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Changing ideals in modern architecture, 1750-1950.
ISBN: 1282854941 9786612854941 0773567054 9780773567054 0773517049 9780773517042 0773517758 9780773517752 Year: 1998 Publisher: Montreal ; London : McGill-Queen's University Press,

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Collins explains what Revivalism, Rationalism, Eclecticism, and Functionalism meant to those who practised them, examining the impact that social forces and the other arts and sciences had on architectural styles while recognizing the tectonic continuities that underlie the seeming ruptures between pre-modern, modern, and post-modern approaches to design. His work is infused with a deep sympathy for the classical spirit of the eighteenth century and he argued rigorously and passionately that Enlightenment ideas could be of real value to the architects of his generation, particularly since technology had made it possible to use them effectively. Collins's plea for sensitivity to tradition and the urban fabric while encouraging technological innovation and unprecedented programs makes his thought just as vital today as it was ahead of its time when first published.Collins had long wished to see an affordable, fully illustrated edition of his book and McGill-Queen's University Press and the McGill School of Architecture are proud to at long last fulfil this wish. The new edition includes a biographical sketch of Collins, a brief publication history of the work, and an introductory essay by Kenneth Frampton that discusses the importance of the work at the time it was first published and highlights its relevance for the architectural problems of today. Like the classic works of Hitchcock, Giedion, Pevsner, and Benevolo, Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture is essential reading and forms a striking contrast with other works on modernism, such as Reyner Banham's. It will be pertinent to all those interested in architectural history and theory, modern history, history of ideas, and aesthetics.

Outline : architecture by Schmidt Hammer Lassen.
ISBN: 3034609485 9783034609487 3764388366 Year: 2008 Publisher: Basel ; Boston : Birkhuser,

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Among the most notable achievements of Scandinavian architecture are a responsible approach to the environment and a keen appreciation for social concerns. The Danish architects Schmidt Hammer Lassen (founded in 1986, with offices in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Oslo, and London) reflect these standards in their remarkable buildings. They attach great importance to the practicality of the structures they design and to their integration into the real context of their surroundings and their users. This monograph presents a selection of their twenty best structures and projects of recent years (from Denmark, Greenland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, England, the Czech Republic, and Saudi Arabia). All the designs are depicted and analyzed according to the following themes: economic, ecological, and social sustainability; the value the building adds to its surroundings; the building's identity-forming power; and permeability between the public and private spheres. Zu den beachtlichen Errungenschaften der skandinavischen Architektur zählen: Verantwortung für die Umwelt und Sinn für das Soziale. Die dänischen Architekten Schmidt Hammer Lassen (1986 gegründet, Büros in Kopenhagen, Aarhus, Oslo und London) knüpfen in ihren bemerkenswerten Gebäuden an diese Standards an, sie legen grossen Wert auf die Praktikabilität der von ihnen entworfenen Strukturen, an ihre Einbindung in den realen Kontext der Umgebung und der Nutzer. Diese Monographie bietet eine Auswahl der 20 besten Bauten und Projekte der letzten Jahre (aus Dänemark, Grönland, Schweden, Norwegen, Island, England, Tschechien, Saudi Arabien). Die Themen, nach welchen alle Entwürfe dargestellt und analysiert werden, sind: ökonomische, ökologische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit, den durch das Gebäude der Umgebung verliehenen Mehrwert, seine Identität stiftende Kraft, die Durchlässigkeit zwischen öffentlichen und privaten Sphären.

The historiography of modern architecture
ISBN: 026228510X 0585190100 9780262285100 9780585190105 0262201178 Year: 1999 Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press,

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"Tournikiotis argues that the history of modern architecture tends to be written from the present, projecting back onto the past our current concerns, so that the "beginning" of the story really functions as a "representation" of its end. In this book the buildings are the quotations, while the texts are the structure." "Tournikiotis focuses on a group of books by major historians of the twentieth century: Nikolaus Pevsner, Emil Kaufmann, Sigfried Giedion, Bruno Zevi, Leonardo Benevolo, Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Reyner Banham, Peter Collins, and Manfredo Tafuri. In examining these writers' thoughts, he draws on concepts from critical theory, relating architecture to broader historical models."--Jacket.

Architecture, Modernity, Modernization : Inaugural Lecture delivered on Thursday 21 May 2014
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2722605414 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris : Collège de France,

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The history of architecture constantly combines two perspectives: one is panoramic and turned towards urban ensembles so as to reveal social or technical policies, while the other looks in close shot at buildings, their interior, and their reflection of the ideals and engagement of their creators and occupants. By articulating the thoughts of twentieth-century theoreticians, philosophers, writers and architects (such as Mies van der Rohe, Wright, or Le Corbusier), Jean-Louis Cohen offers a new approach to architecture as a subject of inquiry and as a practice – one that is rooted in cultural history and in its human dimension.

Architecture in the age of divided representation : the question of creativity in the shadow of production
ISBN: 0262285495 9780262285490 1417561866 9781417561865 Year: 2004 Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts. : MIT Press,

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"The central part of the book addresses the question of divided representation - the tension between the instrumental and the communicative roles of architecture - in the period of the baroque, when architectural thinking was seriously challenged by the emergence of modern science. Vesely sees the restoration of this communicative role of architecture as the key to the restoration of architecture as the topological and corporeal foundation of culture; what the book is to our literacy, he argues, architecture is to culture as a whole."--Jacket.

Architektur von Dietrich | Untertrifaller / Architecture by Dietrich | Untertrifaller / Architecture de Dietrich | Untertrifaller
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3035609004 9783035609004 9783035609035 3035609039 3035611211 Year: 2017 Publisher: Basel : Birkhäuser,

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Dietrich | Untertrifaller are outstanding representatives of the second generation of the New Vorarlberg Building School. Their buildings are always sensitive and, at the same time, confidently developed from the respective context; they display a spatial refinement, are formally disciplined, and feature finely nuanced materials. With a longstanding international reputation, the practice undertakes a wide spectrum of projects from its branches in Bregenz, Vienna, St. Gallen and Paris. Some of their latest works include the Omicron campus in Klaus, the Concert and Congress Center in Strasburg, and the University of Fine Arts in Nancy. This monograph presents the most important works of recent years in detail and provides a complete overview of the entire oeuvre of the architects, who are known for their efficient use of resources. Dietrich | Untertrifaller sind herausragende Vertreter der zweiten Generation der Neuen Vorarlberger Bauschule. Ihre Bauten sind stets einfühlsam und zugleich selbstbewusst aus dem jeweiligen Kontext entwickelt, von räumlicher Raffinesse, formal diszipliniert sowie von einer fein nuancierten Materialität. Längst international renommiert, bearbeitet das in Bregenz, Wien, St. Gallen und Paris ansässige Büro ein breites Spektrum an Bauaufgaben. Zu den aktuellsten Arbeiten zählen der Omicron-Campus in Klaus, das Konzert- und Kongresshaus Straßburg oder die Kunsthochschule in Nancy. Die Monographie präsentiert detailliert die wichtigsten Arbeiten der letzten Jahre und gibt zugleich einen kompletten Überblick über das Gesamtwerk der für ressourcenschonende Bauten bekannten Architekten.

Schwanzer – Architect. Visionary. Maestro. : Three Decades of Architectural and Contemporary History
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 303561864X 9783035618648 9783035618532 3035618534 Year: 2018 Publisher: Basel : Birkhäuser,

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It is impossible to imagine Austrian architecture and contemporary history without Karl Schwanzer, who would have marked his hundredth birthday in 2018. His buildings, like the BMW administration building in Munich, caused quite a furor domestically and abroad; his institute at the Technical University of Vienna influenced offices like Coop Himmelb(l)au, Haus-Rucker-Co, Missing Link and ZÜND-UP. Posthumously, Schwanzer rose to cult status among his staff, students and clients, conferred especially for his passionate way of working, sparing no effort or expense, and for his relentless search for the optimum solution. In every sense, his life and work were unconventional. The idea to relate them in the form of a graphic novel is also quite unconventional, but certainly a logical consequence! Karl Schwanzer, der 2018 einhundert Jahre alt geworden wäre, ist aus der Architekturgeschichte Österreichs nicht wegzudenken. Seine Bauten, etwa das BMW Gebäude in München, haben im In- und Ausland für Aufsehen gesorgt; sein Institut an der TU Wien hat Büros wie Coop Himmelb(l)au hervorgebracht. Seine Mitarbeiter, Studenten und Bauherren verliehen ihm posthum einen Kultstatus, der insbesondere durch seine leidenschaftliche Arbeitsweise, bei der er nichts und niemanden verschonte, und seine unerbittliche Suche nach der optimalen Lösung begründet ist. Seine Arbeitsweise war in jeder Hinsicht radikal und unkonventionell. Dass nun sein Leben in Form eines Graphic Novel erzählt wird, ist sicher auch unkonventionell, aber durchaus folgerichtig!

Differences : Topographies of Contemporary Architecture.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 0262287013 Year: 1997 Publisher: Cambridge : MIT Press,

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Differences brings together ten essays written over the past decade by the distinguished Spanish architect and theorist Ignasi de Solà-Morales.

Eda esempi di architettura.
ISSN: 20357982 Year: 2009 Publisher: Roma : Aracne editrice,

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