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Feeding the future
ISBN: 0813573335 0813573343 9780813573335 9780813573342 9780813573328 9780813573311 0813573319 0813573327 Year: 2016 Publisher: New Brunswick, New Jersey Rutgers University Press

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A century ago, only local charities existed to feed children. Today 368 million children receive school lunches in 151 countries, in programs supported by state and national governments. In Feeding the Future, Jennifer Geist Rutledge investigates how and why states have assumed responsibility for feeding children, chronicling the origins and spread of school lunch programs around the world, starting with the adoption of these programs in the United States and some Western European nations, and then tracing their growth through the efforts of the World Food Program. The primary focus of Feeding the Future is on social policy formation: how and why did school lunch programs emerge? Given that all countries developed education systems, why do some countries have these programs and others do not? Rutledge draws on a wealth of information-including archival resources, interviews with national policymakers in several countries, United Nations data, and agricultural statistics-to underscore the ways in which a combination of ideological and material factors led to the creation of these enduringly popular policies. She shows that, in many ways, these programs emerged largely as an unintended effect of agricultural policy that rewarded farmers for producing surpluses. School lunches provided a ready outlet for this surplus. She also describes how, in each of the cases of school lunch creation, policy entrepreneurs, motivated by a commitment to alleviate childhood malnutrition, harnessed different ideas that were relevant to their state or organization in order to funnel these agricultural surpluses into school lunch programs. The public debate over how we feed our children is becoming more and more politically charged. Feeding the Future provides vital background to these debates, illuminating the history of food policies and the ways our food system is shaped by global social policy.


Children --- United States --- child --- nutrition --- School children --- National school lunch program. --- Lunch program (United States) --- School lunch program (United States) --- исхрана --- nutrição --- ushqyerje --- nutrizione --- nutrición --- táplálkozás --- żywność --- nutrizzjoni --- výživa --- Ernährung --- cothú --- prehrana --- ravitsemus --- uzturs --- föda --- toitumine --- mityba --- ernæring --- θρέψη --- voeding --- alimentație --- хранене --- διατροφή --- vyživování --- hrana --- stravování --- alimentación --- potrava --- výživová hodnota --- næring --- hrană --- élelem --- toit --- strava --- potraviny/strava --- храна --- výživná hodnota --- alimentation --- nutriční hodnota --- regime alimentare --- alimentazione --- alimentação --- pārtika --- näringstillförsel --- elintarvikkeet --- maistas --- ishrana --- food --- táplálék --- dítě --- barn --- leanbh --- criança --- tfal --- Kind --- gyermek --- dijete --- дете --- dziecko --- dieťa --- niño --- enfant --- kind --- παιδί --- bambino --- bērns --- lapsi --- laps --- vaikas --- otrok --- copil --- person në moshë të mitur --- niñez --- detstvo --- children --- djeca --- νηπιακή ηλικία --- minori --- lapsepõlv --- vaikai --- gyerek --- barndom --- děti --- προσχολική ηλικία --- infancia --- lapsuus --- νήπιο --- fëmijë --- детство --- dětství --- gyermekkor --- Kindheit --- bērnība --- fëmijëri --- vaikystė --- деца --- enfance --- bērni --- fanciullo --- infância --- παιδική ηλικία --- páiste --- childhood --- dječja dob --- infanzia --- kinderjaren --- die Vereinigte Staaten --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- Združene države --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες --- l-Istati Uniti --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- Stati Uniti --- Shtetet e Bashkuara --- Estados Unidos --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Spojené státy --- États-Unis --- Egyesült Államok --- Statele Unite --- Amerikas Savienotās Valstis --- Förenta staterna --- Verenigde Staten --- Сједињене Америчке Државе --- Jungtinės Valstijos --- Yhdysvallat --- Съединени щати --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Spojené štáty --- Соединети Американски Држави --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- САД --- VS --- USA --- EE.UU. --- JAV --- Amerikas förenta stater --- l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika --- los Estados Unidos de América --- ΗΠΑ --- Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës --- SAD --- Verenigde Staten van Amerika --- Соединетите Држави --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Statele Unite ale Americii --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- SHBA --- United States of America --- Ühendriigid --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής --- EUA --- ASV --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Združene države Amerike --- Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki --- САЩ --- Съединени американски щати --- SUA --- Yhdysvallat, USA --- Spojené státy americké --- U.S.A. --- Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos --- Sjedinjene Države --- Estados Unidos da América --- De Forenede Stater --- Spojené státy severoamerické --- Amerikan yhdysvallat --- Spojené štáty americké --- die Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- US --- Nutrition --- Food --- Na Stáit Aontaithe

ISBN: 9789057205125 Year: 2013 Publisher: Antwerpen Linkeroever

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Een unieke blik achter de schermen van een ongekende wereld vol geheimen en nog nooit vertelde verhalen over de kracht van moederliefde, of het ontbreken ervan...Amper 4 procent van alle gevangenen in België is een vrouw, 80 procent van hen zijn mama, traliemama's. De meesten 'zitten' voor diefstal en drugs maar sommigen zitten ook lange straffen uit voor moord, soms op hun eigen kinderen."Het ergst is 1 september, als mijn kinderen opnieuw naar school gaan. Ik kan mijn kind geen extra knuffel geven, niks lekkers in de boekentas stoppen. Er zit zo veel liefde in mij, en ik kan er niks mee doen. Een citaat uit één van de beklijvende persoonlijke verhalen van traliemama's waarvoor de auteur naar de vrouwenafdeling in de gevangenissen van Gent, Brugge en Antwerpen ging. Ze sprak ook met mama's en oma's 'buiten', met een onderzoeksrechter, directies, psychologen en hulpverleners. En ze graaft in de geschiedenis van traliemama's en hun situatie in de rest van de wereldDe Belgische journaliste en schrijfster Sabine De Vos beschrijft de leefwereld van moeders die in de gevangenis zitten. Ze combineert haar journalistieke kijk op het onderwerp met haar schrijfstijl als verhalenvertelster. De indringende persoonlijke verhalen heeft ze opgetekend in de vrouwenafdelingen in gevangenissen van Gent, Brugge en Antwerpen.R.H., NBD BiblionDe Belgische journaliste en schrijfster Sabine De Vos geeft in dit boek een inkijkje in de leefwereld van moeders die in de gevangenis zitten. Ze combineert haar journalistieke kijk op het onderwerp met haar schrijfstijl als verhalenvertelster. De indringende persoonlijke verhalen heeft Sabine De Vos opgetekend in de vrouwenafdelingen in gevangenissen van Gent, Brugge en Antwerpen. Ook met allerlei betrokkenen zoals een onderzoeksrechter, directies en hulpverleners heeft zij gesproken. Daardoor ontstaat een compleet en uitgebreid beeld van de situatie waarin de vrouwen verkeren. De gevolgen van de detentie voor moeder en kind zijn niet te onderschatten. Dat wordt in dit boek overtuigend duidelijk gemaakt.


Criminology. Victimology --- moederschap --- gevangeniswezen --- gevangenen --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Belgium --- Women prisoners --- Family relationships --- Personal narratives --- Children of women prisoners --- Emprisonnement --- Maternité --- Enfant --- Gevangenis --- BPB1311 --- Gevangenisstraf --- Moederschap --- Kind --- moederschap in gevangenschap --- Gevangenissen --- Gedetineerden --- Vrouwen --- Moeders --- Ouder-kindrelatie --- Relatie ouder - kind --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- gevangenis --- dítě --- barn --- leanbh --- criança --- tfal --- gyermek --- dijete --- дете --- dziecko --- dieťa --- niño --- kind --- παιδί --- child --- bērns --- lapsi --- laps --- vaikas --- otrok --- copil --- fanciullo --- person në moshë të mitur --- niñez --- detstvo --- children --- djeca --- νηπιακή ηλικία --- minori --- lapsepõlv --- bambino --- vaikai --- gyerek --- barndom --- děti --- προσχολική ηλικία --- infancia --- lapsuus --- νήπιο --- fëmijë --- детство --- dětství --- gyermekkor --- Kindheit --- bērnība --- fëmijëri --- vaikystė --- деца --- enfance --- bērni --- infância --- παιδική ηλικία --- páiste --- childhood --- dječja dob --- infanzia --- kinderjaren --- Mutterschaft --- moderskap --- moderskab --- maternidad --- mātes stāvoklis --- macierzyństwo --- majčinstvo --- mateřství --- emadus --- maternitate --- äitiys --- materstvo --- anyaság --- maternità --- maternidade --- amësi --- μητρότητα --- материнство --- мајчинство --- máithreachas --- motinystė --- materinstvo --- motherhood --- майчинство --- shtatzëni --- várandós nő --- graviditate --- κυοφορία --- trudnica --- förlossning --- tehotná žena --- Schwangere --- porod --- zwangerschap --- těhotná žena --- kraamvrouw --- sünnitus --- raskaana oleva nainen --- mulher grávida --- szülés --- fødsel --- Niederkunft --- havandeskap --- Entbindung --- svangerskab --- gestante --- femme enceinte --- gravidní žena --- födande kvinna --- terhesség --- gravid kvinde --- gravidita --- raskaus --- těhotenství --- pregnant woman --- Schwangerschaft --- gravidez --- έγκυος --- mujer gestante --- grūtniece --- izolim pas lindjes --- embarazo --- gestazione --- bevalling --- plánované mateřství --- accouchement --- födsel --- puerpera --- rase naine --- tehotenstvo --- бремена жена --- gimdymas --- rasedus --- grua shtatzënë --- graviditet --- εγκυμοσύνη --- maternity confinement --- pregnancy --- femeie însărcinată --- rodička --- nėštumas --- бременост --- rodící žena --- grossesse --- parturiente --- grūtniecība --- породување --- werdende Mutter --- zwangere vrouw --- pôrod --- gyermekágy --- parto --- synnytys --- trudnoća --- nėščioji --- fængsling --- odnětí svobody --- fängelsestraff --- imprisonment --- encarceramento --- priġunerija --- ieslodzījums --- burgim --- encarcelamiento --- Inhaftierung --- carcerazione --- zapor --- kazna zatvora --- vangistus --- лишување од слобода --- vankeus --- лишаване от свобода --- detențiune --- odňatie slobody --- szabadságelvonás --- gevangenisstraf --- φυλάκιση --- įkalinimas --- pozbawienie wolności --- казна затвора --- zatvaranje --- solitary confinement --- одземање на слободата --- reclusione --- detention --- vapaudenriisto --- ndalim --- затворање --- reclusão --- vrijheidsbeneming --- казна затвор --- szabadságvesztés --- Freiheitsentzug --- internering --- detenção --- bebörtönöztetés --- vanglakaristus --- imprigionamento --- samotka --- куќен притвор --- vrijheidsstraf --- brīvības atņemšana --- uvěznění --- straffarbete --- κράτηση --- detenzione --- притворање --- zbavenie slobody --- uväznenie --- vangin eristäminen --- одредување мерка притвор --- fogvatartás --- vabadusekaotus --- κάθειρξη --- üksikvangistus --- réclusion --- kalinimas vienutėje --- bewaring --- börtönbüntetés --- hechtenis --- oduzimanje slobode --- deprivation of liberty --- detenție --- regim de carceră --- laisvės atėmimas --- Freiheitsentziehung --- frihetsberövande --- arest --- privação da liberdade --- pidättäminen --- opsluiting --- privación de libertad --- sulaikymas --- reclusión --- frihedsberøvelse --- privazione della libertà --- heqje e lirisë --- magánzárka --- détention --- privation de liberté --- privare de libertate --- στέρηση ελευθερίας --- Gedetineerde --- Vrouw --- Moeder --- Kunst --- Ondernemerschap --- Poëzie --- príosúnacht --- Maternité --- Prisoners --- Assistance --- International --- Children --- Motherhood --- Guilt --- Women's prisons --- Legislation --- Book --- Experiences --- België

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