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Johannes Chrysostomos ist über Jahrhunderte und bis heute in erstaunlicher Weise "Projektionsfläche" unterschiedlicher christlicher Identitätskonstruktionen. Seine Lebensgeschichte und vor allem seine Wirkungsgeschichte sind von größerer Bedeutung als seine Theologie. Der Band fragt deshalb nach den prägenden Bildern, die von dieser Persönlichkeit im Umlauf waren und sind, und nach ihrer Funktion in verschiedenen kulturellen und theologischen Diskursen. Der Band geht auf eine Basler Tagung im Januar 2007 zurück. Die Autoren kommen aus unterschiedlichen nationalen, konfessionellen und wissenschaftlichen Traditionen. Diese Pluralität der Zugänge erweist sich für diese spezifische Fragestellung als besonders fruchtbar. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Einbindung der byzantinischen Kultur- bzw. orthodoxen Konfessionstradition gelegt.
Christian saints --- John Chrysostom, --- Antiquity. --- History of Influence. --- History of Printing. --- Orthodoxy. --- Patristics.
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The essays in this volume are concerned with early printed narrative texts in Western Europe. The aim of this book is to consider to what extent the shift from hand-written to printed books left its mark on narrative literature in a number of vernacular languages. Did the advent of printing bring about changes in the corpus of narrative texts when compared with the corpus extant in manuscript copies? Did narrative texts that already existed in manuscript form undergo significant modifications when they began to be printed? How did this crucial media development affect the nature of these narratives? Which strategies did early printers develop to make their texts commercially attractive? Which social classes were the target audiences for their editions? Around half of the articles focus on developments in the history of early printed narrative texts, others discuss publication strategies. This book provides an impetus for cross-linguistic research. It invites scholars from various disciplines to get involved in an international conversation about fifteenth- and sixteenth-century narrative literature.
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Fifteenth-century Bologna is one of the major Italian cities, home to a prestigious university and thriving industrial and economic center; in these conditions, ideal for the development of the early typographic art, the market of the manuscript book, with its world of copyists, illuminators, bookbinders, stationaries, soon adapts to the new way of production, fostering between XV and XVI century the emergence of some great families of booksellers-printers-publishers. Since the first decades of the sixteenth century, however, an overwhelming foreign book production is increasingly present on bolognese market: important printers like Vincenzo Valgrisi and Gabriele Giolito establish branches in the city, while in the law book sector the Lyonese publishing industry of Giunti is gaining momentum. The situation changes again in the second half of the century, when the market is remodeled following the conditioning by the ecclesiastical authorities and it extends to social strata previously excluded from cultural consumption. The work, which is based on a detailed investigation of the documentary sources, reconstructs for the first time a social history of the Bolognese book trade, both outlining the events of families and shops operating in the city, and opening the look at the relationships with the large foreign firms.
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You can't copyright facts, but is news a category unto itself? Without legal protection for the "ownership" of news, what incentive does a news organization have to invest in producing quality journalism that serves the public good? This book explores the intertwined histories of journalism and copyright law in the United States and Great Britain, revealing how shifts in technology, government policy, and publishing strategy have shaped the media landscape. Publishers have long sought to treat news as exclusive to protect their investments against copying or "free riding." But over the centuries, arguments about the vital role of newspapers and the need for information to circulate have made it difficult to defend property rights in news. Beginning with the earliest printed news publications and ending with the Internet, Will Slauter traces these countervailing trends, offering a fresh perspective on debates about copyright and efforts to control the flow of news.
Copyright --- Literary property --- Property, Literary --- Intangible property --- Intellectual property --- Anti-copyright movement --- Authors and publishers --- Book registration, National --- Patent laws and legislation --- News articles --- History. --- Law and legislation --- Great Britain. --- United States. --- copyright. --- history of journalism. --- history of printing and publishing. --- intellectual property. --- legal history. --- media. --- news. --- newspapers. --- Journalism --- Industrial and intellectual property --- Press law --- Censorship of the press --- Newspaper publishing --- Press --- Publishers and publishing --- Law --- Libel and slander --- News articles&delete& --- History --- Censorship
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Wissensordnungen und Praktiken der Wissensvermittlung sind eng mit der Materialität und spezifischen Medialität des Buches verbunden. Der mittelalterliche Codex, die frühen Drucke, das moderne und schließlich das digitalisierte Buch sind nicht nur Teil sozialer Handlungen und gesellschaftlicher Interessen, sondern auch Instrumente der Wissensmodellierung, -ordnung, -vermittlung und -reflexion. Über die Konzeptionalisierung und ideelle Überformung des Mediums ist das Buch zugleich Träger einer Wissenssemantik, die sowohl Macht und Herrschaft eng an den Besitz von Büchern bindet als auch Transzendenzerfahrung im Umgang mit dem Buch verspricht.Exemplarisch erfasst und reflektiert werden in dem Band die medialen Umbrüche von der handschriftlichen Buchproduktion zum Druck und zu den digitalen Medien, daneben sozial-, kultur- und ideengeschichtliche Dimensionen der Buch- und Bibliotheksgeschichte, auch das Verhältnis von Text- und Wissensordnungen sowie die Semantik des Buchs und vielfältige Aspekte der Vernetzung von Buchkultur und Wissenspraktiken.
Books --- Printing --- Transmission of texts --- 09 <08> --- 655.11 --- 094 <43> --- Literary transmission --- Manuscript transmission --- Textual transmission --- Criticism, Textual --- Editions --- Manuscripts --- Printing, Practical --- Typography --- Graphic arts --- Early printed books --- Incunabula --- 094 <43> Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--Duitsland voor 1945 en na 1989 --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--Duitsland voor 1945 en na 1989 --- 655.11 Boekdrukkunst: ontstaan--algemeen --- 655.11 History of printing. Discovery of book-printing techniques --- Boekdrukkunst: ontstaan--algemeen --- History of printing. Discovery of book-printing techniques --- 09 <08> Handschriften. Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Curiosa--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen--Boekwetenschap. Sociale aspecten van het boek. Boek en media. Toekomst van het boek --- Handschriften. Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Curiosa--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen--Boekwetenschap. Sociale aspecten van het boek. Boek en media. Toekomst van het boek --- History --- History. --- Books -- History -- 1450-1600. --- Books -- History -- 400-1450. --- Printing -- Germany -- History. --- Transmission of texts -- History. --- Education --- Social Sciences --- Book Studies & Arts --- Book Trade. --- Century, 16th / Literature. --- Century, 17th / Literature. --- Knowledge Transfer. --- Middle Ages / Literature.
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In 1503, for the first time, a student in Paris was able to spend his entire university career studying only the printed textbooks of his teacher, thanks to the works of the humanist and university reformer Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples (c. 1455-1536). As printed books became central to the intellectual habits of following generations, Lefèvre turned especially to mathematics as a way to renovate the medieval university. 'Making Mathematical Culture' argues this was a pivatol moment in the cultural history of Europe and explores how the rise of the printed book contributed to the growing profile of mathematics in the region.
31.01 history of mathematics. --- Intellectual life. --- Mathematics --- Mathematics. --- History. --- Lefèvre d'Étaples, Jacques, --- 1500-1599. --- France --- Paris (France) --- Intellectual life --- History --- Lefèvre d'Étaples, Jacques, --- Math --- Science --- D'Étaples, Jacques Lefèvre, --- Étaples, Jacques Lefèvre d', --- Faber Scapulensis, Jacobus, --- Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus, --- Fabri Stapulensis, Jacobus, --- Fèvre d'Étaples, Jacques Le, --- Le Fèvre d'Étaples, Jacques, --- Le Fèvre, Jacques, --- Lefèvre d'Étaples, --- Scapulensis, Jacobus Faber, --- Stapulensis, Jacobus Faber, --- Parijs (France) --- Pařiž (France) --- Parizh (France) --- Parigi (France) --- Bārīs (France) --- Lutetia (France) --- Paryż (France) --- Lutèce (France) --- Párizs (France) --- Parisioi (France) --- Parisi (France) --- Parys (France) --- باريس (France) --- Parij (France) --- Parĩ (France) --- Pa-lí (France) --- Париж (France) --- Горад Парыж (France) --- Horad Paryz︠h︡ (France) --- Парыж (France) --- Paryz︠h︡ (France) --- Парис (France) --- Parighji (France) --- Pariggi (France) --- Pariis (France) --- Παρίσι (France) --- Париж ош (France) --- Parizh osh (France) --- Parizo (France) --- Páras (France) --- Paarys (France) --- Pâ-lì-sṳ (France) --- 파리 (France) --- Palika (France) --- פריז (France) --- Seine (France) --- 094:51 --- 655.11 --- 930.85 --- 094:51 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Mathematics --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Mathematics --- 655.11 Boekdrukkunst: ontstaan--algemeen --- 655.11 History of printing. Discovery of book-printing techniques --- Boekdrukkunst: ontstaan--algemeen --- History of printing. Discovery of book-printing techniques --- 930.85 Cultuurgeschiedenis. Kultuurgeschiedenis --- Cultuurgeschiedenis. Kultuurgeschiedenis --- Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus --- Lefèvre d'Etaples, Jacques --- Faber, Jacobus --- Bali (France) --- 巴黎 (France) --- Paris --- City of Paris --- Europe --- Council of Europe countries --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Eurasia
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