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Ventiseiesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2020
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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The 26th Report on migrations by ISMU Foundation situates migration phenomena in Italy within the broader framework of the sudden outbreak and spread of COVID-19. The report analyzes the enduring impact of the pandemic on migration flows as well as on foreign residents in Italy. Statistical aspects and analyses of health, labour, and education are complemented with an in-depth study of the Italian legal framework, with particular regard to the most important legislative innovation on migration introduced in 2020: the regularization of migrant workers. The report is further complemented with detailed analyses of the link between immigration, politics, and the media, of racism, and of discrimination during the pandemic. Finally, the report devotes particular attention to the European arena, focusing on the new perspectives for European migration policy.

Citizenship policies in the new Europe
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9053569227 9786611191153 1281191159 904850158X 9789048501588 9789053569221 9781281191151 6611191151 Year: 2007 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam university press,

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Latest IMISCOE publication analyses citizenship policies in the ten new EU Member States

Periodismo de frontera en América Latina : Violencias y desigualdades múltiples.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839464676 3837664678 Year: 2023 Publisher: Bielefeld : transcript,

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En esta obra se aborda la situación de violencia y desigualdad que enfrentan los periodistas en América Latina, centrándose en el caso de México por ser este el país en donde se ha asesinado a un mayor número de comunicadores en los últimos 22 años. El enfoque se dirige hacia los periodistas de frontera, aquellos que trabajan en los márgenes físicos, políticos, económicos, culturales y tecnológicos de un territorio, y cuya condición no puede entenderse únicamente como un reflejo de lo que ocurre a nivel nacional o internacional, ya que presentan características propias y particularidades que los modelos existentes no logran explicar. Además, se explora el contexto histórico y político en el que los periodistas han ejercido su labor, incluyendo las transiciones democráticas y los regímenes autoritarios, y se destaca el impacto de la guerra contra el narcotráfico en la violencia ejercida hacia ellos en México. La autora enfatiza en la necesidad de adoptar nuevos marcos de análisis para comprender la situación de los periodistas de frontera, tomando en cuenta los márgenes del estado, la esfera pública a nivel microlocal y la capacidad que tienen para enfrentar las crisis.

Return Migration and Crises in Non-Western Countries
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783031535628 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This edited book focuses on the intersection of return migration and crises in non-Western countries. The book explores a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives while offering practical insights to address the intricate issues surrounding return migration and crises. The topics covered within this volume include return migration trends, the pivotal roles and contributions of return migrants, the social, psychological, and policy challenges faced by returnees, emerging issues stemming from return migration in their home countries, and the public and formal responses to return migration and the reintegration of returnees, and the roles of crises in these areas. This edited volume brings together diverse perspectives of academic researchers, practitioners, and policymakers on return migration. The book features cases of multiple non-Western countries in Asia (Philippines, China, India), Europe (Lithuania, Turkey, & Ukraine), the Middle East and North Africa (Morocco), and South America and the Caribbean (Mexico, Peru & Dominican Republic). Findings provide a unique opportunity to critically explore current thinking on return migration and investigate the relationship between migration and crisis from varying policy and operational viewpoints. This book, hence, attends to practitioners to develop creative solutions to both global and local policies and practices of return migration management in emerging market countries, which will support and accommodate both their returnees and residents amid challenging times. Jungwon Yeo is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Central Florida. Her primary research focuses on enhancing attitudes, behaviors, and cognitions of diverse individuals and organizations and their collective decision-making process in critical policy contexts, such as disaster and crisis management, migration, and human security. Additionally, her research explores key topics shaping contemporary discourse in public administration, including accountability, ethics, leadership, and social justice, and their consequential impact on public service provision. Her research experience is demonstrated through refereed publications, national and international conference presentations, and multi-year interdisciplinary research grant awards.

Postcolonial African migration to the West : a mimetic desire for being
ISBN: 9783031585685 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan,

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Postcolonial African migration to the West is not only a spatial movement in search of material and physical security but also an expression of the mimetic desire for being by imitating the West or “whitening” oneself against the background of the dehumanizing historical legacies of slavery, colonialism, and Western dominance. It is a flight from oneself, from perceived inadequacies. To migrate to the West is an expression of the desire for being, not through detachment from the “fascinating” West but rather through adoration and imitation of its lifestyle, beauty ideals, and soft and hard power, and by living in the West. The model (the West) builds ubiquitous anti-migrant physical and virtual fences, which the imitator tries to overcome. The more the model re-strengthens these fences, the more the imitator tries to scale them. The anti-migrant fences are the meeting point of the model’s perceived superiority, admirability, and desirability on the one hand, and on the other hand the imitator’s inferiority complex and inner tension between the paradoxical desire for detachment from the model and its passionate imitation at the same time. This book argues that African migration to the West will continue even in the absence of poverty, conflicts, and climate change because it is also about the mimetic desire for being. Belachew Gebrewold is a professor of International Relations and the Head of Department and Studies of Social Work and Social Policy at MCI, Innsbruck, Austria. His main research areas are African politics, conflicts and migration. His publications include various peer-reviewed articles, monographs and edited volumes such as Africa and Fortress Europe, 2007; Anatomy of Violence, 2009; Global Security Triangle, 2010; Understanding Migrant Decisions, 2016; Human Trafficking and Exploitation, 2017. He was also a member of the steering committee of the UN Global Compact for Regular, Safe and Orderly Migration preparatory process in 2017.

Return Migration and Crises in Non-Western Countries
ISBN: 9783031535628 9783031535611 9783031535635 9783031535642 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing, Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This edited book focuses on the intersection of return migration and crises in non-Western countries. The book explores a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives while offering practical insights to address the intricate issues surrounding return migration and crises. The topics covered within this volume include return migration trends, the pivotal roles and contributions of return migrants, the social, psychological, and policy challenges faced by returnees, emerging issues stemming from return migration in their home countries, and the public and formal responses to return migration and the reintegration of returnees, and the roles of crises in these areas. This edited volume brings together diverse perspectives of academic researchers, practitioners, and policymakers on return migration. The book features cases of multiple non-Western countries in Asia (Philippines, China, India), Europe (Lithuania, Turkey, & Ukraine), the Middle East and North Africa (Morocco), and South America and the Caribbean (Mexico, Peru & Dominican Republic). Findings provide a unique opportunity to critically explore current thinking on return migration and investigate the relationship between migration and crisis from varying policy and operational viewpoints. This book, hence, attends to practitioners to develop creative solutions to both global and local policies and practices of return migration management in emerging market countries, which will support and accommodate both their returnees and residents amid challenging times. Jungwon Yeo is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Central Florida. Her primary research focuses on enhancing attitudes, behaviors, and cognitions of diverse individuals and organizations and their collective decision-making process in critical policy contexts, such as disaster and crisis management, migration, and human security. Additionally, her research explores key topics shaping contemporary discourse in public administration, including accountability, ethics, leadership, and social justice, and their consequential impact on public service provision. Her research experience is demonstrated through refereed publications, national and international conference presentations, and multi-year interdisciplinary research grant awards.

Politik der Unentschiedenheit : Die internationale Politik und ihr Umgang mit Kriegsflüchtlingen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839413109 3837613100 9783839413104 Year: 2015 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Flüchtlinge stehen vor vielen Problemen, die nicht nur in ihren Heimatländern entstehen, sondern häufig durch die Politik anderer Staaten und internationaler Organisationen verursacht werden. Flüchtlinge leben in unentschiedenen Zuständen. Obwohl die Flucht vor kriegerischer Gewalt seit Jahrzehnten prominentes Thema der internationalen Politik ist, weist die globale Flüchtlingspolitik erhebliche Lücken auf. Dieser Band zeigt durch Fallstudien zu palästinensischen Flüchtlingen, zu Flüchtlingen aus Sri Lanka, Liberia, Kolumbien, Kosovo und anderen Regionen, wie Politik mit Flüchtlingen gemacht wird und welche Folgen die Politik der Unentschiedenheit für sie hat. »Der Sammelband [ist] ein durchweg lesbarer und in seinem auf die Politik von unten gerichteten Fokus höchst innovativer Beitrag zur Migrationsforschung im Allgemeinen, wie zur Literatur zur Kriegsflucht im Besonderen.« Sigrid Baringhorst, Neue Politische Literatur, 57 (2012) »Durch die in den Beiträgen zugrunde gelegten Untersuchungsansätze eröffnet der Band neue Forschungsperspektiven auf das Thema Flucht und Asyl.« Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 13.04.2010 »Margarete Misselwitz und Klaus Schichte haben sich einen ersten Schritt zu einer ›neuen politischen Soziologie der Weltgesellschaft‹ vorgenommen. Er ist gelungen.« Dieter Maier, Welt-Sichten, 5 (2010)

Integration von Zuwanderern : Erfahrungen, Konzepte, Perspektiven
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839414385 3837614387 1322005885 9783839414385 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Was fördert, was hemmt die Integration von Zuwanderern? Welche Konzepte können als erfolgreich angesehen werden? Vor dem Hintergrund internationaler Erfahrungen greifen die Beiträge dieses Bandes zentrale Themen der Debatte auf: Integration durch Recht, Multikulturalismus, interkulturelle Öffnung, Eingliederung in den Arbeitsmarkt und Staatsangehörigkeitspolitik. Präzise und kritisch analysieren sie Stärken und Schwächen bisher verfolgter Ansätze und zeigen Perspektiven für Politik, Integrationsarbeit und Wissenschaft auf. O-Ton: »Die Kapazitäten sind knapp« - Stefan Luft im Gespräch beim Weser Kurier am 09.08.2014. »Der schön verlegte und mit ausreichenden Nachweisen versehene Band liefert neben soliden Informationen zahlreiche Hinweise, die für Wissenschaft und Praxis gleichermaßen wertvoll sind und das weitere Bemühen um die Verbesserung des Integrationsgeschehens leisten können.« Winfried Kluth, Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik (ZAR), 3 (2011) »Wer sich in die Diversität und Komplexität der Thematik einlesen will, ist bestens bedient, da die Beiträge doch recht unterschiedlich sind - sowohl thematisch als auch im theoretischen und/oder empirischen Zugang zum gewählten Thema.« Prof. Dr. Hartmut M. Griese,, 15.03.2011 »Der vorliegende Band ist eine aktuelle und kenntnisreiche Schilderung der Zuwanderungsproblematik in Deutschland. Durchweg am Thema und an einer Problemlösung orientiert, liefern die zehn facettenreichen Aufsätze vielschichtige und empirisch fundierte Einsichten.« Inga Fuchs-Goldschmidt, Politische Studien, 436/3-4 (2011) »Das Integrationsthema [scheint] in der Öffentlichkeit bisher eher über Defizite diskutiert zu werden, also über Vorbehalte und Diskriminierungen aufseiten der Mehrheitsgesellschaft oder mangelnde Integrationswilligkeit aufseiten der Zuwanderer. Gegen diese Sicht argumentieren die Autorinnen und Autoren für ein differenziertes Integrationsverständnis, das nicht kulturelle Homogenisierung, sondern einen zweiseitigen Prozess meint [...].« Thomas Mirbach,, 4 (2011) »Ein realistisches Bild der Integration gezeichnet zu haben, das weder beschönigt noch dramatisiert, ist ein Verdienst des [...] Bandes. Er hätte [...] viele Leser verdient.« Frank Decker, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 19.10.2010 Besprochen in:, 9 (2010) IDA-NRW, 3 (2010) Deutsch-Maghrebinische Gesellschaft, Medienspiegel, 11 (2010)

Jahrbuch Migration und Gesellschaft / Yearbook Migration and Society 2022/2023 : Focus: »Climate«
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3839466571 3837666573 Year: 2023 Publisher: Bielefeld : transcript Verlag,

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Migration is not a state of emergency, but a basic existential experience of humanity. It shapes contemporary societies by challenging established orders, creating transnational spaces beyond national hegemonies, creating new economies, influencing urban and communal ways of life, making inequality and precariousness visible locally and globally. Migration research as a social science does not narrow the focus to 'the migrants', but investigates the conditions for living together and shaping life between ethnicization and pluralization, discrimination and empowerment, division and participation.The Yearbook Migration and Society repeatedly turns the prism of narrative anew. The 2022/2023 edition focuses on the topic »Climate«.

Controlling immigration : a comparative perspective
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1503632261 1503631672 Year: 2022 Publisher: Stanford, Calif. : Stanford Univ. P.,

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The fourth edition of this classic work provides a systematic, comparative assessment of the efforts of major immigrant-receiving countries and the European Union to manage migration, paying particular attention to the dilemmas of immigration control and immigrant integration. Retaining its comprehensive coverage of nations built by immigrants - the so-called settler societies of the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - the new edition explores how former imperial powers - France, Britain and the Netherlands - struggle to cope with the legacies of colonialism, how social democracies like Germany and the Scandinavian countries balance the costs and benefits of migration while maintaining strong welfare states, and how more recent countries of immigration in Southern Europe - Italy, Spain, and Greece - cope with new found diversity and the pressures of border control in a highly integrated European Union. The fourth edition offers up-to-date analysis of the comparative politics of immigration and citizenship, the rise of reactive populism and a new nativism, and the challenge of managing migration and mobility in an age of pandemic, exploring how countries cope with a surge in asylum seeking and the struggle to integrate large and culturally diverse foreign populations.

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