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Iran --- History. --- Iran. --- Êran --- I-lang --- I.R.A. --- I.R.I. --- Irã --- IRI --- Islamic Republic of Iran --- Islamische Republik Iran --- Islamskai︠a︡ Respublika Iran --- Jumhūrī-i Islāmī-i Īrān --- Northern Tier --- Paras --- Paras-Iran --- Persia --- Persia-Iran --- República Islâmica do Irã --- Archaeology --- Civilization. --- Ir --- Islamskai͡a Respublika Iran --- Komarî Îslamî Êran --- República Islâmica do Ir --- 15.75 history of Asia. --- History --- Antiquities --- ايران --- جمهورى اسلامى ايران
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Questions about the exact nature of linguistic as opposed to non-linguistic knowledge have been asked for as long as humans have studied language, be it as linguists, philosophers, psychologists, language teachers, semioticians or cognitive scientists. This distinction has been maintained and defended by some, attacked and abandoned by others. Through specially commissioned papers for this, the fifth volume in the Current Research in Semantics/Pragmatics Interface series, contributors argue both for and against the distinction between lexical knowledge and encyclopedic knowledge and debate how it should be drawn.
Lexicology. Semantics --- Pragmatics --- Lexicale en encyclopedische kennis. --- Pragmatiek. --- Semantiek. --- 801.3 --- 801.3 Lexicografie. Woordenboeken --- Lexicografie. Woordenboeken --- Knowledge, Theory of --- Lexicology --- English language --- Language and languages --- Epistemology --- Theory of knowledge --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Lexicologie. Semantiek --- Pragmatiek --- Knowledge, Theory of. --- Lexicology.
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Orthopedagogics --- Psychiatry --- Paediatrics --- Autism --- Autisme --- Autistic disorder --- #KVHB:Autisme --- autisme --- ouder-kind relatie --- zelfverwonding --- afasie --- 616.2 --- 159.92 --- 159.95
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III, 72 p.
Autisme --- Adolescenten --- Mensen met een verstandelijke beperking --- Opvoeding en onderwijs --- 159.97 --- 616.895 --- #KVHB:Autisme --- Adolescent --- Persoon met een verstandelijke handicap --- Opvoeding --- Oudere --- Onderwijs --- Gemeenschap --- School --- Buurt --- Autismespectrumstoornis
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ssingen kan je terugvinden op
371.67 --- 373.3 --- Nederlands --- lager onderwijs --- leerboeken --- spelling --- 475.24 --- schoolboeken --- Lager onderwijs --- Schoolboeken --- Spelling --- Taal --- 5e leerjaar l.o. --- Handboek/cursus --- handboek --- moedertaal --- 475.24 ) * SCHRIJVEN --- 842 --- Nederlands; ba.o. --- Nederlandse spelling ; basisonderwijs ; leermiddelen --- 371.67 Leerboeken. Wetenschappelijk instrumentarium. Cartografische hulpmiddelen --- Leerboeken. Wetenschappelijk instrumentarium. Cartografische hulpmiddelen --- Lager en basisonderwijs --- didactiek basisonderwijs - Nederlands : schrijven, spellen, stellen --- Schrijven --- Schoolbooks - Didactic material --- 5e leerjaar lager onderwijs --- 5e leerjaar l.o --- Nederlands; ba.o --- Zinsleer --- Linguïstiek
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Anesthesiology --- epidurale anesthesie --- pijn --- lokale anesthesie --- vochtbalans --- anesthesie --- infusen --- farmacologie --- preoperatief --- intubatie --- postoperatief --- kunstmatige beademing --- operatieverpleegkunde --- 605.8 --- chirurgie --- 608.1 --- beademingsapparatuur --- beademingstechnieken --- infuus --- pijnbestrijding --- 616.089.5 --- Anesthesie --- anesthesie (gez) --- operatieverpleegkunde (gez) --- CPR --- anesthesie (anesthetica, ongevoeligheid) --- autologe bloedtransfusie --- bloedtransfusie (donor) --- hemodilutie --- hemodynamische monitoring --- infuus (perfusie) --- kinderchirurgie --- kunstmatige beademing (kunstmatige ademhaling) --- postoperatieve zorgen --- reanimatie --- tracheaintubatie --- tracheakatheterisatie --- verkoeverkamer (recovery room) --- chirurgie, urologie, transplantaties, traumatologie --- (zie ook: analgesie)
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The Flash Platform is changing. Flash Builder and Flash Catalyst have brought a new separation of design and coding to web development that enables a much more efficient and streamlined workflow. For designers and developers used to the close confines of Flash, this is a hugely liberating, but at first alien concept. This book teaches the new workflow for the Flash platform. It gives an overview of the technologies involved and provides you with real-world project examples and best-practice guidelines to get from design to implementation with the tools at hand. Includes many examples Focuses on real-world situations Covers designer and developer workflow.
Application software -- Development. --- Flash (Computer file). --- Flex (Computer file). --- Internet programming. --- Web site development -- Computer programs. --- Computer Science --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Information Technology --- Computer Science (Hardware & Networks) --- General and Others --- Application software --- Web site development --- Development. --- Computer programs. --- Flash (Computer file) --- Flex (Computer file) --- Development of application software --- Adobe Flex --- Macromedia Flex --- Macromedia Flash --- Computer science. --- Computer Science. --- Computer Science, general. --- Informatics --- Science --- Computer programming --- Computer programming. --- Computer vision. --- Web Development. --- Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics. --- Computers --- Electronic computer programming --- Electronic data processing --- Electronic digital computers --- Programming (Electronic computers) --- Coding theory --- Machine vision --- Vision, Computer --- Artificial intelligence --- Image processing --- Pattern recognition systems --- Programming --- Optical data processing. --- Optical computing --- Visual data processing --- Bionics --- Integrated optics --- Photonics --- Optical equipment
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Advanced DPA Theory and Practice provides a thorough survey of new physical leakages of embedded systems, namely the power and the electromagnetic emanations. The book presents a thorough analysis about leakage origin of embedded system. This book examines the systematic approach of the different aspects and advanced details about experimental setup for electromagnetic attack. The author discusses advanced statistical methods to successfully attack embedded devices such as high-order attack, template attack in principal subspaces, machine learning methods. The book includes theoretical framework to define side-channel based on two metrics: mutual information and success rate.
Data protection. --- Data structures (Computer science). --- Database management -- Access control. --- Electronics. --- Embedded computer systems --- Data encryption (Computer science) --- Cryptography --- Electrical & Computer Engineering --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Electrical Engineering --- Security measures --- Cryptography. --- Security measures. --- Cryptanalysis --- Cryptology --- Secret writing --- Steganography --- Data encoding (Computer science) --- Encryption of data (Computer science) --- Embedded systems (Computer systems) --- Engineering. --- Computer security. --- Microelectronics. --- Electronic circuits. --- Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation. --- Systems and Data Security. --- Circuits and Systems. --- Data Structures, Cryptology and Information Theory. --- Signs and symbols --- Symbolism --- Writing --- Ciphers --- Computer security --- Computer systems --- Architecture Analysis and Design Language --- Systems engineering. --- Data structures (Computer scienc. --- Data Structures and Information Theory. --- Engineering systems --- System engineering --- Engineering --- Industrial engineering --- System analysis --- Computer privacy --- Computer system security --- Computers --- Cyber security --- Cybersecurity --- Electronic digital computers --- Protection of computer systems --- Security of computer systems --- Data protection --- Security systems --- Hacking --- Electrical engineering --- Physical sciences --- Design and construction --- Protection --- Information structures (Computer science) --- Structures, Data (Computer science) --- Structures, Information (Computer science) --- Electronic data processing --- File organization (Computer science) --- Abstract data types (Computer science) --- Electron-tube circuits --- Electric circuits --- Electron tubes --- Electronics --- Microminiature electronic equipment --- Microminiaturization (Electronics) --- Microtechnology --- Semiconductors --- Miniature electronic equipment
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Elk hoofdstuk behandelt een duidelijk afgebakende deelvaardigheid. Twee doelstellingen staan centraal : * welke acties kan de kleuterleid(st)er plannen, en hoe kan de betrokkenheid van de kleuters worden verhoogd? * hoe kan de leerkracht ervoor zorgen dat zijn / haar observaties zinvol zijn? Ik zie alleen de tranen wil de lezer een houvast bieden om door de bomen nog het bos te zien. Wat is er op de markt? Aan welke criteria beantwoordt het beschikbare aanbod? Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van de mogelijke alternatieven? Over welke (deel)vaardigheden moet je beschikken bij het gebruik van een bepaalde methode?
Agogiek. --- Kleuteronderwijs --- Observatietechnieken --- Didactiek. --- Kleuteronderwijs. --- Didactic evaluation --- kinderpsychologie --- observeren --- kleuteronderwijs --- Kindergarten --- early childhood education --- Observatietechnieken ; kleuteronderwijs --- #KVHB:Kleuters --- #KVHB:Observatie --- didactiek --- 471.4 --- observatie --- 415.3 --- Betrokkenheid --- pedagogiek --- 454.4 --- Kleuteronderwijs (Voorschoolse educatie) --- Kleuters --- Observatie --- Relatie leraar - leerling --- 471.4 ) Kleuteronderwijs - methodiek en didactiek --- kleuters --- 37.02 --- Didactiek ; kleuteronderwijs --- Handboek/cursus --- Oservatie ; evaluatie ; kleuteronderwijs --- Oservatie --- Techniek --- Observeren: kleuters --- kleuterschool: didactiek --- didactiek kleuteronderwijs --- Uitvoerende functies --- Didactiek; algemeen --- Evaluatie --- Observeren --- Kleuter --- Observatietechniek --- Sociaal leren --- Didactic evaluation. --- Kindergarten. --- kinderpsychologie. --- kleuteronderwijs. --- observeren. --- Basisonderwijs --- Opvoedkunde
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1. Inleiding 2. Gedragsmoeilijkheden en antisociaal gedrag 3. Multidirectionele assessment 4. Behandeling 6. Besluit: werk aan de winkel
Gedragsstoornissen ; jongeren --- 376.42 --- Adolescent psychotherapy. --- Problem youth --- Counseling of. --- gedrags- en emotionele stoornissen --- Jeugdzorg. --- gedrags- en emotionele stoornissen. --- Gedrags- en emotionele stoornissen. --- Social work with youth --- Adolescenten --- Gedragsstoornissen --- Orthopedagogiek --- Behavior modification --- Hulpverlening. --- Jeugd. --- Adolescent psychotherapy --- 159.922.8 --- 159.97 --- 616.89 --- moeilijk opvoedbare jongeren --- #KVHB:Gedragsstoornis --- #KVHB:Orthopedagogie --- Social education --- Youth --- At-risk youth (Social sciences) --- Maladjusted youth --- Troubled youth --- Youth at risk (Social sciences) --- Adolescent psychiatry --- Psychotherapy --- Counseling of --- 376 --- Youth with behavior disorders --- Jeugd --- Jeugdcriminaliteit
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