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Thus Speaks Ishtar is a collection of essays about prophets and prophecy in the ancient Near East during the “Neo-Assyrian Period.” This was the time when some of Israel’s greatest prophets emerged, and we also have from the same general period a number of prophetic texts found on the site of the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh. The book examines the basic idea of prophecy and how this is shaped by the way we study the subject, and it then presents a number of fresh insights on a range of prophetic topics. These include the relationship between Israelite and other forms of prophecy in Assyria and Egypt and the relationship between what prophets said and the written forms in which their words were passed on. Other topics of contemporary interest include what these prophetic texts have to say about the environment, the place of intercession in Israelite and Assyrian religion, and whether the message of the trailblazing Israelite prophets of the eighth century was basically about judgment and community ruin or about hope and community well-being.
Prophecy --- Prophets --- Assyro-Babylonian literature --- Akkadian literature --- Babylonian literature --- Forecasting --- Minor prophets --- Prophethood --- Seers --- Persons --- Comparative studies --- Judaism --- Relation to the Old Testament --- Assyria --- Assur (Kingdom) --- Asshur (Kingdom) --- Religion --- Prophétie --- Prophètes --- Littérature assyro-babylonienne --- Judaïsme --- Relation avec l'Ancien Testament --- Assyrie --- Religion. --- Wahrsagen. --- Ägypten (Altertum) --- Israel (Altertum) --- Assyrien. --- Mantik --- Zukunftsdeutung --- Wahrsagung --- Wahrsagerei --- Außersinnliche Wahrnehmung --- Divination --- Hellsehen --- Prophetie --- Orakel --- Zweites Gesicht --- Assyrisches Reich --- Reich Assur --- Assyrer
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The methodological approach employed in this research utilizes the hermeneutics of comparative midrash combined with aspects of Bakhtinian dialogism and intertextuality. The purpose of this enterprise is to discern the function of scripture in Joel and its New Testament Nachleben . The terms 'appropriation' and 'resignification' are descriptive of the process through which an antecedent text is transformed by its displacement, condensation, and recontextualization. These methodologies assist in giving an account of the intertextual dialogism involved in a text’s unrecorded hermeneutics. The scope of the work looks at the use of scriptural traditions within the book of Joel during the Second Temple period. There is an introduction to the hermeneutical methods employed, followed by a general introduction to the book of Joel in chapter one. Chapters two and three concern the function of scripture in Joel. Finally, the last chapter deals with Joel’s New Testament Nachleben. Each chapter has an introduction and conclusion. This work does not eschew the importance of diachronic issues. The diachronic method pays attention to the context of an antecedent’s voice, while the synchronic methodological approach pays attention to the function and purpose in which the receptor text resignifies the appropriated motifs and allusions. The diachronic becomes fused with the synchronic in the process of an allusion’s recontextualization. This study, in a heuristic manner, focuses on the way that each allusion is appropriated and resignified for the needs of both Joel’s community and those of the later NT, in order to understand the function of canonical hermeneutics.
224.62 --- 224.62 Joël --- Joël --- Bible. --- Ba-yon Tipan --- Bagong Tipan --- Jaji ma Hungi --- Kainē Diathēkē --- New Testament --- Nouveau Testament --- Novo Testamento --- Novum Testamentum --- Novyĭ Zavet --- Novyĭ Zavi︠e︡t Gospoda nashego Īisusa Khrista --- Novyĭ Zavit --- Nuevo Testamento --- Nuovo Testamento --- Nye Testamente --- Perjanjian Baru --- Dhamma sacʻ kyamʻʺ --- Injīl --- Joel (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Quotations in the New Testament. --- Relation to the Old Testament. --- Theology. --- Bible. A.T. --- Bible. N.T. --- Bible. A.T. Joël --- Critique, interprétation, etc. --- Citations dans le Nouveau Testament --- Relation avec l'Ancien Testament --- Théologie --- Bible--New Testament
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In this study, the war stories from the Old Testament book of Kings are compared to ten extrabiblical texts. Narratological analysis is applied to deconstruct the ideology of the respective literary compositions. The Old Testament ideology of war seems to be neither typically Israelite, as Gerhardt von Rad put it, nor commonly Ancient Near Eastern, as Manfred Weippert thought it to be. This poses the question whether the reading experience of biblical war stories is so very different from, for instance, Assyrian royal inscriptions, both in terms of its literary value and its ideological bias. Narratological analysis turns out to be a strong tool for explaining the similarities and distinctive features of the respective texts.
Middle Eastern literature
Military art and science
Military history in the Bible.
War in literature.
Relation to the Old Testament.
Biblical teaching.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Extra-canonical parallels.
Middle East
Military power
Military science
Warfare, Primitive
Naval art and science
Battles in the Bible
Wars in the Bible
Military history, Ancient
Samuelboeken. Boeken der koningen. David. Salomon. Elia. Elisa. Josias
Kings (Books of the Old Testament)
Koenige (Books of the Old Testament)
Könige (Books of the Old Testament)
Königsbücher (Book of the Old Testament)
Koningen (Book of the Old Testament)
Melakhim (Books of the Old Testament)
Arab countries
War in literature
Histoire militaire dans la Bible
Littérature moyen-orientale
Guerre dans la littérature
Art et science militaires
Enseignement biblique
Relation avec l'Ancien Testament
Military history in the Bible
Relation to the Old Testament
Biblical teaching
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"La 4e de couverture indique : Othmar Keel has become well known as the author of masterly studies on the iconography and texts of the ANE and their relationship to the text of the Hebrew Bible. In this volume, he partners with Silvia Schroer to assemble ANE texts and art that bears on the idea of creation. The result is a convenient assemblage of texts and iconographical data that may be studied in concert, often leading to being able to see old texts in new ways. As with much of this Swiss scholar's work, this new volume will prove to be a resource for all who wish to study the biblical theology of creation against its wider background."
Creation --- Egyptian literature --- Assyro-Babylonian literature --- Assyro-Babylonian religion --- Biblical teaching --- Relation to the Old Testament --- 221.08*6 --- 221.08*6 Theologie van het Oude Testament: heilsgeschiedenis --- Theologie van het Oude Testament: heilsgeschiedenis --- Presocratiques. --- Mythologie assyro-babylonienne. --- Mythologie egyptienne. --- Mythologie. --- Theologie. --- Creation. --- Litterature assyro-babylonienne --- Litterature egyptienne ancienne --- Biblical cosmogony --- Cosmogony --- Natural theology --- Teleology --- Beginning --- Biblical cosmology --- Creation windows --- Creationism --- Evolution --- Relation avec l'Ancien Testament. --- Enseignement biblique. --- Relation to the Old Testament. --- Biblical teaching. --- "Bible. --- Mesopotamie. --- Contribution au concept de création --- Création --- Création (théologie) --- Création divine --- Création du monde --- Création ex nihilo --- Monde, Création du --- Chaos --- Cosmogonie --- Créationnisme --- Le Déluge --- Théologie naturelle --- Création (religion) --- Démiurge --- Fiṭra --- Théologie --- théologie --- épisode biblique --- Doctrines
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