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Why do great mountaineers turn away from Everest? Why do they reject the use of artificial oxygen on certain Himalayan summits? Why do they risk their lives for a new ascent? How come they are mostly men - and, until recently, men from the social elites? Ever the theatre of drama, purveyor of heroes and polemics, high level mountaineering is the object of facination. In the discourse surrounding it, the same images reappear: those of a great and noble practice, which cannot be assimilated to a simple sport, with protagonists devoted body and soul, prepared to sacrifice themselves for a new ascent. But only if it is done in the right spirit. Because at the highest level mountaineering still requires that the summit be reached within the strict ethics of the discipline. It is this spirit of mountaineering, synonymous with excellence, that this book questions, through an original historical and sociological survey, using unpublished material, which takes the reader from the origins of mountaineering, in the great English bourgeoisie of the 19th century, to the beginning of the 21st century. The spirit of mountaineering, both as an ethical principle and an esprit de corps, is embedded in hierarchies and relationships of both class and gender domination, which distinguish the elite from the masses, the climbers from the guides, the men from the women. The book reveals how such conceptions continue to reflect the ideologies of the small male elite that codified it over a century and a half ago, surviving the dissemination of mountaineering beyond geographical and social boundaries. The Spirit of Mountaineering will be of interest both to academics and to a wider readership of mountaineering enthusiasts. However, it is an important contribution more generally to all those who question the way in which the structures of social and gender hierarchies are constructed and maintained through time and space. Pourquoi les grands alpinistes se détournent-ils de l'Everest ? Pourquoi refusent-ils l'oxygène artificiel sur certains sommets himalayens ? Pourquoi risquent-ils leur vie pour une ascension nouvelle ? Mais aussi, pourquoi sont-ils en majorité des hommes, qui plus est, des hommes longtemps issus des élites sociales ?00Théâtre de drames, pourvoyeur de héros, objet de polémiques, l'alpinisme de haut niveau fascine. Dans les discours qui l'entourent ressurgissent les mêmes images : celles d'une pratique grande et noble, qu'on ne saurait assimiler à un simple sport, dont les protagonistes dévoués corps et âme, sont prêts à se sacrifier pour une ascension inédite. À condition, cependant, qu'elle soit réalisée dans le bon esprit, car dans le grand alpinisme, il faut parvenir au sommet sans tricher, dans le respect d'une éthique stricte.00C'est cet esprit de l'alpinisme, synonyme d'excellence, que l'ouvrage interroge à travers une enquête originale, à la fois historique et sociologique. Mettant à profit des matériaux inédits, il emmène le lecteur des origines de l'alpinisme dans la grande bourgeoisie anglaise du XIXe siècle, jusqu'au début du XXIe siècle.00L'esprit de l'alpinisme, principe éthique et esprit de corps, s'inscrit dans des hiérarchies et des rapports de domination de classe et de genre, qui distinguent les élites des masses, les alpinistes des guides, les hommes des femmes. L'ouvrage dévoile comment, par-delà la diffusion, la démocratisation et la féminisation de l'alpinisme, son esprit, codifié il y a plus de cent cinquante ans par une petite élite masculine britannique, continue d'en refléter aujourd'hui les idéologies, au Royaume-Uni mais aussi en France. Ouvrage destiné à un large public, il intéressera, au-delà des universitaires et des amateurs d'alpinisme, toutes celles et ceux qui s'interrogent sur la manière dont des hiérarchies sociales et genrées se construisent et se maintiennent.
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European forays to mountain summits began in the late 18th and early 19th centuries with the search for plants and minerals and the study of geology and glaciers. Yet scientists were soon captivated by the enterprise of climbing itself, enthralled with the views and the prospect of 'conquering' alpine summits. Inspired by Romantic notions of nature, early mountaineers idealized their endeavours as sublime experiences, all the while deliberately measuring what they saw. As increased leisure time and advances in infrastructure and equipment opened up once formidable mountain regions to those seeking adventure and sport, new models of masculinity emerged that were fraught with tensions. This text examines how written and artistic depictions of 19th century exploration and mountaineering in the Andes, the Alps, and the Sierra Nevada shaped cultural understandings of nature and wilderness in the Anthropocene.
Mountaineering --- Mountaineering in literature. --- Mountaineering in art. --- History
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This book tells the story of Australian mountaineering in the great ranges of Asia, from the exploits of a brash, young colonial with an early British Himalayan expedition in the 1920s to the coming of age of Australian climbers in the 1980s. The story goes beyond the two remarkable Australian ascents of Mt Everest in 1984 and 1988 to explore the exploits of Australian climbers in the far-flung corners of the high Himalaya. Above all, the book presents a glimpse into the lives - the successes, failures, tragedies, motivations, fears, conflicts, humor, and compassion - themselves to the ultimate limits of survival in the most spectacular and demanding mountain arena of all.
Humanities. --- Mountaineers --- Mountaineering.
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"Gegenwärtig führen hohe Berge in den Kulturen des Alpinismus, in Film und Fernsehen, in den Bildenden Künsten, der Fotografie, in zahlreichen Zeitschriften und Magazinen und nicht zuletzt in der deutschsprachigen Literatur ein produktives Eigenleben. Das Buch analysiert das komplexe Verhältnis zwischen Alpinismus und Literatur, welches das Phantasma Berg hervorbringt und in dem kein Part als vorgängig gelten kann. Es untersucht zahlreiche Texte der Gegenwartsliteratur von Peter Handke, Felicitas Hoppe, Elfriede Jelinek, Christian Kracht, Brigitte Kronauer, Christoph Ransmayr bis Philipp Schönthaler und erfasst damit einen bisher wenig bekannten Aspekt der neueren und neuesten deutschensprachigen Literatur. Das Hochgebirge erweist sich als poetisches Terrain und Gegenstand vielfältiger kultureller Besitznahmen, welche die vermeintlich rohe Natur als Göttersitz, Ort des Übergangs von Immanenz und Transzendenz, des Fremden und des Eigenen, des Globalen wie des Lokalen erscheinen lassen."--Back cover.
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Canyoneering --- Canyoning --- Mountaineering --- San Rafael Swell (Utah)
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Backpacking --- Mountaineering --- Backpacking. --- Mountaineering. --- Back packing --- Packing (Transportation) --- Camping --- Hiking --- Pack transportation
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The history of mountaineering has long served as a metaphor for civilization triumphant. Once upon a time, the Alps were an inaccessible habitat of specters and dragons, until heroic men-pioneers of enlightenment-scaled their summits, classified their strata and flora, and banished the phantoms forever. A fascinating interdisciplinary study of the first ascents of the major Alpine peaks and Mount Everest, The Summits of Modern Man surveys the far-ranging significance of our encounters with the world's most alluring and forbidding heights. Our obsession with "who got to the top first" may have begun in 1786, the year Jacques Balmat and Michel-Gabriel Paccard climbed Mont Blanc and inaugurated an era in which Romantic notions of the sublime spurred climbers' aspirations. In the following decades, climbing lost its revolutionary cachet as it became associated instead with bourgeois outdoor leisure. Still, the mythic stories of mountaineers, threaded through with themes of imperialism, masculinity, and ascendant Western science and culture, seized the imagination of artists and historians well into the twentieth century, providing grist for stage shows, poetry, films, and landscape paintings. Today, we live on the threshold of a hot planet, where melting glaciers and rising sea levels create ambivalence about the conquest of nature. Long after Hillary and Tenzing's ascent of Everest, though, the image of modern man supreme on the mountaintop retains its currency. Peter Hansen's exploration of these persistent images indicates how difficult it is to imagine our relationship with nature in terms other than domination.
Mountaineering --- Climbing mountains --- Mountain climbing --- Hiking --- Outdoor life --- History. --- Philosophy.
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Rock climbing --- Bouldering --- Climbing rocks --- Mountaineering --- Physiological aspects.
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