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Culture change in four steps! This extraordinary and well-illustrated reference book offers you practical tools for the four iterative phases of culture change. It shows how large-scale change happens in a short time through viral change. Illustrating the tools with practical case studies from the corporate world, this book also synthesizes the most important findings from applied psychology. The authors combine practical instructions for action from their decades of consulting experience with insights from behavioral economics and neuroscience in a tangible and comprehensible way. Contents Concrete tools for the four iterative phases of culture change including how to bring leaders to role model change and make change stories more compelling Practical case studies from the corporate world, including digital change and New Work In-depth background knowledge on behavioral and mindset change, including habit change as well as purpose as change drivers Tips for culture change agents on how to use emotional intelligence and mindfulness to build resilience and master change in the face of resistance Helpful didactics through illustrations, summaries, checklists of success factors, background, reflection and exercise boxes Target groups Executives, human resources professionals, people from organizational development, consultants in startups, mid-sized companies and global international corporations as well as public organizations Authors Dr. Svea von Hehn has been working internationally as a management consultant (including for McKinsey & Company) since 1999. She holds a PhD in Psychology, is a multi-certified systemic coach and is a partner at RETURN ON MEANING. Nils I. Cornelissen has been working internationally as a management consultant (including for McKinsey & Company) since 2003. He holds a degree in Communications and a master's degree in Psychology and Sociology. He is a certified coach as well as a facilitator and partner at RETURN ON MEANING. Claudia Braun has been working internationally as a management consultant (including for McKinsey & Company) since 2007. She holds a degree in International Business Administration, a Master of Public Administration, a Master of Public Policy as well as various certifications. She is a partner at RETURN ON MEANING. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.
Organizational change. --- Psychology, Industrial. --- Personnel management. --- Leadership. --- Management. --- Culture --- Human geography. --- Work and Organizational Psychology. --- Human Resource Management. --- Leadership Psychology. --- Cultural Studies. --- Human Geography. --- Study and teaching. --- Sociologia de les organitzacions --- Psicologia aplicada --- Psicologia del treball --- Gestió de personal --- Lideratge
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Social psychology --- Organization theory --- Organizational sociology --- Social groups --- Psychology, Industrial --- Organizational behavior --- Organizational sociology. --- Social psychology. --- Social groups. --- Organizational behavior. --- Psychology, Industrial. --- Business psychology --- Industrial psychology --- Psychotechnics --- Industrial engineering --- Personnel management --- Psychology, Applied --- Industrial psychologists --- Behavior in organizations --- Management --- Organization --- Association --- Group dynamics --- Groups, Social --- Associations, institutions, etc. --- Social participation --- Mass psychology --- Psychology, Social --- Human ecology --- Psychology --- Sociology --- Organization (Sociology) --- Sociology of organizations --- Bureaucracy --- Psicologia social --- Sociologia de les organitzacions --- Dinàmica de grups --- Psicologia social. --- Sociologia de les organitzacions. --- Dinàmica de grups.
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This book discusses opportunities and limitations to democratic participation in institutions and organizations across the life course. It demonstrates that democratic participation is not something that is learned once and for all and applied in formal political settings, but something that is lived every day throughout life in various contexts. Institutions and organizations frame human lives and strongly determine the ability to participate and co-determine their communities. They are places for learning, deliberation and the development of the common good. The book conceptually and empirically analyses the potential of democratic participation within various institutions. The contributions range from early childhood institutions, schools, youth programs, workplaces, and vocational education to cultural organizations and nursing homes for the elderly. The book thereby provides a cross-sectional and interdisciplinary knowledge base to inspire future research and practical efforts to promote democratic participation within and across institutions around the world.
Democracy and education. --- Education and democracy --- Education --- Conducta organitzacional --- Democràcia --- Dret constitucional --- Història constitucional --- Pensament polític --- Règims polítics --- Bipartidisme --- Classe mitjana --- Democràcia deliberativa --- Democràcia directa --- Llibertat --- Multipartidisme --- Socialisme --- Sufragi --- Democratització --- Aristocràcia (Ciències polítiques) --- Burgesia --- Capitalisme --- Absolutisme --- Federalisme --- Igualtat --- Monarquia --- Reivindicacions socials --- República --- Comportament organitzatiu --- Comportament organitzacional --- Conducta en les organitzacions --- Administració --- Organització --- Psicologia del treball --- Psicologia social --- Cultura organitzativa
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Psychology, Industrial. --- Employees --- Industry 4.0. --- Effect of technological innovations on. --- Fourth industrial revolution --- Industrial engineering --- Industrial revolution --- Technological innovations --- Business psychology --- Industrial psychology --- Psychotechnics --- Personnel management --- Psychology, Applied --- Industrial psychologists --- Efecte de les innovacions tecnològiques sobre el personal --- Psicologia del treball --- Conducta organitzacional --- Actitud (Psicologia) --- Actitud --- Actituds --- Creences (Psicologia) --- Emocions --- Psicologia social --- Actituds dels alumnes --- Actituds dels mestres --- Actituds dels professors --- Canvi d'actitud --- Confiança (Psicologia) --- Conformisme --- Dogmatisme --- Edatisme --- Elegància --- Empatia --- Estereotip (Psicologia) --- Frustració --- Esnobisme --- Comportament organitzatiu --- Comportament organitzacional --- Conducta en les organitzacions --- Administració --- Organització --- Cultura organitzativa --- Psicologia d'empresa --- Psicologia del treball i de les organitzacions --- Psicologia industrial --- Psicotècnia --- Enginyeria industrial --- Psicologia aplicada --- Compromís organitzacional --- Estrès laboral --- Sociologia industrial --- Satisfacció en el treball --- Tests d'aptitud professional --- Efectes de les innovacions tecnològiques sobre el personal --- Innovacions tecnològiques
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Organization theory --- Management --- Gestion --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Management. --- #BA02213 --- #ETEW:TSCAT --- Periodicals --- Business, Economy and Management --- Business Management --- Organizational change and Development --- Organizational Psychology --- Personnel Management & Training --- Strategic Management & Business Policy --- Economics --- Business, Economy and Management. --- Strategic Management & Business Policy. --- Périodiques --- EBSCOBSP-E EJGESTI ELSEVIER-E EPUB-ALPHA-J EPUB-PER-FT SAGE-E --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Management - Periodicals. --- Empreses --- Direcció i administració --- Organitzacions empresarials --- Indústries --- Negocis
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Psicologia del treball --- Competències professionals. --- Selecció de personal --- Contractació de personal --- Gestió de personal --- Entrevistes de selecció --- Tests d'aptitud professional --- Aptitud professional --- Aptituds professionals --- Competència d'acció professional --- Competència professional --- Competències d'acció professional --- Expertesa professional --- Perfil de competències --- Perfil professional --- Qualificació dels treballadors --- Qualificacions professionals --- Orientació professional --- Professions --- Competències transversals --- Intrusisme --- Psicologia d'empresa --- Psicologia del treball i de les organitzacions --- Psicologia industrial --- Psicotècnia --- Enginyeria industrial --- Psicologia aplicada --- Conducta organitzacional --- Compromís organitzacional --- Estrès laboral --- Sociologia industrial --- Satisfacció en el treball
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This book applies established analytical concepts such as influence, authority, administrative styles, autonomy, budgeting and multilevel administration to the study of international bureaucracies and their political environment. It reflects on the commonalities and differences between national and international administrations and carefully constructs the impact of international administrative tools on policy making. The book shows how the study of international bureaucracies can fertilize interdisciplinary discourse, in particular between International Relations, Comparative Government and Public Administration. The book makes a forceful argument for Public Administration to take on the challenge of internationalization. Michael W. Bauer is Jean Monnet Professor and holds the chair of Comparative Public Administration and Policy Analysis at the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer. Christoph Knill holds the chair of Empirical Theories of Politics at the University of Munich (LMU), Germany, and is the speaker of the research unit ‘International Public Administration’. Steffen Eckhard is Senior Researcher at the University of Munich (LMU), Germany, and a non-resident research fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin (GPPi), Germany.
Political planning. --- Comparative government. --- Political science. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Comparative political systems --- Comparative politics --- Government, Comparative --- Political systems, Comparative --- Planning in politics --- Public policy --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Political science --- Planning --- Policy sciences --- Politics, Practical --- Public administration --- Public policy. --- International organization. --- Comparative politics. --- Globalization. --- Public Policy. --- International Organization. --- Comparative Politics. --- Global cities --- Globalisation --- Internationalization --- International relations --- Anti-globalization movement --- Federation, International --- Global governance --- Interdependence of nations --- International administration --- International federation --- Organization, International --- World federation --- World government --- World order --- World organization --- Congresses and conventions --- Peace --- International agencies --- International cooperation --- Security, International --- World politics --- Burocràcia --- Relacions entre organitzacions --- Administració pública --- Administració de l'Estat --- Agències administratives --- Ciència administrativa --- Ciència de l'administració --- Gestió pública --- Sector públic --- Administració autonòmica --- Administració central --- Administració electrònica --- Administració institucional --- Administració local --- Administració provincial --- Anàlisi d'impacte (Política governamental) --- Arxius públics --- Comunicació en l'administració pública --- Despesa pública --- Divisions administratives i polítiques --- Domini públic --- Estructura territorial --- Funció pública --- Govern militar --- Governabilitat --- Organismes de l'administració pública --- Organització administrativa --- Política governamental --- Servei d'intel·ligència --- Serveis públics --- Transparència política --- Administració --- Cooperació intergovernamental --- Descentralització administrativa --- Dret administratiu --- Estat --- Relacions interorganitzacionals --- Organització --- Relacions entre grups --- Cooperació empresarial --- Organitzacions complexes --- Ciències polítiques --- Sociologia de les organitzacions
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History. --- History --- Spain --- Spain. --- Arts and Humanities --- medieval history --- dissolution of the old regime --- Annals --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- Espanja --- Spanien --- Hiszpania --- Spanish State --- España --- Estado Español --- Espagne --- Hispania --- Sefarad --- Sepharad --- Shpanye --- Shpanie --- Reino de España --- Kingdom of Spain --- Espainiako Erresuma --- Espanha --- Espanya --- Isupania --- Regne d'Espanya --- Reiaume d'Espanha --- Reino d'Espanya --- Reinu d'España --- Supein --- Dret --- Diplomàtica --- Associacions, institucions, etc. --- Història --- Associacions --- Associacions culturals --- Associacions voluntàries --- Entitats --- Institucions --- Organitzacions --- Associacionisme --- Grups socials --- Voluntariat --- Ciències jurídiques --- Ordenament jurídic --- Règim jurídic --- Sistema jurídic --- Jurisprudència --- Legislació --- España --- Estado Español --- Reino de España --- Espanya (Regne)
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This textbook on knowledge management draws on the authors’ more than twenty years of research, teaching and consulting experience. The first edition of this book brought together European, Asian and American perspectives on knowledge-based value creation; this second edition features substantial updates to all chapters, reflecting the implications of the digital transformation on knowledge work and knowledge management. It also addresses three new topics: the impact of knowledge management practices on performance; knowledge management in the public sector; and an introduction to ISO 9001:2015 as an implementation framework. The book is intended not only for academic education but also as an essential guide for managers, consultants, trainers, coaches, and all those engaged in business, public administration or non-profit work who are interested in learning about organizations in a knowledge economy. Given its wealth of case studies, examples, questions, exercises and easy-to-use knowledge management tools, it offers a true compendium for learning about and implementing knowledge management initiatives.
Business. --- Knowledge management. --- Organization. --- Planning. --- Management. --- Industrial management. --- Industrial organization. --- Business and Management. --- Knowledge Management. --- Innovation/Technology Management. --- Industrial Organization. --- Industries --- Organization --- Industrial concentration --- Industrial management --- Industrial sociology --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organisation --- Management --- Management of knowledge assets --- Information technology --- Intellectual capital --- Organizational learning --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Business --- Industrial organization --- Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Executive ability --- Gestió del coneixement --- Organització --- Eficàcia organitzativa --- Assignació de recursos --- Canvi organitzatiu --- Conducta organitzacional --- Planificació --- Relacions entre organitzacions --- Secretariat --- Administració --- Gestió del capital intel·lectual --- Gestió --- Blogs --- Ontologies (Informàtica) --- Wikis (Informàtica) --- Aprenentatge organitzatiu --- Capital intel·lectual --- Tecnologia de la informació --- Eficàcia organitzacional --- Eficiència industrial
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Job stress. --- Occupational stress --- On-the-job stress --- Organizational stress --- Stress in the workplace --- Work stress --- Workplace stress --- Psychology, Industrial --- Stress (Physiology) --- Stress (Psychology) --- Work --- Physiological aspects --- Psychological aspects --- Estrès laboral --- Psicologia del treball --- Psicologia d'empresa --- Psicologia del treball i de les organitzacions --- Psicologia industrial --- Psicotècnia --- Enginyeria industrial --- Psicologia aplicada --- Conducta organitzacional --- Compromís organitzacional --- Sociologia industrial --- Satisfacció en el treball --- Tests d'aptitud professional --- Estrès degut al treball --- Estrès en el treball --- Estrès ocupacional --- Estrès professional --- Estrès (Fisiologia) --- Estrès (Psicologia) --- Síndrome d'esgotament professional
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