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Le profil humain et artistique de Orfeo Vecchi est encadré dans la réalité liturgique et musicale de son temps et on mit à disposition des chercheurs et des musiciens l’édition critique du troisième livre des motets a six voix précédées d’une analyse des témoins, des motets et de la présentation des caractéristiques musicales de chaque composition.
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An accomplished poet's first and only sonnet sequence.
Orpheus --- Ορφεύς --- Арфей --- Arfeĭ --- Орфей --- Orfeĭ --- Orfej --- Orfeüs --- Orfeu --- Ορφέας --- Orpheas --- Orfeo --- Orphée --- 오르페우스 --- Orŭp'eusŭ --- אורפאוס --- Orfėjas --- Orpheusz --- Орфеј --- オルペウス --- Orfeusz --- Orfe --- 俄耳甫斯 --- Eerfusi --- Orpheus (Greek mythology)
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Arts, Modern --- Fine Arts - General --- Art, Architecture & Applied Arts --- Orpheus --- Ορφεύς --- Арфей --- Arfeĭ --- Орфей --- Orfeĭ --- Orfej --- Orfeüs --- Orfeu --- Ορφέας --- Orpheas --- Orfeo --- Orphée --- 오르페우스 --- Orŭp'eusŭ --- אורפאוס --- Orfėjas --- Orpheusz --- Орфеј --- オルペウス --- Orfeusz --- Orfe --- 俄耳甫斯 --- Eerfusi --- Art. --- Art --- Arts, Modern. --- Kunst. --- Orpheus (Greek mythology) --- Orpheus (Greek mythology). --- Orphée, --- Orpheus. --- Dans l'art. --- 1900-1999. --- Geschichte 1900-1985. --- Geschichte 1900-1990.
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Der Orpheus-Mythos gehört zu den wirkungsgeschichtlich bedeutendsten Mythen der Antike. Bisher kaum untersucht ist jedoch seine Rezeption in der deutschen Barockliteratur, zu der diese gattungsspezifische Studie einen Beitrag leistet. Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind sieben geschlossene literarische Mythos-Verarbeitungen in barocken Libretti, die in dieser Arbeit zum Teil erstmals erschlossen, in ihrer jeweiligen Spezifik diskursanalytisch bestimmt und mit zeitgenössischen Kontexten korreliert werden. Am Beispiel der Bearbeitungen und Verwendungsweisen des Orpheus-Mythos in Musikdramen werden die epochenspezifischen Besonderheiten der frühneuzeitlichen Antikenrezeption innerhalb einer innovativen Gattung erhellt.
Latin literature, Medieval and modern --- Latin literature --- Mythology, Greek, in music. --- Music and mythology. --- Opera --- Comic opera --- Lyric drama --- Opera, Comic --- Operas --- Drama --- Dramatic music --- Singspiel --- Mythology and music --- Mythology --- Music --- History and criticism --- Orpheus --- Ορφεύς --- Арфей --- Arfeĭ --- Орфей --- Orfeĭ --- Orfej --- Orfeüs --- Orfeu --- Ορφέας --- Orpheas --- Orfeo --- Orphée --- 오르페우스 --- Orŭp'eusŭ --- אורפאוס --- Orfėjas --- Orpheusz --- Орфеј --- オルペウス --- Orfeusz --- Orfe --- 俄耳甫斯 --- Eerfusi --- Deutschland. --- Baroque, Orpheus, Myth, Libretto, Reception. --- Orpheus (Greek mythology)
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This book posits that male homoeroticism is a crucial component of any comprehensive understanding of modernism and the crisis of modern masculine identity.
American poetry --- Homosexuality and literature --- Modernism (Literature) --- Erotic poetry --- Sex in literature. --- Sex --- Erotica --- Poetry --- Literature and homosexuality --- Literature --- History and criticism. --- History --- Eliot, T. S. --- Crane, Hart, --- Rimbaud, Arthur, --- Orpheus --- Ορφεύς --- Арфей --- Arfeĭ --- Орфей --- Orfeĭ --- Orfej --- Orfeüs --- Orfeu --- Ορφέας --- Orpheas --- Orfeo --- Orphée --- 오르페우스 --- Orŭp'eusŭ --- אורפאוס --- Orfėjas --- Orpheusz --- Орфеј --- オルペウス --- Orfeusz --- Orfe --- 俄耳甫斯 --- Eerfusi --- Crane, Harold Hart, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- In literature. --- Orpheus (Greek mythology) in literature. --- Crane, Hart
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Quiconque s’intéresse à la religion grecque antique utilise la thèse que Jean Rudhardt a publiée en 1958 : Notions fondamentales et actes constitutifs du culte. Étude préliminaire pour aider à la compréhension de la piété athénienne au IVe siècle. À cet ouvrage toujours indispensable sont venues s’ajouter de nombreuses publications qui continuaient d’explorer le champ du polythéisme grec en l’appréhendant de l’intérieur, dans le respect du contexte qui le voyait se déployer. Parmi les textes laissés en chantier par Jean Rudhardt, trois livres étaient en préparation, auxquels il aura travaillé jusqu’à sa mort, en juin 2003. Deux d’entre eux, inachevés mais parfaitement cohérents, représentent deux volets essentiels des travaux du savant genevois, l’un intitulé Essai sur la religion grecque, l’autre Recherches sur les Hymnes orphiques. Les lecteurs de Jean Rudhardt retrouveront la démarche philologique rigoureuse qui caractérise ses recherches depuis les Notions fondamentales. Au cœur de ces deux inédits est posée, dans une perspective interne, la question du sens. Cette question le faisait s’écarter de l’ensemble des spéculations modernes pour se tourner vers la considération du vocabulaire religieux des Grecs eux-mêmes. Une telle méthode d’investigation du polythéisme grec, mise en œuvre dès 1958, témoigne une fois encore de sa fraîcheur et de sa pertinence.
Orpheus (Greek mythology) --- Orphée (Mythologie grecque) --- Greece --- Grèce --- Religion --- History --- Histoire --- Mythology, Greek --- Gods, Greek, in literature --- Orpheus --- In literature --- Gods, Greek, in literature. --- Hymns, Greek (Classical) --- Mythology, Greek. --- Orpheus (Greek mythology) in literature. --- History and criticism. --- Orpheus (Greek mythology). --- Orphée (Mythologie grecque) --- Grèce --- Orpheus (Greek mythology) in literature --- Greek mythology --- History and criticism --- Religion. --- Orphic hymns --- In literature. --- Ορφεύς --- Арфей --- Arfeĭ --- Орфей --- Orfeĭ --- Orfej --- Orfeüs --- Orfeu --- Ορφέας --- Orpheas --- Orfeo --- Orphée --- 오르페우스 --- Orŭp'eusŭ --- אורפאוס --- Orfėjas --- Orpheusz --- Орфеј --- オルペウス --- Orfeusz --- Orfe --- 俄耳甫斯 --- Eerfusi --- Orpheus - (Greek mythological character) - In literature --- Orpheus - (Greek mythological character) --- Greece - Religion --- hymnes orphiques --- piété --- religion grecque antique --- Polythéisme --- Religion grecque
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Humankind has always been fascinated by the world in which it finds itself, and puzzled by its relations to it. Today that fascination is often expressed in what is now called 'green' terms, reflecting concerns about the non-human natural world, puzzlement about how we relate to it, and anxiety about what we, as humans, are doing to it. So called green or eco-criticism acknowledges this concern.Greenery reaches back and offers new readings of English texts, both known and unfamiliar, informed by eco-criticism. After considering general issues pertaining to green criticism, Greenery moves on to a series of individual chapters arranged by theme (earth, trees, wilds, sea, gardens and fields) which provide individual close readings of selections from such familiar texts as Malory's Morte D'Arthur, Chaucer's Knight's and Franklin's Tales, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Langland's Piers Plowman. These discussions are contextualized by considering them alongside hitherto marginalized texts such as lyrics, Patience and the romance Sir Orfeo. The result is a study which reinvigorates our customary reading of late Middle English literary texts while also allows us to reflect upon the vibrant new school of eco-criticism itself.
Nature in literature. --- English literature --- Ecocriticism. --- Ecological literary criticism --- Environmental literary criticism --- Criticism --- Nature in poetry --- History and criticism. --- Literary studies: ancient, classical & medieval. --- Literature. --- LITERARY CRITICISM / Medieval. --- Literary Studies: Classical, Early & Medieval. --- British literature --- Inklings (Group of writers) --- Nonsense Club (Group of writers) --- Order of the Fancy (Group of writers) --- Belles-lettres --- Western literature (Western countries) --- World literature --- Philology --- Authors --- Authorship --- Middle English. --- Middle English literature --- Thematology --- Old English literature --- History of the United Kingdom and Ireland --- anno 1200-1499 --- Sir Orfeo. --- earth. --- eco-criticism. --- fields. --- gardens. --- natural world. --- sea. --- trees. --- wilds.
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Poetics --- Literature - General --- Languages & Literatures --- Poetry --- Technique --- Orpheus (Greek mythology). --- Poetics. --- Orpheus --- Plato. --- Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, --- Mallarmé, Stéphane, --- Aesthetics. --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Mallarmé, Stéphane --- Mallarmé, Etienne, --- Mallarme, Steph., --- מלרמה, סטפן --- Nietzsche, Friedrich --- Nietzsche, Friederich --- Platon --- Plato --- Aflāṭūn --- Aplaton --- Bolatu --- Platonas --- Platone --- Po-la-tʻu --- Pʻŭllatʻo --- Pʻŭllatʻon --- Pʻuratʻon --- Πλάτων --- אפלטון --- פלאטא --- פלאטאן --- פלאטו --- أفلاطون --- 柏拉圖 --- 플라톤 --- Платон --- プラトン --- Ορφεύς --- Арфей --- Arfeĭ --- Орфей --- Orfeĭ --- Orfej --- Orfeüs --- Orfeu --- Ορφέας --- Orpheas --- Orfeo --- Orphée --- 오르페우스 --- Orŭp'eusŭ --- אורפאוס --- Orfėjas --- Orpheusz --- Орфеј --- オルペウス --- Orfeusz --- Orfe --- 俄耳甫斯 --- Eerfusi
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De uitroeiing van de Europese joden is het symbool geworden van de moderne, gebureaucratiseerde massamoord. Als geen ander historisch thema heeft de judeocide ons gedwongen om na te denken over de vraag welke factoren aan de grondslag liggen van dit soort georganiseerde brutaliteit - een vraag die nog steeds op een bevredigend antwoord wacht.Doodgewone woorden benadert de Shoah vanuit een verrassende, nieuwe invalshoek. In een vlot leesbare stijl beschrijft Fabian Van Samang de typische kenmerken van de nazitaal en beargumenteert hij hoe dit specifieke NS-discours mee aan de basis lag van de o
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Cognitive dissonance. --- Semantics. --- Catastrophe, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Destruction of the Jews (1939-1945) --- Extermination, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Holocaust, Nazi --- Ḥurban (1939-1945) --- Ḥurbn (1939-1945) --- Jewish Catastrophe (1939-1945) --- Jewish Holocaust (1939-1945) --- Jews --- Nazi Holocaust --- Nazi persecution of Jews --- Shoʾah (1939-1945) --- Genocide --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Kindertransports (Rescue operations) --- Dissonance (Psychology) --- Change (Psychology) --- Cognition --- Motivation (Psychology) --- Selectivity (Psychology) --- Formal semantics --- Semasiology --- Semiology (Semantics) --- Comparative linguistics --- Information theory --- Language and languages --- Lexicology --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Nazi persecution --- Persecutions --- Atrocities --- Jewish resistance --- Orpheus --- Ορφεύς --- Арфей --- Arfeĭ --- Орфей --- Orfeĭ --- Orfej --- Orfeüs --- Orfeu --- Ορφέας --- Orpheas --- Orfeo --- Orphée --- 오르페우스 --- Orŭp'eusŭ --- אורפאוס --- Orfėjas --- Orpheusz --- Орфеј --- オルペウス --- Orfeusz --- Orfe --- 俄耳甫斯 --- Eerfusi --- Holocaust, Nazi (Jewish Holocaust) --- Nazi Holocaust (Jewish Holocaust) --- Nazi persecution (1939-1945) --- Semantics --- Cognitive dissonance
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Though John Dryden once called the Georgics "the best Poem of the best Poet," and Montaigne thought it the most highly finished work in all of poetry, Virgil's song of the earth has never won as many readers as has his Aeneid, and at present it is the subject of more debate among classicists than perhaps any other poem in Latin. Using a Jungian approach, this book draws on the new commentaries in English as well as on the work of the great German Virgilians of the past, and is written in the eloquent, accessible, and personal style for which its author has become known. It outlines clearly the literary and historical background of the poem, discusses the sound of Virgil's hexameters, and treats each of the four georgics in detail, with special emphasis on the concluding myth of Orpheus. The most baffling of all Latin poems is shown in these pages to be Virgil's gift to Augustus, the most powerful man in the world as the salvational leader of the renewed Roman state, telling him what he must know about nature and about human nature if he is to rule the world well.
Didactic poetry, Latin --- Agriculture in literature. --- History and criticism. --- Virgil. --- Virgil --- Orpheus --- Ορφεύς --- Арфей --- Arfeĭ --- Орфей --- Orfeĭ --- Orfej --- Orfeüs --- Orfeu --- Ορφέας --- Orpheas --- Orfeo --- Orphée --- 오르페우스 --- Orŭp'eusŭ --- אורפאוס --- Orfėjas --- Orpheusz --- Орфеј --- オルペウス --- Orfeusz --- Orfe --- 俄耳甫斯 --- Eerfusi --- Vergilius Maro, P. --- Vergilius Maro, Publius --- Vergilius --- Vergil --- Virgile --- Virgilio Máron, Publio --- Virgilius Maro, Publius --- Vergili Maronis, Publius --- Virgilio Marone, P. --- Vergilīĭ --- Vergílio --- Wergiliusz --- Vergilīĭ Maron, P. --- Vergilīĭ Maron, Publīĭ --- Verhiliĭ Maron, P. --- Virgilio --- Virgilīĭ, --- Virgilius Maro, P. --- Virgil Maro, P. --- ווירגיל, --- וירגיליוס, --- ורגיליוס, --- מרו, פובליוס ורגיליוס, --- فرجيل, --- Pseudo-Virgil --- Pseudo Virgilio --- Virgilio Marón, Publio --- Bhārjila --- Knowledge --- Mythology. --- In literature. --- Rome --- Marone, Publio Virgilio
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