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The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The eleven volumes are dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, and Cinema. The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.
Economic history. --- Occupy Wall Street (Movement) --- architecture --- design --- social protest --- Occupy Wall Street --- politics
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"Occupy Wall Street burst onto the stage of history in the fall of 2011. First by the tens, then by the tens of thousands, protestors filled the streets and laid claim to the squares of nearly 1,500 towns and cities, until, one by one, the occupations were forcibly evicted. In The Occupiers, Michael Gould-Wartofsky offers a front-seat view of the action in the streets of New York City and beyond. Painting a vivid picture of everyday life in the square through the use of material gathered in the course of two years of on-the-ground investigation, Gould-Wartofsky traces the occupation of Zuccotti Park--and some of its counterparts across the United States and around the world--from inception to eviction. He takes up the challenges the occupiers faced, the paradoxes of direct democracy, and the dynamics of direct action and police action and explores the ways in which occupied squares became focal points for an emerging opposition to the politics of austerity, restricted democracy, and the power of corporate America. Much of the discussion of the Occupy phenomenon has treated it as if it lived and died in Zuccotti Park, but Gould-Wartofsky follows the evicted occupiers into exile and charts their evolving strategies, tactics, and tensions as they seek to resist, regroup, and reoccupy. Displaced from public spaces and news headlines, the 99 Percent movement has spread out from the financial centers and across an America still struggling to recover in the aftermath of the crisis. Even if the movement fails to achieve radical reform, Gould-Wartofsky maintains, its offshoots may well accelerate the pace of change in the United States in the years to come"--
Occupy movement --- Protest movements --- Political participation --- Income distribution --- Equality --- Social movements --- History. --- Occupy Wall Street (Movement)
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Un temps oubliée, décriée, ridiculisée, la révolution est aujourd’hui à nouveau un problème politique clé. Outre le Printemps arabe, Occupy Wall Street, Nuit debout, ainsi que les commémorations d’Octobre 17 et de Mai 68 qui en ont réactivé l’imaginaire (voire le désir), un nombre croissant de romans, de récits, de pièces de théâtre et de recueils de poésie contemporains ont pour thème l’insurrection, le soulèvement et la révolte. Une bibliographie comprenant une cinquantaine de titres permet d’en mesurer l’importance. Cette présence de la révolution dans le champ culturel contemporain nous enjoint à reprendre une question posée il y a près d’un siècle par Léon Trotsky, à savoir : comment penser les rapports entre littérature et révolution ? De Jack London au Comité invisible, en passant entre autres par Alfred Döblin, Louis Aragon, Jean Genet et Pierre Michon, cet ouvrage interroge la manière dont les révolutions politiques (réelles ou imaginées, passées ou projetées) ont suscité des configurations et des questionnements esthétiques depuis le début du xxe siècle. Quelles relations entretiennent, dans ces textes, le poétique et le politique ? L’écrivain et le révolutionnaire ? La fiction et l’action ? Aux différentes contributions qui esquissent des réponses à ces interrogations s’ajoutent trois entretiens avec des écrivains (Arno Bertina, Leslie Kaplan, Nathalie Quintane) dont l’œuvre littéraire trame à nouveaux frais la question politique.
History --- Literature (General) --- littérature --- politique --- mai 1968 --- Nuit débout --- Printemps arabe --- Occupy Wall Street
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Das Verhältnis linker Bewegungen zum Antisemitismus ist ein polarisierendes Thema. Auch in den USA stehen nicht erst seit den Anschlgen von 11. September 2001 Bewegungen wie Occupy Wall Street, die Friedensbewegung oder pro-palästinensische Gruppen unter Antisemitismusverdacht. Häufig sind es ihre Kritik an Israel und damit verbundene Positionen und Aktionen wie Boykottaufrufe, die Anlass für hitzige Debatten in den Medien, an Universitäten oder innerhalb sozialer Bewegungen wie auch der jüdisch-amerikanischen Community geben.Aufbauend auf einer empirisch-ethnografischen Studie analysiert Sina Arnold die Sichtweisen von Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten der US-amerikanischen Linken auf Jüdinnen und Juden, auf das Judentum und den Antisemitismus, aber auch auf Anschlussdiskurse wie den Holocaust, den Antirassismus, die Kapitalismuskritik, die Politik der USA sowie auf Israel und den Nahost-Konflikt. Sie bettet diese Sichtweisen ein in die historische Entwicklung des Judentums und des Antisemitismus in den USA wie auch in verschiedenen Epochen linker Bewegungen. Dadurch werden historische Kontinuitäten, aber auch Veränderungen linker Politik ebenso deutlich wie Paradigmenwechsel und identitäre Verhandlungen innerhalb der jüdisch-amerikanischen Community.Die Analyse linker Antisemitismusdiskurse wirft ein Schlaglicht auf die gegenwärtige Verfasstheit der amerikanischen Gesellschaft in Zeiten von ökonomischer und politischer Krise und trägt überdies zu einem Verständnis des globalen Antisem
11. September 2001 --- Antisemitismus --- Gesellschaft --- Judentum --- Occupy Wall Street --- USA --- Soziologie
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Thank You, Anarchy is an up-close, inside account of Occupy Wall Street's first year in New York City, written by one of the first reporters to cover the phenomenon. Nathan Schneider chronicles the origins and explosive development of the Occupy movement through the eyes of the organizers who tried to give shape to an uprising always just beyond their control. Capturing the voices, encounters, and beliefs that powered the movement, Schneider brings to life the General Assembly meetings, the chaotic marches, the split-second decisions, and the moments of doubt as Occupy swelled from a hashtag online into a global phenomenon. A compelling study of the spirit that drove this watershed movement, Thank You, Anarchy vividly documents how the Occupy experience opened new social and political possibilities and registered a chilling indictment of the status quo. It was the movement's most radical impulses, this account shows, that shook millions out of a failed tedium and into imagining, and fighting for, a better kind of future.
Equality -- United States. --- Income distribution -- United States. --- Occupy movement -- New York (State) -- New York. --- Occupy movement. --- Occupy Wall Street (Movement). --- Protest movements -- United States -- History -- 21st century. --- Occupy movement --- Protest movements --- Equality --- Income distribution --- Business & Economics --- Economic History --- History --- Occupy Wall Street movement --- Social movements --- Occupy Wall Street (Movement) --- E-books --- anarchy. --- better future. --- economic inequality. --- general assembly meetings. --- global phenomenon. --- insider account. --- marches. --- modern history. --- new york city. --- nonfiction. --- occupy movement. --- occupy wall street. --- online origins. --- political history. --- political ideologies. --- radical movements. --- reporters. --- social chaos. --- social experience. --- social historians. --- social history. --- social inequality. --- social movements. --- social phenomenon. --- social uprising. --- watershed movement.
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Occupy Wall Street protests have spread around the world, with a common slogan of "We are the 99%." But there is a great deal of confusion and misperception about this movement. This book clarifies the who, what, when, where, why, and how of this movement. It provides profound insight into the movement's power, messages, significance, methods, and impact. The editors of YES! Magazine bring together voices from inside and outside the protests to show how the meaning and impact of this movement are much bigger and more far-reaching than is being reported.The central thesis of this book is "This
Income distribution --- Equality --- -Protest movements --- Public opinion --- -339.20973 --- Opinion, Public --- Perception, Public --- Popular opinion --- Public perception --- Public perceptions --- Judgment --- Social psychology --- Attitude (Psychology) --- Focus groups --- Reputation --- Social movements --- Egalitarianism --- Inequality --- Social equality --- Social inequality --- Political science --- Sociology --- Democracy --- Liberty --- Distribution of income --- Income inequality --- Inequality of income --- Distribution (Economic theory) --- Disposable income --- Public opinion. --- History --- -Occupy movement. --- E-books --- Equality - United States - Public opinion. --- Income distribution - United States - Public opinion. --- Occupy Wall Street movement. --- Protest movements - United States - History - 21st century. --- Public opinion - United States. --- Occupy movement --- Protest movements --- Business & Economics --- Economic History --- Occupy Wall Street movement --- Corporate profits --- Occupy Wall Street (Movement) --- United States --- Economic conditions --- Community organization
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"Social Movements cleverly translates the art of collective action and protest to the university classroom. Students will learn the core components of social movements, the theory and methods used to study them, and the conditions under which they lead, at times, to political and social transformation. This fully class-tested textbook is the first to be organized along the lines of the major subfields of social movement scholarship--framing, movement emergence, recruitment, and outcomes--providing comprehensive coverage in a single core text. Features include: use of real data collected in the U.S. and around the world; the emphasis on student learning outcomes; case studies that bring social movements to life; examples of collateral used in movements (flyers, pamphlets, event data on activist websites, illustrations by activist musicians) to mobilize a group; topics such as immigrant rights, transnational movement for climate justice, Women's Marches, Fight for $15, Black Lives Matter, and the mobilization of movements in the global South over issues of authoritarian rule. With this book, your students will deepen their understanding of movement dynamics, methods of investigation, and dominant theoretical perspectives, all while challenging them to consider their own place in relation to social movements"--
Social movements - Textbooks --- Social movements --- activism. --- activist. --- american south. --- black lives matter. --- collective action. --- collective. --- fight for 15. --- freedom. --- gun violence. --- human rights. --- international. --- justice. --- neoliberalism. --- occupy wall street. --- philosophy. --- political. --- politics. --- protest. --- revolution. --- social change. --- social movements. --- social studies. --- social theory. --- theoretical. --- united states. --- womens march.
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"The avant garde is dead, or so the story goes for many leftists and capitalists alike. But in an era of neoliberal austerity, neocolonial militarism and ecological crisis, this postmodern view seems increasingly outmoded. Rejecting 'end of ideology' post-politics, Vanguardia delves into the changing praxis of socially engaged art and theory in the age of the Capitalocene. Covering the major events of the last decade, from anti-globalisation protests, Occupy Wall Street, the Maple Spring, Strike Debt and the Anthropocene, to the Black Lives Matter and MeToo campaigns, Vanguardia puts forward a radical leftist commitment to the revolutionary consciousness of avant-garde art and politics."--
Avant-garde (Aesthetics) --- Art --- Social movements. --- Art and society. --- Political aspects. --- Black Lives Matter. --- MeToo. --- Occupy Wall Street. --- activism. --- aesthetics. --- anti-globalisation. --- avant garde. --- avant-garde. --- cultural theory. --- ecology. --- globalisation. --- marxism. --- new social movements. --- philosophy. --- political. --- politics. --- postmodernism. --- psychoanalysis. --- socially engaged art.
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In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of The Activist's Handbook, Randy Shaw's hard-hitting guide to winning social change, the author brings the strategic and tactical guidance of the prior edition into the age of Obama. Shaw details how activists can best use the Internet and social media, and analyzes the strategic strengths and weaknesses of rising 21st century movements for immigrant rights, marriage equality, and against climate change. Shaw also highlights increased student activism towards fostering greater social justice in the 21st century. The Activist's Handbook: Winning Social Change in the 21st Century details the impact of specific strategies on campaigns across the country, from Occupy Wall Street to battles over sweatshops, the environment, AIDS policies, education reform, homelessness, and more: How should activists use new media tools to expose issues and mobilize grassroots support? When should activists form coalitions, and with whom? How are students-be they DREAMers seeking immigration reform or college activists battling ever-increasing tuition costs-winning major campaigns? Whether it's by inspiring "fear and loathing" in politicians, building diverse coalitions, using ballot initiatives, or harnessing the media, the courts, and the electoral process towards social change, Shaw-a longtime activist for urban issues-shows that with a plan, positive change can be achieved. In showing how people can win social change struggles against even overwhelming odds, The Activist's Handbook is an indispensable guide not only for activists, but for anyone interested in the future of progressive politics in America.--
Social action --- Community organization --- Political activists --- Political participation --- Social reformers --- activism. --- anthropology. --- climate change. --- diverse coalitions. --- education reform. --- electoral process. --- engaging. --- fighting. --- government and governing. --- grassroots support. --- homelessness. --- human condition. --- immigrant rights. --- liberal politics. --- marriage equality. --- occupy wall street. --- occupy. --- organising. --- political philosophy. --- political science. --- political. --- politics. --- positive change. --- protests. --- revolt. --- social change. --- social issues. --- social justice. --- social media. --- social sciences. --- sociology. --- student activism. --- urban issues.
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The United States is among the most affluent nations in the world and has its largest economy; nevertheless, it has more poverty than most countries with similar standards of living. Growing income inequality and the Great Recession have made the problem worse. In this thoroughly revised edition of Poverty in America, Iceland takes a new look at this issue by examining why poverty remains pervasive, what it means to be poor in America today, which groups are most likely to be poor, the root causes of poverty, and the effects of policy on poverty. This new edition also includes completely updated data and extended discussions of poverty in the context of the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements as well as new chapters on the Great Recession and global poverty. In doing so this book provides the most recent information available on patterns and trends in poverty and engages in an open and accessible manner in current critical debates.
Poor --- Poverty --- Economic assistance, Domestic --- History. --- Anti-poverty programs --- Government economic assistance --- Destitution --- Disadvantaged, Economically --- Economically disadvantaged --- Impoverished people --- Low-income people --- Pauperism --- Poor, The --- Poor people --- Economic conditions --- Economic policy --- National service --- Grants-in-aid --- Wealth --- Basic needs --- Begging --- Subsistence economy --- Persons --- Social classes --- History --- E-books --- accessible manner. --- affluent nation. --- critical debate. --- economic success. --- economics. --- economist. --- great recession. --- income inequality. --- occupy wall street. --- patterns and trends. --- pervasive poverty. --- political activist. --- political and social activism. --- poor in america. --- public health. --- sociologist. --- sociology. --- tea party. --- wealth disparity.
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