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Hauptbeschreibung The study takes a broad interdisciplinary look at the legal and linguistic implications of the European integration process. It focuses on the operation of constitutional discourse at both the national and supranational level, and the transformation the said discourse is undergoing as a consequence of its transfer to the new European context. The author postulates the need to devise a new EU-specific constitutional discourse so as to adequately denote and describe the idiosyncratic reality of integrating Europe. Other issues raised within the work involve inter ali
Juridisch taalgebruik. --- Europese Unie --- Grondwet --- Constitutional history --- terminologie. --- Europa --- European Union. --- E.U. --- Terminologie.
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Hierdie ontleding van die taalstryd op die kampus van die Universiteit Stellenbosch strek vanaf 2003 tot Maart 2018 en put uit ’n verskeidenheid hoofstroom media, maar veral vanuit Afrikaanse dagblaaie – Die Burger, Volksblad en Beeld – wat daagliks minstens 42,6% van die Afrikaanse leserspubliek bereik. Uit die aard van die onderwerp het veral Afrikaanse koerante groot belangstelling getoon en talle berigte oor die US-taalstryd gehad, terwyl dekking daarvan in veral Mail & Guardian, The Star, The Cape Times en die Cape Argus soms kritieser, indringender en objektiewer ondersoek en standpuntstelling bevat het. Dikwels is die taalkwessies so belangrik geag dat dit voorblaaie gehaal het en volgens die oordeel van die redaksie, kommentaar in talle hoofartikels geregverdig het. Ander aktivistiese wapens wat in hierdie taalstryd uitgewys kan word, is appèl op politici, driftige optogte en lokaalbesettings; dreigemente van ekondruk, boikot en selfs wanvoorstellings en uiteindelik geweldpleging, brandstigting en eiendomsvernietiging. Hoewel die verloop van gebeure in hierdie boek oor Afrikaans se stryd om oorlewing op ’n histories-Afrikaanse universiteit vol drama en intrige verloop het en inderwaarheid die aandag van ’n wye leserspubliek verdien (in die woorde van een van die keurders), is dit in die eerste plek ’n wetenskaplike, ontleding van feitelike gebeure rondom ’n verwikkelde taalstryd.
Language teaching & learning (other than ELT) --- linguistics --- Afrikaans --- Afrikaanssprekende(s) --- aktivisties --- diversiteit --- dubbelmedium --- Engelssprekendes --- FAK --- geregtigheid --- Grondwet --- media --- meertaligheid --- moedertaalsentiment --- moedertaalonderrig --- Stellenbosch --- taalbeleid --- taalapartheid --- taalkwessies --- taalstryders --- transformasie --- verengelsing
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This book presents a comprehensive review of fundamental rights issues that are currently in the spotlight. The first part explores why the question of whether or not fundamental rights have horizontal effect is a topic of endless debate. The second part focuses on human rights and the rule of law. It begins by arguing that the hitherto valid model of the rule of law is now outdated, and then goes on to outline the importance of the judicial dimension in countering threats to the independence of the judiciary. Lastly, the third part addresses a classic issue in the field of human rights: states' margin of appreciation, highlighting two aspects: (i) the elements used by the ECJ to determine the scope of the margin of appreciation, which varies depending on the subject matter, the nature of the right in question, as well as the severity and the purpose of the interference; and (ii) the margin of appreciation enjoyed by national courts when interpreting the law. Exploring current issues concerning a topic of eternal interest, the book will appeal to scholars and practitioners alike. Written by formidable intellectual talents, committed to the study of fundamental rights, it rigorously analyses the most recent judgments of both the ECJ and the ECHR.
European law --- Human rights --- Public law. Constitutional law --- mensenrechten --- Europees recht --- grondrechten --- staatsrecht --- grondwet --- Europe --- Human rights. --- Rule of law. --- European Union countries
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This book responds to a serious need for a consistent and comprehensive publication which combines an analysis of Law, Geopolitics and Institutional cooperation within the Lusophone world. Research in the book includes contributions from scholars with diverse educational and professional experiences working in these disciplines, from all around the world. The book will assist readers in comprehending, recognizing and discussing on-going debates about the Lusophone world in the 21st century. Paulo Duarte is an Assistant Professor at Universidade Lusófona do Porto and Invited Professor at the University of Minho. Rui Albuquerque is a Professor at Universidade Lusófona do Porto, at the Faculty of Law and Political Science. António Manuel Lopes Tavares is a Professor at Universidade Lusófona do Porto, at the Faculty of Law and Political Science.
International relations. Foreign policy --- Public law. Constitutional law --- buitenlandse politiek --- grondrechten --- internationale betrekkingen --- staatsrecht --- grondwet --- International relations. --- Constitutional law. --- Foreign Policy. --- Constitutional Law.
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This book aims to develop a conceptual framework upon which to draw for analysis of new and existing national reforms in Australia. Due to growth in the volume and complexity of national uniform legislation, law reform agencies, the Commonwealth, state and territory governments and policy institutions have more, rather than less, to do. This book explores how they are required to respond to debates among actors from divergent geographical, commercial and ideological backgrounds, who sometimes demonstrate irreconcilable differences in values and perspectives. From a policy implication perspective, this book summarises a vast quantity of original and complex data so that it can be applied in the field-among policymakers, reformers, legislative drafters, students and the wider audience of legal practitioners working with harmonised legislation in federations. This book acknowledges that uniform legislation is not a panacea for all legal challenges currently faced by federations. However, this book takes a step towards demystifying the many confusing factors that have obscured the underlying general principles. A working theory of 'federal harmonisation' enables 'the art of the impossible' to become a practical reality. This book condenses data on legislation in models. The models enable transparent, evidence-based decisions in the process of a federation's harmonisation to progress regulatory best practices and achieve more reliable, sustainable results.
Politics --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Public law. Constitutional law --- Law --- Public administration --- overheid --- politiek --- recht --- grondrechten --- staatsrecht --- administratie --- grondwet --- Interstate agreements. --- Interstate agreements --- Law reform.
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Vichy et la France Libre au Mexique/les débuts en politique de Jacques Soustelle, délégué du général de Gaulle pour l'Amérique centrale et les Caraïbes/le Mexique pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, carrefour des propagandes nazie, fasciste, communiste, espagnole, nationaliste et républicaine, franco-françaises, nord-américaine et japonaise.../ les réfugiés espagnols entre France et Mexique/latinité, hispanité, et culture anglo-saxonne... Tels sont certains des thèmes étudiés dans cet ouvrage, à la lueur notamment de nombreuses sources ouvertes pour l’auteur. Ainsi, si l’on plonge au cœur des politiques extérieures de la France et du Mexique pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en raison de cette dernière ce sont en fait les mécanismes en crise des relations politiques, économiques et surtout culturelles qui sont mis à nu et décryptés au moment où se forgent les clés d’un nouveau dialogue — contemporain — entre la France et l’Amérique latine. Ouvrage pionnier d’histoire des relations internationales sur une aire peu connue, mais aussi éléments pour une histoire culturelle qui reste à écrire.
Mexico --- Foreign relations --- France --- Mexique --- Politics and government --- Relations extérieures --- Politique et gouvernement --- 972.09 --- Geschiedenis van Mexico: republiek met grondwet van 1917--(1911- ) --- 972.09 Geschiedenis van Mexico: republiek met grondwet van 1917--(1911- ) --- Relations extérieures --- 1940-1945 --- 1910-1946 --- History --- Seconde Guerre mondiale --- propagande --- France libre --- relations extérieures --- France combattante --- German occupation --- Histoire --- 1939-1945
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Both the Bible and the Constitution have the status of "Great Code," but each of these important texts is controversial as well as enigmatic. They are asked to speak to situations that their authors could not have anticipated on their own. In this book, one of our greatest religious historians brings his vast knowledge of the history of biblical interpretation to bear on the question of constitutional interpretation. Jaroslav Pelikan compares the methods by which the official interpreters of the Bible and the Constitution-the Christian Church and the Supreme Court, respectively-have approached the necessity of interpreting, and reinterpreting, their important texts. In spite of obvious differences, both texts require close, word-by-word exegesis, an awareness of opinions that have gone before, and a willingness to ask new questions of old codes, Pelikan observes. He probes for answers to the question of what makes something authentically "constitutional" or "biblical," and he demonstrates how an understanding of either biblical interpretation or constitutional interpretation can illuminate the other in important ways.
Constitutional law --- Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- History. --- 22.06 --- 342.4 <73> --- 342.4 <73> Grondwet--Verenigde Staten van Amerika. VSA. USA --- Grondwet--Verenigde Staten van Amerika. VSA. USA --- Bijbel: exegese; hermeneutiek --- Biblia --- Bible -- Criticism, interpretation, etc. -- History.. --- Constitutional law -- United States.
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This book explores the similarities and differences among national election systems around the globe and sheds light on how election systems are susceptible to gerrymandering, which is the process by which an incumbent or a political party attempts to manipulate the boundaries of electoral districts for their own advantage. Presenting research showing that some of the worst electoral-system manipulation occurs in the oldest established democracies, the book explores how nations have modified the form of government to meet local conditions and how democracy is threatened by gerrymandering.
Political systems --- Politics --- Microeconomics --- Public law. Constitutional law --- economie --- democratie --- verkiezingen --- grondrechten --- staatsrecht --- grondwet --- Elections. --- Constitutional law. --- Welfare economics. --- Democracy. --- Electoral Politics. --- Constitutional Law. --- Social Choice/Welfare Economics/Public Choice/Political Economy.
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Each year, the Supreme Court of the United States announces new rulings with deep consequences for our lives. This fifth volume in Palgrave’s SCOTUS series describes, explains, and contextualizes the landmark cases of the US Supreme Court in the term ending 2022. With a close look at cases involving key issues and debates in American politics and society, SCOTUS 2022 tackles the Court’s rulings on abortion, guns, religion, environmental regulation, pandemic controls, immigration and more. Written by notable scholars in political science and law, the chapters in SCOTUS 2022 present the details of each ruling, its meaning for constitutional debate, and its impact on public policy or partisan politics. Finally, SCOTUS 2022 offers an analysis of the current ideological and interpretive divisions on the Court, including an analysis of the unprecedented leak of the Dobbs draft ruling. Morgan Marietta is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA.
Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Political sociology --- Politics --- Public law. Constitutional law --- Public administration --- overheid --- politiek --- gender --- grondrechten --- staatsrecht --- grondwet --- Constitutional law --- Courts of last resort --- United States.
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"Lowell Brown has written a compendious, even-handed, exhaustively-researched exploration of the arguments for and against the proposition that an American President can be criminally prosecuted while in office. No scholar, advocate, or citizen concerned with the scope of presidential power or the real danger of an emergent culture of executive branch impunity should be without this book.” —Frank O. Bowman, Professor of Law at the University of Missouri, USA, and author of High Crimes and Misdemeanors: A History of Impeachment for the Age of Trump (2019) This book provides an in depth look at the constitutional, historical, and political arguments concerning presidential immunity from prosecution, as well as the opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel that provided the justification for the decision not to prosecute President Trump. Focusing on those opinions, the book examines the constitutional basis of presidential immunity, both textual and historical, as reflected in the deliberations of the 1787 Convention and the ratification debates. The opinions are viewed in the context of the criminal investigations of Presidents Nixon and Clinton that gave rise to those opinions, as well as the pronouncements of the Supreme Court concerning their claims, and those of President Trump to immunity from judicial inquiry. Lastly, the book analyses presidential immunity in light of the separation of powers, the availability of impeachment, and the discordance between presidential immunity and the rule of law. H. Lowell Brown is a practicing attorney specializing in white collar criminal defense and compliance, and has taught courses in white collar crime, international criminal law and procedure and jurisprudence at the University of Maine Law School, USA. He has written numerous law journal articles on issues of white collar crime and ethics, and is the author of five books, including The American Constitutional Tradition (2017) and High Crimes and Misdemeanors in Presidential Impeachment (2010).
Social psychology --- Politics --- Public law. Constitutional law --- History --- geschiedenis --- politiek --- wereldpolitiek --- leidinggeven --- grondrechten --- staatsrecht --- grondwet --- America --- Executive power. --- Political leadership. --- Constitutional law. --- World politics. --- American Politics. --- Executive Politics. --- Political Leadership. --- Constitutional Law. --- Political History. --- Politics and government.
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