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Une histoire culturelle de la Révolution
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9791035104689 285944954X Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris : Éditions de la Sorbonne,

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Ce livre déploie l’implicite d’un étrange petit carnet écrit entre 1824 et 1834, intitulé Le Salon imaginaire ou le 20e siècle de Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac, titre posé de la main de son auteur, l’ancien rapporteur du Comité de salut public de l’an II. Or, que veut, que peut un Salon imaginaire, si ce n’est parler de ce dont il n’est pas question : la Révolution française. Ces 230 notices dans l’esprit des Salon de peinture du temps brassent les époques et les lieux. Pour dire sans dire les moments critiques de l’action. L’invention de tableaux à peindre, rarement la reprise d’œuvres réalisées, permettent de ne rien forclore. L’avenir du passé persiste et nourrit la réflexion sur le tragique de la décision qu’elle soit directement politique ou non. Les situations paroxystiques dans le goût de David, leur présentification mentale évoquent les premiers rôles, les complices et les comparses, presque toujours néfastes dans un entrelacs de métaphores cryptées et d’allégories en action. Les voix du silence permettent d’opposer au présent désespérant, celui de la Restauration, la sensibilité préromantique de la seconde génération des Lumières qui fit la Révolution. L’horizon d’attente reste celui d’une humanité réconciliée avec elle-même, de là, le renvoi au xxe siècle. Cette rêverie vagabonde d’un des acteurs majeurs de la Révolution permet une authentique page d’histoire culturelle du politique.

L'art ochlocratique: salons de 1882 & de 1883
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Project Gutenberg

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Le nu moderne au salon (1799-1853) : revue de presse
ISSN: 1294145X ISBN: 2843100674 2377471110 9782843100673 Year: 2005 Publisher: Grenoble: Ellug,

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L'ouvrage comporte articles et dessins de presse, pour la plupart inédits, qui constituent la réception des nus dits “modernes” exposés par les peintres et sculpteurs entre 1799 et 1853. L'homogénéité thématique privilégiée et la période considérée permettent une approche renouvelée des a priori concernant l'histoire de l'art du XIXe siècle. Les documents d'époque proposent ainsi une saisie au plus près des enjeux et débats critiques. On peut mesurer l'ampleur des scandales qui ont précédé celui d'Olympia, la progressive constitution d'un champ artistique où les expositions privées et payantes se développent, le déplacement des catégories liées au nu. L'anthologie est organisée de façon chronologique de 1799 à 1853 et privilégie les “salons des artistes vivants” successifs. Un discours d'escorte permet de mettre en situation les documents : par une présentation de chaque salon traité, par des encadrés bio-bibliographiques concernant les signataires des articles et dessins. La présence d'index (auteurs, artistes, œuvres) et d'une bibliographie raisonnée permettent également une lecture transversale des critiques d'art ainsi mises à disposition.

Der Berliner "judische Salon" um 1800 : Emanzipation in der Debatte
ISBN: 1283628309 3110271745 9786613940759 3110271400 3110271753 9781283628303 9783110271744 Year: 2012 Publisher: Boston : De Gruyter,

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Präsentiert werden die Berliner "jüdischen Salons" um 1800 anhand neuer Quellen als ebenso lebendiges wie fragiles kommunikatives Netz. Der Querschnitt durch die Salongesellschaft des Beispieljahres 1794/95 macht eine Geselligkeitskultur sichtbar, in der sehr verschiedene Orte zu "Salons" werden konnten, und in der Gäste und Gastgeberinnen (wieder) zu entdecken sind. Längsschnitte durch rekonstruierte, jahrzehntelang geführte Korrespondenzen erlauben die Frage nach Wendepunkten in der Wahrnehmung jüdischer Gastgeberinnen und nach möglichen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Salons und zeitgenössischen Emanzipationsdiskursen. This volume, which draws on new sources, presents the Jewish salons of Berlin around 1800 as a lively and at the same time fragile network of communication. The salon society of 1794/95, the book's year of focus, reveals a culture of sociality in which highly diverse venues could become 'salons' and it puts the salons' guests and hostesses (back) in the limelight. Selected profiles of the correspondence, which sometimes lasted for decades and has now been reconstructed, allow an examination of turning points in the perception of Jewish hostesses and of possible interactions between salons and the contemporary discourse on emancipatory issues.

Konversation und Geselligkeit : Praxis französischer Salonkultur im Spannungsfeld von Idealität und Realität
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3837644294 3839444292 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Bis heute hält die Forschung an der negativen Perspektivierung höfischer Moralistik fest, an einer pessimistischen Anthropologie im Zeichen des amour-propre. Mit ihrer literaturwissenschaftlichen Untersuchung zur Konversation und Geselligkeit im französischen Salon zeigt Karin Schulz eine optimistische Lesart, welche die sozial-reflexive Produktivität moralistischen Denkens stärkt. Auf der methodischen Grundlage der Erfahrungsdifferenz von Idealität und Realität hinterfragt sie das Selbstverständnis idealer Verhaltensnormen und zeichnet für den französischen Salon, ausgehend vom 17. Jahrhundert, eine Geschichte der konversationellen Programmatik mit Ausblick auf die Lehren kommunikativer Gegenwart.

Selected letters, orations, and rhetorical dialogues
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1281125474 9786611125479 0226144127 9780226144122 9780226144030 0226144038 9780226144047 0226144046 9781281125477 0226144038 0226144046 6611125477 Year: 2004 Publisher: Chicago, Ill. The University of Chicago Press

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Madeleine de Scudéry (1607-1701) was the most popular novelist in her time, read in French in volume installments all over Europe and translated into English, German, Italian, and even Arabic. But she was also a charismatic figure in French salon culture, a woman who supported herself through her writing and defended women's education. She was the first woman to be honored by the French Academy, and she earned a pension from Louis XIV for her writing. Selected Letters, Orations, and Rhetorical Dialogues is a careful selection of Scudéry's shorter writings, emphasizing her abilities as a rhetorical theorist, orator, essayist, and letter writer. It provides the first English translations of some of Scudéry's Amorous Letters, only recently identified as her work, as well as selections from her Famous Women, or Heroic Speeches, and her series of Conversations. The book will be of great interest to scholars of the history of rhetoric, French literature, and women's studies.

A. Mary F. Robinson
ISBN: 0228010144 0228010136 9780228010142 9780228010135 0228008832 0228008840 Year: 2021 Publisher: Montreal Kingston London Chicago

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This critical biography of A. Mary F. Robinson traces her unorthodox journey through the literary circles of London and Paris as a writer of poetry and prose, a leading member of the Anglo-French community, and a significant contributor to the cultural and literary shift from nineteenth-century Victorianism to twentieth-century modernism.

The story of Sapho
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1281125466 9786611125462 0226144003 9780226144009 9780226143989 0226143988 9780226143996 0226143996 9781281125460 0226143988 0226143996 6611125469 Year: 2003 Publisher: Chicago (Ill.) : University of Chicago press,

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Ridiculed for her Saturday salon, her long romance novels, and her protofeminist ideas, Madeleine de Scudéry (1607-1701) has not been treated kindly by the literary establishment. Yet her multivolume novels were popular bestsellers in her time, translated almost immediately into English, German, Italian, Spanish, and even Arabic. The Story of Sapho makes available for the first time in modern English a self-contained section from Scudéry's novel Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus, best known today as the favored reading material of the would-be salonnières that Molière satirized in Les précieuses ridicules. The Story tells of Sapho, a woman writer modeled on the Greek Sappho, who deems marriage slavery. Interspersed in the love story of Sapho and Phaon are a series of conversations like those that took place in Scudéry's own salon in which Sapho and her circle discuss the nature of love, the education of women, writing, and right conduct. This edition also includes a translation of an oration, or harangue, of Scudéry's in which Sapho extols the talents and abilities of women in order to persuade them to write.

Defenders of the Faith : Studies in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Orthodoxy and Reform
ISBN: 1644691450 1644693666 1644691442 1644692635 Year: 2020 Publisher: Boston, MA : Academic Studies Press,

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The Emancipation of European Jewry during the nineteenth century led to conflict between tradition and modernity, creating a chasm that few believed could be bridged. The emergence of modern traditionalism was fraught with obstacles. The essays published in this collection eloquently depict the passion underlying the disparate views, the particular areas of vexing confrontation and the hurdles faced by champions of tradition.The author identifies and analyzes the many areas of sociological and religious tension that divided the competing factions, including synagogue innovation, circumcision, intermarriage, military service and many others. With compelling writing and clear, articulate style, this illuminating work provides keen insight into the history and development of the various streams of Judaism and the issues that continue to divide them in contemporary times.

Fashion and Beauty in the Time of Asia
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1479861731 1479892157 Year: 2020 Publisher: New York : New York University Press,

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'Fashion and Beauty in the Time of Asia' centralizes fashion and beauty in the shaping of Asian modernities and the formation of the so-called Asian Century. The authors assembled here train our eyes on sites as far-flung and varied and yet as intimate and intimately connected as Guangzhou and Los Angeles, Saigon and Seoul, New York and Toronto, in order to map the transnational and transregional connections that have made new worlds and life paths possible.

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