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Didactics of primary education --- Blood physiology. Circulatory physiology --- cardiologie --- kinderen --- 605.12 --- hart- en vaatziekten, hartbewaking
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This book provides a comprehensive surgical atlas of functional single ventricle and hypoplastic left heart syndrome, based on theoretical insights and a wealth of clinical practice. It offers anatomical morphology and descriptive texts, while also highlighting key aspects of each procedure. The book is divided into three major parts, the first two of which illustrate the procedures for the palliation of functional single ventricle and hypoplastic left heart syndrome respectively, including the fundamental concepts, derivatives, evolutionary process, and criterion for the staged Fontan procedure. In turn, part three highlights advances in computational simulation for cardiological applications. Featuring well-illustrated, clearly structured instructions, the book offers a valuable guide to functional single ventricle and hypoplastic left heart syndrome for cardiologists around the globe.
Blood physiology. Circulatory physiology --- Surgery --- palliatieve zorgen --- hartchirurgie --- Cardiac surgery. --- Cardiac Surgery. --- Heart --- Surgery.
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The fully revised second edition of the Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases is an ideal resource for practicing clinicians and researchers. Available in print, online, and with dual access, it is a clear and comprehensive aggregation of the most crucial information and essential data on cardiovascular diseases and therapeutics. Comprised of over 95 entries with regular online updates, the Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases is fully referenced, and major points of interests are hyperlinked to complementary sections. Each entry is logically and superbly written, providing accurate core knowledge of pathogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnostic techniques, and management strategies. Specific detail is paid to technological advances in imaging and diagnostics. Therapy focused entries give powerful insights into not only prescribing drug regimens, but also into the controversies surrounding their use. This major reference work is invaluable for all those involved in the care of cardiovascular patients. From the front-line practitioner to the basic science researcher to the student in training, the Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases offers an astute authoritative guide to navigating an immense body of fascinating information. From the trainee to the internist and cardiologist, all will find it useful. It is an essential resource for medical libraries and academic institutions worldwide. From the Foreword: So, what would we want from an encyclopedia on heart disease? Ideally, a book would be comprehensive, yet concise, and be practically oriented, and explain pathophysiology and treatment. In addition, it should be accessible online so that it can be accessed at the bedside or anywhere. Dr. Khan has written exactly such a book. Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases is comprehensive, yet concise, and very practically oriented. Importantly, it takes a step-by-step approach, walking the reader through a thorough pathophysiology of conditions, their evaluation and treatment. For therapies, he provides the mechanism of the drug, its doses, side effects and clinical efficacy. ...A terrific online resource with all the information you need! - Christopher P. Cannon, MD, TIMI Study Group, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.
Blood physiology. Circulatory physiology --- Pathology of the circulatory system --- Surgery --- Human medicine --- geneeskunde --- cardiologie --- hartchirurgie --- bloedsomloop --- Heart --- Diseases
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Naar schatting een op de twintig Nederlanders van 65 jaar en ouder lijdt aan hartfalen. Boven de 85 jaar is dit gestegen tot een op de tien. De prevalentie van hartfalen zal de komende 20 jaar nog meer stijgen. Huisartsen zijn in verschillende stadia betrokken bij patienten met hartfalen. De huisarts draagt zorg voor deze patienten samen met de cardioloog en de verpleegkundig specialist hartfalen. Binnen de eerstelijn zijn ook de apotheker, de dietiste en de fysiotherapeut betrokken. Hartfalen is een ziekte waarbij shared care optimaal tot zijn recht kan komen. In Handboek hartfalen komen alle betrokken (para)medici aan het woord. Het wordt reeds bij het doorbladeren duidelijk dat er veel van elkaar te leren is. Het is een praktisch boek met snel te scannen hoofdstukken die ook apart gelezen kunnen worden. De ontwikkelingen bij de diagnostiek van hartfalen, medicamenteuze en niet-medicamenteuze behandelingen gaan razend snel. In dit boek wordt een overzicht gegeven van deze nieuwe ontwikkelingen. Dit gebeurt na een gedegen inleiding over de pathofysiologie, het lichamelijk en het aanvullend onderzoek. De enorme toename van het aantal zorgvragen bij hartfalen de komende jaren en zullen een zwaar beslag leggen op de zorgprofessionals zowel in het ziekenhuis als in de eerstelijn. Dit vraagt om een optimale samenwerking waarbij de zorg voor de patient zoveel mogelijk in zijn directe leefomgeving gegeven kan worden zonder de patient de zegeningen van de moderne diagnostiek en behandeling door de specialist te moeten onthouden.
Blood physiology. Circulatory physiology --- cardiologie --- hartdecompensatie --- Hartfalen --- Cardiologie --- 605.12 --- hartfalen --- Hartziekten --- cardiologie (hartziekten) --- hart- en vaatziekten, hartbewaking
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Heart Physiology and Pathophysiology, 4E, provides the foundation for the scientific understanding of heart function and dysfunction, and bridges the gap between basic cardiovascular science and clinical cardiology. This comprehensive text covers all the important aspects of the heart and vascular system. The most important and relevant disorders are presented, with emphasis on the mechanisms involved. The first three editions of this book developed a reputation as the leading reference in cardiovascular science for researchers and academic cardiologists. This recent edition has bee
Blood physiology. Circulatory physiology --- Pathology of the circulatory system --- Heart --- Pathophysiology --- Physiology --- physiology --- physiopathology --- Diseases --- Pathophysiology. --- Physiology.
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Dit handboek is bedoeld als inleiding tot de klinische hematologie. Het bundelt alle actuele basiskennis en ontwikkelingen in de hematologie. Tegelijk wil het inspireren door een blik te gunnen op toekomstige ontwikkelingen.
Hematology --- hematologie --- Pathological haematology --- Hematologie --- 605.19 --- verpleegkunde --- overige interne ziekten, allergie, bloedziekten, intoxicaties --- Blood physiology. Circulatory physiology --- Pathology of the circulatory system --- bloed
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This book offers a concise yet comprehensive overview on critical issues in monitoring and responding to new microbial threats to blood safety. It provides information on the current concerns and mechanisms for monitoring potential new infectious threats to blood safety, evaluates the response to these new threats, and explores the complex issues related to blood safety, including health economics, the relationship between levels of public health threats (actual danger) versus public concerns (perceived danger), and the challenges in coordinating international collaborative efforts. The text also includes several case studies that illustrate the existing systems used for monitoring and responding to new threats to blood safety. Written by experts in the field, Blood Safety: A Guide to Monitoring and Responding to Potential New Threats is a valuable resource for health care professionals who are responsible for the medical management of blood services. .
Blood physiology. Circulatory physiology --- Pathological haematology --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases --- intensieve zorgen --- bloedtransfusies --- besmettelijke ziekten --- hematologie --- Blood --- Hematology. --- Infectious diseases. --- Transfusion.
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This book describes the use of real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (3D TEE) in percutaneous interventional procedures, underlining its growing role and acceptance among interventional cardiologists, while also considering technique-related weaknesses. One issue has always been to provide trainees with appropriate learning tools and this reference will provide important support for those cardiologists taking their first steps in 3D TEE. Real-Time 3D Interventional Echocardiography includes information that all involved in the management of cardiac patients will find useful in terms of describing the anatomy of the structure to be treated (atrial septum, mitral valve), describing the morphopathology as seen with real-time 3D TEE (degenerative or ischemic mitral regurgitation), presenting up-to-date indications for the specific percutaneous treatment and, finally, providing descriptions of the procedures. Because interventional cardiology today ranges from closure of atrial and ventricular septal defects to repair of mitral regurgitation and aortic stenosis, from the closure of left atrial appendage and prosthesis dehiscence to the recent use of electrophysiological procedures, this book will be essential not only for specialists in echocardiography and interventional cardiology but also general cardiologists.
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This book provides the latest research progress on genome editing in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and includes bioinformatics research methodology of genome editing. Genome editing is a genetic engineering technique precisely modified specific target genes of organism genome, which has been applied to basic theoretical research and production applications from plants and animals to gene therapy of human beings. Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases have become major factors affecting human health worldwide. This book contains information about bioinformatics, genome editing in cardiovascular diseases, genome editing in metabolic diseases and therapeutic effects. It will be useful for biologist, cardiologist, cardiovascular surgeons, endocrinologist, internists, nurses, undergraduate and graduate students in medicine and cell biology and others interested in cardiovascular and metabolic medicine.
Genetics --- Biology --- Blood physiology. Circulatory physiology --- Human physiology --- Pathological biochemistry --- Human medicine --- medische biochemie --- biologie --- biomedische wetenschappen --- genetica --- fysiologie --- bloedsomloop --- Cardiovascular system --- Diseases. --- Internal Medicine --- Medical
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This book provides a comprehensive overview of essential concepts and evidence that guide the practice of contemporary preventive cardiovascular nursing. The sections incorporate a lifespan approach to cardiovascular wellness, and provide perspectives on sources of known and emerging cardiovascular risk factors as well as the spectrum of multidimensional factors including biological, behavioral, psychological and sociocultural influences on cardiovascular wellness, risk, and the evolution of cardiovascular conditions. Unique features address: 1) building resilience across the lifespan such that optimal cardiovascular wellness can be attained within multiple contexts of health states to increase a healthy lifespan and longevity; 2) behavior change skills for risk factor reduction; 3) risk factors and risk reduction approaches with special populations defined by gender, , age and aging, heath states, and health equity issues; and 4) high level roles for cardiovascular nurses as provider - risk assessor, communicator and care provider; educator, leader, patient and health advocate. Relevant case studies are included throughout to facilitate the application of the content. This book fills a gap in that there is no other book on preventive cardiovascular nursing care and roles , and it provides support for the nurse to lead relevant interdisciplinary teams. The book will empower nurses to build knowledge and skills for cardiovascular prevention and to provide leadership for optimal cardiovascular wellness for patients and communities. .
Blood physiology. Circulatory physiology --- Human physiology --- Nursing --- Pathology of the circulatory system --- cardiologie --- fysiologie --- bloedsomloop --- verpleegkunde --- Nursing. --- Cardiology. --- Cardiovascular system. --- Physiology. --- Cardiovascular Physiology.
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