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Australië en de eilanden in de Grote Oceaan.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 901000094X Year: 1979 Publisher: Brussel Elsevier

Soil Atlas of the Northern Circumpolar Region.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISSN: 10185593 ISBN: 9789279097706 9279097709 Year: 2010 Volume: 23499 Publisher: Luxembourg Publications Office of the European Union

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This atlas is the result of a three-year collaborative project with partners from northern EU countries, as well as Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Canada, the USA and Russia and gives a detailed overview of circumpolar soil resources relevant also to agriculture, forest management, water management, land use planning, infrastructure and housing and energy transport networks. In a clear style, the atlas describes the origin and major characteristics of the different soil types that can be found in this environment. The atlas is a visually stunning publication using striking maps, informative texts and dramatic photographs to explain and illustrate the great diversity of soils in northern landscapes.

Livres D'Arménie: Collections de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782717723755 2717723757 2717726411 Year: 2007 Publisher: Éditions de la Bibliothèque nationale de France

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Copiés sur parchemin ou sur papier, évangéliaires et recueils liturgiques s’ouvrent sur de magnifiques frontispices et se parent de miniatures aux couleurs vives illustrant les scènes de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament ou la vie des saints. Le fonds arménien de la Bibliothèque nationale de France est aujourd’hui riche de quelque 350 manuscrits et, pour les XVIe et XVIIe siècles, de près de 70 % de la production de livres imprimés. Pays à la géographie tourmentée ravagé par les invasions successives, l’Arménie, premier État converti au christianisme, s’est construite tout entière autour d’une religion et d’une langue. L’alphabet arménien, inventé au Ve siècle pour lire et traduire la Bible, déploie ici ses différents styles, tandis que dans les marges lettrines et lettres ornementées prennent la forme de végétaux ou d’animaux fantastiques. À partir du XVIe siècle, alors que se perpétue encore la tradition manuscrite, les premières imprimeries, installées alors en Europe, éditent, pour les marchands arméniens qui sillonnent le monde, des livres de dévotion et de divertissement agrémentés de gravures. L’impression de la Bible en arménien en 1666 à Amsterdam constitue un événement éditorial, que renforce la parution de nombreux ouvrages religieux mais aussi d’érudition et de littérature permettant, tant en Orient qu’en Occident, une plus large diffusion du patrimoine culturel arménien. La cinquantaine de pièces présentées, acquises dès le règne de François Ier puis principalement sous celui de Louis XV, témoignent de la constance de l’intérêt et de la curiosité que suscitent depuis toujours l’Arménie et sa culture en France. Illustration de couverture : Tétraévangile (détail), BNF, Manuscrits orientaux, arménien 333, f. 186 v° [cat. 35]

De landschappen van Vlaanderen en zuidelijk Nederland : een landschapsecologische studie
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9053500987 Year: 1993 Volume: 19 Publisher: Leuven Garant

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Met hoofdstukjes over : heuvelland van West-Vlaanderen ; heuvelland van de Vlaamse Ardennen ; Pajottenland ; heuvelland van de Brabantse Ardennen ; heuvelland van de Brabantse Groentestreek ; Hageland ; Vochtig Haspengouw ; Binnen-Vlaanderen ; de Kempen ; de Antwerpse groentestreek, Land van Waas ; de duinen ; de Polders ; Zeeland ; de Maasvallei.

The favor of friends
ISBN: 9004264590 9789004264595 1306493587 9781306493581 9789004264588 9004264582 Year: 2014 Volume: 23 Publisher: Leiden Boston

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The Favor of Friends offers the first book-length exploration of intercession—aid and advocacy by one individual or group in behalf of another—within early medieval aristocratic societies. Drawing upon a variety of disciplines and historiographical traditions, Sean Gilsdorf demonstrates how this process operated, and how it was ideologically elaborated, in Carolingian and Ottonian Europe, allowing individuals and groups to leverage their own, limited interpersonal networks to the fullest, produce new relationships, gain access to previously closed spaces, and generate interest in their agendas from those able to effect change. The Favor of Friends enriches our understanding of early medieval politics and rulership, offering a model of political interaction in which hierarchy and comity do not stand in ideological and pragmatic tension, but instead work in integrated and mutually-reinforcing ways.

The Construction of Ottonian Kingship
ISBN: 9048551382 9048538734 9789048538737 9462987238 9789462987234 Year: 2018 Publisher: Amsterdam

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German historians long assumed that the German Kingdom was created with Henry the Fowler's coronation in 919. The reigns of both Henry the Fowler, and his son Otto the Great, were studied and researched mainly through Widukind of Corvey's chronicle Res Gestae Saxonicae. There was one source on Ottonian times that was curiously absent from most of the serious research: Liudprand of Cremona's Antapodosis. The study of this chronicle leads to a reappraisal of the tenth century in Western Europe showing how mythology of the dynasty was constructed. By looking at the later reception (through later Middle Ages and then on 19th and 20th century historiography) the author showcases the longevity of Ottonian myths and the ideological expressions of the tenth century storytellers.

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