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To celebrate the 270th anniversary of the De Gruyter publishing house, the company is providing permanent open access to 270 selected treasures from the De Gruyter Book Archive. Titles will be made available to anyone, anywhere at any time that might be interested. The DGBA project seeks to digitize the entire backlist of titles published since 1749 to ensure that future generations have digital access to the high-quality primary sources that De Gruyter has published over the centuries.
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The Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education explores social justice elements across the global human continuum in the field of education and offers the skills and ways of thinking to achieve a more equitable, caring and fair world. Education is not the sole or even the primary answer to social justice as this would assume educators have control over the complexity of one’s nation/states and multi or transnational organizations, and especially the diversity by context of family life. What education does offer are the skills and ways of thinking to achieve a more equitable, caring, and fair world in pursuit of achieving the ends of social justice. The handbook will look at three major themes—Political Inequality, Educational Economic Inequality, and Cultural Inequality. Editorial Board Khalid Arar Kadir Beycioglu Fenwick English Aletha M. Harven John M. Heffron David John Matheson Marta Sánchez.
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"This book is the fourth – and final – publication in the TAL project series. This TAL project was initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, with the aim to improve the quality of mathematics education by providing a perspective on didactic goals and learning-teaching trajectories, and on the relationship between them. The focus of this book is on measurement and geometry in the upper grades of primary education. Measurement and geometry are important topics which perhaps do not get the emphasis they deserve. They build, in a manner of speaking, a bridge between everyday reality and mathematics. Measurement concerns the quantification of phenomena; consequently, it makes these phenomena accessible for mathematics. Geometry establishes the basis for understanding the spatial aspects of reality. See for extra information related to this book:".
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Dit boek beschrijft het verpleegkundig proces. Dit probleemoplossend model ondersteunt de verpleegkundige bij het diagnosticeren van patiëntproblemen, het planmatig inzetten van interventies en het zichtbaar en meetbaar maken van het effect van deze interventies. Daarnaast gaat het boek in op de methodische aanpak in documentatie van verpleegkundige zorg en de standaarden die de verpleegkundige daarbij kan gebruiken. Ter averduidelijking bevat het boek vele voorbeelden van de toepassing van methodisch en systematisch werken in de verpleegkundige zorg.
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eHealth is sterk in opkomst. In alle zorgsectoren zijn wel een of meerdere pilots met dit thema te vinden. Ook in de langdurige zorg zijn er diverse pilots, van gebruik van iPads in de ouderenzorg, tot de cliënt met een licht verstandelijke beperking die online gaat en een deel van zijn begeleiding online ontvangt via een (aangepaste) computer en internet. Dit boek gaat in op de achtergrond van eHealth in de langdurige zorg.
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Die Voraussetzungen für Schulbildung von Mädchen im ländlichen Westafrika werden hinsichtlich Sozialstatus von Frauen und Investitionsverhalten einer Subsistenzgesellschaft basierend auf qualitativen und quantitativen Daten analysiert und an einem konkreten Beispiel beleuchtet. = Basées sur des données qualitatives et quantitatives, les conditions de scolarisation des filles en Afrique de l'ouest rural sont analysées par rapport au statut social des femmes et au comportement d'investissement d'une société de subsistance et illustrées par un exemple concret.
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