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Change and stability in international law-making
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110114941 3110892677 9783110892673 0899254209 9780899254203 9783110114942 Year: 1988 Publisher: Berlin ; New York : De Gruyter,

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Change and Stability in International Law-Making

Chinese contributions to international discourse of human rights
ISBN: 9789811905803 9789811905797 9789811905810 9789811905827 Year: 2022 Publisher: Singapore : Springer,

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This book discusses human rights law, focusing on Chinese contributions to international human rights viewed from a perspective of global governance. The original research presented here integrates a variety of research methods: inter-disciplinary approaches, historical and comparative methods, documentary research and so on. The research findings can be described briefly as follows: In global governance, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) serves as a historic cross-cultural heritage, while Pengchun Chang, the Chinese representative, made great contributions to the establishment of the international human rights system. After examining the characteristics of the Chinese discourse on human rights in global governance, the book suggests fundamental principles for improving human rights standards in China. In addition, it explores Chinese concepts of human dignity concerning the Declaration on Human Dignity for everyone, everywhere. The target readers are global scholars and students of law, politics, philosophy, international relations, human rights law, religion and culture. The book will provide these readers a vivid picture of China's contributions to international human rights, and a better understanding of the significance of traditional Chinese culture and wisdom. .

Sociaal Zakboekje 2023/1
ISSN: 17815347 ISBN: 9789463414562 9789403028842 9789403026831 9789403024646 9789403022628 9789403019987 9789403018164 9789403015309 9789403011349 9789403006857 9789403006048 9789403003214 9789046589809 9789046599648 9789046591024 9789046590928 9789046576724 9789046576625 9789046563496 9789046563397 9789046553589 9789046553572 9789046541234 9789046541227 9789046534199 9789046534182 9789046525296 9789046525289 9789046521601 9789046521595 9789046516720 9789046516713 9789046514139 9789046514122 9046504107 9046504093 9046507149 9046500209 9046501213 9046501116 905928786X 9058529967 9058528901 905852860X 905852552X 905852356X 9058522725 9058521494 9057549697 9057546736 9057544857 9057544121 9053347089 9057540851 9053347305 9053345108 905583162X 9055831239 9055830739 9063219601 9063218583 9063218214 9063217455 9063217250 9063216572 9063216408 9063215843 9063215703 9063215347 9063215150 9063214790 9063214642 9063214154 9063214014 9063213638 9063212445 906321216X 9063211651 9046563391 Year: 2023 Publisher: Mechelen Wolters Kluwer

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Het Sociaal Zakboekje biedt u een heldere kijk op de volledige Belgische sociale wetgeving. Essentiële informatie, in korte, kernachtige termen. Voor de volledigheid werden de referenties naar de wetgeving mee opgenomen. Op die manier kunt u er zelf makkelijk de letter van de wet op nalezen.Wat mag u verwachten ?- een kwaliteitsvolle verheldering van de volledige sociale wetgeving (arbeidsrecht, sociale zekerheidsrecht voor loontrekkers en zelfstandigen, zorgverzekering, sociale bijstand, sociaal strafrecht, handhavingsrecht, inschakeling en detachering van buitenlandse werknemers ?) - betrouwbare informatie dankzij Willy van Eeckhoutte, buitengewoon hoogleraar aan de Universiteit Gent en advocaat bij het Hof van Cassatie - directe en doorzichtige verklaring van het recht, verrijkt met verwijzingen naar de wettekstenDe inhoud van deze pocket wordt 2 keer per jaar geactualiseerd. Recente bedragen en nieuwe reglementeringen met de gevolgen voor uw praktijk worden daardoor snel opgenomen. Deze nieuwe editie van het Sociaal Zakboekje bevat het meest recente cijfermateriaal, alsook de aanpassingen rond "Beschikbaarheid voor arbeidsmarkt voor SWT-begunstigden".Bron :

International sports law : an introductory guide
ISBN: 9789462651982 9789462651975 Year: 2017 Publisher: The Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press : Imprint: T.M.C. Asser Press,

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This book, written by an expert in the field, covers some of the following issues, namely high-profile WADA cases such as that of Maria Sharapova, the Bosman ruling, decisions by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), and footballers’ employment contracts and transfers for enormous amounts. These issues have led to sport no longer being confined to the back pages of traditional media such as newspapers, but increasingly e="font-family: tahoma; font-size: 12px;">finding its way onto the front pages and into new media. Since ancient times sport has been practised but today it is a multi-billion dollar ‘industry’, and Sports Law as a discipline in its own right is developing apace and is increasingly being studied and practiced at all levels of interest and compet ency. Thereby creating n> a need amongst students, lawyers, accountants, sports marketers, promoters, agents, sports broadcasters, sports administrators and managers for some basic and general knowledge of the legal aspects of sport. This introductory guide to international s ports law will serve to satisfy the needs currently pan> not being met in present-day sports law literature, and should also be of interest to researchers and the general reader. Although the topics covered are necessarily selective, sports law being such a vast subject, they are representative of the main legal issues facing the world of sport today. Throughout the book, the reader is referred to erif">articles, publications and other materials that provide further information on the various subjects treated in the text, thus enhancing its value and usefulness. The Law is stated as at 1 January 2017, according to the sources available at that date. Prof. Ian S. Blackshaw is an International Sports Lawyer, a Solicitor of the Supreme Court ont face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">of England and Wales, and a Visiting Professor at several Universities, including Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom, and The University of Pretoria, South Africa. He is also a member of the Court of Arbitration for Sport, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Governance of emerging space challenges : the benefits of a responsible cosmopolitan state policy
ISBN: 9783030865559 9783030865542 9783030865566 9783030865573 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This edited volume discusses how even small nation states can make a significant difference in the future of space governance. The book is divided into three main sections covering political theory, case studies, and space technology and applications. Key topics of discussion include planetary defense, space mining, and high-power systems in space. Through these timely subjects, the book presents strategies for developing a truly global governance framework in space, based on the concept of a responsible cosmopolitan state. Authored by a multidisciplinary group of researchers from the Czech Republic, the volume will appeal to other scientific teams and policymakers looking to become pioneers of cosmopolitan space policies at a national and global level.

Journal of the history of international law
ISSN: 1388199X 15718050 Year: 1999 Publisher: Leiden Nijhoff

Beknopt overzicht van de sociale zekerheid in België.
ISSN: 13754424 Year: 2003 Publisher: Brussel FOD Sociale Zekerheid.

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Deel I. De verschillende stelsels van sociale zekerheid in België Titel I. Historisch overzicht Titel II. Het werknemersstelsel Titel III. Het stelsel van de zelfstandigen Titel IV De regeling van toepassing op het overheidspersoneel en in het bijzonder op het personeel van de provinciale en plaatselijke overheidsdiensten Titel V. De overzeese sociale zekerheid Titel VI.De diensten gemeenschappelijke voor de verschillende stelsels Titel VII. Enkele statistische en financiële gegevens Deel II. De verschillende takken van de sociale zekerheid Titel I. De verplichte verzekering voor geneeskundige verzorging Titel II. De prestaties van de uitkeringsverzeke-ring Titel III. De prestatie van de moederschapsverzekering Titel IV.Pensioenen Titel V. Werkloosheid Titel VI. Gezinsbijslag Titel VII. Beroepsrisico's Titel VIII. Jaarlijkse vakantie Titel IX. De sociale verzekering in geval van faillisement Deel III. De sociale bijstand niet geboden aan een tak van de sociale zekerheid Titel I. De tegemoetkomingen aan gehandicapten Titel II. Het bestaansminimum Titel III. Maatschappelijke dienstverlening Deel IV. De sociale bescherming op internationaal vlak Titel I. Coördinatie-instrumenten voor nationale sociale zekerheidsstelsels Titel II. Normatieve instrumenten

Spaceports in Europe
ISBN: 9783030883119 9783030883126 9783030883133 9783030883102 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This book explores how Europe is seeking to enlarge its launching capacities by building additional spaceports on the European continent. Various national initiatives are envisaged resulting in a "space race" in the field of constructing spaceports and building micro launchers. However, right from the beginning when choosing the launch site (land or sea based-rocket launches) there are various factors relating to international space law, European regulations and national rules that must be considered, as spaceports are rarely explicitly addressed in current legal and policy frameworks. While launching sites used to be operated by governments, private commercial initiatives are increasingly entering the field. This paradigm shift must be reflected within regulations relating to various aspects of space liability by enlarging the long-established terms of the United Nations space treaties to accommodate commercial space flights. Questions of permission, supervision and control require special liability regulations to avoid detrimental consequences stemming from the concept of "launching states" in view of the rise of private driven commercial space activities on a global level. Furthermore, not only do environmental aspects need to be thoroughly examined but also the concept of critical infrastructure requires special attention from a security perspective to anticipate, inter alia, cyber-attacks. For these reasons, several European and national regulations may need to be enlarged to apply to the entire space sector, using a harmonized approach that has direct implications for the regulations, programmes, and missions of the European Union and the European Space Agency, bearing in mind that the upcoming spaceports in Europe are an essential asset to substantially boost the European New Space.

Understanding due process in non-criminal matters : how to harmonize procedural guarantees with the right to access to justice
ISBN: 9783030955342 9783030955335 9783030955359 9783030955366 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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How we understand what procedure is due as a fundamental or constitutional right can have a critical impact on designing a civil procedure. Drawing on comparative law and empirically oriented methodologies, in this book the author provides a thorough analysis of how procedural due process is understood both in national jurisdictions and in the field of international human rights law. The book offers a suitable due process theory for civil matters in general, assessing the different roles that this basic international human right plays in comparison with criminal justice. In this regard, it argues that the civil justice conception of due process has grown under the shadow of criminal justice for too long. Moreover, the theory answers the question of what the basic requirements are concerning the right to a fair trial on civil matters, i.e., the question of what we can and cannot sacrifice when designing a civil procedure that correctly distributes the risk of moral harm while remaining accessible to people with complex and simple legal needs, in order to reconcile the requirements of procedural fairness with social demands for justice. This book makes a valuable contribution to the field of civil justice, legal design, and access to justice by providing an empirically based normative theory regarding the right to a fair trial. As such, it will be of interest to a broad audience: policymakers, practitioners and judges, but also researchers and scholars interested in theoretical questions in jurisprudence, and those familiar with empirical legal studies, comparative law, and other socio-legal studies.

The law of unjust enrichment in China : necessary or not?
ISBN: 9783031061783 9783031061776 9783031061790 9783031061806 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This book is the first book focusing on the Chinese law of unjust enrichment in English and introducing it to Western jurisdictions. Unjust enrichment is currently one of the most controversial areas of law in many jurisdictions and rife with academic debate. This book analyzes the historical evolution, current doctrines, and relationships of unjust enrichment with other areas of private law in China . It also provides insights into judicial practice. In May 2020, China promulgated its first-ever Civil Code since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, which is a milestone in the history of Chinese law. Before the Civil Code, there was only one legal provision regulating unjust enrichment, which requires a person obtaining benefits "without a legal basis" to return such benefits. However, the new Civil Code contains a separate chapter regulating unjust enrichment. This book analyzes and evaluates those new provisions in the Civil Code to provide a most up-to-date analysis of the Chinese law of unjust enrichment. .

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