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Gedaechtnisraum Literatur - Gedaechtnisraum Sprache : Europäische Dimensionen slavischer Geschichte und Kultur : Festschrift für Svetlana und Gerhard Ressel.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3631804687 3631804695 363180458X Year: 2019 Publisher: Bern Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group

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Die Festschrift ist Herrn Professor Gerhard Ressel und seiner Ehefrau Dr. Svetlana Ressel-Jelisavčić zusammen gewidmet. Ihre menschliche Verbundenheit führte im wissenschaftlichen Bereich von Forschung und Lehre zu einer Vielzahl gemeinsam verfasster und veröffentlichter Beiträge im In- und Ausland und ebenso gemeinsam abgehaltener Lehrveranstaltungen. Sowohl in der Forschung als auch in der Lehre zeigten und zeigen sich dabei die Jubilare als Slavisten im besten Sinne des Wortes, haben sie in ihrer langjährigen Tätigkeit doch nicht nur verschiedene slavische Sprachen abgedeckt, sondern darüber hinaus in gleicher Weise die drei Säulen der Philologie, die Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft. An der Festschrift hat sich eine große Zahl von Freunden, ehemaligen SchülerInnen, MitarbeiterInnen und KollegInnen mit Beiträgen beteiligt, deren Bandbreite von einzelphilologischen, sprach- wie literaturwissenschaftlichen Aspekten der Slavistik bis hin zu übergreifenden, interdisziplinär ausgerichteten kultur- und geisteswissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen im gesamteuropäischen Kontext bestens geeignet ist, das vielschichtige Schaffen von Prof. em. Dr. Gerhard Ressel und Dr. Svetlana Ressel-Jelisavčić zu reflektieren.

Wislawa Szymborska's poetry : choice of essays
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3653999049 3653023734 133619796X 363162669X 9783653999037 3653999030 9783653999044 9783653023732 Year: 2015 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main, [Germany] : PL Academic Research,

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This is a reader's book about Wisława Szymborska's poetry. She holds the Nobel Prize in Literature of 1996. The Contents of the book are the Nobel Lecture held in Stockholm at the official ceremony by the poet in December 1996, a choice of Polish essays about Szmyborska's poetry and translations of her works into German, English, Spanish and French by Polish critics (translated into English). All essays were published at first in Polish in separated books or in literary revues. Since many years Wisława Szymborska's poetry is translated into many different languages and loved by readers

College literature
Authors: ---
ISSN: 00933139 15424286 Year: 1974 Publisher: West Chester, Pa. West Chester State College

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College Literature publishes original and innovative scholarly research across the various periods, intellectual fields, and geographical locations of Anglophone and comparative literary studies. The journal is committed to the renewal of critique as a historically determinate practice, and to questioning existing disciplinary frameworks and challenging new critical orthodoxies. It aims to investigate the involvement of literature and critical practice in the broader parameters of public debate organized by such enduring (though mutating) political demarcations as that between private and public, the national and the global, and the cultural and the political.

Existentialismus in Österreich : Kultureller Transfer und literarische Resonanz
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110683067 3110681978 Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Die Studie "Existentialismus in Österreich. Kultureller Transfer und literarische Resonanz" untersucht, wie das Freiheitsdenken und -schreiben des Pariser Kreises um Jean-Paul Sartre nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Österreich aufgenommen wird, in alliierten und unabhängigen Periodika, am Theater, im akademischen Bereich, als Mode und Subkultur sowie als literarischer und philosophischer Impuls für kommende Schriftstellergenerationen.

Dall'Isonzo : diario di impressioni e sentimenti, 1916
Authors: ---
Year: 2021

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The first part of this book consists in the translation of Alojzij Res's diary from Slovenian into Italian language. The author of the diary reported from the Isonzo front of the First World War. The second part contains a critical part, which aims to analyse and present the work and the author more in detail. Der erste Teil dieses Buchs besteht aus der Übersetzung des Tagebuchs von Alojzij Res vom Slowenischen ins Italienische. Der Autor des Tagebuches berichtete von der Isonzo-Front des Ersten Weltkrieges. Der zweite Teil enthält einen analytischen Part, der darauf abzielt, das Werk und den Autor genauer zu begründen und vorzustellen.

Crisis and Legitimacy in Atlantic American Narratives of Piracy : 1678-1865
ISBN: 3030436233 3030436225 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This Open Access book, Crisis and Legitimacy in Atlantic American Narratives of Piracy: 1678-1865, examines literary and visual representations of piracy beginning with A.O. Exquemelin’s 1678 Buccaneers of America and ending at the onset of the US-American Civil War. Examining both canonical and understudied texts—from Puritan sermons, James Fenimore Cooper’s The Red Rover, and Herman Melville’s “Benito Cereno” to the popular cross-dressing female pirate novelette Fanny Campbell, and satirical decorated Union envelopes, this book argues that piracy acted as a trope to negotiate ideas of legitimacy in the contexts of U.S. colonialism, nationalism, and expansionism. The readings demonstrate how pirates were invoked in transatlantic literary production at times when dominant conceptions of legitimacy, built upon categorizations of race, class, and gender, had come into crisis. As popular and mobile maritime outlaw figures, it is suggested, pirates asked questions about might and right at critical moments of Atlantic history.

Diasporic constructions of home and belonging
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110408198 311057781X 3110408694 3110408619 9783110577815 9783110408614 9783110408690 9783110408195 Year: 2015 Publisher: Berlin Boston

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Diaspora studies has developed in recent years from disparate enquiries into diasporic phenomena in political science, anthropology, history, geography, and literary and cultural studies. Its emergence as a full-fledged transdisciplinary research field has been predicated to a large degree on an interest in questions of dispersal and mobility. Based on the proceedings of an international conference by the Marie Curie Initial Training Network CoHaB, this volume undertakes to shift the focus to phenomena of home-making and the articulation of a sense of belonging in diasporic contexts. Contributors from a broad range of disciplines discuss a variety of historical and geographical instances of diasporas, exploring the methodological and theoretical challenges posed by the subjects of 'home' and 'belonging'. Including an interview with Homi K. Bhabha on these subjects and the place of theory in diaspora studies as well as contributions by such central figures as Pnina Werbner and Ihab Hassan, the volume aims at offering a new prospectus of the range and potential of academic work on the cultural formations of diaspora.

Ghost Writing in Contemporary American Fiction
ISBN: 113741023X 1137410248 Year: 2016 Publisher: London : Palgrave Macmillan UK : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book examines representations of the specter in American twentieth and twenty-first-century fiction. David Coughlan’s innovative structure has chapters on Paul Auster, Don DeLillo, Toni Morrison, Marilynne Robinson, and Philip Roth alternating with shorter sections detailing the significance of the ghost in the philosophy of Jacques Derrida, particularly within the context of his 1993 text, Specters of Marx. Together, these accounts of phantoms, shadows, haunts, spirit, the death sentence, and hospitality provide a compelling theoretical context in which to read contemporary US literature. Ghost Writing in Contemporary American Fiction argues at every stage that there is no self, no relation to the other, no love, no home, no mourning, no future, no trace of life without the return of the specter—that is, without ghost writing.


Literature. --- Literature --- Literature, Modern --- Fiction. --- America --- Contemporary Literature. --- North American Literature. --- Literary Theory. --- Philosophy. --- 20th century. --- 21st century. --- Literatures. --- American fiction --- Literature, Modern-20th century. --- America-Literatures. --- Literature-Philosophy. --- Fiction --- Metafiction --- Novellas (Short novels) --- Novels --- Stories --- Novelists --- Philosophy --- Literature, Modern—20th century. --- Literature, Modern—21st century. --- America—Literatures. --- Literature—Philosophy. --- Auster, Paul --- DeLillo, Don --- Morrison, Toni --- Robinson, Marilynne --- Roth, Philip --- USA --- Summers, Marilynne --- Robinson, Marilin --- רובינסון, מרילין --- Schriftstellerin --- 1944 --- -Lillo, Don <> --- De Lillo, Don --- Lillo, Don De --- Birdwell, Cleo --- DeLillo, Donald Richard --- Schriftsteller --- New York, NY --- 1936 --- -Osṭer, Pol --- Auster, Paul Benjamin --- אוסטרת, פול --- Lyriker --- Dramatiker --- Musiker --- Librettist --- Anglistik --- Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft --- Newark, NJ --- Benjamin, Paul --- Hustvedt, Siri --- Davis, Lydia --- 1947 --- -03.02.1947 --- -USA --- United States of America --- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- Nordamerika --- Amerika --- United States --- Etats Unis --- Etats-Unis --- Vereinigte Staaten --- Estados Unidos de America --- EEUU --- Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika --- Soedinennye Štaty Ameriki --- SŠA --- Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej --- Hēnōmenai Politeiai tēs Boreiu Amerikēs --- Hēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- HēPA --- Ēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- ĒPA --- Meiguo --- Etats-Unis d'Amérique --- US --- Amerikaner --- Konföderierte Staaten von Amerika --- Lillo, Don <> --- -Summers, Marilynne --- Soedinennye Štaty Ameriki --- SŠA --- Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej --- Hēnōmenai Politeiai tēs Boreiu Amerikēs --- Hēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- HēPA --- Ēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- ĒPA --- Etats-Unis d'Amérique --- Konföderierte Staaten von Amerika

Censorship of Literature in Austria, 1751-1848
ISBN: 9004519289 9004519270 Year: 2022 Publisher: Leiden, The Netherlands : Koninklijke Brill nv,

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"The influence of censorship on the intellectual and political life in the Habsburg Monarchy during the period under scrutiny can hardly be overstated. This study examines the institutional foundations, operating principles, and results of the censorial activity through analysis of the prohibition lists and examination of the censors themselves. The effects of censorship on the authors, publishers, and booksellers of the time are illustrated with the help of contemporary documents. Numerous case studies focus on individual works forbidden by the censors: Romanticists like Ludwig Tieck and E. T. A. Hoffmann and even authors of classic German literature like Wieland, Goethe, and Schiller saw their works slashed, as did writers of popular French and English novels and plays. An annex documents the most important regulations along with a selection of censorial reports"--


Censorship, Habsburg Monarchy, Bohemia, Lombardy-Venetia, Enlightenment, Pre-March, Classics, Romanticism, German literature, French literature, English literature, Theater, Statistics of banned books --- ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- Linguistics and Literature (602) -- Linguistics and Literature (6020) -- Comparative literature studies (602053) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- Linguistics and Literature (602) -- Linguistics and Literature (6020) -- History of literature (602031) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- History, Archaeology (601) -- History, Archaeology (6010) -- European history (601005) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- HUMANITIES (6) -- Linguistics and Literature (602) -- Linguistics and Literature (6020) -- German studies (602014) --- Zensur, Habsburgermonarchie, Böhmen, Lombardei, Venezien, Aufklärung, Vormärz, Klassik, Romantik, deutsche Literatur, französische Literatur, englische Literatur, Theater, Statistik der verbotenen Werke --- ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (602) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (6020) -- Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (602053) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (602) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (6020) -- Literaturgeschichte (602031) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Geschichte, Archäologie (601) -- Geschichte, Archäologie (6010) -- Europäische Geschichte (601005) --- ÖFOS 2012 -- GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN (6) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (602) -- Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (6020) -- Germanistik (602014) --- Censorship --- History --- Book censorship --- Books --- Literature --- Literature and morals --- Anticensorship activists --- Challenged books --- Expurgated books --- Intellectual freedom --- Prohibited books --- Law and legislation --- Censorship.

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