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This volume presents the work of internationally renowned scholars from Australia, Germany, Italy, South Africa, the UK and the US. The focus on W.G. Sebald’s writing as that of an expatriate author offers a fresh and productive approach to Sebald scholarship. In one way or another, all 28 essays in this innovative, bi-lingual collection take up the notion of Sebald’s experience as an expatriate writer: be it in the analysis of intertextual, transmedial and generic border crossings, on the “exposure to the other” and the experience of alterity, on the question of identity construction and performance, on affinities with other expatriate writers, on the recurring topics of “home”, “exile”, “dislocation” and “migration”, or on the continuing work of “memory” to work through and to preserve the consciousness of a destructive past that has informed the childhood as much as the adult life-world of the author.
Sebald, W. G. --- זבאלד, וו. --- Sebald, Max, --- Criticism and interpretation
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Long description: W.G. Sebalds Ästhestik des Marginalen
Utopie --- W.G. Sebald --- Marginalität --- Sebald, W. G.
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W. G. Sebald's writing has been widely recognized for its intense, nuanced engagement with the Holocaust, the Allied bombing of Germany in WWII, and other episodes of violence throughout history. Through his inventive use of narrative form and juxtaposition of image and text, Sebald's work has offered readers new ways to think about remembering and representing trauma.In Sebald's Vision, Carol Jacobs examines the author's prose, novels, and poems, illuminating the ethical and aesthetic questions that shaped his remarkable oeuvre. Through the trope of "vision," Jacobs explores aspects of Sebald's writing and the way the author's indirect depiction of events highlights the ethical imperative of representing history while at the same time calling into question the possibility of such representation. Jacobs's lucid readings of Sebald's work also consider his famous juxtaposition of images and use of citations to explain his interest in the vagaries of perception. Isolating different ideas of vision in some of his most noted works, including Rings of Saturn, Austerlitz, and After Nature, as well as in Sebald's interviews, poetry, art criticism, and his lecture Air War and Literature, Jacobs introduces new perspectives for understanding the distinctiveness of Sebald's work and its profound moral implications.
LITERARY CRITICISM / Semiotics & Theory. --- Sebald, W. G. --- זבאלד, וו. --- Sebald, Max, --- Criticism and interpretation.
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This book offers a new critical perspective on the perpetual problem of literature's relationship to reality and in particular on the sustained tension between literature and historiography. The scholarly and literary works of W.G. Sebald (1944-2001) serve as striking examples for this discussion, for the way in which they demonstrate the emergence of a new hybrid discourse of literature as historiography. This book critically reconsiders the claims and aims of historiography by re-evaluating core questions of the literary discourse and by assessing the ethical imperative of literature in the 20th and 21st centuries. Guided by an inherently interdisciplinary framework, this book elucidates the interplay of epistemological, aesthetic, and ethical concerns that define Sebald's criticism and fiction. Appropriate to the way in which Sebald's works challenge us to rethink the boundaries between discourses, genres, disciplines, and media, this work proceeds in a methodologically non-dogmatic way, drawing on hermeneutics, semiotics, narratology, and discourse theory. In addition to contextualizing Sebald within postwar literature in German, the book is the first English-language study to consider Sebald's œuvre as a whole. Of interest for Sebald experts and enthusiasts, literary scholars and historians concerned with the problematic of representing the past.
Bild-Text-Relation. --- Holocaust studies. --- Holocaust. --- Sebald, W.G. --- text-image relationship. --- Geschichtsschreibung --- LITERARY CRITICISM / European / German. --- Historiographie --- Historiografie --- Historisierung --- Schrifttum --- Geschichtswissenschaft --- Sebald, W. G. --- זבאלד, וו. --- Sebald, Max, --- Criticism and interpretation.
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Germanic Literature --- Languages & Literatures --- Sebald, Winfried Georg, --- Sebald, W. G. --- זבאלד, וו. --- Sebald, Max, --- Criticism and interpretation.
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Epic literature --- Memory in literature. --- German literature --- History and criticism. --- Jewish authors --- Sebald, W. G. --- Criticism and interpretation.
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Die Sekundärliteratur über W.G. Sebald hat in erstaunlicher Schnelle nahezu unüberschaubare Ausmaße angenommen. Allerdings bearbeitet der überwiegende Teil der Publikationen einen begrenzten Kreis an Themen, die man auf den Komplex Trauma-Holocaust-Intermedialität-Erinnerung-Melancholie reduzieren kann. Zumeist steht dabei der Roman Austerlitz im Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit, während - neben den anderen Prosabänden - ganze Werkbereiche vernachlässigt werden. Dazu zählen das Frühwerk und die Lyrik, aber auch das beachtliche Korpus literaturkritischer Schriften, sowie die weitgehend unbekannten szenischen Texte Sebalds. Angesichts dieser ungenügenden Lage fokussiert Über Sebald gezielt auf solche Themen und Texte, die bisher ignoriert oder nicht wirklich in ihrer grundlegenden Bedeutung für ein differenzierteres Verständnis dieses zwischen Literaturwissenschaft und Literatur, Deutschland und England, Verehrung und Ablehnung situierten Autors erkannt wurden. Bei den Beiträgern dieses zweisprachigen Bandes handelt es sich zumeist um internationale Sebald-Experten und Nachwuchsforscher sowie Privatgelehrte, die außerhalb des Wissenschaftsbetriebs stehen. Persönliche Erinnerungen von Sebalds Doktoranden runden den Band ab, der das bisher bekannte Bild dieses Schlüsselautors der Literatur des späten zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts wesentlich erweitert und über das geläufige Bild hinaus vertieft.
Authors, German --- Ecrivains allemands --- Sebald, W. G. --- זבאלד, וו. --- Sebald, Max, --- Sebald, Winfried Georg, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Sebald, Winfried G. --- LITERARY CRITICISM / European / German.
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Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich einer Analyse des Sebald'schen Prosastils unter Rekonstruktion des literarischen Produktionsprozesses. Erstmals in einer Monografie wird seine Handbibliothek im Deutschen Literaturarchiv Marbach erschlossen, um die stilistischen Einflüsse von Dichtern und Denkern wie Adorno, Benjamin, Bernhard, Bassani und Lévi-Strauss in seinem Werk herauszustellen. Mit Blick auf seine Rezeption der Fortschrittskritik der Frankfurter Schule werden als wesentliche Schlüssel zum Werk W.G. Sebalds nicht Holocaust und Zweiter Weltkrieg, sondern die dialektischen Prozesse von Geschichte nachgewiesen. This book uses the annotations in W.G. Sebald’s private library (held in the Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach) to construct an interpretation of his prose style as fundamentally dialectical. Alongside his readings of writers such as Benjamin, Bernhard, Bassani, and Lévi-Strauss, it uses in particular Adorno’s and Horkheimer’s „Dialektik der Aufklärung“ to help develop a close reading of Sebald’s syntax and narrative structures. The key concern of Sebald’s prose emerges not as the Holocaust, but rather the dialectical processes of ‚progress’ and ‚regression’ inherent in history.
German literature --- History and criticism. --- Sebald, Winfried Georg, --- Sebald, W. G. --- זבאלד, וו. --- Sebald, Max, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Technique. --- Dialectic of Enlightenment. --- W.G. Sebald.
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The novelist, poet, and essayist W. G. Sebald (1944 - 2001) was perhaps the most original German writer of the last decade of the 20th century ("Die Ausgewanderten", "Austerlitz", "Luftkrieg und Literatur"). His writing is marked by a unique 'hybridity' that combines characteristics of travelogue, cultural criticism, crime story, historical essay, and dream diary, among other genres. He employs layers of literary and motion picture allusions that contribute to a sometimes enigmatic, sometimes intimately familiar mood; his dominant mode is melancholy. The contributions of this anthology examine
Deutsche Literatur. --- Sebald, Winfried Georg. --- Germanic Literature --- Languages & Literatures --- Sebald, Winfried Georg, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- זבאלד, וו. --- Sebald, Max, --- Sebald, W. G. --- Deutschland /Literatur, Literaturgeschichte. --- LITERARY CRITICISM / European / German.
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In this probing look at Alfred Döblin's 1929 novel Berlin Alexanderplatz and the stories of W. G. Sebald, Redeeming Words offers a philosophical meditation on the power of language in literature. David Kleinberg-Levin draws on the critical theory of Benjamin and Adorno; the idealism and romanticism of Kant, Hegel, Hölderlin, Novalis, and Schelling; and the nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Derrida. He shows how Döblin and Sebald—writers with radically different styles working in different historical moments—have in common a struggle against forces of negativity and an aim to bring about in response a certain redemption of language. Kleinberg-Levin considers the fast-paced, staccato, and hard-cut sentences of Döblin and the ghostly, languorous, and melancholy prose fiction of Sebald to articulate how both writers use language in an attempt to recover and convey this utopian promise of happiness for life in a time of mourning.
Language and languages in literature. --- Sebald, Winfried Georg, --- Döblin, Alfred, --- Sebald, W. G. --- זבאלד, וו. --- Sebald, Max, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Deblin, A., --- Poot, Linke, --- Doeblin, Alfred, --- דבלין, אלפרד, --- דעבלין, אלפרעד --- Döblin, Alfred
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