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Education: Fundamental human right or strategic tool in support of economic growth? How does commodity-dependence influence education policy and practice? What is the role of vocational training vis-à-vis university education in developing countries? Are MOOCs and Chinese cooperation a game changer for higher education in Africa? And how does student migration sit vis-à-vis the globalisation of knowledge? These and other questions lie at the heart of Education, Learning, Training: Critical Issues for Development , a collection of essays edited by Gilles Carbonnier, Michel Carton and Kenneth King, which explore 50 years of international discourse surrounding education and development. Drawing on examples from Africa, Asia and Latin America, the articles examine issues hitherto largely neglected, but of increasing relevance to researchers and policymakers.
Educational sciences --- Developing countries --- Teachers --- Training of. --- Teacher education --- Teacher training --- Teachers, Training of --- international development --- Africa --- Capability approach --- China --- Higher education --- Lifelong learning --- Massive open online course
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This book combines the human development approach and innovation economics in order to explore the effects that structural economic change has on human development. While economic diversification can provide valuable new social choices and capabilities, it also tends to lead to more complex decision processes and changes to the set of capabilities required by people to self-determine their future. Within this process of structural transformation, social networks are crucial for accessing information and social support, but networks can also be a root cause of exclusion and inequality
Development economics --- Economic development --- Economics --- Social aspects. --- Sociological aspects. --- Economic sociology --- Socio-economics --- Socioeconomics --- Sociology of economics --- Sociology --- Social aspects --- Capability approach --- Diversification (finance) --- Entrepreneurship --- Human development (economics)
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Offering new knowledge and insights into European job markets, this book explores how young men and women experience job insecurity. Focusing on the ways in which young adults deal with this by actively increasing their chances of getting a job through a variety of methods, it shows how governmental policies can be altered to reduce early job insecurity. By combining analysis of original data collected through a variety of innovative methods, the book compares the trajectories of early job insecurity in nine European countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. It explores the differing reactions to the 2008 Great Recession and socio-economic and institutional characteristics of each country, analysing the strengths and weaknesses of different national policies. Contributions from experts in the field investigate the long-term consequences of having difficulty finding suitable and stable jobs in young adulthood, including 'scarring' in the form of weaker long-term employment prospects, lower life earnings and reduced well-being. Incorporating high-level academic research with policy recommendations, this insightful book is essential reading for advanced public policy and European studies scholars, as well as policymakers at national and European levels.
Job security --- Employment protection --- Employment security --- Job insecurity --- Security, Job --- Economic security --- Personnel management --- Layoff systems --- scarring --- qualitative and quantitative analyses --- capability approach --- early job insecurity --- resilience --- Youth unemployment
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How do we evaluate ambiguous concepts such as wellbeing, freedom, and social justice? How do we develop policies that offer everyone the best chance to achieve what they want from life? The capability approach, a theoretical framework pioneered by the philosopher and economist Amartya Sen in the 1980s, has become an increasingly influential way to think about these issues. This book is both an introduction to the capability approach and a thorough evaluation of the challenges and disputes that have engrossed the scholars who have developed it. The author offers her own illuminating and rigorously interdisciplinary interpretation, arguing that by appreciating the distinction between the general capability approach and more specific capability theories or applications we can create a powerful and flexible tool for use in a variety of academic disciplines and fields of policymaking. This book provides an original and comprehensive account that will appeal to scholars of the capability approach, new readers looking for an interdisciplinary introduction, and those interested in theories of justice, human rights, basic needs, and the human development approach.
Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Economic development. --- Well-being. --- Social justice. --- Basic needs. --- Capability Approach --- freedom --- economic disparity --- wellbeing --- social justice --- Social Science --- public policy --- Economic development --- Social justice --- Basic needs --- Well-being
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"Das bisschen Haushalt": Wer in Paarbeziehungen welche Routine-Hausarbeiten übernimmt, ist nach wie vor eine Frage des Geschlechts. Die Studie setzt sich mit innerhäuslichen Arbeitsteilungsarrangements in Paarbeziehungen im Zusammenhang mit dem von Studien der Familiensoziologie mittlerweile vernachlässigten Machtaspekt auseinander. Um die Kontinuität der traditionellen Arbeitsteilung in europäischen Regionen erklären zu können, wird eine theoretische Macht-Typologie entwickelt, die empirisch anhand einer Mehrebenenanalyse überprüft wird. Who does the dishes and cleans the bathroom? In couple relationships it is still a question of gender who does the majority of housework. The study deals with domestic work arrangements in couple relationships in connection with the aspect of power, which has been neglected by studies of family sociology. In order to explain the continuity of the traditional division of labour in European regions, a theoretical typology of power is developed.
criticism of egalitarianism --- domestic work --- Egalitarismuskritik --- europäischer Regionenvergleich (NUTS1) --- gender equality --- Gender --- Geschlechtergerechtigkeit --- Hausarbeiten --- Macht --- Mehrebenenanalyse --- multilevel analysis --- power-capabilities approach --- Power-Capability Approach --- power --- regional comparison (NUTS1) --- reproductive work --- Reproduktionsarbeit --- traditional division of household labor --- traditionelle innerhäusliche Arbeitsteilung
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Werkers in het sociale domein krijgen te maken met een zeer diverse groep aan burgers. Het gaat hierbij onder andere om sociale, culturele, religieuze, etnische en genderverschillen. Diversiteit in de samenleving biedt de (aankomende) ho-professional inzicht in de belangrijke concepten, methoden en (sociologische) theorieën voor het succesvol uitoefenen van diens beroep in de 21e eeuw in het Nederlandse taalgebied. Zo komen begrippen als inclusie en participatie aan de orde, belichten de auteurs de presentiebenadering en behandelen zij diversiteitscompetenties en diversiteitsbewuste communicatie. Ten slotte laten zij zien welke thema?s actueel zijn in deze diverse samenleving ? zoals armoede, religie, (trans)gender en (homo)seksualiteit ? en hoe zij de beroepspraktijk beïnvloeden. Ook wordt de rol van de media belicht.Bron:
Sociology of culture --- Social welfare methods --- Sociology of social care --- religie --- asielzoekers --- journalistiek --- imago --- media --- armoede --- methoden van het sociaal werk --- gender --- migratie (mensen) --- interculturele communicatie --- diversiteit --- Multiculturele samenleving --- Nederland --- België --- Superdiversiteit --- Migratie --- Multiculturalisme --- Capability approach --- Sociaal kapitaal --- Cultuur --- Presentiebenadering --- Interculturele communicatie --- Participatie --- Toegankelijkheid --- Inclusie --- Armoede --- Godsdienst --- Sekseverschil --- Gender --- Beeldvorming --- Media --- intersectionaliteit
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“[The] eventual adoption [of the capability approach] by research and policy analysts depends on the development of methods and applications which demonstrate implementation of the approach in concrete settings. This excellent volume contributes to this important task by linking concepts, methods and application, and by highlighting both the uses and the challenges of the capability approach.” —Ravi Kanbur, Professor, Cornell University, USA “This timely, comprehensive and well-organised volume brings together new work by leading researchers and will be essential reading for all students and researchers interested in the capability approach and its application.” —Mozaffar Qizilbash, Professor, University of York, UK “The capability approach has been centrally influential in moving development policy towards highlighting the importance of processes of empowerment and participation. This book provides useful insights into how theory translates into the practical application of these valuable concepts.” —Vijayendra Rao, Lead Economist, Development Research Group, World Bank, USA This book explores the linkages between Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach and participatory forms of development – especially those associated with critical pedagogy and empowerment from the bottom-up. It shows how the capability approach and the participatory movement can complement and reinforce each other helping to ensure that democratic principles are respected and become the foundation for sustainable human development. The Capability Approach provides guiding principles for protecting the transformative roots of participation (safeguarding ownership, accountability and empowerment), while participation delivers vital methods for making the Capability Approach operational. Divided into three overlapping parts that focus on concepts, methods and applications, this work draws on diverse fieldwork experiences to unpack power relations, address adaptive preferences, explore individual and collective agency, consider new partnerships for development, and develop innovative concepts. David Alexander Clark is Affiliated Lecturer in the Centre of Development Studies at the University of Cambridge, UK. Mario Biggeri is Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Florence, Italy. Alexandre Apsan Frediani is Associate Professor in the Bartlett Development Planning Unit at University College London, UK.
Capabilities approach (Social sciences) --- Capability approach (Social sciences) --- Social sciences --- Poverty. --- Political economy. --- Economic policy. --- Economic development. --- Development Aid. --- International Political Economy. --- Development Policy. --- Development Theory. --- Development, Economic --- Economic growth --- Growth, Economic --- Economic policy --- Economics --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- National planning --- State planning --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Economic man --- Destitution --- Wealth --- Basic needs --- Begging --- Poor --- Subsistence economy --- Economics.
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Sociaal werk werkt verbindend, streeft naar welzijn en verwezenlijkt ook structurele veranderingen. Tegelijk vertrekt het sociaal werk vanuit een globaal verankerd waardenkader, geïnspireerd door mensenrechten en sociale rechtvaardigheid. Het spanningsveld tussen die maatschappelijke en beroepseigen opdracht van sociaal werk vormt de rode draad door dit boek.#sociaalwerk is een spannend boek in zijn genre. Het daagt je uit om soms complexe kaders te doorgronden, inzichten uit te wisselen en positie in te nemen. Het voedt de passie voor het sociaal werk. We zijn ervan overtuigd dat sociaal werk discussie moet uitlokken. Vandaar de hashtag, die verwijst naar een thema waarvoor je aandacht wil en waarrond je mensen wil samenbrengen. De ambitie van dit boek is om grip te krijgen op de verschillende wetenschappelijke inzichten en concepten die nodig zijn voor de sociaal werker om op een kritische maar constructieve manier zijn of haar praktijk uit te bouwen.In de eerste plaats is #sociaalwerk een studieboek voor de bacheloropleidingen sociaal werk en de aanvangsfase van de masteropleidingen sociaal werk. Dit boek is niet enkel geschreven voor docenten, maar ook ? en vooral ? voor studenten. Met de toekomstige generatie sociaal werkers willen we in dialoog gaan over wat sociaal werk kan zijn en doen.#sociaalwerk bespreekt de generieke basis van sociaal werk zoals die vorm krijgt in welzijn, zorg, arbeid, cultuur en samenleven. Het boek is thematisch opgebouwd. De verschillende hoofdstukken maken je wegwijs in een breed scala aan onderwerpen. Tegelijk biedt het boek houvast om de identiteit van het sociaal werk te doorgronden. Op het online leerplatform Sofia vind je aanpasbare presentaties, zelfstudietaken, een literatuurplank, een begrippenlijst en bijkomend studiemateriaal. Het digitale deel, dat we jaarlijks actualiseren, verbindt zo het boek op dynamische wijze met de actuele ontwikkelingen in het werkveld.Bron:
Sociology of social care --- sociaal werk --- methoden van het sociaal werk --- 361.3 --- Sociaal werk. --- Sociaal werk --- Maatschappelijk werk --- Welvaartsstaat --- Geschiedenis --- Methodologie --- Beroepsethiek --- Sociale kaart --- Sociale welzijnszorg --- Rechten van de mens --- Hoger onderwijs --- Capability approach --- Krachtgericht werken --- Superdiversiteit --- Vermaatschappelijking --- Cliëntparticipatie --- Transmigratie --- Maatschappelijk welzijn --- Zorg --- PXL-Social Work 2019 --- methodiek --- PXL-Handboeken --- Sociaal werk (beroep) --- Mensenrechten --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Atlas --- Museum --- Sociaal werk (opleiding) --- 364.01
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How do we evaluate ambiguous concepts such as wellbeing, freedom, and social justice? How do we develop policies that offer everyone the best chance to achieve what they want from life? The capability approach, a theoretical framework pioneered by the philosopher and economist Amartya Sen in the 1980s, has become an increasingly influential way to think about these issues. This book is both an introduction to the capability approach and a thorough evaluation of the challenges and disputes that have engrossed the scholars who have developed it. The author offers her own illuminating and rigorously interdisciplinary interpretation, arguing that by appreciating the distinction between the general capability approach and more specific capability theories or applications we can create a powerful and flexible tool for use in a variety of academic disciplines and fields of policymaking. This book provides an original and comprehensive account that will appeal to scholars of the capability approach, new readers looking for an interdisciplinary introduction, and those interested in theories of justice, human rights, basic needs, and the human development approach.
Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Economic development --- Social justice --- Basic needs --- Well-being --- Welfare (Personal well-being) --- Wellbeing --- Quality of life --- Happiness --- Health --- Wealth --- Necessities of life --- Needs, Basic --- Social ecology --- Economic rights --- Poverty --- Social rights --- Equality --- Justice --- Development, Economic --- Economic growth --- Growth, Economic --- Economic policy --- Economics --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- E-books --- Economic development. --- Well-being. --- Social justice. --- Basic needs. --- Capability Approach --- freedom --- economic disparity --- wellbeing --- social justice --- Social Science --- public policy
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Welfare economics. --- Economic development --- Institutional economics. --- Economics --- Economic policy --- Social policy --- Social aspects. --- Sen, Amartya, --- Amadiya Sen, --- Amartya Kumar Sen, --- Amartya Sen, --- Amartya Sena, --- ʻAmāttaya Sen, --- Sen, A. K. --- Sen, Amadiya, --- Sen, Amarty K. --- Sen, Amartya K. --- Sen, Amartya Kumar --- Sen, Amartya Kumar, --- Sen, Armatya, --- Sena, Amartya, --- 阿瑪蒂亚・森, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Welfare economics --- Institutional economics --- Capabilities approach (Social sciences) --- Capability approach (Social sciences) --- Social sciences --- Social aspects --- E-books
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