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Development in an Era of Capital Control investigates Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a 21st-century buzz word. Centred around the responsibility of business to give back to society, this idea is a departure from the traditional view that the responsibility of business is to make a profit. Instead, it supposes that business, society and government can unite to enhance the quality of life in the community in which the business operates. This book works from the premise that whereas CSR could assist in developing communities, the quality and value of this contribution is constrained by pre-existing inequalities in the global system, which themselves can be traced to states’ histories and furthered by globalisation. Ciara Hackett shows that while the concept of CSR was designed for an environment where all states are equal, this does not ring true in the real world and consequently the potential for CSR to contribute to development is restricted, most profoundly in those states that would benefit the most.
Social responsibility of business --- Business --- Corporate accountability --- Corporate responsibility --- Corporate social responsibility --- Corporations --- CSR (Corporate social responsibility) --- Industries --- Social responsibility, Corporate --- Social responsibility of industry --- Social responsibility --- Business ethics --- Issues management --- Social aspects --- Law. --- Commercial law. --- Commercial Law. --- Business law --- Commerce --- Law, Commercial --- Mercantile law --- Law --- Law merchant --- Maritime law --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation --- Law and legislation --- Social responsibility of business.
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Human behavior --- Concept mapping. --- Philosophy. --- Research --- Mapping, Concept --- Mappings (Mathematics) --- Action, Human --- Behavior, Human --- Ethology --- Human action --- Human beings --- Human biology --- Physical anthropology --- Psychology --- Social sciences --- Psychology, Comparative --- Behavior --- Teoria de conjunts --- Mapes conceptuals --- Conducta (Psicologia) --- Filosofia --- Humanitats --- Absurd (Filosofia) --- Acte (Filosofia) --- Alienació (Filosofia) --- Analogia --- Animalitat (Filosofia) --- Axiomes --- Bé i mal --- Cicles --- Complexitat (Filosofia) --- Consciència --- Constructivisme (Filosofia) --- Contradicció --- Convenció (Filosofia) --- Creença i dubte --- Criticisme (Filosofia) --- Descripció (Filosofia) --- Desig (Filosofia) --- Determinisme (Filosofia) --- Diferència (Filosofia) --- Disposició (Filosofia) --- Dualisme --- Eclecticisme --- Ésser (Filosofia) --- Estètica --- Estratègia (Filosofia) --- Estructuralisme --- Ètica --- Evolució --- Fatalisme --- Feminitat (Filosofia) --- Fets (Filosofia) --- Filosofia africana --- Filosofia anglesa --- Filosofia antiga --- Filosofia àrab --- Filosofia contemporània --- Filosofia de la comunicació --- Filosofia de la ment --- Filosofia de la natura --- Filosofia de la religió --- Filosofia del dret --- Filosofia del llenguatge --- Filosofia europea --- Filosofia hindú --- Filosofia llatinoamericana --- Filosofia mèdica --- Filosofia medieval --- Filosofia moderna --- Filosofia per a infants --- Filosofia social --- Harmonia (Filosofia) --- Heurística --- Il·lusió (Filosofia) --- Imaginació (Filosofia) --- Imatge (Filosofia) --- Intencionalitat (Filosofia) --- Interacció (Filosofia) --- Irreligiositat --- Jo (Filosofia) --- Joc (Filosofia) --- Justícia (Filosofia) --- Llenguatge filosòfic --- Lògica --- Logos (Filosofia) --- Materialisme --- Metafísica --- Memòria (Filosofia) --- Negativitat (Filosofia) --- Nihilisme (Filosofia) --- Norma (Filosofia) --- Objecte (Filosofia) --- Ontologia --- Ordre (Filosofia) --- Participació (Filosofia) --- Pensament polític --- Percepció (Filosofia) --- Perfecció --- Pessimisme --- Pluralisme --- Polaritat (Filosofia) --- Principi (Filosofia) --- Quatre elements (Filosofia) --- Raó suficient --- Realitat --- Reduccionisme --- Referència (Filosofia) --- Reflexió (Filosofia) --- Regressió infinita --- Repetició (Filosofia) --- Representació (Filosofia) --- Teisme --- Teleologia --- Teoria (Filosofia) --- Teoria de l'oposició --- Teoria del coneixement --- Transcendència (Filosofia) --- Transhumanisme --- Tradició (Filosofia) --- Vaguetat (Filosofia) --- Veritat --- Didàctica de la filosofia --- Ensenyament de la filosofia --- Història de la filosofia --- Premi Minerva --- Comportament humà --- Conducta humana --- Conducta social --- Ciències socials --- Psicologia --- Biopolítica --- Comportament col·lectiu --- Conducta antisocial --- Conducta de risc (Psicologia) --- Conducta verbal --- Estils de vida --- Evolució de la conducta --- Hàbits sanitaris --- Manipulació (Psicologia) --- Modificació de la conducta --- Psicobiologia --- Sedentarisme --- Territorialisme humà --- Psicologia comparada --- Esquemes conceptuals --- Mapes conceptuals (Educació) --- Mapes semàntics --- Aprenentatge visual --- Estratègies d'aprenentatge --- Agregats (Matemàtica) --- Classes (Matemàtica) --- Conjunts (Matemàtica) --- Matemàtica --- Àlgebra de Boole --- Aritmètica --- Conjunts analítics --- Conjunts convexos --- Conjunts ordenats --- Espais mètrics --- Forcing (Teoria de models) --- Funcions --- Morfismes (Matemàtica) --- Nombres ordinals --- Teoria axiomàtica de conjunts --- Teoria combinatòria de conjunts --- Teoria dels reticles --- Teoria descriptiva de conjunts --- Topologia --- Lògica matemàtica
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Explores the arrival and development of Muslim immigrant communities in Britain and Germany during the post-1945 period through the case studies of Newcastle upon Tyne and Bremen
Bremen. --- Britain. --- Education. --- Employment. --- Germany. --- Housing. --- Immigration. --- Integration. --- Islam. --- Newcastle upon Tyne.
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In this eBook, Conceptual Categories and the Structure of Reality, the title very well describes the book's content. Within the book's pages a selection of academics from a variety of human behaviour, human/social science and humanities disciplines write about their research all of which can be typified by their consideration of how categories are used to structure understanding of phenomena. These authors have considered how reality may be understood through notions such as categorial and structural ontologies, part-whole relatoinships (mereology), the qualitative, quantitative and philosophical use of the facet theory approach to research, mapping sentences and declarative mapping sentence, hermeneutics, concepts and constructs, similarities and differences. The resulting collection presents the foregoing conceptual and empirical approaches to knowledge development in general (chapter 1&3 Hackett); Phillips and Wislons' review of compositional syntax in bird calls (chapter 2); neurobehavioral decision systems (chapter 4 Foxall); representations of human psychological processes (chapter 5 Juan-Miguel López-Gil; Rosa Gil; Roberto García); free associations mirroring and its relation to self- and world-related concepts (chapter 6 Martin Kuška; Radek Trnka; Aleš Antonín Kuběna; Jiří Růžička); local knowledge and going beyond the data (chapter 7 Steven Phillips); categorical etiologies of speech sound disorders (chapter 8 Kelly Farquharson); similarity of visual appearance (chapter 9 Nao Nakatsuji; Hisayasu Ihara; Takeharu Seno; Hiroshi Ito); and a consideration of the seminal writing of David Oderberg's on the categorial classification of reality (chapter 10 Hackett).
mereology --- similarities --- hermeneutics --- concepts --- category --- ontology --- facet theory --- declarative mapping sentence
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"Based on a three-year ethnographic study, this book looks at the role of place, materiality and the body in the literacies of young children aged 12-36 months"--
Child development --- Children --- Educational sociology --- Language arts (Early childhood) --- Language.
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This book examines how we perceive and understand abstract art in contrast to artworks that represent reality. Philosophical, psychological and neuroscience research, including the work of philosopher Paul Crowther, are considered and out of these approaches a complex model is developed to account for this experience. The understanding embodied in this model is rooted in facet theory, mapping sentences and partially ordered analyses, which together provide a comprehensive understanding of the perceptual experience of abstract art.
Psychology. --- Fine arts. --- Neuropsychology. --- Cognitive psychology. --- Cognitive Psychology. --- Fine Arts. --- Art, Abstract. --- Abstract art --- Art, Non-objective --- Non-objective art --- Art, Modern --- Modernism (Art) --- Consciousness. --- Arts. --- Philosophy (General). --- Aesthetics. --- Philosophy, general. --- Beautiful, The --- Beauty --- Esthetics --- Taste (Aesthetics) --- Philosophy --- Art --- Criticism --- Literature --- Proportion --- Symmetry --- Arts, Fine --- Arts, Occidental --- Arts, Western --- Fine arts --- Humanities --- Apperception --- Mind and body --- Perception --- Psychology --- Spirit --- Self --- Philosophy. --- Mental philosophy --- Psychology, Cognitive --- Cognitive science --- Arts, Primitive --- Radio broadcasting Aesthetics --- Aesthetics
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This book introduces the subject of hyperelasticity in a concise manner mainly directed to students of solid mechanics who have a familiarity with continuum mechanics. It focuses on important introductory topics in the field of nonlinear material behavior and presents a number of example problems and solutions to greatly aid the student in mastering the difficulty of the subject and gaining necessary insight. Professor Hackett delineates the concepts and applications of hyperelasticity in such a way that a new student of the subject can absorb the intricate details without having to wade through excessively complicated formulations. The book further presents significant review material on intricately related subjects such as tensor calculus and introduces some new formulations.
Applied Mathematics --- Materials Science --- Chemical & Materials Engineering --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Mechanics. --- Mechanics, Applied. --- Solid Mechanics. --- Applied mechanics --- Engineering, Mechanical --- Engineering mathematics --- Classical mechanics --- Newtonian mechanics --- Physics --- Dynamics --- Quantum theory --- Continuum mechanics. --- Structural analysis (Engineering)
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This book deals with philosophical aspects regarding the perception of spatial relationships in two and three-dimensional art. It provides a structural understanding of how art is perceived within the space created by the artwork, and employs a mapping sentence and partial order mereology to model perceptual structure. It reviews the writing of philosophers such as Paul Crowther and art theorists such as Krauss to establish the need for this research. The ontological model established Paul Crowther is used to guide an interactive account of his ontology in the interpretations of the perceptual process of three-dimensional abstract art to allow the formulation of a more comprehensive philosophical account. The book uniquely combines structuralist and post-structuralist approaches to artistic perception and understanding with a conceptual structure from facet theory, which is clarified with the help of a mapping sentence and partial order mereology.
Philosophy. --- Aesthetics. --- Art --- Visual perception. --- Psychology. --- Optics, Psychological --- Vision --- Psychological aspects --- Perception --- Visual discrimination --- Beautiful, The --- Beauty --- Esthetics --- Taste (Aesthetics) --- Philosophy --- Criticism --- Literature --- Proportion --- Symmetry --- Psychology --- Radio broadcasting Aesthetics --- Aesthetics
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This book introduces the subject of hyperelasticity in a concise manner mainly directed to students of solid mechanics who have a familiarity with continuum mechanics. It focuses on important introductory topics in the field of nonlinear material behavior and presents a number of example problems and solutions to greatly aid the student in mastering the difficulty of the subject and gaining necessary insight. Professor Hackett delineates the concepts and applications of hyperelasticity in such a way that a new student of the subject can absorb the intricate details without having to wade through excessively complicated formulations. The book further presents significant review material on intricately related subjects such as tensor calculus and introduces some new formulations. Introduces hyperelasticity in a concise, straightforward manner using practical examples; Reinforces understanding with a significant number of example problems/solutions to demonstrate application of the presented formulations; Defines material models for rubber, polymers, foams and soft tissue; Emphasizes incremental formulations and solutions; Presents material related to finite element implementation and incremental finite viscoelasticity; Explains methodology of obtaining model parameters from test data.
Engineering. --- Continuum mechanics. --- Structural mechanics. --- Materials science. --- Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials. --- Structural Mechanics. --- Characterization and Evaluation of Materials. --- Classical Mechanics. --- Mechanics. --- Mechanics, Applied. --- Surfaces (Physics). --- Solid Mechanics. --- Physics --- Surface chemistry --- Surfaces (Technology) --- Applied mechanics --- Engineering, Mechanical --- Engineering mathematics --- Classical mechanics --- Newtonian mechanics --- Dynamics --- Quantum theory --- Elasticity. --- Material science --- Physical sciences
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