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Alors que l’activité de traduction est universelle, se pose la question de la part du traduisible et de l’intraduisible et, surtout, celle de la nature de ce dernier. La traductologie (Jakobson, Mounin, Meschonnic, Berman) a théorisé de diverses manières la traduction, ses processus et ses acteurs, de l’auteur en langue source jusqu’au lecteur en langue d’accueil, le possible, le nécessaire et l’impossible à traduire. Dans la pratique, tout traducteur littéraire est confronté à des éléments qu’il juge « intraduisibles », mais les textes traduits proposés à la lecture se présentent implicitement comme les équivalents exacts des originaux et comportent rarement la trace des hésitations et interrogations des traducteurs, le plus souvent sous la forme de notes explicatives en bas de page. L’intraduisible peut être d’ordre référentiel : l’inexistence dans la langue d’une culture donnée d’une entité quelconque, matérielle ou notionnelle, peut aller de pair avec une existence de moyen lexical. Ce fait a été décrit à propos des traductions de la Bible, dans la confrontation du vocabulaire liée à la neige chez les Inuits, etc. L’intraduisible est ici tout relatif et relève encore du domaine de l’explicable. L’intraduisible peut être plus proprement linguistique : les jeux de mots, mais aussi certains traits grammaticaux, faits de morphologie ou tournures syntaxiques peuvent gêner, voire empêcher la traduction, ou au contraire, contraindre le traducteur à prendre des décisions que l’auteur n’a pas eu à prendre. Est-il possible et nécessaire d’expliquer une assonance, l’emploi d’une structure syntaxique ? Il s’agit d’étudier l’intraduisible dans la pratique du traducteur, la nature de l’intraduisible, les « techniques » d’évitement ou d’affrontement mises en œuvre pour produire un texte cohérent et lisible. Les langues mises en présence seront le français, l’allemand et les langues slaves.
Language & Linguistics (General) --- traduction --- langue allemande --- langues slaves --- intraduisible
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translation --- slavic literatures --- reception --- bibliography of translations --- history of translations --- translation studies --- Slavic languages --- Slavic literature --- East European literature --- Balto-Slavic languages --- Slavonic languages --- Indo-European languages --- Comparison --- Translations --- Comparison. --- Langues slaves --- Littérature slave --- Comparaison --- Traductions
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Why does the accent jump back and forth in Russian words like golová 'head', acc. gólovu, gen. golový, dat. golové etc.? How come we find similar alternations in other Slavic languages and in a Baltic language like Lithuanian? The quest for the origin of the so-called "mobile accent paradigms" of Baltic and Slavic leads the reader through other Indo-European language branches such as Indo-Iranian, Greek and Germanic, all of which are relevant to the reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-European accentuation system. After the examination of the evidence for the reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-European accentuation system, focus is moved to the Baltic and Slavic accentuation systems and their relationship to each other and to Proto-Indo-European. A comprehensive history of research and numerous bibliographical references to earlier pieces of scholarship throughout the book make it a useful tool for anybody who is interested in Balto-Slavic and Indo-European accentology. Written in a simple style and constantly aiming at presenting old and new opinions on the various problems, the volume may serve as an introduction to this complicated field.
Slavic languages --- Baltic languages --- Indo-European languages --- Aryan languages --- Indo-Germanic languages --- Balto-Slavic languages --- Slavonic languages --- Accents and accentuation. --- Langues slaves --- Langues baltes --- Langues indo-européennes --- Accents et accentuation --- Balto-Slavic languages. --- historical linguistics. --- indo-european. --- prosody.
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Slavic languages --- Slavic philology --- Langues slaves --- Philologie slave --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Civilization, Slavic --- Civilization, Slavic. --- Slavic philology. --- Slavic Studies --- Slavic Languages --- Slavic Literatures --- Philology --- History --- Balto-Slavic philology --- Slavic civilization --- Slavs --- Civilization --- slavic studies --- slavic languages --- slavic literatures --- philology --- history --- Slavic, Baltic and Albanian Languages & Literatures
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No detailed description available for "Reconstructing Prehistorical Dialects".
Proto-Slavic language --- Proto-Baltic language --- Slavic languages --- Baltic languages --- Vowels --- History --- Langues baltiques --- Slave commun (Langue) --- Langues slaves --- Voyelles --- Histoire --- Balto-Slavic languages --- Indo-European languages --- Slavonic languages --- Common Slavic --- Old Slavic language --- Vowels. --- History. --- Proto-Slavic language - Vowels --- Proto-Baltic language - Vowels --- Slavic languages - Vowels - History --- Baltic languages - Vowels - History
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This study develops parametic solutions to related constructions among the Slavonic languages. It serves as a description of government and binding (GB) theory for Slavonic linguists, as well as an introduction to Slavonic languages for scholars of syntax.
Principles and parameters (Linguistics) --- Slavic languages --- Balto-Slavic languages --- Slavonic languages --- Indo-European languages --- Generative grammar --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Case. --- Grammar, Generative. --- Syntax. --- 801.56 --- 808 --- 808 Slavische talen. Baltische talen --- Slavische talen. Baltische talen --- 801.56 Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Case --- Grammar, Generative --- Syntax --- Principes et paramètres (Linguistique) --- Langues slaves --- Cas --- Grammaire générative --- Syntaxe --- Principles and parameters (Linguistics).
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In the light of growing insights into the universal temporal-semantic nature of aspectual distinctions, today's aspectology has broadened its attention from restrictedly event-defining functions of aspect on the sentence level towards its primary perspectival functions on the discourse/situation level. Hereby it attempts to relate these functions to each other in ways that stimulate consistently language processing on a more solid perceptual-conceptual and pragmatic basis. Reflecting in various ways this general tendency. The 13 papers collected in this volume are oriented to four fields of re
Lexicology. Semantics --- Slavic languages --- Pragmatics --- 801.56 --- Discourse analysis --- -Grammar, Comparative and general --- -801.56 Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Comparative grammar --- Grammar --- Grammar, Philosophical --- Grammar, Universal --- Language and languages --- Philosophical grammar --- Linguistics --- Philology --- Discourse grammar --- Text grammar --- Semantics --- Semiotics --- Congresses --- Aspect --- -Congresses --- Tense --- Grammar, Comparative --- -Comparative grammar --- 801.56 Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Aspect&delete& --- Tense&delete& --- Linguistique comparee --- Langues slaves --- Grammaire comparee
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The Slavic and East European Journal (SEEJ) publishes research studies in all areas of Slavic languages, literatures, and cultures. Papers on non-Slavic East European subjects of interest to Slavicists may also be considered. Submitted articles should be well-documented, and should reflect command of relevant primary sources in original languages and knowledge of the current state of research in appropriate areas. Pedagogical articles report the results of serious research, experimentation, and evaluation. Shorter or less formal studies, communications, and compendia in the same areas will be considered for publication as notes. Review articles (longer analytical essays or broad surveys of research in specific areas) are also welcome. A book review section is also included in each issue.
Literature --- Slavic languages --- Langues slaves --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages --- Periodicals --- Europe, Eastern --- Europe de l'Est --- Languages --- Langues --- JEX3 --- Arts and Humanities --- Education & Careers --- Language & Linguistics --- Indo-European literature --- AATSEEL --- East Europe --- Eastern Europe --- American Association of Teachers of Slavonic and East European Languages --- Language and languages. --- Slavic languages. --- Slavische talen. --- Oost-Europakunde. --- American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages. --- Eastern Europe. --- Balto-Slavic languages --- Slavonic languages --- Indo-European languages --- Foreign languages --- Anthropology --- Communication --- Ethnology --- Information theory --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Philology --- Linguistics --- Literatura eslava. --- Llengües eslaves. --- Civilització eslava.
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Taalkunde. --- Slavische talen. --- Language and languages. --- Slavic languages, Southern. --- Publications périodiques. --- Linguistique. --- Slavic languages, Southern --- Langues slaves méridionales --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Balkan Peninsula. --- Balkan Peninsula --- Languages --- Arts and Humanities --- Language & Linguistics --- South Slavs Studies --- scientific annual review --- thematic journal --- languages and cultures of southern Slavs --- Balkan context --- Southern Slavic languages --- Foreign languages --- Anthropology --- Communication --- Ethnology --- Information theory --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Philology --- Linguistics --- Europe, Eastern --- Balkan States --- Balkans --- Europe, Southeastern --- Southeastern Europe --- Ethnology. Cultural anthropology --- Slavic languages --- Eastern Europe --- south slavs studies --- languages and cultures of southern slavs --- balkan context
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