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Die Polizei als Objekt kritischer Wissenschaft ist ein beliebter, aber keinesfalls einfacher Gegenstand für Forscher*innen. Der Zugang zum Feld, die Akzeptanz der Methoden und die Diskussion der Ergebnisse sind geprägt von Misstrauen und Skepsis. Gleichzeitig wird Wissenschaftler*innen eine zu große Nähe vorgeworfen, wenn sie selbst Teil der Polizei sind oder für Behörden arbeiten. Was also ist zu tun? Die Beiträger*innen nutzen Beispiele aus der Forschungspraxis, um über die empirische Arbeit in der Polizei als Beispiel für eher schwer zugängliche Institutionen zu berichten und zu reflektieren. Dabei geht es um häufige Missverständnisse, falsche Erwartungen und gelungene Annäherungen auf beiden Seiten.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Criminology. --- conflict. --- ethnography. --- police culture. --- research practice.
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This eBook is a collection of articles from a Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers Research Topics are very popular trademarks of the Frontiers Journals Series: they are collections of at least ten articles, all centered on a particular subject. With their unique mix of varied contributions from Original Research to Review Articles, Frontiers Research Topics unify the most influential researchers, the latest key findings and historical advances in a hot research area! Find out more on how to host your own Frontiers Research Topic or contribute to one as an author by contacting the Frontiers Editorial Office:
Research-Practice Partnership --- Pedagogical innovation --- Evidence-based teaching --- Active Learning --- design-based research --- learning sciences
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An Open Access edition of this book will be available on the Liverpool University Press website and the OAPEN library.In a world increasingly defined by the transnational and translingual, and by the pressures of globalization, it has become difficult to study culture as primarily a national phenomenon. A Handbook offers students across Modern Languages an introduction to the kind of methodological questions they need to look at culture transnationally. Each of the short essays takes a key concept in cultural study and suggests how it might be used to explore and illuminate some aspect of identity, mobility, translation, and cultural exchange across borders. The authors range over different language areas and their wide chronological reach provides broad coverage, as well as a flexible and practical methodology for studying cultures in a transnational framework. The essays show that an inclusive, transnational vision and practice of Modern Languages is central to understanding human interaction in an inclusive, globalized society. A Handbook stands as an effective and necessary theoretical and thematically diverse glossary and companion to the 'national' volumes in the series.
Languages, Modern. --- Foreign languages --- Languages, Foreign --- Languages, Living --- Living languages --- Modern languages --- transnational --- multilingual --- ethical study --- research practice --- creative pedagogies --- innovative and inclusive methodologies
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Making the case for a pragmatist approach to social inquiry and knowledge production, sixteen contributors illustrate the power of pragmatism to inform democratic, community-centred, action-oriented research.
Pragmatism. --- Inquiry (Theory of knowledge) --- Community. --- Democracy. --- John Dewey. --- Knowledge production. --- Research philosophy. --- Research practice. --- Richard Rorty. --- Social inquiry. --- Social research.
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How can contemporary dance contribute to a critical discourse on age and ageing? Built on the premise that age(ing) is something we practice and perform as individuals and as a society, Susanne Martin asks for and develops strategies that allow dance artists to do age(ing) differently. As a whole, this project is an artistic research inquiry, which draws on and contributes to dance practice. The study develops, discusses, and stages practices and performances of age(ing) that offer alternatives to stereotypical and normative age(ing) narratives, which are not only part of dance but also of everyday culture. »This text's age studies scholarship provides helpful frameworks for looking at dance.« Megan V. Nicely, The Drama Review, 62/3 (2018) Besprochen in: UP TO DANCE, 3 (2017), 6 (2017) The Drama Review, 62/3 (2018), Megan V. Nicely
Improvisation in dance. --- Dance improvisation --- Dancing improvisation --- Improvisational dance --- Dance --- Contemporary Dance; Aging; Artistic Research; Practice As Research; Improvisation; Performance; Age; Everyday Culture; Dance; Aging Studies --- Age. --- Aging Studies. --- Aging. --- Artistic Research. --- Dance. --- Everyday Culture. --- Improvisation. --- Performance. --- Practice As Research.
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Rund um die Frage der Professionalisierung qualitativ-empirischer Forschung versammelt der Band des Zentrums für Sozialweltforschung und Methodenentwicklung (ZSM) Beiträge zur Verhältnisbestimmung von Theorie und Empirie, zu Methodologien in ihrer Bedeutung und Funktion für Forschungsprozesse, zu Methoden, Methodenentwicklung und qualitativen Ergebnisformaten sowie zur Frage der Lehre und Vermittlung qualitativer Forschung.; Around the question of the professionalisation of qualitative-empirical research, the volume of the Centre for Social World Research and Methodology Development (ZSM) gathers contributions on the relationship between theory and empiricism, on methodologies in their meaning and function for research processes, on methods, method development and qualitative result formats, as well as on the question of teaching and communicating qualitative research.
Social research & statistics --- educational sciences --- Ethnografie --- ethnography --- Forschungspraxis --- Forschungsstil --- Forschungswerkstätten --- Gegenstandstheorie --- Hochschullehre --- Methode --- Methodenausbildung --- method --- Methodologie --- methodology --- methods training --- professionalism --- Professionalität --- Qualitative Methoden --- qualitative methods --- qualitative research --- quality standards --- Qualitätsstandards --- research practice --- research style --- research workshops --- social sciences --- subject theory --- Theorie-Praxis-Transfer --- theory-practice transfer --- university teaching
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"Educational leaders, researchers, and community members have found collaborating on research supports improvement in their schools, districts, and the wider community - but how do we go about developing these partnerships? With essential tools, frameworks, and tips for brokering in research-practice partnerships (RPPs), this practical book provides guidance on cultivating and sustaining impactful relationships and supportive infrastructure with partners. Through the careful brokering of these partnerships, RPP brokers can bridge the gap between education research and practice, bringing people together to build a more equitable educational system. Written by RPP leaders, researchers, and professionals, this handbook explores how brokering can: Support the production and use of partnership research, Develop and nurture meaningful relationships, even in the face of challenging circumstances, Build individual competencies to manage an RPP and strengthen the partnership, Develop partnership governance, Implement effective administrative structures, Design processes and communications routines, Assess and continuously improve the partnership. This is an essential read for any educational leader, higher education faculty, researcher, or other community member who wants to understand the types of activities and responsibilities required of an RPP broker and the strategies to become an effective broker of RPPs aimed at educational improvement and equitable transformation"--
Education --- Action research in education. --- Educators --- Educational equalization. --- Research-practice partnerships --- Research. --- Professional relationships. --- Educational equality --- Educational equity --- Educational inequality --- Equal education --- Equal educational opportunity --- Equality of education --- Equalization, Educational --- Equity, Educational --- Inequality, Educational --- Opportunity, Equal educational --- Affirmative action programs in education --- Educationalists --- Educationists --- Faculty (Education) --- Specialists --- Educational research --- Aims and objectives --- Research
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»Performance« und »Praxis« sind spätestens seit dem practice turn und dem performative turn zentrale Konzepte und Theoriefelder der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Die in diesem interdisziplinären Sammelband gebündelten Texte betrachten »Performance« und »Praxis« in ihrem Zusammenspiel und untersuchen die Relevanz des Performativen an Phänomenen aus Tanz, Theater, Sport und Alltag. Im Fokus stehen vier Spannungsfelder: Routine und Instabilität, Normativität und Entgrenzung, Transformation und Beständigkeit, Politisches und Ästhetisches. Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Thomas Alkemeyer, Sabine Huschka, Gabriele Klein, Sibylle Peters, Larissa Schindler und Ana Vujanovic.
Performance; Practice Turn; Performative Künste; Praxis; Künstlerische Forschung; Praxistheorie; Ethnografie; Kunst; Sozialität; Kunstsoziologie; Soziologische Theorie; Körper; Tanz; Soziologie; Performative Arts; Practice; Artistic Research; Practice Theory; Ethnography; Art; Social Relations; Sociology of Art; Sociological Theory; Body; Dance; Sociology --- Art. --- Artistic Research. --- Body. --- Dance. --- Ethnography. --- Performative Arts. --- Practice Theory. --- Practice Turn. --- Practice. --- Social Relations. --- Sociological Theory. --- Sociology of Art. --- Sociology.
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This open access book is a thorough update and expansion of the 2017 edition of The Handbook of Salutogenesis, responding to the rapidly growing salutogenesis research and application arena. Revised and updated from the first edition are background and historical chapters that trace the development of the salutogenic model of health and flesh out the central concepts, most notably generalized resistance resources and the sense of coherence that differentiate salutogenesis from pathogenesis. From there, experts describe a range of real-world applications within and outside health contexts. Many new chapters emphasize intervention research findings. Readers will find numerous practical examples of how to implement salutogenesis to enhance the health and well-being of families, infants and young children, adolescents, unemployed young people, pre-retirement adults, and older people. A dedicated section addresses how salutogenesis helps tackle vulnerability, with chapters on at-risk children, migrants, prisoners, emergency workers, and disaster-stricken communities. Wide-ranging coverage includes new topics beyond health, like intergroup conflict, politics and policy-making, and architecture. The book also focuses on applying salutogenesis in birth and neonatal care clinics, hospitals and primary care, schools and universities, workplaces, and towns and cities. A special section focuses on developments in salutogenesis methods and theory. With its comprehensive coverage, The Handbook of Salutogenesis, 2nd Edition, is the standard reference for researchers, practitioners, and health policy-makers who wish to have a thorough grounding in the topic. It is also written to support post-graduate education courses and self-study in public health, nursing, psychology, medicine, and social sciences.
Public health & preventive medicine --- Medical sociology --- Health psychology --- salutogenic model of health --- salutogenesis beyond health --- sense of coherence in the life course --- community-based health promotion --- salutogenesis theory, research, practice, and policy --- salutogenesis methods --- health-promoting organizations --- health-promoting environments --- sense of coherence and aging --- sense of coherence and health --- culture and salutogenesis --- generalized resistance resources --- application of salutogenesis to health care --- challenging social circumstances and environments --- medical sociology --- health and well-being --- Aaron Antonovsky --- Society for Theory and Research on Salutogenesis --- salutogenesis vs. pathogenesis --- open access --- Promoció de la salut --- Psicologia clínica --- Psicologia mèdica
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Der Band bietet Einblicke in die Entstehungsgeschichte und die Grundgedanken der Rekonstruktiven Sozialforschung, insbesondere der Dokumentarischen Methode und ihrer Grundlagentheorie, der Praxeologischen Wissenssoziologie. Dies wird in der Form eines Dialogs und partiell in erzählerischer Form entlang der Biografie Ralf Bohnsacks entfaltet und eröffnet einen lebendigen Zugang zu methodischen und theoretischen Fragen gerade auch für deren Vermittlung in der Lehre. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Bedeutung der Praxis: Damit ist sowohl die Forschungspraxis, inkl. der Lehrforschung, gemeint als auch die Praxis derjenigen, die Gegenstand der Forschung sind. Erläutert wird dies an Beispielen aus den Forschungsbereichen Jugend, Jugendkriminalität und Jugendgewalt sowie Organisation und Professionalisierung. Im Zentrum stehen dabei die Forschungsmethoden der Gesprächsanalyse, der Bildinterpretation sowie der Video- und Filmanalyse. In form of a dialogue and partly also by narrations fundamental ideas of the reconstructive social research, the Documentary Method and its basic theory, the Praxeological Theory of Knowledge, are imparted in a lively manner. The main focus is on the importance of practice - as well the research practice, including research training, as also the practice of those under research. All this is exemplified by research on youth, juvenile delinquency and violence and on people processing organizations and professionalisation.
basic ideas of reconstructive social research --- basic ideas of the documentary method --- basic theory --- Bedeutung der Praxis --- biografische Darstellung --- conversation analysis --- documentary method --- dokumentarische Methode --- Entstehungsgeschichte der rekonstruktiven Sozialforschung --- Forschungspraxis --- Gesprächsanalyse --- Grundgedanken der Dokumentarischen Methode --- Grundgedanken der rekonstruktiven Sozialforschung --- Grundlagentheorie --- history of the development of reconstructive social research --- interaction analysis --- Interaktionsanalyse --- Jugend --- Jugendgewalt --- Jugendkriminalität --- juvenile delinquency --- juvenile violence --- Lehrforschung --- meaning of practice --- praxeological sociology of knowledge --- Praxeologische Wissenssoziologie --- Professionalisierung --- professionalization --- reconstructive social research --- rekonstruktive Sozialforschung --- research practice --- teaching research --- transdisciplinary research --- transdisziplinären Forschungswerkstatt --- video interpretation --- Videointerpretation --- youth --- Gesprächsanalyse --- Jugendkriminalität --- transdisziplinären Forschungswerkstatt
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