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Ce volume comporte un dossier sur la thématique de l’argent dans A la recherche du temps perdu . Chez Proust, l’argent est beaucoup plus que l’argent, il devient véhicule de passion, de pulsion, d’excès. Loin de se limiter à la dimension sociologique du roman, il joue un rôle à d’autres niveaux : esthétique, imaginaire mais surtout affectif, dans le motif récurrent du don. Dans une série de huit études, le dossier éclaire les diverses facettes de cet imaginaire de l’argent, qui s’infiltre dans les relations humaines ainsi que dans l’art. Dans la section mélanges, on trouvera des études sur le Paris proustien, sur les objets et les arts décoratifs dans la Recherche et sur l’amitié de Proust avec Robert de Flers. The greater part of this issue is devoted to the topic of money in the Recherche . In Proust’s work, money is so much more, it is the vehicle of passions, impulses and excess. Apart from its sociological references, money plays a role at other levels of the novel: the aesthetic, the imaginary and above all the affective dimension, with the recurrent motive of gift. With a series of eight studies, the present issue throws a light on this imaginary of money, which infuses human relations and art. The Miscellanea section includes studies about Proust’s Paris, about art objects and decorative arts in the Recherche and on Proust’s friendship with Robert de Flers.
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Readers of Proust are aware of the special place that metaphor has in his work, both as his passport to immorality and as an instrument for discovery. Countless books and articles have been written on his stylistic use of metaphor, but very few have described its role in the text's organization. Luz Aurora Pimentel begins with the proposition that metaphor should operate beyond -- or below -- the observable verbal texture of a narrative. Such an abstract level of functioning in the process of metaphorization considerably affects narrative structure as a whole and generates a sort of paranarrative, or virtual subsidiary narrative line, that must be constructed by the reader. To examine this abstract potential Pimental uses both theory and criticism. She divides the book into two major sections; the first examines the role of metaphor in narrative discourse in order to establish a theory of metaphoric narration; the second applies this theory to Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu. The author demonstrates a thorough knowledge of modern literary theories of metaphor, including those of Genette, Greimas, Ricoeur, Ricardou, and Riffaterre, while fashioning her own original view of the role of metaphoric narration. Her book can be read with profit not only by those interested in Proust but also by those concerned with literary theory and metaphoric narration in general.
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A la recherche du temps perdu repose sur une théorie de l’imaginaire qui se rapproche de celle des phénoménologues: Husserl, Fink, Sartre. Mais tandis que ceux-ci partent à la recherche de l’essence des choses ( eidos ) et restent dupes d’une vision essentialiste, Proust développe une théorie anti-essentialiste. Pour lui, l’imaginaire n’est pas l’instrument qui révèle l’essence inaltérable des choses ( Wesensschau ), mais sert de médiation entre le monde extérieur et le monde intérieur. Proust ne cesse d’affirmer que l’imaginaire est un interface où prennent consistance les être aimés, les souvenirs lointains et l’oeuvre artistique dans une continuelle métamorphose qui plie le monde extérieur au jeu de nos désirs. Relisons donc A la recherche du temps perdu à la lumière de ce concept qui est indispensable pour comprendre Proust et comprendre nous-mêmes.
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En 2019, Kazuyoshi Yoshikawa achevait la troisième traduction japonaise d’À la recherche du temps perdu, fruit d’une aventure éditoriale de près de dix ans. Comment rendre accessible ce monument de la littérature française au public nippon ? Et que peut apprendre l’exercice de la traduction sur l’œuvre ? S’appuyant sur de nombreux exemples, l’auteur nous livre les secrets de sa traduction, des méthodes mises en œuvre aux choix adoptés pour conjuguer lisibilité du discours et restitution du sens. Mais au-delà des principes d’établissement du texte, l’expérience du traducteur se révèle d’une incroyable fécondité: elle éclaire l’œuvre sous un jour nouveau. Kazuyoshi Yoshikawa dévoile ainsi des réflexions inédites sur divers pans du roman, comme la mondanité et le modernisme, la judéité et l’homosexualité, ou encore le sadomasochisme. Cet ouvrage donne à lire le cycle de quatre conférences que le spécialiste japonais de Proust a commencé de prononcer au Collège de France en mars 2020, avant d’être interrompu par la vague pandémique, et qui est présenté ici dans son intégralité.
Philosophy - France --- Proust, Marcel, - 1871-1922. - À la recherche du temps perdu --- Proust, Marcel, - 1871-1922 - Criticism and interpretation --- Art --- Literary Theory & Criticism --- Literature (General) --- critique littéraire --- homosexualité --- Japon --- judéité --- La Recherche --- littérature française --- modernisme --- mondanité --- sadomasochisme --- traduction --- Philosophy --- Proust, Marcel, - 1871-1922
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In Proust and Emotion, Inge Crosman Wimmers proposes a new approach to A la recherche du temps perdu that centres on the role of affect. Through close reading of the hero-narrator's personal history, the author shows how emotional paradigms (especially separation anxiety), involuntary memory, and other compelling impressions give focus and structure to Proust's novel. Drawing on reader-oriented and emotion theories, she shows how affect commands the attention of the 'motivated reader' and is crucial to the process of self-understanding for both the narrator and the reader. This is the first extensive study in English to take fully into consideration the drafts (esquisses) published in the new Pleiade edition of the novel, the Mauriac edition of Albertine disparue, and material from the unpublished Proust manuscripts - all of which shed further light on the importance of affect in A la recherche. Proust and Emotion will appeal to readers interested in an approach to Proust that combines insights from philosophy, psychology, and literary aesthetics and in a poetics of reading that pays particular attention to emotion.
Emoties in de literatuur --- Emotions dans la littérature --- Emotions in literature --- Esthétique de la réception --- Reader-response criticism --- Emotions in literature. --- Reader-response criticism. --- Reader-oriented criticism --- Reception aesthetics --- Criticism --- Reading --- Proust, Marcel, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Proust, Marcel --- Criticism and interpretation --- Prust, Marselʹ, --- Proust, Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel, --- Pʻŭrusŭtʻŭ, Marŭsel, --- Pʻu-lu-ssu-tʻe, --- Пруст, Марсель, --- פרוסט, מארסל --- פרוסט, מרסל --- ,פרוסט, מרסל --- بروست، مارسيل،, --- À la recherche du temps perdu (Proust, Marcel)
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This study explores Proust’s answers to some of the fundamental challenges of the inevitable human experience of mourning. Thinking mourning and creativity together allows for a fresh approach to the modernist novel at large, but also calls for a reassessment of the particular historical and social challenges faced by mourners at the beginning of the twentieth century. The book enables the reader to acknowledge loss and forgetting as an essential part of memory, and it proposes that this literary topos has seminal implications for an understanding of the ethics, aesthetics, and erotic in Proust’s A la recherche du temps perdu. Drawing on the works of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Derrida, Anna Magdalena Elsner develops an original theory of how mourning and creativity are linked by emphasizing that ethical dilemmas are central to an understanding of the novel’s final aesthetic apotheosis. This sheds new light on the enigmatic and versatile nature of mourning but also pays tribute to those fertile tensions and paradoxes that have made Proust’s novel captivating for readers since its publication. .
Literature. --- Literature, Modern --- Fiction. --- European literature. --- Psychoanalysis. --- European Literature. --- Nineteenth-Century Literature. --- 19th century. --- Bereavement in literature. --- Creativity in literature. --- Proust, Marcel, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Literature, Modern-19th century. --- Fiction --- Metafiction --- Novellas (Short novels) --- Novels --- Stories --- Literature --- Novelists --- Psychology --- Psychology, Pathological --- European literature --- Philosophy --- Literature, Modern—19th century. --- À la recherche du temps perdu (Proust, Marcel) --- Proust, Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel, --- Prust, Marselʹ, --- Pʻu-lu-ssu-tʻe, --- Pʻŭrusŭtʻŭ, Marŭsel, --- Пруст, Марсель, --- פרוסט, מארסל --- פרוסט, מרסל --- ,פרוסט, מרסל --- بروست، مارسيل،, --- Proust, Marcel
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This book is about memory--about how the past persists into the present, and about how this persistence has been understood over the past two centuries. Since the French Revolution, memory has been the source of an intense disquiet. Fundamental cultural theories have sought to understand it, and have striven to represent its stresses.
Memory in literature. --- Modernism (Literature) --- Literature, Modern --- French literature --- Memory as a theme in literature --- History and criticism --- Theory, etc. --- Freud, Sigmund, --- Proust, Marcel, --- Memory in literature --- Modern literature --- Arts, Modern --- History and criticism&delete& --- Theory, etc --- Freud, Sigmund --- Littérature française --- Littérature moderne --- Mémoire dans la littérature --- Modernisme (Littérature) --- Histoire et critique --- 20th century --- 19th century --- Proust, Marcel --- Literature [Modern ] --- French literature - 19th century - History and criticism - Theory, etc. --- French literature - 20th century - History and criticism - Theory, etc. --- Literature, Modern - History and criticism - Theory, etc. --- Modernism (Literature) - France. --- Proust, Marcel, - 1871-1922. - À la recherche du temps perdu --- Freud, Sigmund, - 1856-1939.
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