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Languages & Literatures --- Literature - General --- écrivain --- lire --- écriture --- oralité --- entretien
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L’éventail des articles qui ont examiné les problématiques liées à la traduction est particulièrement large : du point de vue chronologique, puisqu’ils intéressent des pratiques observées depuis l’époque suméro-akkadienne (ier millénaire avant J.-C.) jusqu’au xxe siècle ; du point de vue typologique, dans le sens où ils concernent des textes religieux, littéraires, médicaux, des récits de voyage ou des manuels d’acquisition des langues étrangères comme des documents épigraphiques de l’Antiquité romaine ; enfin les objectifs qui sous-tendaient leur existence étaient aussi bien scientifiques que politiques et, dans tous les cas, les enjeux dépassaient largement le simple souci de trouver le mot juste et le désir de toucher un public autre que celui de la « langue source ».
History --- traduction --- Antiquité --- Moyen Âge --- typologie --- langue étrangère --- lire --- apprentissage --- culture
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De quoi parle-t-on, quand on parle d "illettrisme" ? Réalité nouvelle de notre civilisation ? Fléau social ? Manifestation de l'inaptitude foncière de certains ? Avant de prétendre lutter contre l'illettrisme" n'avons-nous pas d'abord à le mieux connaître ? C'est bien d'une mise en questions qu'il s'agit dans cet ouvrage, avec le souci d'opêrer un nécessaire déplacement, en même temps qu'un dévoilement de nos images souvent simplificatrices qui dissimulent les effectives difficultés de ces adultes aux prises avec le "lire-écrire". Une telle situation, dans ses implications individuelles et sociales, est ici interrogée par des approches scientifiquement autonomes, mais convergentes : sociologique, au préalable, pour déconstruire et repenser cet objet social ; psycholinguistique et sociolinguistique ensuite, pour mieux comprendre la structure du phénomène ; clinique enfin, en vue d'en rechercher le sens possible pour les sujets. Les éclairages ainsi fournis par ces contributions sont confrontés à certaines des modalités adoptées pour l'action, qu'il s'agisse de l'évaluation de dispositifs existants, de l'analyse de procédures de prévention ou de l'exploration de voies nouvelles.
Alfabetisering --- Alphabétisation --- Analfabetisme --- Analphabétisme --- Aptitude à lire et écrire --- Geletterdheid --- Illiteracy --- Lire et écrire [Aptitude à ] --- Literacy --- Congresses --- Congrès --- Literacy programs --- Functional literacy --- Alphabétisation --- Congrès --- Congresses. --- Sociology --- illettrisme --- phénomène social --- école --- construction sociale --- sociolinguistique --- psycholinguistique
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Destinés à favoriser l’accès à la culture, les cartes et chèques culture permettent à un public souvent spécifique (lycéens, jeunes…) de bénéficier d’une réduction partielle ou d’une exonération totale du prix d’accès à des biens ou services culturels (spectacles, musées, livre, disque, cinéma…). Si les collectivités territoriales se sont rapidement approprié ces dispositifs depuis le milieu des années 1990, avec des modalités de mise en œuvre très diverses (montant de l’offre, public bénéficiaire, accompagnement culturel ou non des publics), il reste à apprécier leur efficience auprès des publics visés. Designed to promote access to culture, culture cards and cheques allow an often specifically-targeted demographic (schoolchildren, young people, etc) to access cultural goods or services (e.g. live entertainment, museums, books, recorded music, cinema, etc.) at a discount or even free of charge. Whilst local authorities have rapidly adopted such schemes since the mid-1990s, with various implementation methods (total cost, eligible groups, cultural or other public support, etc.) their effectiveness on target demographics remains to be seen.
Sociology --- Cultural studies --- collectivités territoriales --- consommation culturelle --- économie de la culture et de la communication --- équipement culturel --- chèque Lire --- Chèque Lire (cultural check) --- cultural institution --- cultural expenditure --- economics of culture and Communication --- local authorities
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Romance Literatures --- Languages & Literatures --- French Literature --- Sollers, Philippe, --- Crom, Nathalie. --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Joyaux, Philippe, --- Sollers, Ph. --- Diamant, Philippe, --- romanesque --- poésie --- savoir lire --- entretien --- French Literature. --- French literature.
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1. Basis brein zaken - 2. Bewuster denken - 3. Beter ontspannen - 4. Doelgericht leven - 5. Sneller leren en effectiever informatieverwerken - 6. Slimmer werken - 7. Omgeving en productiviteit
Cerveau Hersenen --- Mémoire Geheugen --- Art de lire Leesvaardigheid --- Pensée Denken --- Apprentissage Leerproces --- 415.4 --- #KVHB:Hersenen --- #KVHB:Mindmappen --- #KVHB:Creativiteit --- #KVHB:Geheugentraining --- hersengymnastiek --- creativiteit --- denken --- denktechnieken --- mindmapping --- 612.82 --- geheugen, leren, leerpsychologie, kennen, denken, begaafdheid en fantasie --- hersenen
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Miracles, prodiges et manifestations surnaturelles ou délirantes émaillent les conflits humains depuis la nuit des temps, et les chroniques ne manquent jamais de les rapporter. Dans les sociétés anciennes, les phénomènes que l’on qualifierait aujourd’hui d’irrationnels font partie du quotidien de la guerre. Avant une bataille, on scrute avidement les signes célestes, on consulte oracles et astrologues, on prie pour son salut. Tel Napoléon, les grands capitaines qui vont au combat se sentent protégés par leur « bonne étoile ». Chercher à se concilier les forces mystérieuses qui gouvernent nos destinées relève autant de la foi que d’une certaine forme de raison. Mais les conflits génèrent aussi des comportements totalement aberrants et imprévisibles, comme des peurs paniques, des visions, des cauchemars, des psychoses ou encore l’ivresse inétanchable du sang. Aujourd’hui, dans notre appréciation de la guerre, ces questions tendent à être occultées ou considérées comme anecdotiques. À tort. On éprouve cependant le plus grand mal à analyser de manière rationnelle ce qui par définition échappe à la raison ou la transcende. Pour mener à bien cette enquête, les auteurs du présent ouvrage se sont intéressés à toutes les formes d’irrationnel qui se manifestent en période de guerre, des signes surnaturels aux pathologies mentales.
War --- War and society --- Collective behavior --- Delusions --- Irrationalism (Philosophy) --- Guerre --- Guerre et société --- Comportement collectif --- Délire --- Irrationalisme (Philosophie) --- Psychological aspects --- History --- Congresses --- Social aspects --- Aspect psychologique --- Histoire --- Congrès --- Aspect social --- Guerre et société --- Délire --- Congrès --- 355 <09> --- 327.5 --- 930.86 --- Absurd (Philosophy) --- Belief and doubt --- Philosophy --- Rationalism --- Beliefs, Delusional --- Delusional beliefs --- Delusional disorders --- Disorders, Delusional --- Cognition disorders --- Hallucinations and illusions --- Behavior, Collective --- Crowd behavior --- Crowds --- Mass behavior --- Human behavior --- Social action --- Social psychology --- Society and war --- Sociology --- Civilians in war --- Sociology, Military --- Armed conflict (War) --- Conflict, Armed (War) --- Fighting --- Hostilities --- Wars --- International relations --- Military art and science --- Peace --- 930.86 Mentaliteitsgeschiedenis --- Mentaliteitsgeschiedenis --- 355 <09> Militaire geschiedenis --- Militaire geschiedenis --- 327.5 Internationale conflicten. Internationale spanningen. Internationale blokvorming. Veiligheidspolitiek --- Internationale conflicten. Internationale spanningen. Internationale blokvorming. Veiligheidspolitiek --- Psychology --- Congresses. --- Cultural studies --- irrationnel --- guerre --- surnaturel
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This book contains a plethora of different viewpoints and research results from all over the world, bringing them together to provide a global perspectiveon the various issues that comprise ""open access"". Topics include copyright, best practices and management, open access and society, repositories, journals, publications and publishing, services and technology, quality andevaluation. The book offers a holistic focus on open access and can serve as a useful learning tool for students and professionals.
Documentation and information --- Libraries and electronic publishing --- Open access publishing --- Institutional repositories --- Bibliothèques et édition électronique --- Edition en libre accès --- Dépôts institutionnels --- Congresses --- Congrès --- Science publishing --- Science and technology libraries --- Collection development --- Libraries and electronic publishing. --- Open access publishing. --- Science publishing. --- Institutional repositories. --- Collection development. --- Accès à l'information --- BPB1107 --- Bibliothèque --- Science de l'information --- Science --- Scientific literature --- Publishers and publishing --- Collection development (Libraries) --- Open access to research --- Research, Open access to --- Electronic publishing --- Electronic publishing and libraries --- IRs (Institutional repositories) --- Repositories, Institutional --- Digital libraries --- Toegang tot de informatie --- Bibliotheek --- Informatiewetenschap --- Publishing --- kirjasto --- könyvtár --- bibliotēka --- librerija --- biblioteka --- βιβλιοθήκη --- Bibliothek --- raamatukogu --- library --- bibliotheek --- knižnica --- knihovna --- bibliotekë --- bibliotek --- bibliotecă --- knjižnica --- библиотека --- biblioteca --- studovna --- Bücherei --- hemeroteca --- čítárna --- читална --- informační věda --- επιστήμη των πληροφοριών --- informacja naukowa --- xjenza tal-informazzjoni --- informātika --- informationsvetenskap --- information science --- информационна наука --- ciencia de la información --- информатика --- informatika --- ciência da informação --- informacijska znanost --- Informationswissenschaft --- informatiewetenschap --- informačná veda --- информациска наука --- știința informației --- scienze dell'informazione --- infoteadus --- információtudomány --- shkencë kompjuterike --- informationsvidenskab --- informatiikka --- documentalismo --- dokumentologji --- documentologie --- dokumentoloģija --- věda o informacích --- dokumentologija --- dokumentológia/náuka o informáciách --- teorie informace --- documentologia --- asiakirjojen hallinta --- documentology --- наука за информациите --- nauka o informacích --- prístup k informáciám --- pristup informacijama --- acceso a la información --- Informationszugang --- info kättesaadavus --- accesso all'informazione --- információkhoz való hozzáférés --- prieiga prie informacijos --- пристап до информации --- acesso à informação --- zpřístupňování informací --- dostęp do informacji --- adgang til information --- acces la informație --- pieeja informācijai --- достъп до информация --- toegang tot de informatie --- πρόσβαση στην πληροφορία --- tietojen saatavuus --- tillgång till information --- приступ информацијама --- access to information --- akses në informacion --- aċċess għall-informazzjoni --- dostop do informacij --- free movement of information --- circulación de la información --- slobodný pohyb informácií --- проток на информации --- információk szabad áramlása --- pohyb informace --- Informationsfluss --- tietojen vapaa liikkuvuus --- κυκλοφορία των πληροφοριών --- informație publică --- nyilvános információk --- teabe vaba liikumine --- közérdekű információk --- Information der Öffentlichkeit --- informação do público --- julkiset tiedot --- public information --- avalik teave --- nevaržomas informacijos judėjimas --- javna informacija --- slobodan pristup informacijama --- informacijos prieinamumas --- circulatie van informatie --- circolazione delle informazioni --- információk szabad mozgása --- slobodno širenje informacija --- viešoji informacija --- qarkullim i lirë i informacionit --- veřejná informace --- pristup podacima --- trasmissione delle informazioni --- laisvas informacijos judėjimas --- informācijas brīva aprite --- publiska informācija --- слободен пристап до информации --- circulation de l'information --- libera circulație a informației --- слободно ширење информации --- informim publik --- circulação da informação --- verejné informácie --- leabharlann --- eolaíocht na faisnéise --- rochtain ar fhaisnéis --- Science and technology libraries - Collection development --- Accès à l'information --- Bibliothèque
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This book is a must for librarians with international interest in access to knowledge. It includes a collection of 15 chapters written by authors from all over the world and covers different approaches to the vital role of libraries driving access to knowledge. There are chapters that offer solutions and ideas to enable libraries to become the knowledge engine in society. Other chapters discuss the conceptual part of the subject and related services. The book was compiled as part of the presidential theme of Ellen Tise, IFLA President 2009-2011, with the aim of offering the reader a good portrait of the opportunities and challenges that libraries have in driving access to knowledge.
Library automation --- Libraries and society. --- Libraries --- Libraries and education. --- Open access publishing. --- Electronic information resources --- Information literacy. --- Bibliothèques et société --- Bibliothèques --- Bibliothèques et éducation --- Edition en libre accès --- Sources d'information électroniques --- Culture de l'information --- Aims and objectives. --- Information technology. --- Special collections --- Electronic information resources. --- Management. --- Space utilization. --- Finalités --- Technologie de l'information --- Fonds spéciaux --- Gestion --- Utilisation de l'espace --- Bibliothèques --- Culture de l'information. --- Services aux publics. --- Libraries and society --- Libraries and education --- Open access publishing --- Information literacy --- Aims and objectives --- Information technology --- Management --- Space utilization --- Literacy, Information --- Information science --- Library buildings --- Library space utilization --- Space utilization in libraries --- Digital information resources --- Digital resources (Information resources) --- Electronic information sources --- Electronic resources (Information resources) --- Information resources --- Documentation --- Public institutions --- Librarians --- Open access to research --- Research, Open access to --- Electronic publishing --- Education and libraries --- Education --- Society and libraries --- Accès à l'information --- BPB1209 --- Bibliothèque --- kirjasto --- könyvtár --- bibliotēka --- librerija --- biblioteka --- βιβλιοθήκη --- Bibliothek --- raamatukogu --- library --- bibliotheek --- knižnica --- knihovna --- bibliotekë --- bibliotek --- bibliotecă --- knjižnica --- библиотека --- biblioteca --- studovna --- Bücherei --- hemeroteca --- čítárna --- читална --- prístup k informáciám --- pristup informacijama --- acceso a la información --- Informationszugang --- info kättesaadavus --- accesso all'informazione --- információkhoz való hozzáférés --- prieiga prie informacijos --- пристап до информации --- acesso à informação --- zpřístupňování informací --- dostęp do informacji --- adgang til information --- acces la informație --- pieeja informācijai --- достъп до информация --- toegang tot de informatie --- πρόσβαση στην πληροφορία --- tietojen saatavuus --- tillgång till information --- приступ информацијама --- access to information --- akses në informacion --- aċċess għall-informazzjoni --- dostop do informacij --- free movement of information --- circulación de la información --- slobodný pohyb informácií --- проток на информации --- információk szabad áramlása --- pohyb informace --- Informationsfluss --- tietojen vapaa liikkuvuus --- κυκλοφορία των πληροφοριών --- informație publică --- nyilvános információk --- teabe vaba liikumine --- közérdekű információk --- Information der Öffentlichkeit --- informação do público --- julkiset tiedot --- public information --- avalik teave --- nevaržomas informacijos judėjimas --- javna informacija --- slobodan pristup informacijama --- informacijos prieinamumas --- circulatie van informatie --- circolazione delle informazioni --- információk szabad mozgása --- slobodno širenje informacija --- viešoji informacija --- qarkullim i lirë i informacionit --- veřejná informace --- pristup podacima --- trasmissione delle informazioni --- laisvas informacijos judėjimas --- informācijas brīva aprite --- publiska informācija --- слободен пристап до информации --- circulation de l'information --- libera circulație a informației --- слободно ширење информации --- informim publik --- circulação da informação --- verejné informácie --- Special collections&delete& --- leabharlann --- rochtain ar fhaisnéis --- Libraries - Aims and objectives --- Libraries - Information technology --- Libraries - Special collections - Electronic information resources --- Electronic information resources - Management --- Libraries - Space utilization --- Bibliothèque --- Accès à l'information
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"A RAND Corporation study examined Russian-language content on social media and the broader propaganda threat posed to the region of former Soviet states that include Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and, to a lesser extent, Moldova and Belarus. In addition to employing a state-funded multilingual television network, operating various Kremlin-supporting news websites, and working through several constellations of Russia-backed "civil society" organizations, Russia employs a sophisticated social media campaign that includes news tweets, nonattributed comments on web pages, troll and bot social media accounts, and fake hashtag and Twitter campaigns. Nowhere is this threat more tangible than in Ukraine, which has been an active propaganda battleground since the 2014 Ukrainian revolution. Other countries in the region look at Russia's actions and annexation of Crimea and recognize the need to pay careful attention to Russia's propaganda campaign. To conduct this study, RAND researchers employed a mixed-methods approach that used careful quantitative analysis of social media data to understand the scope of Russian social media campaigns combined with interviews with regional experts and U.S. and North Atlantic Treaty Organization security experts to understand the critical ingredients to countering this campaign."--Publisher's description.
Information warfare --- Social media --- Propaganda, Russian --- Russian propaganda --- User-generated media --- Communication --- User-generated content --- Military art and science --- Russia $9 eng --- Ukraine --- social media --- access to information --- political propaganda --- πολιτική προπαγάνδα --- poliitiline propaganda --- politische Propaganda --- propagandë politike --- propagande politique --- propagandă politică --- politinė propaganda --- politička propaganda --- poliittinen propaganda --- propaganda polityczna --- propaganda politica --- propaganda politika --- politiskā propaganda --- политическа пропаганда --- propaganda política --- politická propaganda --- politična propaganda --- политичка пропаганда --- politisk propaganda --- politieke propaganda --- politikai propaganda --- пропаганда --- propaganda --- prístup k informáciám --- pristup informacijama --- acceso a la información --- Informationszugang --- info kättesaadavus --- accesso all'informazione --- információkhoz való hozzáférés --- prieiga prie informacijos --- пристап до информации --- acesso à informação --- zpřístupňování informací --- dostęp do informacji --- adgang til information --- acces la informație --- pieeja informācijai --- достъп до информация --- toegang tot de informatie --- πρόσβαση στην πληροφορία --- tietojen saatavuus --- tillgång till information --- приступ информацијама --- akses në informacion --- aċċess għall-informazzjoni --- accès à l'information --- dostop do informacij --- free movement of information --- circulación de la información --- slobodný pohyb informácií --- проток на информации --- információk szabad áramlása --- pohyb informace --- Informationsfluss --- tietojen vapaa liikkuvuus --- κυκλοφορία των πληροφοριών --- informație publică --- nyilvános információk --- teabe vaba liikumine --- közérdekű információk --- Information der Öffentlichkeit --- informação do público --- julkiset tiedot --- public information --- avalik teave --- nevaržomas informacijos judėjimas --- javna informacija --- slobodan pristup informacijama --- informacijos prieinamumas --- circulatie van informatie --- circolazione delle informazioni --- információk szabad mozgása --- slobodno širenje informacija --- viešoji informacija --- qarkullim i lirë i informacionit --- veřejná informace --- pristup podacima --- trasmissione delle informazioni --- laisvas informacijos judėjimas --- informācijas brīva aprite --- publiska informācija --- слободен пристап до информации --- circulation de l'information --- libera circulație a informației --- слободно ширење информации --- informim publik --- circulação da informação --- verejné informácie --- médias sociaux --- sociální média --- обществени медии --- друштвени медиуми --- soziale Medien --- medios sociales --- družbeni mediji --- sociālie mediji --- media sociais --- sosiaalisen median väline --- media społecznościowe --- na meáin shóisialta --- sociala medier --- sociale medier --- közösségi média --- sociale media --- μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης --- društveni mediji --- sotsiaalmeedia --- sociálne médiá --- media soċjali --- media sociali --- mijloace de comunicare sociale --- socialinė žiniasklaida --- mjetet e komunikimit social --- друштвени медији --- social network --- дружбени медиуми --- média social --- platformă (de comunicare) socială --- réseaux sociaux --- midja soċjali --- mezzi ta' komunikazzjoni soċjali --- sociālie plašsaziņas līdzekļi --- suhtlusmeedia --- ühismeedia --- sociální médium --- socialiniai tinklai --- rede social --- media sociale --- μέσο κοινωνικής δικτύωσης --- réseau social --- platforma społecznościowa --- Social Media --- družbeni medij --- medium soċjali --- socialt netværk --- sociálne médium --- redes sociales --- друштвена мрежа --- mezzi tax-xandir soċjali --- közösségi médium --- социјални медиуми --- social medium --- обществена медия --- социална мрежа --- sosiaalinen media --- медиуми за општење --- redes sociais --- Ukraina --- Ukrajna --- l-Ukraina --- Украйна --- die Ukraine --- Ucrânia --- An Úcráin --- Украина --- Ucraina --- Ουκρανία --- Украјина --- Ukrajina --- Ucrania --- Oekraïne --- Republiek Oekraïne --- República da Ucrânia --- Република Украина --- Δημοκρατία της Ουκρανίας --- bolscaireacht pholaitíochta --- rochtain ar fhaisnéis
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