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Nicolaas van Wijk (1880-1941) was the founder of Slavic studies in the Netherlands and one of the greatest Slavists in general. This book describes for the first time how a scholar of the Dutch language, whose etymological dictionary of the Dutch language is still considered the best of its kind, was appointed in 1913 to the newly created Chair in Slavic languages at Leiden University and built up a tremendous reputation for himself in Eastern Europe. Van Wijk's relations with his famous teacher, the linguist C.C. Uhlenbeck, are followed attentively, as is his postgraduate apprenticeship in Leipzig (1902-1903), where he followed August Leskien's lectures in Slavic studies. Attention is also paid to the various aspects of Van Wijk's enormous oeuvre covering the whole field of Slavic studies and of phonology, of which he was one of the pioneers. Van Wijk did not, however, follow the lines approved for the social conduct of a Leiden professor and was at one time suspected by the police of communist activities. His commitment to materially helping all he could from an Eastern Europe torn apart by the First World War and its aftermath was exceptional. His fascination with all things Russian is a background theme that played throughout his life and even at his death: son of a Dutch Reformed minister, the bachelor Van Wijk was buried in a grave surmounted by a Russian Orthodox cross beside his Russian foster son, who died young. This book is of interest to Slavists, linguists and cultural historians.
van Wijk, Nicolas --- Linguists --- Netherlands --- Biography --- Slavists --- Philanthropists --- Altruists --- Humanitarians --- Benefactors --- Philologists --- Slavicists --- Area specialists --- Wijk, Nicolaas van, --- Van Wijk, Nicolaas, --- Philanthropists.
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Smart City Emergence: Cases from around the World analyzes how smart cities are currently being conceptualized and implemented, examining the theoretical underpinnings and technologies that connect theory with tangible practice achievements. Using numerous cities from different regions around the globe, the book compares how smart cities of different sizes are evolving in different countries and continents. In addition, it examines the challenges cities face as they adopt the smart city concept, separating fact from fiction, with insights from scholars, government officials and vendors currently involved in smart city implementation.
Smart cities --- #SBIB:35H1350 --- #SBIB:35H24 --- #SBIB:39A4 --- #SBIB:316.334.5U20 --- Cities and towns --- Organisatie en beleid: lokale besturen: algemeen --- Informatiemanagement bij de overheid --- Toegepaste antropologie --- Sociologie van stad (buurt, wijk, community, stadsvernieuwing) --- Smart cities.
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Defining the lives of a majority of the world's population, the question of 'the city' has risen to the fore as one the most urgent issues of our time †" uniting concerns across the terrain of climate policies, global financing, localised struggles and multi-disciplinary research. Deleuze and the City rests on a conviction that philosophy is crucially important for advancing knowledge on cities, and for allowing us to envisage new forms of urban life toward a more sustainable future. It gathers some of the most original thinkers and accomplished scholars in contemporary urban studies, showing how Deleuze and Guattari's philosophical project is essential for our thinking through the multi-scalar, uneven and contested landscapes that constitute 'the city' today. Case studies range from the 'laboratory urbanism' of an Austrian ski resort and a 'sustainable' Swedish shopping mall to the 'urbicidal' refurbishments of Haifa.
City planning --- Architecture --- City and town life --- City life --- Town life --- Urban life --- Sociology, Urban --- Philosophy. --- Deleuze, Gilles, --- Deleuze, G. --- Delëz, Zhilʹ, --- Dūlūz, Jīl, --- دولوز، جيل --- Stedelijke gebieden --- Algemeen --- #SBIB:39A4 --- #SBIB:316.334.5U20 --- Toegepaste antropologie --- Sociologie van stad (buurt, wijk, community, stadsvernieuwing) --- Algemeen. --- Delezi, Jier, --- Philosophy --- Cities and towns --- Social aspects
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Regional planning --- Land use --- Open spaces --- Metropolitan areas --- Aménagement du territoire --- Utilisation du sol --- Espaces verts --- Agglomérations urbaines --- #SBIB:316.334.5U12 --- Sociologie van stad en platteland: ruimtelijke ordening --- Environmental planning --- Sociology --- cities --- Architecture --- urban development --- #SBIB:316.334.5U20 --- Sociologie van stad (buurt, wijk, community, stadsvernieuwing) --- Stedelijk beleid.
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Today at least twenty-five major U.S. cities have pursued some form of sustainability initiative. Although many case studies and "how-to" manuals have been published, there has been little systematic comparison of these cities' programs and initiatives. In this book Kent Portney lays the theoretical groundwork for research on what works and what does not, and why. Distinguishing cities on the basis of population characteristics and region for his analysis, Portney shows how cities use the broad rubric of sustainability to achieve particular political ends. Cities that take sustainability seriously, such as Portland, San Francisco, and Seattle, use broad definitions that go well beyond concern for the physical environment or creating jobs. They pursue sustainability at many levels and integrate concern for economic development, the environment, and quality of life across all activities of city government. Cities that take sustainability less seriously, such as Cleveland, Boston, and Orlando, confine it to such issues as solid waste disposal, brownfields, redevelopment, and neighborhood beautification. Still other cities, such as New Haven, Brownsville, and Milwaukee, do considerably less to work toward sustainability. Portney begins by reviewing the conceptual underpinnings of sustainable development and sustainable communities. The comparisons that follow provide a foundation for assessing the range of what is possible and desirable for sustainability initiatives. In the book's conclusion, Portney assesses the extent to which cities can use the pursuit of sustainability either to foster change in public values or merely to reinforce values that are already reflected in systems of governance.
Urban ecology (Sociology) --- Urban policy --- Sustainable development --- ENVIRONMENT/Environmental Politics & Policy --- URBANISM/General --- #SBIB:033.AANKOOP --- #SBIB:316.334.5U20 --- #SBIB:35H1362 --- #SBIB:35H434 --- #SBIB:35H6030 --- Sociologie van stad (buurt, wijk, community, stadsvernieuwing) --- Organisatie en beleid: lokale besturen: Verenigde Staten --- Beleidssectoren: milieubeleid en ruimtelijke ordening --- Bestuur en beleid: nationale en regionale studies: Verenigde Staten
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Reporting the progress in the fight against the ingrained poverty and social problems of many areas within the US, this text includes case studies from many cities which highlight the achievements in such communities.
Urban renewal --- Community development, Urban --- Economic geography --- United States --- #SBIB:316.334.5U20 --- #SBIB:35H1362 --- #SBIB:35H510 --- #SBIB:35H6030 --- #SBIB:IO --- Sociologie van stad (buurt, wijk, community, stadsvernieuwing) --- Organisatie en beleid: lokale besturen: Verenigde Staten --- Openbaarheid van bestuur, ombudsdienst, . --- Bestuur en beleid: nationale en regionale studies: Verenigde Staten --- Openbaarheid van bestuur, ombudsdienst, --- United States of America
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Stemming from a need to understand strategic processes, examine current practices, and identify the needs of regeneration management professionals, this book cites current regeneration management practice within a framework which critically examines the theoretical models developed over the past twenty years. It features illustrative case studies, learning objectives, key themes boxes, and review and reflection segments, and explains strategic processes and new forms of local, sub-regional and regional management. It also investigates the development and extension of the roles of regenerati
Urban renewal --- Urban policy --- Sociology, Urban --- Globalization. --- Global cities --- Globalisation --- Internationalization --- International relations --- Anti-globalization movement --- Globalization --- #SBIB:053.IOS --- #SBIB:316.334.5U20 --- #SBIB:35H1350 --- #SBIB:35H200 --- Sociologie van stad (buurt, wijk, community, stadsvernieuwing) --- Organisatie en beleid: lokale besturen: algemeen --- Overheidsmanagement: algemene werken --- Stedelijk beleid.
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Eenzaamheid is een brandend actueel thema. Niet alleen in de pers, maar ook in de wetenschappen is de aandacht voor eenzaamheid de laatste jaren alleen maar toegenomen. Aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel ontstond begin de jaren 2000 het ouderenbehoefteonderzoek, dat sindsdien is uitgegroeid tot de maatstaf voor inclusief onderzoek naar de noden en behoeften van Vlaamse thuiswonende zestigplussers.In deze publicatie belichten auteurs Nico De Witte en Dominique Verté eenzaamheid bij ouderen in relatie tot sociodemografische indicatoren, wonen, de buurt, welzijn, fysieke en omgevingskwetsbaarheid, sociale contacten en pensionering. Hiervoor baseren ze zich op de gegevens van meer dan 82.000 ouderen verzameld in de periode 2004-2021. Het resultaat is een uniek inzicht in zowel de evolutie van de besproken kenmerken over de tijd heen, als in de al dan niet veranderende relatie met eenzaamheid.Dit boek biedt heel wat handvatten aan praktijkwerkers, beleidsmakers, studenten, onderzoekers en zorgprofessionals om aan de slag te gaan met het thema eenzaamheid bij ouderen.
Oudere --- Ouderenzorg --- Eenzaamheid --- Behoefteonderzoek --- Sociaal isolement --- Wonen --- Wijk --- Welzijn --- Sociaal netwerk --- Pensionering --- Huisvesting --- Ouderen --- Ouderen. --- #SBIB:316.8H14 --- #SBIB:314H320 --- #SBIB:314H323 --- Welzijns- en sociale problemen: bejaarden --- Bevolkingsstudies: leeftijdsgroepen: ouderen: algemeen --- Bevolkingsstudies: leeftijdsgroepen: ouderen: gezondheid --- Eenzaamheid ; ouderen --- 665 Ouderen --- eenzaamheid --- ouderenzorg --- gerontologie --- ouderen --- onderzoek --- Geriatrics --- ouderenbeleid
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Despite the rise of global technocratic ideals of city-making, cities around the world are not merging into indistinguishable duplicates of one another. In fact, as the world urbanizes, urban formations remain diverse in their socio-economic and spatial characteristics, with varying potential to foster economic development and social justice. This book argues that these differences are primarily rooted in politics, and if we continue to view cities as economic and technological projects to be managed rather than terrains of political bargaining and contestation, the quest for better urban futures is doomed to fail. Dominant critical approaches to urban development tend to explain difference with reference to the variegated impacts of neoliberal regulatory institutions. This, however, neglects the multiple ways in which the wider politics of capital accumulation and distribution drive divergent forms of transformation in different urban places. In order to unpack the politics that shapes differential urban development, this book focuses on East Africa as the global urban frontier: the least urbanized but fastest urbanizing region in the world. Drawing on a decade of research spanning three case-study countries (Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Uganda), Politics and the Urban Frontier provides the first sustained, book-length comparative analysis of urban development trajectories in Eastern Africa and the political dynamics underpinning them. Through a focus on infrastructure investment, urban propertyscapes, street-level trading economies, and urban political protest, it offers a multi-scalar, historically grounded, and interdisciplinary analysis of the urban transformations unfolding in the world's most dynamic crucible of urban change.
Urbanization --- Political aspects --- Africa, East --- Politics and government. --- Cities and towns, Movement to --- Urban development --- Urban systems --- Cities and towns --- Social history --- Sociology, Rural --- Sociology, Urban --- Urban policy --- Rural-urban migration --- Economic geography --- East Africa --- #SBIB:39A4 --- #SBIB:39A73 --- #SBIB:316.334.5U20 --- Toegepaste antropologie --- Etnografie: Afrika --- Sociologie van stad (buurt, wijk, community, stadsvernieuwing) --- City planning --- Africa, East. --- City planning. --- Political aspects.
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This book explores economic, social and environmental transformations in Europe and the USA to inform the regeneration of 'weak market cities'.
Conversion économique --- Désindustrialisation --- Villes --- Rénovation --- Urban renewal --- City planning --- Deindustrialization --- #SBIB:316.334.5U20 --- Industrial capacity --- Industrialization --- Cities and towns --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban development --- Urban planning --- Land use --- Planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Regional planning --- Urban policy --- Renewal, Urban --- Urban redevelopment --- Urban renewal projects --- Sociologie van stad (buurt, wijk, community, stadsvernieuwing) --- Government policy --- Management --- Sociology, Urban
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