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Argentina's populist government, led by Juan Perón, challenged the traditional model of the melting pot and granted legitimacy to hybrid identities. Peronism as a Big Tent examines Peronism's efforts to garner the support of Argentines of Middle Eastern origins, be they Jewish, Maronite, Orthodox Catholic, Druze, or Muslim.
Peronism. --- Argentina. --- Ethnicity. --- Middle Eastern. --- Migrants. --- Peron. --- Populism.
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Éloigné aussi bien de la lecture aberrante que de la lecture héroïque du phénomène Perón, ce livre explique comment, à partir des nébuleuses militantes des années 1960 et du début des années 1970, des parcours générationnels sont apparus et ont tenté de marquer la vie politique argentine. L’analyse de ces trajectoires militantes, pratiquement oubliées jusqu’à aujourd’hui dans les études universitaires, permet de reconstruire deux phénomènes plus vastes : celui de l’adhésion au péronisme et celui de la création d’organisations militantes dans le contexte de la mobilisation sociale apparue après la destitution de Perón.
History --- Political Science --- Perón Juan Domingo --- perónisme --- militants politiques --- Argentine --- politique
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Eva Peron remains Argentina's best-known and most iconic personality, surpassing even sporting superstars such as Diego Maradona or Lionel Messi, and far outlasting her own husband, President Juan Domingo Peron himself a remarkable and charismatic political leader without whom she, as an uneducated woman in an elitist and male-dominated society, could not have existed as a political figure. In this book, Jill Hedges tells the story of a remarkable woman whose glamour, charisma, political influence and controversial nature continue to generate huge amounts interest 60 years after her death. From her poverty-stricken upbringing as an illegitimate child in rural Argentina, Peron made her way to the highest echelons of Argentinean society, via a brief acting career and her relationship with Juan. After their political breakthrough, her charitable work and magnetic personality earned her wide public acclaim and there was national mourning following her death from cancer at the age of just 33. Based on new sources and first-hand interviews, the book will seek to explore the personality and experiences of 'Evita' and the contemporary events that influenced her and were in turn influenced by her. As the first substantive biography of Eva Peron in English, this book will be essential reading for anyone interested in modern Argentinean history and the cult of 'Evita'.
Perón, Eva, --- Perón, María Eva Duarte, --- Duarte, Eva, --- Duarte de Perón, María Eva, --- Perón, Eva Duarte, --- Perón, Evita, --- Duarte Perón, María Eva, --- Perón, María Eva Duarte de, --- De Perón, María Eva Duarte, --- Peron, Eṿah, --- Eṿiṭah, --- פרון, אווה, --- Argentina --- Politics and government --- Politicians --- Presidents' spouses
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Der Komponist Mauricio Kagel (1931-2008) lebte bis 1957 in Buenos Aires. Christina Richter-Ibáñez geht anhand seiner Biografie Aspekten der Politik unter dem Präsidentenpaar Perón/»Evita« ab 1946 sowie deren Auswirkungen auf das Musikleben nach. Neben Kagels musikalischem Engagement stehen seine Kontakte zum Film, zu bildenden Künstlern des Bauhauses, zu den Schriftstellern Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar und Witold Gombrowicz sowie zur französischen Theatergruppe Renaud-Barrault im Mittelpunkt ihrer Analysen. Sie finden sich ebenso wie die Musiker Pierre Boulez, Michael Gielen und Juan Carlos Paz als Bezugspunkt in Kagels Werken und Karriere wieder. »Der Band [setzt] neue Maßstäbe in der Kagel-Forschung; niemand, der an Kagels Werk interessiert ist, wird an ihm vorbeikommen.« Björn Heile, Die Musikforschung, 69/1 (2016) »Das Buch [...] stellt einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Kagel-Forschung dar. Aber auch einem Leser, der an der kulturellen Entwicklung Argentiniens interessiert ist, könnte es eine spannende Lektüre sein.» Helga de la Motte-Haber, das Orchester, 2 (2015) »Lesenswert [...], weil es - abseits vom Schaffen Kagels - aufzeigt, dass Gleichschaltung von Kultur in Diktaturen, egal in welchem Land, immer zur Verarmung der Kultur führt. Aber auch, dass es immer Unentwegte gibt, die sich dagegen auflehnen, zivilen Ungehorsam zeigen und in den Untergrund gehen. Und das macht Mut in Zeiten, in denen die Politik einer Demokratie versucht, Kultur auf ökonomischem Wege abzuwürgen.« Michael S. Zerban,, 01.12.2014 »Sehr fruchtbare Exkursion durch Kagels Buenos Aires.« Raoul Mörchen, Deutschlandfunk - Musikjournal, 21.10.2014 Besprochen in: Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, 5 (2013), Stefan Amzoll Deutschlandfunk, 01.07.2014, Stefan Amzoll Reutlinger Generalanzeiger, 28.08.2014 Read, 9/10 (2014)
20. Jahrhundert. --- Argentinien. --- Culture. --- Evita. --- Kultur. --- Lateinamerika. --- Latin America. --- Mauricio Kagel. --- Music History. --- Musicology. --- Musikgeschichte. --- Musikwissenschaft. --- Perón. --- MUSIC / History & Criticism. --- Kagel, Mauricio --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Kagel, Mauricio Raúl --- Musik; 20. Jahrhundert; Argentinien; Kultur; Perón; Evita; Mauricio Kagel; Musikgeschichte; Musikwissenschaft; Lateinamerika; Music; Culture; Music History; Musicology; Latin America
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What is fascism and what is populism? What are their connections in history and theory, and how should we address their significant differences? What does it mean when pundits call Donald Trump a fascist, or label as populist politicians who span left and right such as Hugo Chávez, Juan Perón, Rodrigo Duterte, and Marine Le Pen? Federico Finchelstein, one of the leading scholars of fascist and populist ideologies, synthesizes their history in order to answer these questions and offer a thoughtful perspective on how we might apply the concepts today. While they belong to the same history and are often conflated, fascism and populism actually represent distinct political trajectories. Drawing on an expansive record of transnational fascism and postwar populist movements, Finchelstein gives us insightful new ways to think about the state of democracy and political culture on a global scale. This new edition includes an updated preface that brings the book up to date, midway through the Trump presidency and the election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil.
Fascism. --- bernie sanders. --- brazil. --- democracy. --- fascism. --- fascist. --- global history. --- government. --- hugo chavez. --- jair bolsonaro. --- juan peron. --- latin america. --- latino. --- marine le pen. --- nationalism. --- nazism. --- nonfiction. --- political culture. --- political history. --- political ideologies. --- political leaders. --- political movements. --- political science. --- politics. --- populism. --- populist ideologies. --- populist movements. --- populist politicians. --- populist. --- postwar populism. --- right wing. --- rodrigo duterte. --- transnational fascism. --- trump.
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Major change came to Argentina during the first decades of the twentieth century. Following the mass influx of European immigrants to the country during the beginning of the century, a truly national culture was produced through mass media, facilitating the assimilation of immigrants and their descendants. New forms of media emerged, such as radio and cinema, as did new forms of entertainment, such as tango songs, films, and radio theater. Yet despite the unifying effect of popular culture, the nation remained divided, and, if anything, more so in 1950 than in 1910. This book argues that the key to understanding this paradox lies in a reassessment of the mass culture of the 1920s and 1930s. With a focus on film and radio in and around Buenos Aires, the locus of production as well as much of the market consumption, Karush shows how integration and class fractures occurred simultaneously in a short span of the country's history. He brings together the usually separated subjects of radio and cinema to show how they can combine to gauge a larger cultural and political environment and shed light on class distinctions. The book contributes to an ongoing discussion of the relationship between power and mass culture. It will be of interest to scholars of cultural history and urban studies and those interested in Latin American history and culture.
Social classes --- Popular culture --- Motion pictures --- Radio broadcasting --- History --- Radio --- Radio industry and trade --- Cinema --- Feature films --- Films --- Movies --- Moving-pictures --- Culture, Popular --- Mass culture --- Pop culture --- Popular arts --- Class distinction --- Classes, Social --- Rank --- Broadcasting --- History and criticism --- Freedom of information --- Government publicity --- Mass media --- Audio-visual materials --- Performing arts --- Communication --- Intellectual life --- Mass society --- Recreation --- Culture --- Caste --- Estates (Social orders) --- Social status --- Class consciousness --- Classism --- Social stratification --- Argentina --- Buenos Aires --- Juan Perón --- Media culture --- Melodrama --- Peronism --- Working class
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Women --- Peronism. --- Mujer --- Peronismo. --- Justicialism --- Fascism --- Political activity --- Actividad política --- Perón, Eva, --- Perón, María Eva Duarte, --- Duarte, Eva, --- Duarte de Perón, María Eva, --- Perón, Eva Duarte, --- Perón, Evita, --- Duarte Perón, María Eva, --- Perón, María Eva Duarte de, --- De Perón, María Eva Duarte, --- Peron, Eṿah, --- Eṿiṭah, --- פרון, אווה, --- Argentina --- Politics and government --- Política y gobierno
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