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The basics of IT audit
ISBN: 0124171761 0124171591 9780124171763 9780124171596 Year: 2014 Publisher: Amsterdam

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"Dependence on information technology (IT) is a characteristic common to virtually all modern organizations. Organizations rely on information, and the processes and enabling technology needed to use and effectively manage information. This reliance characterizes public and private sector organizations, regardless of mission, industry, geographic location, or organization type. IT is critical to organizational success, operating efficiency, competitiveness, and even survival, making imperative the need for organizations to ensure the correct and effective use of information technology. In this context it is important that resources are efficiently allocated, that IT functions at a sufficient level of performance and quality to effectively support the business, and that information assets are adequately secured consistent with the risk tolerance of the organization. Such assets must also be governed effectively, meaning that they operate as intended, work correctly, and function in a way that complies with applicable regulations and standards. IT auditing can help organizations achieve all of these objectives"--


Information technology --- Computer security. --- Computer networks --- Auditing. --- Security measures. --- Information Technology --- General and Others --- IT (Information technology) --- Computer network security --- Network security, Computer --- Security of computer networks --- Computer privacy --- Computer system security --- Computer systems --- Computers --- Cyber security --- Cybersecurity --- Electronic digital computers --- Security of computer systems --- Security measures --- Protection of computer systems --- Protection --- Technology --- Telematics --- Information superhighway --- Knowledge management --- Computer security --- Data protection --- Security systems --- Hacking --- information technology. --- information security. --- computer network. --- auditing. --- Buchprüfung --- auditeerimine --- verificatie van de rekeningen --- kontrola računa --- verifica dei conti --- audito atlikimas --- ревизия --- ревизија рачуна --- granskning av räkenskaper --- audit --- auditim (kontabilitet drejtimi) --- финансиска ревизија --- vérification des comptes --- verificação de contas --- εξέλεγξη λογαριασμών --- iniúchóireacht --- verificare a conturilor --- rewizja ksiąg --- auditēšana --- awditjar --- verificación de cuentas --- revidiranja --- varainkäytön valvonta --- kontrola účtov --- könyvvizsgálat --- revision af regnskaber --- έλεγχος λογαριασμών --- revize účtů --- revisione contabile dei conti --- účtovná revízia --- révision des comptes --- controllo dei conti --- elszámolások ellenőrzése --- проверка на сметководствена евиденција и финансиски извештаи --- controle van de rekeningen --- provjera računa --- censura de cuentas --- revisión de cuentas --- certificazione del bilancio --- auditare --- controlo das contas --- contrôle des comptes --- expertiză contabilă --- auditavimas --- éves beszámoló ellenőrzése --- regnskabskontrol --- Abschlussprüfung --- účtovný audit --- revisão de contas --- revize --- Prüfung des Jahresabschlusses --- revisione contabile --- auditálás --- räkenskapsrevision --- rețea de calculatoare --- računalniško omrežje --- počítačová síť --- рачунарска мрежа --- sieć informatyczna --- datoru tīkls --- počítačová sieť --- компјутерска мрежа --- δίκτυο πληροφορικής --- computernetwerk --- netwerk tal-kompjuter --- réseau informatique --- Informatiknetz --- datanet --- rrjet kompjuterik --- líonra ríomhairí --- rede informática --- red informática --- számítógépes hálózat --- datanätverk --- kompiuterių tinklas --- računalna mreža --- компютърна мрежа --- arvutivõrk --- rete informatica --- tietoverkko --- red de ordenadores --- réseau d'ordinateurs --- δίκτυο ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών --- datamaskinenetværk --- Computer-Verbundnetz --- informatikai hálózat --- rete di calcolatori --- мрежа за компјутерско поврзување --- μηχανογραφικό δίκτυο --- információbiztonság --- informationssikkerhed --- siguria informatike --- segurança da informação --- sikurezza tal-informazzjoni --- varovanje tajnosti podatkov --- Informationssicherheit --- bezpečnost informačních systémů --- informācijas drošība --- sicurezza delle informazioni --- informacijska sigurnost --- securitatea sistemelor informatice --- infoturve --- tietoturvallisuus --- информационна сигурност --- sécurité des systèmes d’information --- informationssäkerhet --- seguridad informática --- bezpieczeństwo informacji --- slándáil faisnéise --- информатичка безбедност --- informacijos saugumas --- ασφάλεια των συστημάτων πληροφοριών --- bezpečnosť informačných systémov --- informatiebeveiliging --- мрежова сигурност и сигурност в Интернет --- sécurité internet --- infrazzjoni tas-sigurtà tal-informazzjoni --- digital sikkerhed --- дигитална безбедност --- sigurtà tal-internet --- digitale beveiliging --- sikurezza diġitali --- интернетска безбедност --- kibernetska varnost --- zabezpečení informací --- network and Internet security --- parrezikshmëri dixhitale --- осигуреност на информацията --- cyberveiligheid --- kibernetinis saugumas --- informacijos saugumo užtikrinimas --- сигурност в Интернет --- segurança digital --- Infosec --- mbrojtje e informacionit --- digitalna varnost --- zabezpieczanie informacji --- digitālā drošība --- brud på informationssikkerheden --- sieťová a internetová bezpečnosť --- cibersegurança --- kršenje informacijske sigurnosti --- internetna varnost --- assurance de l’information --- Internet safety --- cibersecuritate --- seguridad digital --- securitate informatică --- incidente di sicurezza informatica --- sicurezza digitale --- garantía de la información --- cyberbeveiliging --- kybernetická bezpečnosť --- parrezikshmëria e internetit --- cyber-security --- sicurezza delle reti e dell'informazione --- internetveiligheid --- digitale Sicherheit --- asigurarea informației --- segurança das redes e da Internet --- безбедност на информациите --- cyber-securité --- sigurnost informacija --- verkkoturvallisuus --- událost v oblasti bezpečnosti informací --- цифрова безопасност --- parrezikshmëri kibernetike --- ασφάλεια στο διαδίκτυο --- ασφάλεια των πληροφοριών --- kybernetická bezpečnost --- informācijas drošības incidents --- internetsikkerhed --- information security incident --- cyber-safety --- internetbeveiliging --- incidente no domínio da segurança da informação --- kyberturvallisuus --- cybersicurezza --- internetsäkerhet --- sicurezza informatica --- incident informačnej bezpečnosti --- IT-beveiliging --- digitale veiligheid --- siguria e internetit --- inbreuk op de informatiebeveiliging --- porušení bezpečnosti informačních systémů --- informācijas aizsardzība --- cybersecurity --- кибербезопасност --- információbiztonsági esemény --- hálózatbiztonság --- kršitev varovanja tajnosti podatkov --- ráthú faisnéise --- segurança eletrónica --- naruszenie bezpieczeństwa informacji --- sécurité numérique --- garantia da informação --- informationssikring --- digital safety --- ασφάλεια στον κυβερνοχώρο  --- internetbiztonság --- net- og informationssikkerhed --- tietovarmuus --- tietojen turvaaminen --- breach of information security --- tīklu un informācijas drošība --- securitatea rețelelor și a internetului --- digitálna bezpečnosť --- inċident tas-sigurtà tal-informazzjoni --- kiberdrošība --- ИНФОСЕК --- кибербезбедност --- безбедност на компјутерски мрежи --- infosec --- vulnérabilitité des systèmes d'information --- garanzia di sicurezza delle informazioni --- informačná bezpečnosť --- INFOSEC --- IT-sikkerhed --- ψηφιακή ασφάλεια --- kiberbiztonság --- segurança da Web --- varnost omrežij in internetna varnost --- пробив в информационната сигурност --- SRRI --- cybersécurité --- küberjulgeolek --- cybersafety --- mrežna i internetska sigurnost --- tietoverkkoturvallisuus --- cybersäkerhet --- informatieborging --- interneto saugumas --- violazione della sicurezza delle informazioni --- interneto sauga --- περιστατικό ασφάλειας πληροφοριών --- sikurezza tal-internet --- INFOSEC  --- digitální bezpečnost --- incident glede varovanja tajnosti podatkov --- segurança cibernética --- incident de securitate cibernetică --- bezpieczeństwo cybernetyczne --- it-säkerhet --- informatiebeveiligingsincident --- shkelje e sigurisë informatike --- cibearshlándáil --- információbiztonsági incidens --- siguria e rrjetit dhe e internetit --- netwerk- en internetbeveiliging --- internetová bezpečnosť --- varnost na internetu --- Incident i sigurisë informatike --- sicurezza di Internet --- bezpieczeństwo cyfrowe --- încălcarea regulilor de securitate a sistemelor informatice --- informacijos saugumo incidentas --- violação da segurança da informação --- bezpieczeństwo w internecie --- sigurnost na internetu --- informationssikkerhedshændelse --- assikurazzjoni tal-informazzjoni --- netbiztonság --- internetová bezpečnost --- informācijas drošības pārkāpums --- NIS --- informacijos saugumo pažeidimas --- információbiztonság megsértése --- cyberbezpieczeństwo --- datasäkerhet --- Netz- und Informationssicherheit --- cybersikkerhed --- siguria kibernetike --- infokindlus --- zagotavljanje informacijske varnosti --- information assurance --- tīklu un interneta drošība --- infoturbeintsident --- kibernetička sigurnost --- parrezikshmëria kibernetike --- Informationssicherung --- sigurtà tan-netwerks u tal-internet --- bezpieczeństwo w sieci i internecie --- segurança informática --- Internetsicherheit --- interneta drošums --- porušenie bezpečnosti informačných systémov --- ciberseguridad --- digitális biztonság --- Cybersicherheit --- incydent związany z bezpieczeństwem informacji --- IT-Sicherheit --- interneta drošība --- Internet security --- InfoSec --- securitate cibernetică --- информациска безбедност --- informationssäkring --- segurança da Internet --- Informationstechnologie --- informaatioteknologia --- teknologjia e informacionit --- teicneolaíocht faisnéise --- infotehnoloogia --- tecnología de la información --- informatietechnologie --- tecnologia da informação --- informačná technológia --- информационна технология --- informationsteknologi --- teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni --- informācijas tehnoloģija --- technologie de l'information --- informační technologie --- tehnologia informației --- információtechnológia --- информатичка технологија --- информациона технологија --- informationsteknik --- τεχνολογία των πληροφοριών --- technologia informacyjna --- informacinė technologija --- tecnologia dell'informazione --- informacijska tehnologija --- sidetehnoloogia --- communications technology --- teknologji komunikacioni --- Kommunikationstechnologie --- Information and communication technologies --- technologie de la communication --- výpočetní technika --- komunikačná technológia --- komunikācijas tehnoloģijas --- informacijos technologija --- tehnologia comunicațiilor --- komunikační technologie --- technique de l'information --- ryšių priemonių technologija --- телекомуникациска технологија --- επικοινωνιακή τεχνολογία --- tecnologia da comunicação --- комуникациска технологија --- viestintäteknologia --- ICT --- tecnologia delle telecomunicazioni --- tecnologia delle comunicazioni --- informační technika --- tecnología de la comunicación --- obavijesna tehnologija --- kommunikationsteknologi --- communicatietechnologie --- τεχνική των πληροφοριών --- információs technológia --- vulnérabilité des systèmes d'information

FISMA and the risk management framework : the new practice of federal cyber security
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 128385225X 1597496421 1597496413 9781597496421 9781597496414 9781283852258 Year: 2013 Publisher: Boston : Syngress,

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If you are responsible for meeting federal information security requirements such as FISMA, this book is all you need to know to get a system authorized. Now in the first full revision of FISMA since its inception in 2002, a new wave of stronger security measures are now available through the efforts of the Department of Defense, Office of the Directory of National Intelligence, Committee for National Security Systems and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Based on the new FISMA requirements for 2011 and beyond, this book catalogs the processes, procedures and specif

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