books --- Alphabets --- Initials --- Paleography --- Medieval and modern Latin manuscripts --- Manuscripts, Medieval --- Religious libraries --- -Exhibitions --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Tentoonstellingscatalogi. Museumcatalogi --- Benedictijnen--België--SINT-TRUIDEN --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--België--SINT-TRUIDEN --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Nederland--CUYK --- Benedictines --- -Bencések --- Benedettini --- Bénédictins --- Beneditinos --- Benedyktyni --- O.S.B. --- Ordem de São Bento --- Order of Saint Benedict --- Ordine di San Benedetto --- Ordo Sancti Benedicti --- OSB --- Saint Benedict, Order of --- 091 <492 CUYK> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Nederland--CUYK --- 091 <493 SINT-TRUIDEN> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--België--SINT-TRUIDEN --- 271.1 <493 SINT-TRUIDEN> Benedictijnen--België--SINT-TRUIDEN --- 091 <064> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Tentoonstellingscatalogi. Museumcatalogi --- -Manuscripts --- Sint-Truiden --- #GOSA:IX.Cata --- #GOSA:X.RO.M --- Manuscripts&delete& --- Sint-Truiden (Belgium). --- Abdij van Sint-Truiden (Belgium) --- Bencések --- Sint-Truiden (Belgium) --- St. Trond --- Catalogues d'exposition. --- Monastic libraries - Belgium - Sint-Truiden - Exhibitions --- Illumination of books and manuscripts - Belgium - Sint-Truiden - Exhibitions --- Theology - Manuscripts - Exhibitions --- Acqui 2006 --- Mss St Truiden

Hildegardis Bingensis Epistolarium
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2503505961 250350597X 2503030009 2503036619 2503036627 2503009433 2503009441 2503042813 2503042821 2503036635 2503036643 2503045413 2503045421 2503046215 2503046312 2503046517 250304641X 2503049214 9782503049212 2503503640 2503508316 9782503535937 9782503555997 2503046223 2503040829 2503042732 2503042740 2503036317 2503036325 2503036333 2503036341 2503038115 2503038123 250304171X 2503041728 2503401910 2503401922 2503038611 2503035310 2503035329 2503500374 2503500382 2503031935 2503031943 2503039316 2503039324 2503038417 2503038425 2503041817 2503041825 2503038514 2503038522 2503038212 2503038220 2503039510 2503039529 2503036716 2503036724 2503900003 2503906729 2503031951 250303196X 2503503659 9782503042732 250303862X 9782503586519 2503586511 2503039111 250303912X 2503039138 2503039154 9782503589831 2503589839 9782503036618 9782503036632 9782503035727 9782503030005 250303571X 2503035728 9782503035710 9782503042749 9782503401911 9782503500379 9782503039152 9782503039138 9782503039114 9782503039121 9782503041711 9782503031958 9782503031934 9782503041827 9782503041810 9782503046310 9782503046211 9782503042817 9782503046518 9782503046419 9782503505961 9782503505978 9782503037622 2503037623 9782503037615 2503037615 9782503009438 9782503045412 9782503503646 9782503508313 2503555993 2503535933 9782503036342 9782503036311 9782503036328 9782503036335 9782503036724 9782503036717 9782503037813 250303781X 9782503037820 2503037828 9782503038216 9782503038223 9782503038520 9782503038513 9782503038629 9782503038612 9782503039510 9782503039527 9782503035314 9782503039725 2503039715 2503039723 9782503039718 2503051111 9782503051116 9782503906720 9782503038117 9782503039312 9782503038421 9782503038414 2503050492 9782503050492 9782503040110 9782503040127 2503040128 250304011X 9782503031415 2503031412 9782503533469 9782503566405 2503047211 9782503591353 2503533469 2503591353 250304722X 2503566405 9782503047218 9782503529141 2503529143 2503037925 9782503037929 9782503037912 2503037917 Year: 1991 Volume: 63-63A Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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Geert Grote (1340-1384) on corruption among the clergyGerardus Magnus or Geert Grote (1340-1384), the founder of the Dutch religious reform movement Deuotio moderna, is the author of a rich and varied written legacy. Shortly after his death already, his biographers singled out his attempts to improve the moral standards of contemporary clergymen among his most noteworthy pursuits. His efforts in this field basically came down to opposition against two forms of abuse in the world of the clergy, incompetence and corruption. In the present volume his essays against corruption in the medieval Church are edited. These essays address corrupt practices in connection with the acquisition of, and functioning in, ecclesiastical offices, as well as the widespread custom to require an admission fee from prospective residents in religious institutions. Grote defined his views on such entrance fees shortly after his conversion to a devout lifestyle in 1374, in the Statutes composed for religious women living together in part of his own house. Because of its relevance for the essays against entrance fees, a new edition of these Statutes is included in the present edition. Related to these abuses is a tolerant attitude towards personal possessions belonging to individual residents in religious communities, a custom known as proprietarism. Grote’s essays against this evil are also included in the edition.


Christian church history --- History as a science --- anno 500-1499 --- Middle Ages --- Civilization, Medieval --- Moyen Age --- Civilisation médiévale --- History --- Sources --- Bibliography. --- Histoire --- Bibliographie --- Guibert, --- Hildegard, --- Correspondence --- Gembloux (Belgium) --- Gembloux (Belgique) --- Church history --- Histoire religieuse --- Arithmetic --- Arithmétique --- Christian literature, Early --- Littérature chrétienne primitive --- Early works to 1800 --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Philosophy of nature --- Philosophie de la nature --- Early works to 1800. --- Apologetics --- Astronomy --- Christian saints --- Crusades --- Didactic poetry, Latin (Medieval and modern). --- Lord's Supper --- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- Mysticism --- Philosophy --- Preaching --- Sermons, Latin --- Spiritual life --- Theology --- Vices --- Virtues --- World history --- Correspondence. --- Poetry. --- Christianity --- Gilbert, --- Benedictines --- "">27 "04/14" <093> --- 940.1 <093> --- 230.005 --- 940.1 <093> Geschiedenis van Europa: Middeleeuwen:--(ca.375-1492)--Historische bronnen --- Geschiedenis van Europa: Middeleeuwen:--(ca.375-1492)--Historische bronnen --- Kerkgeschiedenis--Middeleeuwen--Historische bronnen --- Religion Christian theology Serial publications --- #A9711H --- #A9712H --- #GGSB: Latijnse patrologie (tekst) --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 66 A --- Latin letters, Medieval and modern --- -Monastic and religious life --- -#GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 66 --- Monastic life --- Spirituality (in religious orders, congregations, etc.) --- Monasticism and religious orders --- Vows --- -Religion Christian theology Serial publications --- Gilbert de Gembloux, Abbot of Gembloux --- -Correspondence --- -Bencések --- Benedettini --- Bénédictins --- Beneditinos --- Benedyktyni --- O.S.B. --- Ordem de São Bento --- Order of Saint Benedict --- Ordine di San Benedetto --- Ordo Sancti Benedicti --- OSB --- Saint Benedict, Order of --- 252*86 --- 252*86 Preken over mariale onderwerpen --- Preken over mariale onderwerpen --- #GOSA:II.ME.BOET.O --- #gsdb14 --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 161 --- Classical Latin literature --- Medieval Latin literature --- Christian religious orders --- Medieval Greek literature --- anno 1200-1499 --- Gembloux --- Christian apologetics --- Christology --- Felix Urgellensis --- Manuscripts. Epigraphy. Paleography --- Hildegard of Bingen --- Catharina of Alexandria --- Littérature latine médievale et moderne --- Ecrivains latins médievaux et modernes --- Littérature française --- Littérature latine médiévale et moderne --- Croisades --- Godfrey, --- Jerusalem --- Jérusalem --- Bible. --- Commentaries --- Commentaires --- Sermons, Greek --- Sermons grecs --- Sermons latins --- Translations into Latin --- Traductions latines --- Mary, --- Assumption --- Sermons --- Codex Augiensis 80 --- Authors, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- French literature --- Latin literature, Medieval and modern --- Ecrivains latins médiévaux et modernes --- Littérature française --- Littérature latine médiévale et moderne --- Bibliography --- French authors --- Ecrivains français --- Greek authors --- Auteurs grecs --- Théologie --- Church year meditations --- Church year sermons --- Sermons, Medieval --- Année liturgique --- Sermons pour l'année liturgique --- Sermons médiévaux --- Méditations --- Bible --- Meditations --- Christian poetry, Latin --- Hymns, Latin --- Latin poetry, Medieval and modern --- Poésie chrétienne latine --- Hymnes latins --- Poésie latine médiévale et moderne --- Didactic poetry, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- Poésie didactique latine médiévale et moderne --- Vertus --- Poetry --- Poésie --- Church fund raising --- Church finance (Canon law) --- Charity --- Eglises --- Eglise --- Charité --- Collecte de fonds --- Finances (Droit canonique) --- Groote, Gerard, --- Domkerk (Utrecht, Netherlands) --- Eucharistie --- Lanfranc, --- Education of princes --- Monarchy --- Political science --- Princes --- Monarchie --- Science politique --- Education --- Prédication --- Apologétique --- Civilisation médiévale --- Guillaume de Tyr --- Willem van Tyrus. --- Bible. O.T. Ruth --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Bible. O.T. Daniel --- Bible. Psalms --- Bible. O.T. Ezekiel --- Latin literature [Medieval and modern ] --- France --- Manuscripts --- Indexes --- Manuscripts [Latin ] (Medieval and modern) --- Christian literature [Early ] --- Authors [Latin ] --- To 1500 --- Authors [Latin ] (Medieval and modern) --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 53 --- 940.181 <093> --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 63 --- 940.181 <093> Kruistochten--Historische bronnen --- Kruistochten--Historische bronnen --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 63 A --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 82 --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 67 --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 85 --- Ekhah (Book of the Old Testament) --- Eremiya aika (Book of the Old Testament) --- Klagelieder (Book of the Old Testament) --- Lamentations (Book of the Old Testament) --- Megilat Ekhah --- Threni (Book of the Old Testament) --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 84 --- Lanfranco, --- -Theology --- -#GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 86 --- Christian theology --- Theology, Christian --- Religion --- -Academic collection --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Grae 19 --- #GROL:SEMI-276-05 Pamp --- -Apologetics --- -#GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 95 --- Apologetics, Missionary --- Christian evidences --- Evidences, Christian --- Evidences of Christianity --- Fundamental theology --- Polemics (Theology) --- Theology, Fundamental --- Religious thought --- Evidences --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 53 F --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 81 --- 222.5 --- Jozua. Rechters. Ruth --- Megilat Rut --- Rāʻūth (Book of the Old Testament) --- Rufʹ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Rut (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ruth (Book of the Old Testament) --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 67 S --- #GROL:277<08> Medi 93 --- Latin didactic poetry, Medieval and modern --- Vice --- Sins --- 873.3 <03> --- 873.3 <03> Middeleeuws Latijnse literatuur--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken --- Middeleeuws Latijnse literatuur--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken --- 091 =71 --- 091 <44> --- 940.181 --- -#GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi C.G. --- 870.9003 --- 940.181 Kruistochten --- Kruistochten --- Chivalry --- 091 <44> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk --- 091 =71 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Latijn --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Latijn --- Literature Latin 750-1350 --- Godefroi de Bouillon --- Godfried van Bouillon --- Godfrey of Bouillon --- Godfrey --- -Ierusalim --- Yerushalayim --- Jeruzalem --- Quds --- Ūrushalīm --- Kuds --- Kouds --- Erusaghēm --- Bayt al-Maqdis --- Jeruzsálem --- Jerusalem (Israel) --- Jerusalem (Palestine) --- ʻIriyat Yerushalayim --- Ierousalēm --- Gerusalemme --- Baladīyat al-Quds --- Baladīyat al-Quds al-ʻArabīyah --- Jerusalem Arab Municipality --- Qods (Jerusalem) --- ירושלים --- القدس --- al-Quds --- قدس --- -#GGSB: Latijnse patrologie (tekst) --- 276 --- Patrologie. Patristiek --- Иерусалим --- -230.005 --- History of Europe --- History of Asia --- anno 1000-1099 --- Bible OT. Historical books. Ruth --- Christian dogmatics --- Literary rhetorics --- anno 1100-1199 --- Christian moral theology --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Social ethics --- Jerusalén --- "">-27 "04/14" <093> --- Lanfranc --- Middle Ages, 500-1500 --- -Authors, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- 271.1 "10/11" --- 873.3 --- 873.3 Middeleeuws Latijnse literatuur --- Middeleeuws Latijnse literatuur --- 271.1 "10/11" Benedictijnen--?"10/11" --- Benedictijnen--?"10/11" --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 118 --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 19 A --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 19 B --- -#gsdb14 --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 117 --- Latin literature, Medieval and modern. --- Sedulius, --- Collectaneum miscellaneum. --- -#GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi C.G --- 248 HILDEGARDIS BINGENSIS --- Spiritualiteit. Ascese. Mystiek. Vroomheid--HILDEGARDIS BINGENSIS --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 91 A --- -#GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 53 F --- -#GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 91 --- Saints --- Canonization --- Hildegard Saint --- 2 ANDREAS DE SANCTO VICTORE --- 2 ANDREAS DE SANCTO VICTORE Godsdienst. Theologie--ANDREAS DE SANCTO VICTORE --- Godsdienst. Theologie--ANDREAS DE SANCTO VICTORE --- Andreas, --- Book of Isaiah (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ēsaias (Book of the Old Testament) --- Esaïe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Isaia (Book of the Old Testament) --- Isaiah (Book of the Old Testament) --- Isaias (Book of the Old Testament) --- Isaïe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Izaya sho --- Jesaja (Book of the Old Testament) --- Jesajabuch (Book of the Old Testament) --- Sefer Y'sha'yah (Book of the Old Testament) --- Yeshaʻyahu (Book of the Old Testament) --- Y'sha'yah (Book of the Old Testament) --- -248 HILDEGARDIS BINGENSIS --- Latijnse patrologie (tekst) --- Histoire médiévale --- -Gilbert, - de Gembloux, Abbot of Gembloux, - approximately 1125-1213 - Correspondence --- Sermons, Latin - Early works to 1800 --- Christian pastoral theology --- Augustine of Hippo --- C1 --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 57 --- Medieval sermons --- Kerken en religie --- Catholic Church --- Church of Rome --- Roman Catholic Church --- Katholische Kirche --- Katolyt︠s︡ʹka t︠s︡erkva --- Römisch-Katholische Kirche --- Römische Kirche --- Ecclesia Catholica --- Eglise catholique --- Eglise catholique-romaine --- Katolicheskai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ --- Chiesa cattolica --- Iglesia Católica --- Kościół Katolicki --- Katolicki Kościół --- Kościół Rzymskokatolicki --- Nihon Katorikku Kyōkai --- Katholikē Ekklēsia --- Gereja Katolik --- Kenesiyah ha-Ḳatolit --- Kanisa Katoliki --- כנסיה הקתולית --- כנסייה הקתולית --- 가톨릭교 --- 천주교 --- Sermons, Medieval. --- #GOSA:II.P.AU.2 --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Lati 57 --- Croisades - 1re croisade, 1096-1099 - Sources. --- Theology - Early works to 1800 --- Gilbert, - de Gembloux, Abbot of Gembloux, - approximately 1125-1213 - Correspondence --- Christian saints - Germany - Correspondence. --- Science politique - Ouvrages avant 1800. --- Philosophie de la nature - Ouvrages avant 1800. --- Littérature latine médievale et moderne - France - Bibliographie --- Ecrivains latins médievaux et modernes - France - Index --- Ecrivains latins médievaux et modernes - France - Bibliographie --- Crusades - First, 1096-1099 --- Godfrey, - of Bouillon, - approximately 1060-1100 --- Jerusalem - History - Latin Kingdom, 1099-1244 --- Preaching - Early works to 1800 --- Apologetics - Early works to 1800 --- Vertus theologales. --- Philosophy, Medieval --- God --- Virtues - Poetry --- Middle Ages - Poetry --- Vices - Poetry --- Lord's Supper - Early works to 1800 --- Faith --- Hope --- Theological virtues --- Foi --- Espérance --- Vertus théologales --- Theology, Doctrinal --- Théologie dogmatique --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 76 --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 78 --- 284.3 --- 284.3 Hussieten. Hus. Wycliff. Taborieten. Calixtenen. Utramquisten. Horebieten --- Hussieten. Hus. Wycliff. Taborieten. Calixtenen. Utramquisten. Horebieten --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 97 --- -Christian saints --- -Vertus theologales. --- -Theology, Doctrinal --- #GROL:SEMI-277<08> Medi 101 --- Liege, principaute de --- Sedulius scottus --- Edition critique --- 9e-10e siecles --- Gerardus Magnus (1340-1384) --- Collecte de fonds pour les églises --- Charité --- Utrecht (Pays-Bas) --- Sint-Maartensdom --- Christian spirituality --- Felix of Urgell --- -Godefroi de Bouillon --- -History --- -Andreas, --- -Early works to 1800 --- -Gilbert de Gembloux, Abbot of Gembloux --- HISTOIRE --- SAINTS --- MOYEN AGE --- HISTOIRE MEDIEVALE --- SOURCES --- BIOGRAPHIES --- VIE RELIGIEUSE --- GUIBERT DE GEMBLOUX, 1124-1243 --- LETTRES --- EDITION CRITIQUE --- Avant 1500 --- Moyen age --- Histoire medievale --- Methodologie --- GAULE --- FRANCE --- VIE INTELLECTUELLE --- LITTERATURE LATINE --- CIVILISATION --- LITTERATURE --- 8E-10E SIECLES --- Mysticisme --- Controverses religieuses. --- Church controversies. --- Église. --- Christianity. --- Gilbert, - de Gembloux, Abbot of Gembloux, - approximately 1125-1213 --- Dutch language. --- Eckhart, --- Godfried, --- Ruusbroec, Jan van, --- To 1500. --- Grotius, Gerardus --- Medieval Dutch literature --- Vie spirituelle --- History of doctrines --- Christianisme --- Histoire des doctrines --- Simony --- Poverty --- Simonie --- Pauvreté --- Religious aspects --- Aspect religieux --- Manuscripts. --- Vie intellectuelle --- Simony. --- Catholic Church. --- -Guibert de Gembloux, --- Correspondance. --- -Sermons, Latin --- Guibert de Gembloux, --- Kerkgeschiedenis --- Theologie --- Mystiek --- Jan van Ruusbroec --- Oude Testament --- -Preaching

Codex in context: studies over codicologie, kartuizergeschiedenis en laatmiddeleeuws geestesleven
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9070407256 9789070407254 Year: 1985 Volume: 4-6 Publisher: Nijmegen: ALFA,

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Manuscripts. Epigraphy. Paleography --- Christian religious orders --- anno 1200-1499 --- Monasticism and religious orders --- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- Manuscripts, Dutch. --- Monachisme et ordres religieux --- Manuscrits latins médiévaux et modernes --- Manuscrits néerlandais --- History. --- Histoire --- Gruijs, Albert --- Carthusians --- Netherlands --- Pays-Bas --- Church history --- Histoire religieuse --- Manuscripts, Dutch --- History --- Gruijs, A --- -Manuscripts, Dutch --- -27 <082> --- 091.14 --- 09 <082 GRUIJS, ALBERT> --- Monachism --- Monastic orders --- Monasticism and religious orders for men --- Monasticism and religious orders of men --- Orders, Monastic --- Religious orders --- Brotherhoods --- Christian communities --- Brothers (Religious) --- Friars --- Monks --- Superiors, Religious --- Medieval and modern Latin manuscripts --- Manuscripts, Medieval --- Dutch manuscripts --- Kerkgeschiedenis--Feestbundels. Festschriften --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Handschriften. Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Curiosa--Feestbundels. Festschriften--GRUIJS, ALBERT --- Gruijs, A. --- -Festschrift - Libri Amicorum --- 09 <082 GRUIJS, ALBERT> Handschriften. Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Curiosa--Feestbundels. Festschriften--GRUIJS, ALBERT --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern). --- Manuscrits latins médiévaux et modernes --- Manuscrits néerlandais --- Orders, Religious --- The Netherlands --- Países Baixos --- Holland --- Spanish Netherlands --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Austrian Netherlands --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Oostenrijkse Nederlanden --- Southern Netherlands --- Pays-Bas méridionaux --- Zuidelijke Nederlanden --- Niderlandy --- Belanda --- Nederland --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- Países Bajos --- Holanda --- Nederlân --- Hulanda --- Beulanda --- Niderland --- Niderlande --- هولندا --- مملكة هولندا --- Mamlakat Hūlandā --- Olanda --- Payis-Bâs --- Países Baxos --- Aynacha Jach'a Markanaka --- Nirlan --- Niderland Krallığı --- Kē-tē-kok --- Landa --- Kerajaan Landa --- Нидерландтар --- Niderlandtar --- Нидерландтар Короллеге --- Niderlandtar Korollege --- Нідэрланды --- Каралеўства Нідэрланды --- Karaleŭstva Nidėrlandy --- Nederlands --- Niadaland --- Holandija --- Kraljevina Holandija --- Izelvroioù --- Нидерландия --- Niderlandii︠a︡ --- Кралство Нидерландия --- Kralstvo Niderlandii︠a︡ --- Països Baixos --- Нидерландсем --- Niderlandsem --- Нидерландсен Патшалăхĕ --- Niderlandsen Patshalăkhĕ --- Nizozemsko --- Paesi Bassi --- Regnu di i Paesi Bassi --- Iseldiroedd --- Nederlandene --- Niederlande --- Kéyah Wóyahgo Siʼánígíí --- Nižozemska --- Kralojstwo Nederlandow --- Madalmaad --- Ολλανδία --- Ollandia --- Hollandia --- Κάτω Χώρες --- Katō Chōres --- Βασίλειο των Κάτω Χωρών --- Vasileio tōn Katō Chōrōn --- Nederlando --- Reĝlando Nederlando --- Paisis Bajus --- Herbehereak --- Herbehereetako Erresumaren --- هلند --- Huland --- Niðurlond --- Háland --- Paîs Bas --- Neerlande --- Ísiltír --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Çheer Injil --- Çheer y Vagheragh --- Reeriaght ny Çheer Injil --- Tìrean Ìsle --- Hò-làn --- Недерлендин Нутг --- Nederlendin Nutg --- 네덜란드 --- Nedŏllandŭ --- Hōlani --- Nederlandia --- Pais Basse --- Regno del Paises Basse --- Нидерландтæ --- Niderlandtæ --- Нидерландты Къаролад --- Niderlandty Kʺarolad --- Konungsríkið Holland --- הולנד --- Holand --- ממלכת ארצות השפלה --- Mamlekhet Artsot ha-Shefelah --- Walanda --- Hollandi --- Нидерландла --- Niderlandla --- Нидерландланы Королевствосу --- Niderlandlany Korolevstvosu --- Néderlandzkô --- Нидерланд --- Iseldiryow --- Ubuholandi --- Ubuhorandi --- Nederilande --- Нидерланддар --- Niderlanddar --- Uholanzi --- Ufalme wa Nchi za Chini --- Нидерландъяс --- Niderlandʺi︠a︡s --- Нидерландъяс Корольув --- Niderlandʺi︠a︡s Korolʹuv --- Peyiba --- Holenda --- Keyatiya Nederlandan --- Payises Bashos --- פאייסיס באשוס --- Nīderlandeja --- Batavia --- Regni Nederlandiarum --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Nyderlandai --- Nyderlandų Karalystė --- Paixi Basci --- Paes Bass --- Ulanda --- Holland Királyság --- Keninkryk fan 'e Nederlannen --- Reino di Hulanda --- Холандија --- Кралство Холандија --- Kralstvo Holandija --- Pajjiżi l-Baxxi --- Hōrana --- Недерлатт --- Nederlatt --- Оцязорксши Недерлатт --- Ot︠s︡i︠a︡zorksshi Nederlatt --- Нидерландын Вант Улс --- Niderlandyn Vant Uls --- Tlanitlālpan --- Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl in Tlanitlālpan --- Eben Eyong --- Nederlaand --- オランダ --- Oranda --- オランダ王国 --- Oranda Ōkoku --- Ulanna --- Nethiland --- Nederlande --- Holandska --- 27 <082> --- Kartäuser --- Kartuzijani --- Chartreux, Ordre des --- Ordre des Chartreux --- Cartuxos --- Carthusian Order --- Chartreux (Group) --- Ordo Cartusianorum --- O.C. (Ordo Cartusianorum) --- OC (Ordo Cartusianorum) --- O. Carth. --- Cartuxa --- Certosini --- Cartujanos --- Cartujanas --- Festschrift - Libri Amicorum --- Kartuizers. Geschiedenis. (Feestbundel Albert Gruijs) --- Gruijs (Albert). (Mélanges) --- Chartreux. Histoire. (Mélanges Albert Gruijs) --- Gruijs (Albert). (Feestbundel). --- Monasticism and religious orders - Netherlands - History --- Netherlands - Church history - To 1500

Maximi Confessoris Liber asceticus
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ISBN: 2503402615 2503402623 2503400000 2503402917 2503403212 2503403514 2503403522 250340541X 9782503400006 9782503402918 9782503403212 9782503403519 9782503403526 9782503405414 2503404014 2503404022 9782503404011 9782503404028 2503403018 2503403026 2503403417 2503403425 2503405711 9782503549347 250340331X 2503403328 2503401813 2503401821 2503400914 2503400922 2503403115 2503403123 2503402410 2503402429 9782503402413 9782503402420 2503404324 2503404316 9782503588667 9782503403311 9782503401812 9782503402611 9782503403014 9782503403113 9782503400914 9782503400921 9782503403427 2503588662 9782503403410 Year: 2000 Volume: 40 Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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Medieval Greek literature --- Christian church history --- Patrology --- Apostles --- Christian saints --- Academic collection --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Grae 26 --- 235.3*321 --- 235.3*321 Griekse hagiografische bronnen --- Griekse hagiografische bronnen --- Auxibius, --- Barnabas, --- Bartholomew, --- Barthélemy, --- Bartholomaios, --- Bartolo, --- Bartolomeo, --- Nathanael, --- Nathanael bar Tolomai, --- Barnabas --- Auxivios --- Drie-eenheid. --- Filosofia cristã. --- Filosofia patrística. --- God (Christianity) --- Monophysites. --- Patristiek. --- Trinity --- Tritheism --- Damianus, --- Damien, --- Pierre, --- Ascese. --- Asceticism --- Asceticism. --- Ascétisme --- Ouvrages avant 1800. --- Maxime le Confesseur, --- Maximus, --- Maximus, ca. 580-622. --- Critique textuelle. --- Criticism, Textual. --- Liber asceticus (Maximus, Confessor, Saint). --- Classical Greek literature --- Christian literature, Early --- Littérature chrétienne primitive --- Greek authors --- Auteurs grecs --- Theology --- Théologie --- Early works to 1800 --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Christian hagiography --- Hagiography --- Manuscripts, Greek --- Hagiographie chrétienne --- Saints chrétiens --- Hagiographie --- Manuscrits grecs --- Biography --- Biographies --- Ascétisme --- Criticism, Textual --- Iconoclasm --- Iconoclasme --- Controversial literature --- Ouvrages de controverse --- Biographie --- Athanasius, --- Hesychasm --- Hésychasme --- History --- Sources --- Histoire --- Barlaam Calabro, --- Gregory Palamas, --- Akindynos, Gregorios, --- Gregory of Nazianzus --- Translations into Arabic --- #GROL:SEMI-276-05 Atha --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Grae 9 --- Athanase, --- Athanasios, --- #GROL:SEMI-276-05 Maxi --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Grae 18 --- #GOSA:II.P.Alg.O --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Grae 31 --- 273.946.1 --- 276 =75 GREGORIUS ACINDYNUS --- 2 GREGORIUS PALAMAS --- 273.946.1 Palamitae. Hesychasten --- Palamitae. Hesychasten --- Mysticism --- 2 GREGORIUS PALAMAS Godsdienst. Theologie--GREGORIUS PALAMAS --- Godsdienst. Theologie--GREGORIUS PALAMAS --- Griekse patrologie--GREGORIUS ACINDYNUS --- Orthodox Eastern Church --- Barlaam, --- Varlaam, --- Early works to 1800. --- Athanasius the Athonite --- Catenae. --- Catenen. --- Catènes. --- Grec (Langue) --- Manuscrits grecs médiévaux et modernes. --- Prediker (bijbelboek). --- Textes. --- Denys, --- Kongelige Bibliotek (Danemark) --- Manuscrits. Ms. GKS 6. --- Bible --- Bible. --- Critique, interprétation, etc. --- Histoire. --- Apologetics --- Hesychasm. --- Gregory, --- Dionysius, --- Commentaries. --- Commentaires --- Catenae --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Grae 24 --- 223.5 --- Prediker. Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) --- Chŏndo sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Chŏndosŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Coheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ecclesiastes (Book of the Old Testament) --- Eclesiastes (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ekklesīast (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ekklēsiastēs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Koheles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Kohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- Koheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- Megilat Kohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- O-que-sabe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Prediger Salomo (Book of the Old Testament) --- Propovednik tsari︠a︡ Solomona (Book of the Old Testament) --- Propovi︠e︡dnik tsari︠a︡ Solomona (Book of the Old Testament) --- Qohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- Qoheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Grae 30 --- 296*811 --- 296*811 Antisemitisme--in oudheid en middeleeuwen --- Antisemitisme--in oudheid en middeleeuwen --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Grae 34 --- Easter Synod of Haghia Sophia --- Bible. O.T. Ecclesiastes --- Commentaries --- Controversial literature. --- Idols and images --- Worship --- Council of 815 --- Council of St. Sophia --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Grae 32 --- Βαρναβα --- Easter Synod of Hagia Sophia --- Iconoclasm - Early works to 1800 --- Theology - Early works to 1800 --- Christian saints - Biography --- Apostles - Biography --- Barnabas ap. --- Bartholomaeus ap. --- Auxibius ep. Soliorum in Cypro --- Bartholomew, - Apostle, Saint --- Barnabas, - Apostle, Saint --- Auxibius, - Saint --- Apologetics - Early works to 1800 --- Christian saints - Greece - Biography. --- Athanasius, - Athonites --- Theology - History - Early church, ca. 30-600 --- Gregory, - of Nazianzus, Saint --- Bartolomé, --- Bartholomaeus apostolus --- Oude Testament --- Griekse letterkunde --- Theologie

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