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Aún hoy, la pandemia de la COVID-19 sigue impactando en la salud mental de las personas. En el Perú, por ejemplo, ha hecho que diferentes malestares psicosociales se incrementen, como la exclusión, la discriminación, la corrupción y la violencia, así como también la pobreza y la desigualdad, sobre todo en los grupos vulnerables: las mujeres, las niñas y niños, los adolescentes y los adultos mayores. Por ello, las organizaciones sociales, los colectivos y las comunidades se dieron a la tarea de recuperar conocimientos y experiencias previas para brindar respuestas de acción colectiva, desde la solidaridad y la resistencia, que generaron, a su vez, sentimientos de cuidado y apoyo mutuo. Este libro pone en un primer plano el cuidado de la salud mental desde un enfoque comunitario, ya que solo la participación activa de las personas, las familias y las comunidades en los procesos de atención, pero principalmente de prevención y promoción, puede asegurar bienestar y salud mental. Esta comprensión de la salud mental implica recuperar la dimensión política plena inherente a todo individuo social para actuar sobre sí mismo y sobre su comunidad.
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Discover the first book on employment opportunities in community psychology!Employment in Community Psychology: The Diversity of Opportunity is the first psychology career reference book for undergraduate psychology majors deciding on graduate schools, for graduate students in psychology seeking employment, and for psychology faculty advising their students. This book answers the questions "What can you do with a graduate degree in community psychology?" and "Who employs community psychologists?" Employment in Community Psychology addresses these questions through examples of graduat
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A useful guide on education in the field of community research and action, Education in Community Psychology explores curriculum issues regarding coursework, field training, the status of research, and the need for promoting a multidisciplinary perspective. For your easy reference, it gives you a thorough overview of the kinds of undergraduate and graduate courses available and of freestanding and interdisciplinary graduate programs in both North America and New Zealand. For your convenience, it also covers the types of knowledge and skills taught in these courses and programs, the professiona
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Community psychology. --- Psicologia comunitària --- Postcolonialisme
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Clinical health psychology --- Community psychology --- Clinical Psychology
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Six Community Psychologists Tell Their Stories: History, Contexts, and Narrative presents the unique opportunity to examine how culture and social norms have combined with chance, coincidence, and serendipity to form the professional identities of men and women who were among the first generation trained to work in the field of community psychology. The book's contributorsdisciples of those who founded the sub-fieldprovide insights into the factors (social status, family history, education, social environment, cultural events, important ideas) that furthered their professional development in an emerging field. Their storiesstill works in progressgo far beyond facts, figures, dates and details to document what they've done with their livesand why. Six esteemed community psychologiststhree men who began their careers as the field was established in the mid-1960s and three women who took part in the increased opportunities available in the 1970srecall how important events and social movements affected them as they fulfilled their personal and professional goals. They discuss the effects of family values and styles, class, ethnic status, gender, racism, anti-Semitism, the power of social settings, supportive education and work settings, and the impact of post-World War II government programs on their education, including the G.I. Bill, and the establishment of United States Public Health Service fellowships. Their stories touch on many common themes, including social marginality and sex discrimination, making personal discoveries in response to educational experiences, the significance of fate, and the experience of gaining a new or renewed sense of self through meaningful events, occasions, and people. These Six Community Psychologists Tell Their Stories: Dr. Jean Ann Linney (University of South Carolina), whose experiences involve a combination of idealism, supportive contexts, and good fortune Dr. Julian Rappaport (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), who views himself as an insider/outsider, whose personal and professional identity crosses traditional boundaries Dr. N. Dickon Reppucci (University of Virginia), who became a community psychologist by accident, an outgrowth of his involvement with social protest in the 1960s Dr. Marybeth Shinn (New York University), whose story reflects her interest in the social contexts of neighborhoods and community settings Dr. Edison J. Trickett (University of Illinois at Chicago), who writes of the life experiences that have influenced both his work and his longtime involvement in folk music Dr. Rhona S. Weinstein (University of California at Berkeley), whose work in the dynamics of self-fulfilling prophecies in educational settings developed early in her careerInsightful commentary on their recollections is provided by two distinguished scholarsHenrika Kuklick, Science Historian at the University of Pennsylvania, and Dan McAdams, Professor of Psychology at Northwestern University. Six Community Psychologists Tell Their Stories: History, Contexts, and Narrative is a unique resource for community psychologists, autobiographical researchers, and anyone interested in the history of psychology.
Community psychologists --- Community psychology --- History. --- Vocational guidance.
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This book compiles cross-cultural studies on alienation undertaken by the late Dr. Melvin Seeman, including relevant historical and theoretical contexts and analyses related to the ongoing development of the alienation model and its counterparts in the behavioral sciences. Chapters track the development of this model across a half-century of interdisciplinary research, encompassing various research partnerships over the years.
Social psychology. --- Community psychology. --- Social Psychology. --- Community Psychology. --- Alienació (Psicologia social) --- Psicologia social --- Psicologia social.
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Encompassing community development, organizing, planning, & social change, as well as globalisation, this book is grounded in participatory & empowerment practice. The 36 chapters assess practice, theory & research methods.
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Dit boek laat zien welke vooroordelen over criminele jongeren kloppen en met welke we beter kunnen afrekenen. Het maakt duidelijk hoe factoren als etniciteit, vrienden, opvoeding en woonplek de ontwikkeling van crimineel gedrag beïnvloeden. Het boek is geschreven voor studenten, beleidsmakers, juristen en professionals in de jeugdzorg. Jeugdige delinquenten beschrijft jeugdcriminaliteit aan de hand van interviews met hulpverleners, wetenschappers, juristen en jongeren. Ook geeft het uitleg over onderzoek, theorieën, programma’s en methoden, en wisselt dat af met verhalen uit de advocatuur. Zo biedt het een brede blik op de complexiteit van delinquentie vanuit pedagogisch, psychologisch, sociaalwetenschappelijk en juridisch oogpunt. Jeugdige delinquenten geeft handvatten om de achtergronden van jongeren met een criminele carrière te begrijpen. Deze kunnen worden ingezet om jeugdcriminaliteit tegen te gaan. Het boek is te gebruiken als lesstof en te lezen als vakliteratuur of als populairwetenschappelijke literatuur voor lezers die geïnteresseerd zijn in, of betrokken zijn bij, delinquente jeugd. Merel van Dorp is journalist en sociaalwetenschapper, gespecialiseerd in risicojeugd en jeugdhulp. Strafrechtadvocate Semra Aytemur en voormalig strafrechtadvocate Nienke Swart (nu werkzaam als officier van justitie) beschrijven de jongeren die zij verdedigen in de rechtbank.
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