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A Cultura Epigráfica no conuentus Bracaraugustanus (pars occidentalis): percursos pela sociedade brácara da época romana vol. II
ISBN: 9892614410 9892614402 Year: 2017 Publisher: Coimbra University Press

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Com o dealbar da época romana no Noroeste hispânico, assiste-se

Migrare : la formation des élites dans l'Hispanie romaine
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2910023710 2356132678 Year: 2006 Volume: 11 Publisher: Paris Pessac Cedex (Bordeaux) Diffusion De Boccard Ausonius. Maison de l'Archéologie. Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux 3

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La cohésion du monde méditerranéen, œuvre majeure de Rome, qui conditionne encore aujourd’hui nos destins, s’est exprimée à travers un double principe : l’universalisation de l’Empire et l’extension presque mimétique du régime de l’Urbs aux communautés des provinces. Pour en apprécier les caractéristiques, la péninsule ibérique constitue un laboratoire exceptionnel, où les expériences se sont multipliées. Le recueil présenté ici se donne pour but de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des migrations entre l’Italie, la Narbonnaise, l’Afrique et l’Hispania, en considérant l’émigration individuelle dans les provinces hispaniques et la dynamique du processus. L’étude des conditions de l’arrivée, l’implantation et la mobilité dans le territoire, ainsi que le succès ou l’échec de cette immigration, permettent d’estimer les résultats de la mobilité sociale dans les trois provinces de la péninsule ibérique en mettant aussi l’accent sur les trajectoires familiales. La conjonction spatiale (les trois régions hispaniques) et temporelle (République et Haut-Empire) doit permettre de mettre en valeur les phases et les modalités de la constitution des élites. Le phénomène de la migration a été ainsi exploré sous trois angles : l’émigration, l’immigration et aussi finalement le possible retour, dans son double aspect, le succès, mis en exergue, ou l’échec, souvent difficile à cerner, car dissimulé. La cohesión del mundo mediterráneo ejercida por Roma, que aun condiciona nuestros destinos, se produjo a través de dos principios básicos: la universalización del Imperio y la extensión casi mimética del régimen de l’Urbs a las comunidades provinciales. Para poder apreciar las características de este proceso, la Península Ibérica surge como un espacio excepcional de experimentación por la multiplicidad de experiencias al respecto que tuvieron lugar en su territorio. El objetivo de esta obra colectiva es aumentar, en la medida de lo posible, nuestros conocimientos sobre los…

European Mail Armour : Ringed Battle Shirts from the Iron Age, Roman Period and Early Middle Ages.
ISBN: 9048554292 9463721266 Year: 2021 Publisher: Grand Rapids : Amsterdam University Press,

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Mail armour (commonly mislabelled 'chainmail') was used for more than two millennia on the battlefield. After its invention in the Iron Age, mail rapidly spread all over Europe and beyond. The Roman army, keen on new military technology, soon adopted mail armour and used it successfully for centuries. Its history did not stop there and mail played a vital role in warfare during the Middle Ages up to the Early Modern Period. Given its long history, one would think mail is a well-documented material, but that is not the case. For the first time, this books lays a solid foundation for the understanding of mail armour and its context through time. It applies a long-term multi-dimensional approach to extract a wealth of as yet untapped information from archaeological, iconographic and written sources. This is complemented with technical insights on the mail maker's chaîne operatoire.

Roman period statuettes in the Netherlands and beyond : representation and ritual use in context
ISBN: 9048557003 9463729380 Year: 2023 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,

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The subject of this study is a relatively rare category of artefacts, bronze and terracotta statuettes that represent deities, human figures and animals. They were introduced in the northwestern provinces by Roman troops from the end of the first century BCE onwards. The statuettes have been recovered from military and non-military settlements, the surrounding landscape and, to a far lesser extent, from sanctuaries and graves. Until now, their meaning and function have seldom been analysed in relation to their find-spots. Contrary to traditional studies, they have been examined as one separate category of artefacts, which offers new insights into the distribution pattern and iconographic representation of deities. When studying a group of artefacts, a large research area or a large dataset is required, as well as dateable artefacts and find-contexts. These conditions do not apply to the Netherlands and to the majority of statuettes that are central to this study. Moreover, although the changing appearance of statuettes suggest a transformation of cults, the identities of the owners of these statuettes remain invisible to us. Therefore, the issue of Romanization is not put central here. Instead, the focus is on a specific aspect of religion, known as lived religion, within the wider subject of its transformation in the Roman period: how people used statuettes in everyday life, in the context of their houses and settlements. The subject of this study is a relatively rare category of artefacts, bronze and terracotta statuettes that represent deities, human figures and animals. They were introduced in the northwestern provinces by Roman troops from the end of the 1st century BCE onwards. The statuettes have been recovered from military and non-military settlements, the surrounding landscape and, to a far lesser extent, from sanctuaries and graves. Until now, their meaning and function have seldom been analysed in relation to their find-spots. Contrary to traditional studies, they have been examined as one separate category of artefacts, which offers new insights into the distribution pattern and iconographic representation of deities. When studying a group of artefacts, a large research area or a large dataset is required, as well as dateable artefacts and find-contexts. These conditions do not apply to the Netherlands and to the majority of statuettes that are central to this study. Moreover, although the changing appearance of statuettes suggest a transformation of cults, the identities of the owners of these statuettes remain invisible to us. Therefore, the issue of Romanization is not put central here. Instead, the focus is on a specific aspect of religion, known as lived religion, within the wider subject of its transformation in the Roman period: how people used statuettes in everyday life, in the context of their houses and settlements.

Excavations in the City of David, Jerusalem (1995-2010) : areas A, J, F, H, D and L, final report
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1646021762 1646021649 Year: 2021 Publisher: University Park, Pennsylvania : Eisenbrauns,

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The City of David, more specifically the southeastern hill of first- and second-millennium BCE Jerusalem, has long captivated the imagination of the world. Archaeologists and historians, biblical scholars and clergy, Christians, Muslims, and Jews, and tourists and armchair travelers from every corner of the globe, to say nothing of politicians of all stripes, look to this small stretch of land in awe, amazement, and anticipation.In the City of David, in the ridge leading down from the Temple Mount, hardly a stone has remained unturned. Archaeologists have worked at a dizzying pace digging and analyzing. But while preliminary articles abound, there is a grievous lack of final publications of the excavations--a regrettable limitation on the ability to fully integrate vital and critical results into the archaeological reconstruction of ancient Jerusalem.Excavations of the City of David are conducted under the auspices of the Israel Antiquities Authority. The Authority has now partnered with the Center for the Study of Ancient Jerusalem and its publication arm, the Ancient Jerusalem Publication Series, for the publication of reports that are written and designed for the scholar as well as for the general reader. Excavations in the City of David (APJ 1), is the first volume in this series.

Der sogenannte "Antiquus Austriacus" und weitere auctores antiquissimi : Zur ältesten Überlieferung römerzeitlicher Inschriften im österreichischen Raum
Year: 2016 Publisher: Holzhausen

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Alongside analysing the oldest records of Roman inscriptions of Austria, this work particularly emphasizes the antiquarian-epigraphic collecting activity which can be noted in the area of Austria as a consequence of the spreading humanistic attitude. It focuses on the question, whether Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus is actually to be identified as the so-called "Antiquus Austriacus" as has been pleaded repeatedly. The examination of a number of relevant known and hitherto extensively unknown copies shows that the "Antiquus-Austriacus-Collection" is not a homogeneous compilation by a single "auctor antiquissimus" but rather an anthology derived from different copies of varying quality, collected by Johannes Fuchsmagen. Neben den ältesten Abschriften norischer Inschriften richtet sich der Blick vor allem auf die antiquarisch-epigraphische Sammeltätigkeit, die mit der Verbreitung humanistischen Gedankengutes auch im österreichischen Raum einsetzt. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Frage, ob der sogenannte "Antiquus Austriacus" tatsächlich mit Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus zu identifizieren ist, wofür bisher mehrfach plädiert worden ist. Durch die detaillierte Untersuchung und Gegenüberstellung bereits bekannter Sammlungen sowie bisher kaum beachteter Handschriften zeigt sich schliesslich, dass es sich bei der "Antiquus-Austriacus-Sammlung" nicht um eine homogene Zusammenstellung eines einzigen "auctor antiquissimus" handelt, sondern um ein Produkt aus unterschiedlichen Abschriften, hinter dem sich die Sammeltätigkeit von Johannes Fuchsmagen verbirgt.

The romanization of central Spain : complexity, diversity and change in a provincial hinterland
ISBN: 0415285488 1134451121 1280024577 0203633717 9780203633717 9786610024575 661002457X 9780415285483 9781134451128 9781134451074 1134451075 9781134451111 1134451113 9780415620079 0415620074 9781280024573 Year: 2004 Volume: *8 Publisher: London New York Routledge

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Curchin explores how, why and to what extent the peoples of Central Spain were integrated into the Roman Empire during the period from the second century BC to the second century AD.He approaches the question from a variety of angles, including the social, economic, religious and material experiences of the inhabitants as they adjusted to change, the mechanisms by which they adopted new structures and values, and the power relations between Rome and the provincials. The book also considers the peculiar cultural features of Central Spain, which made its Romanization so distinctive.

Triangular landscapes : environment, society, and the state in the Nile Delta under Roman rule
ISBN: 9780199688722 0199688729 0191002399 0191767875 9780191002397 132202331X 9781322023311 9780191767876 Year: 2014 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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Using papyri and other sources documenting the Mendesian Nome, a district of the North-Eastern Nile Delta, this volume investigates the complex networks of relationships between Mendesian environments, socio-economic dynamics, and agro-fiscal policies in the Roman period.

Hellenistic and Roman Pontecagnano : the Danish excavations in Proprieta Avallone, 1986-1990
ISBN: 9782903189914 2903189919 2918887919 Year: 2007 Volume: 25 Publisher: Naples: Centre Jean Bérard,

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This volume presents the results of the excavations conducted by the University of Copenhagen at Pontecagnano (Prop. Avallone), located some 8 km southeast of Salerno in the northern part (the Ager Picentinus) of the Sele Plain in Campania. The excavations revealed a part of the residential zone of the ancient town with two main phases of occupation, the first belonging to the late Classical/early Hellenistic period (second half of 4th to early 3rd century BC) and the second to the late Republican period (2nd to first half of 1st century BC). Both phases represent crucial periods in the history of Southern Italy. The first is a period of turmoil due to the Roman penetration southwards, while the second period falls after a period of crisis after the Second Punic War. The structures of the first phase form part of a general reorganization of the Etruscan-Campanian settlement and testify to a community of some wealth. A habitation unit provided with a stone-paved courtyard and polychrome stucco illustrates this. In the second phase the zone was only partly reoccupied. During Imperial times the area was frequented in a sporadic manner. The book adds considerably to our knowledge of the settlement of ancient Pontecagnano. It is the most complete work on a habitation context published so far, and it offers a fine selection of all groups of archaeological material from this important site.

Die Wirtschaft Ägyptens in hellenistischer Zeit
ISSN: 09363718 ISBN: 3406640885 9783406640889 3406640893 2821846428 Year: 2012 Volume: 105. Heft Publisher: München: Beck,

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Hauptbeschreibung Ägypten war in hellenistischer Zeit die stärkste Wirtschaftsmacht des östlichen Mittelmeerraums. Diese Tatsache stellte eine der wesentlichen Voraussetzungen, wenn nicht die wesentliche Voraussetzung für die Durchsetzung einer - trotz aller Schwierigkeiten - weithin erfolgreichen Innen- und Außenpolitik der ptolemaiischen Herrscher dar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden in sieben Kapiteln die wichtigsten Aspekte der Wirtschaftsgeschichte dieser Zeit und dieses Raums untersucht. Biographische Informationen Werner Huß wurde im Jahr 1967 von der K

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