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Via Belgapress: artikels zijn volledig doorzoekbaar en mogen worden gebruikt voor onderwijs en onderzoek.
actualiteit --- Zonder onderwerpscode: algemeen --- Brussels (Belgium) --- Bruxelles (Belgique) --- Newspapers --- Journaux --- #BTAB:VH 493 Albert I --- #BTAB:VH 493 Brussel --- #BTAB:VH 493 Leopold III --- #BTAB:VH 493 Wereldoorlog II --- 07 <054> <493> --- 040 Varia --- 054 --- tijdschriften --- K --- dagbladen --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- abonnementen --- dagbladen - kranten --- Algemene nieuwsbladen --- EJCOMMU EJETUDE EJPOLIT EJRELAT EPUB-ALPHA-S EPUB-PER-FT STANDAARD-E --- Kranten --- E-journals --- Belgium
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Personeelsselectie --- Recrutement du personnel --- Sollicitations (emploi) --- Solliciteren --- 331.108 --- #KVHB:Personeelsselectie --- #KVHB:Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie --- solliciteren --- personeelsselectie --- #KVHB:Sollicitatie --- Personeelsorganisatie. Human Resources --- 658.33 --- Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie --- Selection of personnel --- Personeelsbeleid : selectieprocedure --- 331.108.37 --- Personeelsselectie. --- Selection of personnel. --- personeelsselectie. --- 331.108 Personeelsorganisatie. Human Resources
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"We don't sell gardens; we sell images of gardens." This observation on the part of a landscape architect makes it clear just how important it is that a design be effectively communicated to the community, clients, and the public. Drawings, models, simulations, and films communicate the designers' proposed ideas and solutions, but they also convey their attitude toward the use of nature and the environment. With myriad possibilities - including computer programs as well as hand drawings and models, which continue to be widely used - and strong competition in the field, there is now a huge variety of visual representations, with agreed-upon rules but also a great deal of freedom. In three large sections, this books sifts through the currently commonplace and available techniques and evaluates them in terms of their informative value and persuasive power, always illustrating its points with analysis of examples from international firms. An introductory look at the development thus far is followed by a systematic presentation of modes of representation in two, three, and four dimensions - in the plane, in space, and in the temporal process. The second section deals with the sequence within the workflow: from the initial sketch through concept and implementation planning all the way to the finished product. The third section deals with the strategic use of visualizations in the context of competitions, future schemes, and large-scale landscape planning. The focus in this section is not on the familiar use of the relevant techniques, but rather on the methods and forms of visual representation in contemporary landscape architecture.
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Neutrinos continue to be the most mysterious and, arguably, the most fascinating particles of the Standard Model as their intrinsic properties such as absolute mass scale and CP properties are unknown. The open question of the absolute neutrino mass scale will be addressed with unprecedented accuracy by the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment, currently under construction. This thesis focusses on the spectrometer part of KATRIN and background processes therein. Various background sources such as small Penning traps, as well as nuclear decays from single radon atoms are fully characterized here for the first time. Most importantly, however, it was possible to reduce the background in the spectrometer by more than five orders of magnitude by eliminating Penning traps and by developing a completely new background reduction method by stochastically heating trapped electrons using electron cyclotron resonance (ECR). The work beautifully demonstrates that the obstacles and challenges in measuring the absolute mass scale of neutrinos can be met successfully if novel experimental tools (ECR) and novel computing methods (KASSIOPEIA) are combined to allow almost background-free tritium ß-spectroscopy.
Neutrinos --- Beta decay. --- Measurement. --- Beta disintegration --- Beta rays --- Decay, Beta --- Neutret --- Decay --- Physics. --- Astrophysics. --- Particle acceleration. --- Physical measurements. --- Particle Acceleration and Detection, Beam Physics. --- Astrophysics and Astroparticles. --- Numerical and Computational Physics. --- Measurement Science and Instrumentation. --- Radioactive decay --- Leptons (Nuclear physics) --- Neutrons --- Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation. --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Acceleration (Mechanics) --- Nuclear physics --- Acceleration --- Measurement . --- Measuring --- Mensuration --- Mathematics --- Technology --- Metrology --- Physical measurements --- Measurements, Physical --- Mathematical physics --- Measurement --- Natural philosophy --- Philosophy, Natural --- Physical sciences --- Dynamics --- Astronomical physics --- Astronomy --- Cosmic physics --- Physics
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Studeren aan het huidige, competentiegerichte hbo vraagt van studenten specifieke kennis, vaardigheden en ervaring. Vooral het projectmatig opzetten en uitvoeren van een praktijkonderzoek en het schrijven van de scriptie blijken veel studenten niet zomaar vanzelf te kunnen. Dit boek behandelt in tien stappen de competenties die zij hiervoor nodig hebben. Het is daarmee een leidraad voor hbo-studenten die hun studie tot een goed einde willen brengen. Jef Mertens behandelt niet alleen de regels voor praktijkonderzoek, maar ook het hele traject vanaf de onderzoeksopzet tot en met de scriptie waarmee de student als bachelor afstudeert. Het boek is geschikt voor voltijd- en deeltijdstudenten binnen drie opleidingsclusters: Organisatie, bedrijf en bestuur, Mens en maatschappij, en Techniek en natuur.
Eindwerken. --- Studiemethodes. --- Science policy --- projectonderwijs --- projectaanpak --- toegepast wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Didactic strategies --- onderzoeksmethoden --- Higher education --- Science --- sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- competenties --- praktijkonderzoek --- Scripties --- S20080339.JPG --- hoger onderwijs --- sociaal onderzoek --- 378 --- 301.08 --- #KVHB:Methodologie --- #KVHB:Onderzoeksmethoden --- #KVHB:Wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- bachelors --- eindwerk --- 450.8 --- 489.59 --- competentiegericht onderwijs --- onderwijs --- onderzoeken --- projecten --- scriptie --- 001.891.5 --- Eindscriptie --- Hoger onderwijs --- Onderzoek --- Onderzoeksmethoden --- Praktijkonderwijs --- Research (onderzoek) --- Competentiegericht onderwijs --- Praktijkonderzoek --- Methodiek van het studeren --- Overige onderwerpen (hoger onderwijs) --- Overige onderwerpen --- Diagnose --- Sociologisch onderzoek --- Hogescholen --- Bachelors --- Hogeschool --- Bacheloropleiding
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This book is a revised version of the PhD dissertation written by the author at the Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management at Ghent University in Belgium. It addresses shortcomings in Business Process Management concerning loosely framed knowledge-intensive processes, which are characterized by their numerous valid process variants and their reliance on knowledge workers to apply their knowledge to decide on a suitable process variant that fits the context of a specific process execution. The goal was to lay the foundation for a process-aware business process management (IT-)system to support such processes. Several proof-of-concept implementations have been made for the core components and were evaluated in the domain of the healthcare. Starting from an artificial, but realistic, case about patients that arrive in the emergency room with suspected arm fractures and later progressing to a case study of the diagnosis and treatment of patients in the emergency department of a real hospital, using data from their patient files. In 2020, the PhD dissertation won the “CAiSE PhD award”, granted to outstanding PhD theses in the field of Information Systems Engineering.
Management information systems. --- Industrial management. --- Application software. --- Health informatics. --- Business Process Management. --- Computer Applications. --- Health Informatics. --- Clinical informatics --- Health informatics --- Medical information science --- Information science --- Medicine --- Application computer programs --- Application computer software --- Applications software --- Apps (Computer software) --- Computer software --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Management --- Business --- Industrial organization --- Computer-based information systems --- EIS (Information systems) --- Executive information systems --- MIS (Information systems) --- Sociotechnical systems --- Information resources management --- Data processing --- Communication systems --- Business information services. --- Information services --- Information technology --- Medical informatics. --- Computer Application in Administrative Data Processing. --- Computer and Information Systems Applications. --- Management.
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"We don't sell gardens; we sell images of gardens." This observation on the part of a landscape architect makes it clear just how important it is that a design be effectively communicated to the community, building sponsors, and the public. Drawings, models, simulations, and films communicate the designers' proposed ideas and solutions, but they also convey their attitude toward the use of nature and the environment. With myriad possibilities - including computer programs as well as hand drawings and models, which continue to be widely used - and strong competition in the field, there is now a huge variety of visual representations, with agreed-upon rules but also a great deal of freedom. In three large sections, this books sifts through the currently commonplace and available techniques and evaluates them in terms of their informative value and persuasive power, always illustrating its points with analysis of examples from international firms. An introductory look at the development thus far is followed by a systematic presentation of modes of representation in two, three, and four dimensions - in the plane, in space, and in the temporal process. The second section deals with the sequence of modes within the workflow: from the initial sketch through concept and implementation planning all the way to the finished product. The third section deals with the strategic use of visualizations in the context of competitions, future scenarios, and large-scale landscape planning. The focus in this section is not on the familiar fundamentals of the relevant techniques, but rather on the methods and forms of visual representation in contemporary landscape architecture. "Wir verkaufen nicht den Garten, wir verkaufen das Bild eines Gartens." Dieser Satz eines Landschaftsarchitekten macht deutlich, wie wichtig die Vermittung des Entwurfs an die community, an Bauherren und die Öffentlichkeit ist. Zeichnungen, Modelle, Simulationen und Filme kommunizieren die vorgeschlagenen Ideen und Lösungen, aber auch die Haltung der kreativ Entwerfenden zur Nutzung von Natur und Umwelt. Durch die Fülle von Möglichkeiten der Computerprogramme und der weiter gebräuchlichen Handzeichnungen und Modelle, sowie durch die starke Konkurrenz innerhalb der Disziplin, gibt es heute eine große Vielfalt und Unterschiedlichkeit der visuellen Darstellungen - mit vereinbarten Regeln, aber auch sehr vielen Freiheiten. In drei großen Teilen sichtet und prüft das Buch die aktuell gebräuchlichen und verfügbaren Techniken auf ihre Aussage- und Überzeugungskraft bei der Anwendung, immer auch anhand der Analyse von Beispielen aus internationalen Büros. Nach einem einleitenden Blick auf die Entwicklung bis heute werden zunächst systematisch die Darstellungsformen in der zweiten, dritten und vierten Dimension - in der Fläche, im Raum und im zeitlichen Prozess - behandelt. Der zweite Teil gilt der Abfolge der Darstellungsmodi im Workflow: von der ersten Ideenskizze über die Entwurfs- und Ausführungsplanung bis hin zum fertigen Objekt. Im dritten Teil wird der strategische Einsatz von Visualisierungen im Kontext von Wettbewerben, Zukunftsszenarien, in der großräumigen Landschaftsplanung usw. dargestellt. Im Mittelpunkt der Darstellung stehen dabei nicht die bekannten Grundlagen der verwendeten Techniken, sondern die Methoden und Formen der visuellen Darstellung in der aktuellen Landschaftsarchitektur.
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St Martin of Tours is one of Christianity?s major saints and his signi?cance reaches far beyond the powerful radiance of his iconic act of charity. While the saint and his cult have been researched comprehensively in Germany and France, his cult in the British Isles proves to be fairly unexplored. Andre Mertens closes this gap for Anglo-Saxon England by editing all the age?s surviving texts on the saint, including a commentary and translations. Moreover, Mertens looks beyond the horizon of the surviving body of literary relics and dedicates an introductory study to an analysis of the saint?s cult in Anglo-Saxon England and his signi?cance for Anglo-Saxon culture.
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When the German chemist Emil Fischer presented his lock-and-key hypothesis in 1899, his analogy to describe the molecular relationship between enzymes and substrates quickly gained vast influence and provided future generations of scientists with a tool to investigate the relation between chemical structure and biological specificity. Rebecca Mertens explains the appeal of the lock-and-key analogy by its role in model building and in the construction of long-term, cross-generational research programs. She argues that a crucial feature of these research programs, namely ascertaining the continuity of core ideas and concepts, is provided by a certain way of analogy-based modelling.
Lock-key Hypothesis; Analogy; Research Program; Molecular Biology; Biochemistry; History of Science; Science; Medicine; Philosophy of Science; Sociology of Science; Life Sciences; History --- Analogy. --- Biochemistry. --- History of Science. --- History. --- Life Sciences. --- Medicine. --- Molecular Biology. --- Philosophy of Science. --- Research Program. --- Science. --- Sociology of Science.
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St Martin of Tours is one of Christianity’s major saints and his significance reaches far beyond the powerful radiance of his iconic act of charity. While the saint and his cult have been researched comprehensively in Germany and France, his cult in the British Isles proves to be fairly unexplored. Andre Mertens closes this gap for Anglo-Saxon England by editing all the age’s surviving texts on the saint, including a commentary and translations. Moreover, Mertens looks beyond the horizon of the surviving body of literary relics and dedicates an introductory study to an analysis of the saint’s cult in Anglo-Saxon England and his significance for Anglo-Saxon culture.
Christian saints --- English literature --- Sacred books --- Biography --- Early works to 1800. --- Cult --- History. --- Bibliography. --- History and criticism. --- Martin, --- Aelfric, --- Cult. --- Martyrologium (Anglo-Saxon). --- St Martin of Tours --- Ælfric --- Ant --- Hagiography --- Homily --- Manuscript --- Old English
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