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Monasteries and the care of souls in late antique Christianity : cognition and discipline
ISBN: 9781107184015 1107184010 9781316875094 9781316635322 1316635325 1316880060 1316879690 1316880435 1316881911 1316875091 1316877477 9781316881910 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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In Monasteries and the Care of Souls in Late Antique Christianity, Paul C. Dilley explores the personal practices and group rituals through which the thoughts of monastic disciples were monitored and trained to purify the mind and help them achieve salvation. Dilley draws widely on the interdisciplinary field of cognitive studies, especially anthropology, in his analysis of key monastic 'cognitive disciplines', such as meditation on scripture, the fear of God, and prayer. In addition, various rituals distinctive to communal monasticism, including entrance procedures, the commemoration of founders, and collective repentance, are given their first extended analysis. Participants engaged in 'heart-work' on their thoughts and emotions, which were understood to reflect the community's spiritual state. This book will be of interest to scholars of early Christianity and the ancient world more generally for its detailed description of communal monastic culture and its innovative methodology.

Een middeleeuws klooster
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9054260610 Year: 2000 Publisher: Amsterdam De Lantaarn

Les serfs de Saint-Claude : Étude sur la condition servile au Moyen Âge
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782753509573 2753509573 2753567069 Year: 2019 Publisher: Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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Le maintien d’une différence fondamentale de statut entre libres et non libres constitue une des caractéristiques majeures de la société médiévale ; et cette dépendance se fait d’autant plus marquée que les franchises des XIIe et XIIIe siècles caractérisent un nombre croissant de communautés. La servitude présente ce paradoxe troublant d’un statut théorisé par les légistes mais qui dans la réalité s’éparpille en une infinité de variantes. La difficile appréhension du servage réside en ce paradoxe : définir ce qui, au-delà des variations locales, fait du servage un des piliers de la seigneurie et du système social du Moyen Âge. Héritière d’une histoire pluriséculaire, l’abbaye de Saint-Claude constitue un exemple de ces grandes seigneuries ecclésiastiques impériales, caractérisées par le maintien jusqu’à une date tardive d’une servitude étendue à toutes les populations rurales de son domaine. La servitude sanclaudienne participe de ce mouvement général de durcissement des conditions de dépendance que l’on observe en Occident à la fin du Moyen Âge. Elle en possède les caractéristiques essentielles, où derrière la relation personnelle qui unit le serf à son maître se lit la volonté de contrôler la terre et les hommes. Mais loin de n’être qu’un outil fiscal ou un instrument d’oppression de la paysannerie, le servage constitue un phénomène pleinement sociologique. La mise en place et la généralisation du statut au cours du XIVe siècle révèlent le poids considérable des communautés rurales, qui viennent s’interposer entre le seigneur et ses hommes, médiatisant un rapport personnel qui tend à s’alourdir. Le servage sanclaudien n’est en rien un servage résiduel, qui ne pèserait que sur les plus pauvres. Les paysans bénéficient même collectivement de droits étendus ; c’est sans doute dans ce balancement entre le collectif et l’individuel que l’on peut chercher une explication à la mise en place du servage.

Life inside the cloister : understanding monastic architecture: tradition, reformation, adaptive reuse
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9461662602 9789461662606 9789462701434 9462701431 Year: 2018 Volume: 21 Publisher: Leuven Leuven University Press

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Christian monasteries and convents, built throughout Europe for the best part of 1,500 years, are now at a crossroads. This study attempts to understand the sacred architecture of monasteries as a process of the tangible and symbolic organisation of space and time for religious communities. Despite the weight of seemingly immutable monastic tradition, architecture has contributed to developing specific religious identities and played a fundamental part in the reformation of different forms of religious life according to the changing needs of society. The cloister is the focal point of this book because it is both architecture, a physically built reality, and a metaphor for the religious life that takes place within it. Life Inside the Cloister also addresses the afterlife and heritagisation of monastic architecture in secularised Western society.

Three treatises from Bec on the nature of monastic life
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9780802092601 0802092608 1442689420 9781442689428 Year: 2008 Volume: 109 Publisher: Toronto, [Ontario] ; Buffalo, [New York] ; London, [England] : University of Toronto Press,

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The abbey of Bec was founded in the eleventh century and was one of the best-known and most influential monasteries in Normandy. Celebrated for its high standard of religious life and its intellectual activity, Bec also had an exceptional degree of institutional independence.The three treatises collected and translated in this volume - Tractatus de professionibus monachorum ('The Profession of Monks'), De professionibus abbatum ('The Profession of Abbots'), and De libertate Beccensis monasterii ('On the Liberty of the Monastery of Bec') - are a striking statement of the position of Bec in relation to episcopal and ducal (later royal) authorities. Little is known about the anonymous author of these works except that he was a twelfth-century monk with an attachment to Augustine and Gregory the Great, and that he had considerable knowledge of canon law. His purpose in writing these treatises was to assert and justify the privileges of Bec at a time when many bishops were reacting against monastic freedom, especially with regard to profession.This volume is an important contribution to understanding not only monasticism in Normandy, but also the conflict between church and state in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.


Christian church history --- Christian spirituality --- anno 500-1499 --- France --- Monastic and religious life --- Church and state --- Vie religieuse et monastique --- Eglise et Etat --- History --- Sources. --- Histoire --- Sources --- Bec (Abbey) --- Normandy (France) --- Normandie (France) --- Church history --- Histoire religieuse --- Abbots --- Benedictines --- Spiritual life --- -271.1 <44 BEC> --- Monastic life --- Spirituality (in religious orders, congregations, etc.) --- Monasticism and religious orders --- Vows --- -Benedictijnen--Frankrijk--BEC --- Christianity --- 271.1 <44 BEC> Benedictijnen--Frankrijk--BEC --- Benedictijnen--Frankrijk--BEC --- Abbots. --- Church history. --- Bec-Hellouin, France (Benedictine abbey) --- Abbaye du Bec --- Abbaye Notre-Dame du Bec --- Notre-Dame du Bec (Abbey) --- Abbey of Bec --- Le Bec-Hellouin (France). --- Bec-Hellouin (Abbey) --- Benedictine Abbey of Bec-Hellouin --- Abbayes --- Kloosterleven. --- Spiritual life. --- Église et État --- Abbaye Notre-Dame du Bec (Le Bec-Hellouin, France). --- Bec (Abbey). --- Benedictines. --- Histoire religieuse. --- Superiors, Religious --- 271.1 <44 BEC> --- Bencések --- Benedettini --- Bénédictins --- Beneditinos --- Benedyktyni --- O.S.B. --- Ordem de São Bento --- Order of Saint Benedict --- Ordine di San Benedetto --- Ordo Sancti Benedicti --- OSB --- Saint Benedict, Order of --- Abbeys --- Convents --- Monasteries --- Christianity and state --- Separation of church and state --- State and church --- State, The --- France. --- Basse-Normandie (France) --- Haute-Normandie (France) --- Bro-C'hall --- Fa-kuo --- Fa-lan-hsi --- Faguo --- Falanxi --- Falanxi Gongheguo --- Farans --- Farānsah --- França --- Francia (Republic) --- Francija --- Francja --- Francland --- Francuska --- Franis --- Franḳraykh --- Frankreich --- Frankrig --- Frankrijk --- Frankrike --- Frankryk --- Fransa --- Fransa Respublikası --- Franse --- Franse Republiek --- Frant͡ --- Frant͡s Uls --- Frant͡sii͡ --- Frantsuzskai͡a Rėspublika --- Frantsyi͡ --- Franza --- French Republic --- Frencisc Cynewīse --- Frenska republika --- Furansu --- Furansu Kyōwakoku --- Gallia --- Gallia (Republic) --- Gallikē Dēmokratia --- Hyãsia --- Parancis --- Peurancih --- Phransiya --- Pransiya --- Pransya --- Prantsusmaa --- Pʻŭrangs --- Ranska --- República Francesa --- Republica Franzesa --- Republika Francuska --- Republiḳah ha-Tsarfatit --- Republikang Pranses --- République française --- Tsarfat --- Tsorfat

Humble women, powerful nuns : a female struggle for autonomy in a men's church
ISBN: 9789462702271 9789461663276 9461663277 9462702276 Year: 2020 Volume: 26 Publisher: Leuven Leuven UP

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Nineteenth-century female congregation founders could achieve levels of autonomy, power and prestige that were beyond reach for most women of their time. With a subject hidden for a long time behind a curtain of modesty and mystery, this book recounts the fascinating but ambiguous life stories of four Belgian religious women. A close reading of their personal writings unveils their conflicted existence: ambitious, engaged and bold on the one hand, suffering and isolated on the other, they were both victims and promotors of a nineteenth-century ideal of female submission. As religious and social entrepreneurs these women played an influential role in the revival of the church and the development of education, health care and social provisions in modern Belgium. But, equally well, they were bound to rigid gender patterns and adherents of an ultramontane church ideology that fundamentally distrusted modern society.


C2 --- religieuzen --- vrouwen --- geloofsleven --- KADOC - Documentatie- en Onderzoekscentrum voor Religie, Cultuur en Samenleving (1977-) --- Religieuze instituten --- Christian religious orders --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Autonomie. --- Frau. --- Geschlechterforschung. --- Ordensgründerin. --- Unterdrückung. --- Katholische Kirche. --- Belgien. --- Nuns --- Women in the Catholic Church --- Religieuses --- Femmes dans l'Eglise catholique --- History --- Histoire --- Feminist theology --- Theology, Feminist --- Theology, Doctrinal --- Sisters (in religious orders, congregations, etc.) --- Christians --- Monasticism and religious orders for women --- Women in the Catholic Church. --- Feminist theology. --- History. --- Kloosterleven--België--geschiedenis --- Vrouwen --- 245.4 --- Kloosterwezen--België--geschiedenis --- Vrouwen in de kerk --- Belgium --- Bäigien --- Baljīk --- Belchica --- Belçika --- Belçika Krallığı --- Beldjym --- Belezi --- Belga Királyság --- Beļgeja --- Belghia --- Belʹgi --- Bèlgia --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Bélgica --- Belgice --- Belgice Cynerīce --- Belgické královstv --- Belgi --- Belgien --- Bélgii Bikéyah --- Belgii͡ --- Belʹgii͡a Korollege --- Belgija --- Beļg̓ijas Karaliste --- Belgijos Karalyst --- Belgijsk --- Belgika --- Belgio --- Belgique --- Belgiska --- Belgiya --- Belgiyah --- Belgje --- Belgjiche --- Belgjo --- Belgujo --- Belʹhii͡ --- Belhika --- Bèljik --- Beljika --- Belʹjmudin Nutg --- Belsch --- Belsj --- Bélxica --- Berug --- Bheilg --- Bilgasuyu --- Bilhika Qhapaqsuyu --- Bilkiya --- Gwlad Belg --- Igihugu cyʼUbubirigi --- Karaleŭstva Belʹhii͡ --- Keuninkriek Belsj --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Kinigraich Bäigien --- Kinnekräich Belsch --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Königreich Belgien --- Königriich Belgie --- Koninkrijk Belgi --- Koninkrijk van Belgi --- Koninkryk van Belgi --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Kralojstwo Belgiskej --- Mamlakat Baljīk --- Mamlekhet Belgiyah --- Nsi ya ntotila ya Belezi --- Pelekiuma --- Pow Belg --- Reeriaght ny Belg --- Reĝlando Belgio --- Regne de Bèlgica --- Regno del Belgio --- Reino de Belchica --- Reino de Bélgica --- Reinu de Bélxica --- Ríocht na Beilge --- Rìoghachd na Beilge --- Royaume de Belgique --- Royômo de Bèlg·ique --- Ruwvaneth Belgek --- Teyrnas Gwlad Belg --- Ubelgiji --- Ububiligi --- Ububirigi --- Ufalme wa Ubelgiji --- Vasileio tou Velgiou --- Vãsilia di Belghia --- Velg --- Velgio --- Meeûs, Anna de, --- Kestre, Fanny, --- Cornet, Antoinette, --- Telghuys, Wilhelmina, --- Börngen, ... --- Katholische Kirche --- 1800-1899 --- Börngen, ... --- ... --- Düsseldorf --- Leser, Rosalie --- De Meeûs, Anna, --- Katolikus Egyház --- RCC --- Katoličeskaj Cerkovʹ --- Katoličke Cerkve --- Katolska Cyrkej --- Katolske Kirke --- Ecclesia Catholica --- Igreja Católica --- Römisch-Katholische Kirche --- Katholikē Ekklēsia --- Catholic Church --- Roman Catholic Church --- Eglise Catholique --- Eglise Catholique Romaine --- Chiesa Cattolica --- Katholieke Kerk --- Iglesia Católica --- Katolické Církve --- Kościoł Katolicki --- Katoličke Crkve --- Eglise catholique romaine --- Chiesa cattolica romana --- Roman catholic Church --- Eglise catholique --- Römische Kirche --- Kirche --- Katholizismus --- Unierte Ostkirchen

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