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Expatriates : perspectives and challenges of the 21st century
ISBN: 1536147869 Year: 2019 Publisher: New York : Nova Science Publishers,

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Foreign workers.

Transnational Migration and Work in Asia
Authors: ---
Year: 2006 Publisher: London : Taylor & Francis,

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Focusing on the issues associated with migrating for work both in and from the Asian region, this book sheds light on the debate over migration and trafficking. With contributions from an international team of well-known scholars, the book sets labour migration firmly within the context of globalization, providing a focused, contemporary discussion of what is undoubtedly a major twenty-first century concern. Transnational Migration and Work in Asia analyzes workers motivations and rationalities, highlighting the similarities of migration experiences throughout Asia. Presenting in-depth case studies of the real-life experiences and problems faced by migrant workers, the book discusses migrants' relations with the state and their vulnerability to exploitation, as well as the major policy issues now facing governments, employers, NGOs and international agencies.


Foreign workers.

Bildungsbericht Hamburg 2023
ISBN: 383099799X 3830947992 Year: 2023 Publisher: Münster : Waxmann,

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Mit dem Hamburger Bildungsbericht 2023 können die Jahre der akuten Corona-Krise nachgezeichnet werden. Die vorübergehende Schließung von Kitas und Schulen (sowie Universitäten) und die darauffolgenden Zugangsbeschränkungen sowie die Einschränkungen im Kultur- und Freizeitbereich haben den Bildungsbereich massiv getroffen. Zugleich ergab sich aus der Notwendigkeit von Distanzunterricht ein Schub für Entwicklungen im Bereich der Digitalisierung. Der inzwischen sechste Hamburger Bildungsbericht gibt einen indikatorengestützten Überblick über Bedingungen, Strukturen und Ergebnisse von Bildung. Dabei stehen die allgemeinbildenden Schulen im Fokus. Darüber hinaus werden die frühkindliche Bildung und die berufliche Bildung betrachtet.Da im Bildungsbereich in den vergangenen Jahren zahlreiche Veränderungen stattgefunden haben, liefert die fortgesetzte Hamburger Bildungsberichterstattung eine wertvolle Gesamtschau der Entwicklungen.


Foreign workers

Contact workers, risk, and the war in Iraq : Sierra Leonean labor migrants at U.S. military bases
ISBN: 0773552154 0773552162 9780773552159 9780773552166 9780773551220 0773551220 9780773551237 0773551239 Year: 2017 Publisher: Montreal, [Quebec Province] : McGill-Queen's University Press,

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"In 2003, just before the start of the US invasion of Iraq, military planners predicted that the mission's success would depend on using diverse sources for their workforce. While thousands of US troops were needed to secure victory in the field, large numbers of civilian contractors--many from poor countries in Africa and Asia--were recruited to provide a range of services for the occupying forces. In Contract Workers, Risk, and the War in Iraq Kevin Thomas provides a compelling account of the recruitment of Sierra Leonean workers and their reasons for embracing the risks of migration. In recent years US military bases have outsourced contracts for services to private military corporations who recruit and capitalize on cheaper low-skilled workers. Thomas argues that for people from post-conflict countries such as Sierra Leone, where there are high levels of poverty and acute unemployment, the opportunity to improve their situation outweighs the risk of migration to war-torn Iraq. Examining migrants' experiences in their native country, their time spent at US bases, and after their return to Sierra Leone, Thomas deftly explores the intricate dynamics of risk, sets up a theoretical framework for future researchers, and offers policy recommendations for decision-makers and practitioners in the field. Incorporating the voices of Sierra Leonean contractors who were manipulated and exploited, Contract Workers, Risk, and the War in Iraq turns the spotlight on a subject that has remained on the periphery of history, and reveals an unexpected consequence of the War on Terror."--

Migrant dreams : Egyptian workers in the Gulf states
ISBN: 1617979740 1617979732 9781617979736 9774169565 9789774169564 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cairo ; New York : The American University in Cairo Press,

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Allochtonen van school naar werk
Authors: ---
Year: 1990 Publisher: 's-Gravenhage : SDU Uitgeverij ; Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid,

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De serie 'Voorstudies en achtergronden' omvat werkstukken die in het kader van de werkzaamheden van de WRR tot stand zijn gekomen en naar zijn oordeel van zodanige kwaliteit en betekenis zijn, dat publicatie gewenst is. De verantwoordelijkheid voor de inhoud en de ingenomen standpunten berust bij de auteurs. The 'Preliminary and Background Studies' series comprises papers that have been produced as part of the work of the WRR and that, in its opinion, are of such quality and meaning that publication is required. The responsibility for the content and the positions taken rests with the authors.

Travail, mobilités, subjectivités et formes d'assujettissement dans les Amériques
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Quebec : Les Presses de l'Université Laval,

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"À partir d'approches et de contextes géographiques, sociaux et politiques variés, ce livre introduit le lecteur à la complexité et la diversité des réflexions sur les formes d'exploitation au travail vécues par des travailleurs en situation de migration et de mobilité dans les Amériques. Pour ce faire, sont réunis au sein d'un même ouvrage des textes qui dialoguent, se font écho et se complètent afin de fournir aux lecteurs un cadre réflexif formé de différents concepts centraux pour saisir l'objet abordé, tout en présentant la pluralité des acteurs impliqués : travailleurs migrants, États, réseaux de trafic de migrants, agences de placement, entreprises privées, employeurs. Afin de permettre des lectures transversales des textes ici réunis et de saisir les nuances et contradictions vécues par les travailleurs, l'ouvrage a été organisé autour des relations heuristiques entre les trois couples de notions suivants : mobilité(s)/immobilité(s) ; coercition/consentement ; précarités/améliorations des conditions de vie."--Résumé de l'éditeur.


Foreign workers --- America.

Ethnic dissent and empowerment : economic migration between Vietnam and Malaysia
ISBN: 0252043367 Year: 2022 Publisher: Urbana : University of Illinois Press,

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"This book focuses on guest workers in Malaysia from five of Vietnam's fity-four ethnic groups: the Kinh (Vietnam's ethnic majority), the Hoa (ethnic Chinese), the Khmer, the Chăm Muslims, and the Hrê. The groups engage in different migration patterns, forms of resistance, and forms of empowerment. The transnational labor brokerage state (LBS) system affects female and male migrants differently, from the dehumanizing recruitment phase, to the precarity of working in Malaysia and the open protest to abuses, to forms of empowerment, including remittances, debt defaults, and stepwise international migration, through which workers migrate to different countries in a stepwise fashion to improve their condition. These guest workers draw on their economic and cultural resources to survive, thrive in the LBS system, or bypass it altogether. They engage in different "third spaces" of dissent. Physical third spaces are not defined in terms of the legal and illegal categories of the law but by the tacit acceptance of the community in which the migrants live and work. Metaphorical third spaces are discourses of dissent, uttered by nonstate competing authorities in order to challenge the state's authority through ironic and subversive mimicries. The findings are based on eight years of research and fieldwork interviews in Vietnam and Malaysia (2008-15), a significant period of change in labor export policies"--

Sociology of Migration and Post-Western Theory
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Lyon : ENS Éditions,

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How to build a Post-Western theory, based on the sociology of migration in France and in China? Where do "Western" and "Non-Western" theories converge, and how do common and situated knowledge coexist and interlock? Based on French and Chinese research experiences in the field of migration, this book highlights the proceedings of the co-production of practical knowledge which explicates the paradigm of Post-Western sociology. From an empirical standpoint, the cross-perspectives of French and Chinese researchers on the biographies of young Chinese migrants in China and young descendants of immigrants in France are confronted, with respect to five themes of migration sociology: migration and education; migration, gender and family; migration between integration and urban segregation; migration and work; migration and governance. Through this work, theoretical continuities and discontinuities between Chinese and French theory emerge, paving the way for a Post-Western space, based on shared legacies but also on different traditions and trajectories in international sociology.

International labour migration : a rights-based approach.
ISBN: 9221191214 Year: 2010 Publisher: Geneva : International Labour Office,

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This book offers a comprehensive and accessible overview of international labour migration and the ILO's efforts to protect migrant workers through a rights-based approach. It gives new insights into the factors that motivate people to seek work outside their country of origin and the significant development effects on both origin and destination countries. Exposing the often limited access of migrant workers to their fundamental rights at work, it describes in detail the international norms that have evolved to protect migrant workers and ensure decent work for all. It reflects on existing an

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