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Piaget, Jean, --- Ppiaje, --- Pʻei-ya-hsieh, --- Pʻi-ya-chieh, --- Piazhe, Zhan, --- Piaze, Zan, --- Pʻiaje, --- Piʼaz'eh, Z'an, --- Piaget, J. P. --- Pi-a-je, --- Piyajie, --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן, --- Piyāzhah, Zhān, --- پياژه، ژان,
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This new collection of distinctive studies tracks developments in the most recent published work during the period 1990-95, with an integral guide and editorial commentary by Leslie Smith. A useful and compact text for students and researchers.
Knowledge, Theory of. --- Epistemology --- Theory of knowledge --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Piaget, Jean, --- Ppiaje, --- Pʻei-ya-hsieh, --- Pʻi-ya-chieh, --- Piazhe, Zhan, --- Piaze, Zan, --- Pʻiaje, --- Piʼaz'eh, Z'an, --- Piaget, J. P. --- Pi-a-je, --- Piyajie, --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן, --- Piyāzhah, Zhān, --- پياژه، ژان,
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This book was first published in 1977.
Cognition. --- Genetic epistemology. --- Developmental psychology --- Knowledge, Theory of --- Psychology --- Piaget, Jean, --- Ppiaje, --- Pʻei-ya-hsieh, --- Pʻi-ya-chieh, --- Piazhe, Zhan, --- Piaze, Zan, --- Pʻiaje, --- Piʼaz'eh, Z'an, --- Piaget, J. P. --- Pi-a-je, --- Piyajie, --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן, --- Piyāzhah, Zhān, --- پياژه، ژان,
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Monografie Morální vývoj školáků a předškoláků. Paradigmatické výzvy dle Jeana Piageta představuje podrobnou analýzu výzkumu Jeana Piageta v oblasti morálního vývoje dítěte. Text je členěn do dvou oddílů. Ve své první, interpretační části nabízí náhled do Piagetovy teorie morálního vývoje dítěte s důrazem na morální výzvy, které dítě během svého vývoje přijímá a které jej „posouvají“ od egocentrické heteronomie k decentrované autonomii. Druhá, faktografická část zprostředkovává zakotvení Piagetovy teorie v empirii. Čtenáři jsou zde nabízeny k vlastní interpretaci všechny výzkumné situace, ze kterých Piagetova teorie vychází. Vývojové výzvy plynoucí z těchto situací kniha sdružuje do tří oborů uplatnění dětského morálního hodnocení: konflikty s autoritou, problematika trestání a instituce her organizovaných jako soutěž. Autor rovněž analyzuje účast dětí na tomto typu her a skutečnost, proč Piaget považoval právě tyto hry za nejvíce inspirativní pro vývoj dětského morálního hodnocení a jak toto hraní zkoumal.
Moral development. --- Preschool children. --- Preschoolers --- Children --- Ethical development --- Child psychology --- Moral education --- Faith development --- Piaget, Jean, --- Ppiaje, --- Pʻei-ya-hsieh, --- Pʻi-ya-chieh, --- Piazhe, Zhan, --- Piaze, Zan, --- Pʻiaje, --- Piʼaz'eh, Z'an, --- Piaget, J. P. --- Pi-a-je, --- Piyajie, --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן, --- Piyāzhah, Zhān, --- پياژه، ژان,
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Après Introduction à Jean Piaget (1997) qui permettait de se familiariser avec les principaux concepts piagétiens et Inventer, compter et classer (2005) qui éclairait deux grands ouvrages piagétiens : La genèse du nombre et La genèse des structures logiques élémentaires, Annie Chalon-Blanc propose avec Piaget - Constructivisme-Intelligence - un troisième manuel qui est un pari sur l'avenir de la théorie de Jean Piaget. Deux thèmes sont susceptibles, selon elle, de passer à la postérité : le constructivisme ou comment se construit progressivement un réel intelligible et la réversibilité des actes et/ou de la pensée, source de l'intelligence. Le constructivisme, car il apporte une réponse claire et originale à la question des rôles respectifs du sujet et des objets dans l'élaboration des connaissances. La réversibilité, parce que cette capacité qu'a le sujet de se saisir des actions disparues des données perceptives et de les composer entre elles pour déduire un élément commun, en dépit de leurs disparités, reste une conception révolutionnaire de l'intelligence. Des textes brefs peu célèbres mais explicites de Jean Piaget viennent enrichir les deux thèmes retenus. L'auteur laisse délibérément de côté, ou presque, quelques notions classiques : les stades, le sujet épistémique, la filiation des structures, et autres, qui ont fait couler beaucoup d'encre au siècle dernier. L'originalité de Jean Piaget est le propos essentiel de ce manuel destiné en priorité aux étudiants en psychologie, en sciences de l'éducation et aux futurs professeurs d'école, mais aussi à tous les professeurs et éducateurs spécialisés, qui trouveront dans le rapport des expériences simples et élégantes menées à Genève, des explications possibles des retards cognitifs auxquels ils sont confrontés, et des pistes de travail de rééducation.
Cognition in children. --- Constructivism (Psychology) --- Intellect. --- Piaget, Jean, --- Human intelligence --- Intelligence --- Mind --- Ability --- Psychology --- Thought and thinking --- Cognition (Child psychology) --- Thought and thinking in children --- Child psychology --- Ppiaje, --- Pʻei-ya-hsieh, --- Pʻi-ya-chieh, --- Piazhe, Zhan, --- Piaze, Zan, --- Pʻiaje, --- Piʼaz'eh, Z'an, --- Piaget, J. P. --- Pi-a-je, --- Piyajie, --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן, --- Piyāzhah, Zhān, --- پياژه، ژان, --- Cognition in children --- Intellect --- Piaget, Jean, - 1896-1980 --- enseignement --- éducation --- didactique
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The Evolving Self focuses upon the most basic and universal of psychological problems—the individual’s effort to make sense of experience, to make meaning of life. According to Robert Kegan, meaning-making is a lifelong activity that begins in earliest infancy and continues to evolve through a series of stages encompassing childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The Evolving Self describes this process of evolution in rich and human detail, concentrating especially on the internal experience of growth and transition, its costs and disruptions as well as its triumphs. At the heart of our meaning-making activity, the book suggests, is the drawing and redrawing of the distinction between self and other. Using Piagetian theory in a creative new way to make sense of how we make sense of ourselves, Kegan shows that each meaning-making stage is a new solution to the lifelong tension between the universal human yearning to be connected, attached, and included, on the one hand, and to be distinct, independent, and autonomous on the other. The Evolving Self is the story of our continuing negotiation of this tension. It is a book that is theoretically daring enough to propose a reinterpretation of the Oedipus complex and clinically concerned enough to suggest a variety of fresh new ways to treat those psychological complaints that commonly arise in the course of development. Kegan is an irrepressible storyteller, an impassioned opponent of the health-and-illness approach to psychological distress, and a sturdy builder of psychological theory. His is an original and distinctive new voice in the growing discussion of human development across the life span.
Developmental psychology. --- Personality change. --- Self. --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Psychotherapy. --- Psychagogy --- Therapy (Psychotherapy) --- Mental illness --- Clinical sociology --- Mental health counseling --- Psychology --- Personal identity --- Consciousness --- Individuality --- Mind and body --- Personality --- Thought and thinking --- Will --- Change in personality --- Change (Psychology) --- Development (Psychology) --- Developmental psychobiology --- Life cycle, Human --- Treatment --- Piaget, Jean, --- Ppiaje, --- Pʻei-ya-hsieh, --- Pʻi-ya-chieh, --- Piazhe, Zhan, --- Piaze, Zan, --- Pʻiaje, --- Piʼaz'eh, Z'an, --- Piaget, J. P. --- Pi-a-je, --- Piyajie, --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן, --- Piyāzhah, Zhān, --- پياژه، ژان,
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This book explains a threefold thesis of a study that language influences how human beings perceive reality, that the development of theoretical constructs can help explain resistances to and possibilities for inclusive language, and that the implementation of inclusive language is an important goal for religious education.
Nonsexist language. --- Process philosophy. --- Religious education. --- Ethical education --- Theological education --- Education --- Moral education --- Change --- Philosophy --- Inclusive language --- Nonsexist writing --- Bias-free language --- Sexism in language --- Piaget, Jean, --- Whitehead, Alfred North, --- Whorf, Benjamin Lee, --- Whorf, B. L. --- וורף, בנג׳מין לי, --- Ppiaje, --- Pʻei-ya-hsieh, --- Pʻi-ya-chieh, --- Piazhe, Zhan, --- Piaze, Zan, --- Pʻiaje, --- Piʼaz'eh, Z'an, --- Piaget, J. P. --- Pi-a-je, --- Piyajie, --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן, --- Nonsexist usage --- Piyāzhah, Zhān, --- پياژه، ژان,
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Proposes to show how children can be prepared to develop their full potential as 'thinking' human beings. The activities or 'games' described provide a general foundation which should help the child to deal successfully with specific academic subjects. With Additional Thoughts.
Cognition in children. --- Games. --- Children --- Children's games --- Games, Primitive --- Games for children --- Pastimes --- Primitive games --- Recreations --- Entertaining --- Physical education and training --- Amusements --- Play --- Sports --- Cognition (Child psychology) --- Thought and thinking in children --- Child psychology --- Recreation --- Piaget, Jean, --- Ppiaje, --- Pʻei-ya-hsieh, --- Pʻi-ya-chieh, --- Piazhe, Zhan, --- Piaze, Zan, --- Pʻiaje, --- Piʼaz'eh, Z'an, --- Piaget, J. P. --- Pi-a-je, --- Piyajie, --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן, --- Piyāzhah, Zhān, --- پياژه، ژان, --- Cognition in children --- Thought and thinking. --- Psychological aspects. --- Mind --- Thinking --- Thoughts --- Educational psychology --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Intellect --- Logic --- Perception --- Psycholinguistics --- Self
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Educators --- Education --- Constructivism (Education) --- Cognitive-developmental theory --- Constructionism (Education) --- Constructivist education --- Piagetian theory of cognitive development --- Learning, Psychology of --- Philosophy. --- Piaget, Jean, --- Vygotskiĭ, L. S. --- Wygotski, Lew Semjonowitsch, --- Vygotsky, L. S. --- Vygotskiĭ, Lev Semenovich, --- Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich, --- Vygotskij, Lev Semenovic, --- Wigotsky, L., --- Vigotski, Lev S., --- Vigotski, L. S. --- Wei-ko-tzʻu-chi, Lieh Hsieh, --- Wygotski, L. S. --- Vygotski, Lev Sémionovitch, --- Выготский, Л. С. --- ויגוצקי, לב, --- Vigotszkij, L. Sz., --- Ppiaje, --- Pʻei-ya-hsieh, --- Pʻi-ya-chieh, --- Piazhe, Zhan, --- Piaze, Zan, --- Pʻiaje, --- Piʼaz'eh, Z'an, --- Piaget, J. P. --- Pi-a-je, --- Piyajie, --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן, --- Piyāzhah, Zhān, --- پياژه، ژان, --- Vygotskii, L. S.
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The various contributions to this volume converge on two themes. First, the explanatory role of social interaction, which, for a long time, has been a source of criticism of Piaget's view of intelligence, is dealt with not only in relation to cognitive development, but also to language acquisition and to education. The second point of thematic convergence is the compatibility of genetic epistemology and psychoanalytic theory in view of the establishment of relationships between emotional and cognitive development.
Social learning --- Cognition --- Child development --- Learning --- Socialization --- Piaget, Jean, --- Ppiaje, --- Pʻei-ya-hsieh, --- Pʻi-ya-chieh, --- Piazhe, Zhan, --- Piaze, Zan, --- Pʻiaje, --- Piʼaz'eh, Z'an, --- Piaget, J. P. --- Pi-a-je, --- Piyajie, --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן --- פיאז׳ה, ז׳אן, --- Child Development --- Socializations --- Social Learning --- Personality Development --- Cognitive Function --- Cognitions --- Cognitive Functions --- Function, Cognitive --- Functions, Cognitive --- Infant Development --- Development, Child --- Development, Infant --- Psychology, Child --- Growth --- Psychologie --- Psychology --- Congresses. --- Developmental psychology --- Cognitive psychology --- Sociolinguistics --- Psycholinguistics --- Piaget, Jean --- Piaget (Jean). (Congres) --- Kennis. (Congres) --- Kinderen. Ontwikkeling. (Congres) --- Apprentissage social. (Congrès) --- Connaissance. (Congrès) --- Enfants. Développement. (Congrès) --- Sociaal aanleren. (Congres) --- Piyāzhah, Zhān, --- پياژه، ژان, --- Enfants --- Piaget (jean), psychologue suisse, 1896-1980 --- Critique et interpretation
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