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While this book is a publication on Indian philosophy, addressing the problem of subjectivity in the Upaniṣads from the perspective of Advaita Vedānta's ontological assumptions, it makes an interesting reading for a wider group of readers, including philosophers of metaphysics, orientalists, and religious and cultural researchers.
Philosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge --- Philosophy: metaphysics & ontology --- Religion & beliefs --- Advaita Vedānta --- erroneous perception --- Kudelska --- luminous reality --- Māṇḍūkya Kārikā --- Ontology --- sat – sufficient reason --- Subject --- subject constituting the world --- Upaniṣads --- Upanishads --- Ontology. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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This elegantly written book introduces a new perspective on Indic religious history by rethinking the role of mantra in Vedic ritual. In Bringing the Gods to Mind, Laurie Patton takes a new look at mantra as "performed poetry" and in five case studies draws a portrait of early Indian sacrifice that moves beyond the well-worn categories of "magic" and "magico-religious" thought in Vedic sacrifice. Treating Vedic mantra as a sophisticated form of artistic composition, she develops the idea of metonymy, or associational thought, as a major motivator for the use of mantra in sacrificial performance. Filling a long-standing gap in our understanding, her book provides a history of the Indian interpretive imagination and a study of the mental creativity and hermeneutic sophistication of Vedic religion.
Mantras. --- Hinduism --- Incantations --- Rituals. --- Vedas --- Phrawēt --- Khamphī Phrawēt --- Fīdā --- Recitation. --- Veda --- atharva veda. --- bandhu. --- brahmana. --- brahmin. --- ceremony. --- chanting. --- deity. --- devata. --- eastern religion. --- food studies. --- grhya. --- hinduism. --- hymns. --- india. --- indian sacrifice. --- indic religion. --- magic. --- mantra. --- meditation. --- metonymy. --- mindfulness. --- performance theory. --- performed poetry. --- religion. --- religious belief. --- religious history. --- religious poetry. --- religious practice. --- rite. --- ritual. --- sacrifice. --- soma. --- south asia. --- spirituality. --- srauta literature. --- supernatural. --- tradition. --- upanisads. --- vedic ritual. --- vedic. --- vidhana. --- viniyoga. --- visualization.
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This is a collection of articles by established scholars in the fields of History, Philosophy, Literature and Religious Studies. These are original essays which address the issues and concerns that now dominate the study of religion in its multiple dimensions with a fresh approach. They critique settled opinions and raise new and engaging questions concerning cultural hermeneutics and the academic study of religion. Embellished with a substantive and topical introduction by the editor, this collection of articles will be of abiding interest to scholars and interested lay persons alike.
John Robert Seeley --- Bankimchandra Chatterjee --- natural religions --- hagiography --- auto/biography --- Victorian Jesus --- carita as genre --- life narratives in colonial Bengal --- Krishnacaritra --- secularism --- Swami Vivekananda --- Jyotirmaya Sharma --- Hindu nationalism --- Hindutva --- religious pluralism --- religious inclusivism --- caste system --- Sri Ramakrishna --- Bābā Farīd --- bhakti --- Bhāgavata-purāṇa --- Bulleh Shāh --- Caṇḍīdās --- Hīr-Rāṇjhā --- Ibn ‘Arabī --- Rabindranath Tagore --- Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa --- Rūmī --- Sufism --- Vaiṣṇavism --- Vidyāpati --- virahiṇī --- Wāris Shāh --- Yūsuf-Zulaikhā --- Śrīdhara --- Bhāgavata --- Purāṇa --- commentary --- Caitanya --- Gauḍīya --- Jīva Gosvāmī --- digital Hinduism --- god posters --- Shani --- Hindu images --- Hinduism and mediatization --- Bengal --- Vaiṣṇava --- colonial --- gender --- women --- Srīkanḍa --- gaura nāgara vāda --- Viṣnupriyā --- Śrī Rāmakṛṣṇa --- Vedānta --- Ādi Śaṁkara --- Advaita --- Upaniṣads --- brahman --- ātman --- Śakti --- vijñāna --- samādhi --- Hinduism --- Vedanta --- philosophy of religion --- yoga --- n/a --- Bābā Farīd --- Bhāgavata-purāṇa --- Bulleh Shāh --- Caṇḍīdās --- Hīr-Rāṇjhā --- Ibn 'Arabī --- Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa --- Rūmī --- Vaiṣṇavism --- Vidyāpati --- virahiṇī --- Wāris Shāh --- Yūsuf-Zulaikhā --- Śrīdhara --- Bhāgavata --- Purāṇa --- Gauḍīya --- Jīva Gosvāmī --- Vaiṣṇava --- Srīkanḍa --- gaura nāgara vāda --- Viṣnupriyā --- Śrī Rāmakṛṣṇa --- Vedānta --- Ādi Śaṁkara --- Upaniṣads --- ātman --- Śakti --- vijñāna --- samādhi
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