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Family fantasies and community space
ISBN: 0813585708 0585172560 9780585172569 081352461X 0813524628 9780813524610 9780813524627 9780813585703 Year: 1998 Publisher: New Brunswick, N.J. Rutgers University Press

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Family forms are changing rapidly in Western society, and with them, the microenvironments within which men, women, and children live together. Stuart Aitken argues that, whether environment is taken as physical space or as a metaphor for the social, economic, and psychological basis of families, there remains a tendency to keep defining the meaning of families and communities in terms of older, traditional, "imagined," and idealized structures of politics, gender, and geography.Using the stories of several families in San Diego, Aitken describes geographies of everyday life that contest definitions of cities and communities as mosaics reflecting patterns of social relations. He begins inside the family circle, looking at patriarchal power and the subordination of women, men, and children. Moving beyond the household, he then stresses the importance of place in defining the social and political character of communities and families' interplay within them--whether "communities" are viewed as neighborhoods, towns, or organizations that provide space for fellowship and common purpose. In turn, he shows that as the individual child reaches beyond family life to find a place in these communities, political cultures are reproduced through the child.Aitken suggests ways in which individual and family identities are complexly intertwined with the cultural politics of communities, cities, and regions. He concludes that family and community spaces reproduce and reconstruct themselves daily according to divisions of race, class, gender, and differential access to housing, work, and child-care.

Launching your autistic youth to successful adulthood
ISBN: 1787753468 9781787753464 9781787753457 178775345X Year: 2020 Publisher: London Philidelphia

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"The transition from high school to adulthood is one of the most challenging times for young people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). What will happen when all their familiar teachers, educational assistants, coaches, and friends disappear after graduation? Who will replace them in the adult world? How will they manage this drastic change? If you are the parent of a youth with ASD and these questions are looming in your mind, this book is focussed on answering all these questions and more. Drawing on her experiences as a mother of a child with ASD and a child psychiatrist, Katharina Manassis shares common transition-related challenges and provides practical solutions for each. It helps parents plan for every stage of the journey. This includes what a successful transition can mean and how to set realistic goals, exploring specific aspects of the transition such as employment, independence and social life, and how to address long-term concerns such as living arrangements and financial support"--

Freedom for soldiers' families
Year: 2017 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Great Neck Publishing,

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What Every Parent Should Know About Education
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1913063151 191306316X 9781913063160 9781913063153 Year: 2021 Publisher: St Albans Critical Publishing

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A walk through all the most important issues in education, comparing commonly-held beliefs with simple summaries of the evidence, providing you with clear, jargon-free information..

Chained to the desk : a guidebook for workaholics, their partners and children, and the clinicians who treat them.
ISBN: 0814775969 0814775977 9780814775967 9780814775974 Year: 2007 Publisher: New York New York University Press

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Samtaler mellom profesjonelle og barn som har psykisk syke eller rusavhengige foreldre : Et etisk og narrativt perspektiv
Year: 2020 Publisher: Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing),

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Dette er en vitenskapelig monografi basert på avhandlingen "Om å holde noe av et barns liv i sin hånd. Samtaler mellom profesjonelle og barn som har psykisk syke eller rusavhengige foreldre: et etisk og narrativt perspektiv". Tema er barns deltakelse i samtalegrupper for barn som har psykisk syke eller rusavhengige foreldre. Boken bygger på erfaringer fra deltakende observasjon i sju forskjellige samtalegrupper samt oppfølgende samtaler med barna som deltok og de profesjonelle som ledet gruppene. Formålet har vært å undersøke hvilke muligheter barn i samtalegrupper får til å stå fram som selvstendige meningssøkende og meningsskapende subjekter. Problemstilling er: Hvordan blir barns erfaringer håndtert i samtalegrupper for barn som har psykisk syke eller rusavhengige foreldre? Boken er gitt en vitenskapsfilosofisk forankring i en avdekkende hermeneutikk. Dette har lagt føringer for å vektlegge betydningen av det likeverdige og gjensidige i samhandlingene mellom de deltakende barna og de profesjonelle som har ledet samtalegruppene. I den forbindelse er det sentralt å utforske hvordan de profesjonelle, i konkrete samhandlingssituasjoner, skaper rom for det enkelte barns perspektiv ved å sette sine egne perspektiver i spill, og hvordan de ikke gjør det. Den avdekkende hermeneutikken har også gjort det mulig å identifisere noe av det som ikke ble satt ord på, eller som bare så vidt ble antydet eller nevnt, i samhandlingene mellom de profesjonelle og barna, men som likevel kan ha hatt stor betydning for den meningen som ble dannet. Erfaringene og observasjonene fra samtalegruppene er formidlet gjennom ni fortellinger. Disse beskriver konkrete samtaler og aktiviteter der barn formidler egne erfaringer, tanker og følelser, uten at disse blir gjort til videre tema i samhandlingen. Gjennom fortolkning av disse fortellingene kommer det fram en forståelse av at samtalegrupper for barn med psykisk syke eller rusavhengige foreldre synes å være en praksis der barns egne erfaringer av foreldrenes psykiske sykdommer og rusavhengighet i begrenset grad blir gjort til tema. Gjennom en teoretisk diskusjon der det som har foregått i de partikulære samhandlingssituasjonene, blir løftet opp på et mer generelt meningsbærende nivå, er det søkt en dypere forståelse for dette fenomenet.

Road Called Down On Both Sides: Growing Up in Ethiopia and America
ISBN: 1946395404 Year: 2020

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Coming of age in 1950s Ethiopia, American Caroline Kurtz returns as an adult with spouse and family, searching for "home." Caroline Kurtz grew up in the remote mountains of Maji, Ethiopia in the 1950s. Inside her mud adobe home with her missionary parents and three sisters, she enjoyed American family life. Outside, her world was shaped by drums and the joy cry; Jeep and mule treks into the countryside; ostriches on the air strip; and the crackle of several Ethiopian languages she barely understood but longed to learn. She felt she'd been exiled to a foreign country when she went to Illinois for college. She returned to Ethiopia to teach, only to discover how complex working in another culture and language really is. Life under a Communist dictatorship meant constant outages--water, electricity, sugar, even toilet paper. But she was willing to do anything, no matter how hard, to live in Ethiopia again. Yet the chaos only increased--guerillas marched down from the north, their t-shirts crisscrossed by Kalashnikov bandoliers. When peace returned, Caroline got the chance she'd longed for, to revisit that beloved childhood home in Maji. But maybe it would have been better just to treasure the memories. Caroline Kurtz speaks Amharic fluently and spearheads development in Ethiopia's Maji District, introducing apples, solar energy, and women's cottage industries.

Les configurations familiales aux dernières étapes de la vie
Year: 2022 Publisher: Bern : Peter Lang International Academic Publishers,

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Cet ouvrage se base sur l'approche configurationnelle pour étudier les familles dans la vieillesse. Cette approche conçoit les familles comme des configurations, à savoir des réseaux formés de membres significatifs de la famille qui, par les ressources qu'ils s'échangent, sont dépendants les uns des autres. Les analyses révèlent une diversité de configurations familiales. Celles-ci se distinguent dans leur composition et dans le type de capital social qu'elles génèrent ainsi que dans leur gestion de l'ambivalence familiale. En somme, la diversité et la complexité caractérisent les liens familiaux dans la vieillesse. Ce constat nuance l'image homogène et positive de la famille longtemps défendue dans les modèles dominants de la gérontologie sociale.

Parenting Strategies to Help Adopted and Fostered Children with Their Behaviour
ISBN: 1784507385 9781784507381 9781785923869 1785923862 Year: 2018 Publisher: London Jessica Kingsley Publishers

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Offers straightforward advice for managing common behaviours in children who are traumatized. Designed specifically for adoptive and foster parents, this guide includes visual reference charts of therapeutic parenting strategies and conversation scripts that can be used when caring for a traumatized child.

The silent garden
ISBN: 9781563686771 1563686775 9781563686764 1563686767 Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, DC

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"Offers parents of deaf children the support and unbiased information needed to fully realize their children's potential. The completely revised third edition is a must-have resource for parents of deaf children"-- "For over 30 years, The Silent Garden has offered parents of deaf children the support and unbiased information needed to fully realize their children's potential. This completely revised third edition is a must-have resource that will help parents navigate the complex and unique challenges they face. Accessible, practical, and, above all, open-minded, The Silent Garden educates parents quickly and thoroughly about the many conflicting points of view on what is best for their deaf children. Authors Paul W. Ogden and David H. Smith, who are both deaf, present examples and research that guide parents through often unfamiliar territory. From coping mechanisms for parents to advice on creating healthy home environments, the authors cover a range of topics that impact day-to-day actions and decision-making. The topic of communication is discussed extensively as communication access and language development are crucial not only for intellectual growth, but also for positive family and social relationships. The authors look at American Sign Language, English, and various other modes of communication available to deaf children. Different educational options are presented, and technology--including the debate about cochlear implants--is reviewed. Deaf children with special needs are considered here as well. Each topic is accompanied by real-life stories that offer further insight. Always encouraging, The Silent Garden empowers parents to be the best advocates for their deaf children. Throughout, the authors emphasize that each choice is highly personal, and they stress that all deaf children have the potential to lead rich, productive, and exciting lives"--

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