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La peinture murale antique : restitution et iconographie
ISBN: 2735102092 2735120570 9782735102099 Year: 1987 Volume: 10 Publisher: Paris : Ed. de la Maison des sciences de l'homme,

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Ce volume présente les actes du IXe séminaire de l’Association française pour la peinture murale antique (A.F.P.M.A.) dont un des thèmes majeurs concerne les restitutions graphiques des peintures fragmentaires, les relevés graphiques et le rendu des couleurs, problèmes communs à d’autres disciplines de l‘archéologie. Les restitutions, liées aux restaurations, doivent être effectuées selon des principes très stricts, dans un total respect de ce qui subsiste de l’original. Le dialogue fructueux entre archéologues et restaurateurs est ici bien apparent avec des exposés des uns et des autres sur les mêmes peintures, souvent inédites. Le deuxième thème concerne l’iconographie car les restitutions font largement usage d’une connaissance des thèmes décoratifs ou figurés et varient en fonction des interprétations possibles. Archéologues comme restaurateurs professionnels trouveront dans cet ouvrage matière â réflexion pour la pratique quotidienne de leur métier. This volume includes the Acts of the IXth Conference of the A.F.P.M.A. (French Antique Wall Paintings Association), one of the majorthemes of which is the graphic restitution of fragmentary paintings, tracings and colour rendering, problems which are common to other sectors of archaeology. These restitutions, which are linked to restorations, must be came out in accordance with very strict principles, which respect completely what is left of the original work. The advantages of exchanges between archaeologists and restorers are here made obvious, with reports from both professions on the same, often unpublished, paintings. The second theme concerns the iconography, as a reconstitution calls on a knowledge of the various decorative and figurative themes employed and which vary in accordance with the possible interpretations. Both archaeologists and restorers will find this publication offers food for thought in the daily details of their work.

Les républicains au congrès : La résistible ascension des conservateurs américains
ISBN: 2753553009 2753541434 Year: 2017 Publisher: Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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En étudiant l’impact des élus républicains sur la politique budgétaire et les réformes, adoptées ou avortées, de l’État-Providence américain, on observe un écart spectaculaire entre les paroles et les actes. Comment expliquer cet échec relatif de la révolution conservatrice ? Quels obstacles électoraux et institutionnels se sont dressés sur la route des conservateurs américains pour les empêcher de mettre en mouvement leurs ambitions de transformation radicale ?

Kant's Lectures on anthropology : a critical guide
ISBN: 9781316621547 9781107024915 1107024919 9781139176170 1322293481 1316211045 1316190722 1316188868 1316205517 1316209180 1316621545 1316203689 1316207323 1316201813 113917617X Year: 2014 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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Kant's lectures on anthropology, which formed the basis of his Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (1798), contain many observations on human nature, culture and psychology and illuminate his distinctive approach to the human sciences. The essays in the present volume, written by an international team of leading Kant scholars, offer the first comprehensive scholarly assessment of these lectures, their philosophical importance, their evolution and their relation to Kant's critical philosophy. They explore a wide range of topics, including Kant's account of cognition, the senses, self-knowledge, freedom, passion, desire, morality, culture, education and cosmopolitanism. The volume will enrich current debates within Kantian scholarship as well as beyond, and will be of great interest to upper-level students and scholars of Kant, the history of anthropology, the philosophy of psychology and the social sciences.

Imaginary spaces of power in Sub-Saharan literatures and films
ISBN: 1443839469 9781443839464 1299645909 9781299645905 1443838969 9781443838962 Year: 2012 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Cambridge Scholars Publishing

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This collection of essays is unlike others in the field of African studies, for it is based on three very precisely delineated focal points: a particular geographical region, the sub-Sahara; specific modes of cultural production, literature and cinema; a concentration on works of French expression. This three-fold approach to exploring the relationships between power and culture in a non-Western environment greatly contributes to making this book unique from a variety of perspectives: African...

Global justice and climate governance : bridging theory and practice
ISBN: 1474459897 147443794X 1474437931 9781474459891 1474459897 1474437915 Year: 2016 Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press,

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This book evaluates the global response to climate change from a cosmopolitan justice perspective. Going above and beyond existing studies, Dietzel neatly illustrates that climate justice theory can be used to normatively assess and compare both state (multilateral) and non-state (transnational) climate change governance - or, in other words, that theory and practice can be bridged. Investigating the role of states, cities, corporations, and non-governmental organisations in the post-Paris Agreement era, Dietzel provides fresh insight into the 'big picture' of climate change (mis)management and the injustices that come along with it. These insights allow her to make recommendations for change that should be of keen interest to climate justice scholars and climate governance practitioners alike.

Reducing the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Water and Sanitation Services : Overview of emissions and their potential reduction illustrated by utility know-how
Year: 2022 Publisher: London, UK : IWA Publishing,

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The scientific evidence contained in the three volumes of the 6th IPCC report (AR6), published between August 2021 and April 2022, are another reminder of the urgent need to respect the 2015 Paris Agreement. 195 countries agreed to the goal of limiting long-term global temperature increase to "well below 2°C" compared to pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C by massively reducing their emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs). Water and climate questions are usually addressed from the perspective of adaptation to climate change. For urban water services the mitigation aspect has been less studied up till now. These considerations fit into the broader context of the interdependence of energy and water (Water-Energy Nexus). This report approaches the question from the angle of energy use in the water sector rather than the better-known water requirements for the energy sector. Reducing GHG emissions in urban water management requires reducing both fossil energy requirements and direct emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Finally, it must be said that the need to reduce the GHG emissions of water and sanitation services goes with the growing demand for water. It should increase by 50% between now and 2030 worldwide due to the combined effects of population growth, economic development, and the shift in consumer patterns. This synthetic report aims to provide an overview of possible levers to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of water and sanitation services and provides an analysis of how adaptation measures can embrace this low-carbon approach.

Conte-moi Pompéi
Year: 2021 Publisher: Pessac : Ausonius Éditions,

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"Tell me about Pompeii". Is it a story, a novel, a documentary, an art book? No, but a book of initiation in the form of dialogues like the philosophers of antiquity did, a b@lade in this city frozen by a terrible volcanic eruption. Children ask questions about Pompeii and the exchanges are lively and direct. The archaeologist Alix Barbet, honorary research director at the CNRS, who has been visiting Pompeii and its region for fifty years, leads the debate. This book was published by Ausonius; now it is available in a new open format, visible to the greatest number of people, thus offering a new reading experience.


Short stories.

Muzische vorming
ISBN: 9067168149 Year: 1996 Publisher: Diegem Kluwer

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Inhoud: 1. theoretisch hoofdstuk over muzische vorming in het algemeen; 2. dans en beweging; 3. beeld; 4. drama; 5. werkfiches.

La Construction en pan de bois : au Moyen âge et à la Renaissance
Authors: ---
ISSN: 21072566 ISBN: 9782869062948 286906294X 9782753528703 2869065310 Year: 2013 Publisher: Tours Rennes Presses universitaires François-Rabelais Presses universitaires de Rennes

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Les édifices en pan de bois sont l'une des composantes majeures du paysage urbain et rural dans de nombreuses régions de France. Ils témoignent d'un mode constructif qui fut largement répandu dans l'architecture du Moyen Âge et de l'époque moderne, et dont le succès s'illustre aussi bien par la diversité des structures, des assemblages, des hourdis et des éléments de décors ornant les façades que par les multiples emplois de cette technique : édifices à usages agricoles, maisons polyvalentes urbaines, habitat sériel d'opérations de lotissement, résidences seigneuriales, églises, etc. Cet ouvrage présente un état des connaissances sur la construction en pan de bois du XIIIe au XVIe siècle en France, à travers une vingtaine de contributions qui s'appuient sur l'analyse des sources textuelles et iconographiques, des relevés d'archéologie du bâti, des datations dendrochronologiques et des observations architecturales. Elles s'intéressent aux techniques de charpenterie, à l'approvisionnement des bois d'œuvre, aux organes de circulation et de distribution des édifices ou encore aux relations structurelles avec les planchers, la charpente du comble et les parties maçonnées. Certaines analyses abordent la question des spécificités stylistiques régionales et celle de l'évolution du pan de bois dans le paysage urbain à travers le traitement décoratif des façades, les réglementations municipales et les édits royaux.

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