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The Janus Performance Management System is a fully integrated online and paper-based resource package for any individual that is looking to get more out of the Performance Management process and to achieve better long term results - for themselves, the team and the organisation of which they are a part. The ten workbooks offered as part of the series, provide managers with essential tools and insights to help and guide them through this important process. This 32-page "Performance Competencies" workbook explains the competency-based system that underpins the whole Janus process and describ
Knowledge skills. --- Management. --- Performance management system.
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What can managers do every day to get more and better work from people while giving them the flexibility they need? The answer lies in HOT Management-the breakthrough set of management techniques, skills, best practices and habits of the most effective supervisory managers in today's extremely demanding workplace. This pocket guide clearly and concisely spells out what you need to do to become a HOT manager. The author's message is simple, yet powerful: Make high performance the only option. Be a hands-on manager. And spend lots of time with employees spelling out expectations and clarifying s
Business management. --- Management. --- Organizational effectiveness. --- Performance -- Management. --- Personnel Management. --- Supervision of employees.
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The dynamically changing world economy, in an era of intensive development and globalization, creates new needs in both the theoretical models of management and in the practical discussion related to the perception of business. Because of new economic phenomena related to the crisis, there is a need for the design and operationalization of innovative business models for companies. Due to the fact that in times of crisis, the principles of strategic balance are particularly important; these business models can be sustainable business models. Moreover, it is essential to skillfully use different methods and concepts of management to ensure the continuity of business. It seems that sustainable business models, in their essence, can support companies' effectiveness and contribute to their stable, sustainable functioning in the difficult, ever-changing market.
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Efficiency. Innovation. Results. Accountability. These, advocates claim, are the fruits of performance management. In recent decades government organizations have eagerly embraced the performance modelùbut the rush to reform has not delivered as promised. Drawing on research from state and federal levels, Moynihan illustrates how governments have emphasized some aspects of performance managementùsuch as building measurement systems to acquire more performance dataùbut have neglected wider organizational change that would facilitate the use of such information. In his analysis of why and how go
Public administration --- Organization theory --- United States --- #SBIB:35H202 --- Overheidsmanagement: prestatiemanagement --- Performance --- Organizational effectiveness. --- Administrative agencies --- Management --- Organization --- Management. --- Administrative agencies --United States --Management. --- Performance --Management. --- Organizational effectiveness --- Commerce --- Business & Economics --- Marketing & Sales --- E-books
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Total Plant Performance Management (TPPM) is an unparalleled continuous-improvement program that integrates all plant functions into a single focused effort. The fundamental premise is that all corporate functions, from the boardroom to the shipping department, must share a common vision and effectively work together. This book details TPPM's proven method of implementing continuous improvement throughout your total corporation, not just in certain departments. It shows you how to promote, implement, and maintain continuous improvement; effectively involve all employees; train people the right
Factory management. --- Factory management. Plant performance--Management. --- Management. --- Plant performance. --- Factory management --- Plant performance --- Industrial & Management Engineering --- Mechanical Engineering --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Management --- Industrial equipment --- Performance, Plant --- Factories --- Management of factories --- Shop management --- Performance --- Plant engineering --- Reliability (Engineering) --- Industrial management
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Performance-based accountability systems (PBASs) link incentives to measured performance to improve services to the public. Research suggests that PBASs influence provider behaviors, but little is known about PBAS effectiveness at achieving performance goals. This study examines nine PBAS's that are drawn from five sectors: child care, education, health care, public health emergency preparedness, and transportation.
Government accountability -- United States. --- Organizational effectiveness -- United States. --- Performance -- Management. --- Government accountability --- Organizational effectiveness --- Performance --- Government - U.S. --- Law, Politics & Government --- Political Institutions & Public Administration - U.S., General --- Management --- Management. --- Accountability in government --- Organization --- Public administration --- Responsibility
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Performance-based accountability systems (PBASs) link incentives to measured performance to improve services to the public. Research suggests that PBASs influence provider behaviors, but little is known about PBASs' effectiveness at achieving their performance goals. This document explores the design and effectiveness of nine PBASs in five sectors: child care, education, health care, public health emergency preparedness, and transportation.
Government accountability -- United States. --- Organizational effectiveness -- United States. --- Performance -- Management. --- Government - U.S. --- Law, Politics & Government --- Political Institutions & Public Administration - U.S., General --- Government accountability --- Organizational effectiveness --- Performance --- Management. --- Accountability in government --- Management --- Organization --- Public administration --- Responsibility
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This report describes a framework used to organize available empirical information on one form of performance-based management, a performance-based accountability system (PBAS), which identifies individuals or organizations that must change their behavior to improve an activity's performance, an incentive structure to motivate those changes, and measures tailored to inform the incentive structure.
Government accountability. --- Organizational effectiveness. --- Performance -- Management. --- Government accountability --- Organizational effectiveness --- Performance --- Political Institutions & Public Administration - General --- Government - General --- Law, Politics & Government --- Management --- Management. --- Accountability in government --- Organization --- Public administration --- Responsibility
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Psychologie van arbeid en organisatie is een uitgebreide introductie in de arbeidspsychologie en beschrijft de relatie tussen het individu en de arbeidsorganisatie. De kern van dit boek is de psychologische achtergrond van het functioneren van mensen in hun werk, zowel individueel als in interactie met anderen in de organisatie.Aan de hand van theorie en praktijkvoorbeelden worden individuele verschillen tussen mensen in hun werk in kaart gebracht. Diverse onderwerpen komen aan bod, zoals diversiteit, selectie, werkattitudes, motivatie, leiderschap, technologische verschillen en loopbaanontwikkeling.Dit boek biedt een goede mix van theorie en praktijk. Naast de beschrijving en evaluatie van de belangrijkste theorieën zijn er cases en oefeningen opgenomen waarmee de student de stof direct kan toepassen. De tussentijdse samenvattingen zorgen ervoor dat de student snel grip krijgt op de theorie.In deze editie wordt aandacht besteed aan de toekomst van hrm en arbeid en organisatie, waarin onderwerpen als diversiteit en ICT worden behandeld.Daarnaast is deze editie nog beter aangepast aan Nederlands onderwijs aan de hand van feedback van docenten uit het hoger onderwijs. Zo zijn er meer praktijkvoorbeelden en oefeningen toegevoegd aan het boek.Ten slotte zijn er actuele onderzoeksresultaten en belangrijke ontwikkelingen meegenomen in de nieuwe editie.Psychologie van arbeid en organisatie is geschikt voor studenten in het hoger onderwijs die een opleiding volgen in de richting van psychologie, bedrijfskunde of personeelswetenschap. Het boek is ook relevant voor (postdoc-)studenten in andere disciplines die te maken krijgen met het functioneren van mensen in hun werk.
arbeidspsychologie --- personeelswetenschap --- diversiteit --- selectie --- werkattitudes --- motivatie --- leiderschap --- technologische verschillen --- loopbaanontwikkeling --- Organisatiepsychologie --- Arbeidspsychologie --- Loopbaanontwikkeling --- 005.32 --- Industrial psychology --- organisatie --- arbeid --- organisatiepsychologie --- Bedrijfspsychologie --- Personeelsselectie --- Personeelswerving --- Performance management --- Personeelsevaluatie --- Attitude --- Motivatiebevordering --- Professionele ontwikkeling --- Welzijn --- Stress --- Groepsdynamiek --- Leiderschap
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1. Behoefte aan een gestructureerde aanpak van kwantitatieve beleidsondersteuning ? - 2. Performance management-raamwerk - 3. Strategie - 4. Planning en budgettering - 5. Performance monitoring met behulp van de balanced scorecard - 6. Dashboards - 7. Geografische Informatie Systemen : beter GIS-sen dan missen - 8. Online analytical processing - 9. Rapportering - 10. Het vertalen van bedrijfsvraagstukken naar gegevensverwerking - 11. Data warehousing - 12. Extractie, transformatie, loading - 13. Performance management in de organisatie - 14. Naar een beter zicht op de toekomst, door een beter begrip van het heden op basis van inzichten uit het verleden
Performance management. --- Prestatiemanagement. --- Prestatiemeting. --- Strategisch management. --- business intelligence (informatica) --- budgettering --- Information systems --- strategisch beleid --- management --- Business policy --- datawarehousing --- prestatiemetingsystemen --- Performance management --- #SBIB:35H202 --- 098 Bedrijfskunde --- strategic intelligence --- financial intelligence --- business intelligence --- analytical intelligence --- geografisch informaGIS --- online analytical processing --- Pithead --- benchmarking --- dashboard --- balanced scorecard --- data warehouse --- extractie-transformatie-loading (ETL) --- business intelligence competency center (BICC) --- corporate intelligence office --- office of strategy management --- Performance Prestatie --- Stratégies (management) Strategieën (management) --- Mesure Maat --- Balanced scorecard Balanced scorecard --- Overheidsmanagement: prestatiemanagement --- Management --- Prestatiemetingen --- Strategisch management --- Strategievorming --- Scorecard --- Datawarehouse --- Datamining --- 658.011 --- 681.37 --- 366.4 --- prestatiemanagement --- strategisch management --- organisatieleer --- Management strategie beleid cultuur gedrag --- Bedrijfsbeleid --- Informatiesystemen --- bedrijfsleiding, management --- Prestatiemeting --- Kostenbeheersing
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