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Le Saint-Empire Romain Germanique paraît difficilement représentable du fait de son morcellement et de sa discontinuité: plusieurs centaines de principautés, imbriquées les unes dans les autres par la complexité des liens féodaux, lui « appartiennent ». Le Saint-Empire semble également offrir toutes les caractéristiques de l'espace géographique, avec des différences d'échelles et des espaces divers aux contours fluctuants qui s'agencent en configurations variables : villes capitales, résidences, villes libres, cercles, territoires, etc. L'Espace du Saint-Empire rassemble les contributions de quatorze historiens allemands et français invités à confronter leurs catégories spatiales et leur définition de l'espace impérial, à réfléchir aux spatialisations parallèles ou concurrentes qui le fondent. Une « géographie volontaire » du Saint-Empire peut ainsi se dessiner à travers trois thèmes : les limites, le territoire et les pratiques.
History of France --- History of Germany and Austria --- anno 1500-1799 --- Holy Roman Empire --- Saint Empire romain germanique --- Historical geography --- Boundaries --- Géographie historique --- Frontières --- Géographie historique --- Frontières --- History --- Europe méridionale --- Europe occidentale --- histoire moderne --- histoire médiévale --- Europe septentrionale --- Perception spatiale --- Historiographie --- 1500-1800 --- Europe
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Re-reading Freud's writing on femininity, fantasy and social identification, Lost Angels expands the psychoanalytic framework within which contemporary debates regarding fantasy and spectatorship have been taking place.Vicky Lebeau takes Freud's preoccupation with femininity and feminine fantasy as her starting point and goes on to explore his differentiation between masculine and feminine forms of fantasy through feminist and critical theories of spectatorship and cinema.Investigating how psychoanalysis explains fantasy as a form of preoccupation which cuts across bo
Motion pictures --- Psychoanalysis and motion pictures. --- Psychological aspects.
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In 1964, Life magazine called Madalyn Murray O'Hair "the most hated woman in America." Another critic described her as "rude, impertinent, blasphemous, a destroyer not only of beliefs but of esteemed values.". In this first full-length biography, Bryan F. Le Beau offers a penetrating assessment of O'Hair's beliefs and actions and a probing discussion of how she came to represent both what Americans hated in their enemies and feared in themselves. Born in 1919, O'Hair was a divorced mother of two children born out of wedlock. She launched a crusade against God, often using foul language as she
Atheists --- Persons --- Theists --- O'Hair, Madalyn Murray. --- O'Hair, Madalyn --- Mays, Madalyn --- Athées --- Biography. --- Biographie --- Americas. --- Atheist. --- biography. --- denounced. --- determined. --- full-length. --- most.
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This unique handbook educates readers in how drugs are used as weapons in committing sexual assaults. It is designed for everyone involved in the investigation of these crimes including forensic scientists, law enforcement officers, lawyers, toxicologists, and medical professionals. Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault looks at the history of these crimes over the years and includes an in-depth discussion of the drugs and drug classes in use today. It describes the effects of these drugs on the victims, the type of person who uses drugs to sexually assault an individual, and obstacl
Sexual abuse victims. --- Date rape drugs. --- Flunitrazepam. --- Drug abuse and crime. --- Rape victims. --- Female rape victims --- Sexual abuse victims --- Crime and drug abuse --- Drugs and crime --- Narcotics and crime --- Crime --- Fluridrazepam --- Rohypnol (Trademark) --- Benzodiazepines --- Tranquilizing drugs --- Drugs and sex --- Female sexual abuse victims --- Sexual violence victims --- Victims of sex crimes --- Victims of crimes --- Date rape drugs --- Drug abuse and crime --- Flunitrazepam --- Rape victims
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Canadian drama --- Translating and interpreting --- Theater --- Dramatics --- Histrionics --- Professional theater --- Stage --- Theatre --- Performing arts --- Acting --- Actors --- Interpretation and translation --- Interpreting and translating --- Language and languages --- Literature --- Translation and interpretation --- Translators --- Canadian drama (English) --- Canadian literature --- Translations --- History and criticism. --- History --- Translating --- English language --- French language --- Drama --- Theory of literary translation --- drama [literary genre] --- anno 1900-1999 --- Canada
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Ce volume rassemble vingt-deux articles, publiés entre 1979 et 2007, que Claude Michaud a consacrés à l’histoire de l’Europe centrale à l’époque moderne. Il s’organise autour de trois grands thèmes : la nation hongroise, les représentations du despotisme éclairé et les relations de l’Europe catholique avec l’empire ottoman entre croisades et Secondes Lumières. À partir du « cas hongrois », Claude Michaud propose une histoire située au centre de l’Europe, lieu de passage, d’échange, de croisement mais aussi miroir dans lequel se jouent et se dénouent des conflits français. Au plus près des archives, il trace le portrait de grandes figures nobiliaires, soldats, diplomates, savants, qui illustrent leur nom et servent leur prince, à Paris, à Vienne, à Constantinople ou à Saint-Pétersbourg. Dans l’interaction du politique et du religieux, de la tradition et du changement, Claude Michaud donne finalement à voir les multiples formes de l’engagement à l’époque moderne.
Arts & Humanities --- Medieval & Renaissance Studies --- Empire ottoman --- noblesse --- activité politique --- histoire --- nation hongroise --- despotisme éclairé --- conflit français --- engagement
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The papers in this volume were presented at a conference organized by the Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA) at the University of Ibadan on the 26th and 27th of October 1998, as part of the 50 anniversary celebrations of the University. This conference brought together scholars from anglophone and francophone countries who have been collaborating on a research programme which is concerned with elite formation and the restructuring of higher education in sub-Saharan Africa. The project was originally conceived in 1996 by IFRA and the Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire (Bordeaux, France). Nigeria, with more than 50 per cent of the continent's university student population and 40 universities, constitutes the major thrust of the study; nevertheless the reports on Kenya, Senegal and Niger are equally informative and demonstrate that survival strategies and student unrest and 'cults' are not exclusive to Nigeria.
elite formation --- Niger --- Sénégal --- post-colonial countries --- Nigeria --- Kenya
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This book presents the analytic foundations to the theory of the hypoelliptic Laplacian. The hypoelliptic Laplacian, a second-order operator acting on the cotangent bundle of a compact manifold, is supposed to interpolate between the classical Laplacian and the geodesic flow. Jean-Michel Bismut and Gilles Lebeau establish the basic functional analytic properties of this operator, which is also studied from the perspective of local index theory and analytic torsion. The book shows that the hypoelliptic Laplacian provides a geometric version of the Fokker-Planck equations. The authors give the proper functional analytic setting in order to study this operator and develop a pseudodifferential calculus, which provides estimates on the hypoelliptic Laplacian's resolvent. When the deformation parameter tends to zero, the hypoelliptic Laplacian converges to the standard Hodge Laplacian of the base by a collapsing argument in which the fibers of the cotangent bundle collapse to a point. For the local index theory, small time asymptotics for the supertrace of the associated heat kernel are obtained. The Ray-Singer analytic torsion of the hypoelliptic Laplacian as well as the associated Ray-Singer metrics on the determinant of the cohomology are studied in an equivariant setting, resulting in a key comparison formula between the elliptic and hypoelliptic analytic torsions.
Differential equations, Hypoelliptic. --- Laplacian operator. --- Metric spaces. --- Spaces, Metric --- Operator, Laplacian --- Hypoelliptic differential equations --- Generalized spaces --- Set theory --- Topology --- Differential equations, Partial --- Alexander Grothendieck. --- Analytic function. --- Asymptote. --- Asymptotic expansion. --- Berezin integral. --- Bijection. --- Brownian dynamics. --- Brownian motion. --- Chaos theory. --- Chern class. --- Classical Wiener space. --- Clifford algebra. --- Cohomology. --- Combination. --- Commutator. --- Computation. --- Connection form. --- Coordinate system. --- Cotangent bundle. --- Covariance matrix. --- Curvature tensor. --- Curvature. --- De Rham cohomology. --- Derivative. --- Determinant. --- Differentiable manifold. --- Differential operator. --- Dirac operator. --- Direct proof. --- Eigenform. --- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. --- Ellipse. --- Embedding. --- Equation. --- Estimation. --- Euclidean space. --- Explicit formula. --- Explicit formulae (L-function). --- Feynman–Kac formula. --- Fiber bundle. --- Fokker–Planck equation. --- Formal power series. --- Fourier series. --- Fourier transform. --- Fredholm determinant. --- Function space. --- Girsanov theorem. --- Ground state. --- Heat kernel. --- Hilbert space. --- Hodge theory. --- Holomorphic function. --- Holomorphic vector bundle. --- Hypoelliptic operator. --- Integration by parts. --- Invertible matrix. --- Logarithm. --- Malliavin calculus. --- Martingale (probability theory). --- Matrix calculus. --- Mellin transform. --- Morse theory. --- Notation. --- Parameter. --- Parametrix. --- Parity (mathematics). --- Polynomial. --- Principal bundle. --- Probabilistic method. --- Projection (linear algebra). --- Rectangle. --- Resolvent set. --- Ricci curvature. --- Riemann–Roch theorem. --- Scientific notation. --- Self-adjoint operator. --- Self-adjoint. --- Sign convention. --- Smoothness. --- Sobolev space. --- Spectral theory. --- Square root. --- Stochastic calculus. --- Stochastic process. --- Summation. --- Supertrace. --- Symmetric space. --- Tangent space. --- Taylor series. --- Theorem. --- Theory. --- Torus. --- Trace class. --- Translational symmetry. --- Transversality (mathematics). --- Uniform convergence. --- Variable (mathematics). --- Vector bundle. --- Vector space. --- Wave equation.
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De la fin du Moyen Âge à la Grande Guerre, les cas d'éloignements géographiques ne manquent pas et les familles multiplient les moyens susceptibles de protéger leur identité et leur cohésion. Creusée par l'altérité culturelle, atténuée par un entourage familier, altérée par la durée de la séparation et appréhendée différemment selon que l’éclatement de la famille soit une pratique courante, un événement exceptionnel ou imposé, la perception de l'éloignement n’est jamais proportionnelle à la distance mais bien sujette à des circonstances spécifiques. Si la correspondance, l’envoi de cadeaux et de portraits, la fréquentation des mêmes demeures, les rencontres périodiques, l'accueil de connaissances communes, le partage de références et de relations servent le même objectif - renforcer le sentiment d’appartenance commune et s'obliger les uns les autres -, ces « gestionnaires de la distance » constituent dans le même temps une ressource inégalement partagée et participent à une recomposition des rôles et des hiérarchies internes à la famille. Ce volume rend compte de la réflexion menée au cours de deux journées d’études organisées à l’université Marc Bloch de Strasbourg, en septembre 2004, par l'Équipe d'accueil « Sciences historiques » (EA 3400).
Families --- Familles --- History --- Congresses --- Histoire --- Congrès --- histoire militaire --- migration --- histoire contemporaine --- France --- Amérique du Nord --- champ économique et social --- Europe méridionale --- histoire moderne --- Europe orientale --- histoire médiévale
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Judging Faith, Punishing Sin breaks new ground by offering the first comparative treatment of Catholic inquisitions and Calvinist consistories, offering scholars a new framework for analysing religious reform and social discipline in the great Christian age of reformation. Global in scope, both institutions played critical roles in prosecuting deviance, implementing religious uniformity, and promoting moral discipline in the social upheaval of the Reformation. Rooted in local archives and addressing specific themes, the essays survey the state of scholarship and chart directions for future inquiry and, taken as a whole, demonstrate the unique convergence of penitential practice, legal innovation, church authority, and state power, and how these forces transformed Christianity. Bringing together leading scholars across four continents, this volume is an invaluable contribution to our understanding of religion in the early modern world. University students and scholars alike will appreciate its clear introduction to scholarly debates and cutting edge scholarship.
Ecclesiastical courts --- Protestant churches --- Protestant sects --- Christian sects --- Protestantism --- Church courts --- Courts, Church --- Courts, Ecclesiastical --- Ecclesiastical tribunals --- Tribunals, Ecclesiastical --- Canon law --- Church discipline --- Courts --- Ecclesiastical law --- History --- Discipline. --- Catholic Church --- Church of Rome --- Roman Catholic Church --- Katholische Kirche --- Katolyt︠s︡ʹka t︠s︡erkva --- Römisch-Katholische Kirche --- Römische Kirche --- Ecclesia Catholica --- Eglise catholique --- Eglise catholique-romaine --- Katolicheskai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ --- Chiesa cattolica --- Iglesia Católica --- Kościół Katolicki --- Katolicki Kościół --- Kościół Rzymskokatolicki --- Nihon Katorikku Kyōkai --- Katholikē Ekklēsia --- Gereja Katolik --- Kenesiyah ha-Ḳatolit --- Kanisa Katoliki --- כנסיה הקתולית --- כנסייה הקתולית --- 가톨릭교 --- 천주교 --- 27 "15/16" --- 27 "15/16" Histoire de l'Eglise--?"15/16" --- 27 "15/16" Kerkgeschiedenis--?"15/16" --- Histoire de l'Eglise--?"15/16" --- Kerkgeschiedenis--?"15/16" --- Discipline --- Inquisition. --- Kirchenstrafe. --- Kirchenzucht. --- Religiöse Verfolgung. --- Europa. --- Christian church history --- anno 1500-1799
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