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Letter writing was widespread in the Graeco-Roman world, as indicated by the large number of surviving letters and their extensive coverage of all social categories. Despite a large amount of work that has been done on the topic of ancient epistolography, material and formatting conventions have remained underexplored, mainly due to the difficulty of accessing images of letters in the past. Thanks to the increasing availability of digital images and the appearance of more detailed and sophisticated editions, we are now in a position to study such aspects. This book examines the development of letter writing conventions from the archaic to Roman times, and is based on a wide corpus of letters that survive on their original material substrates. The bulk of the material is from Egypt, but the study takes account of comparative evidence from other regions of the Graeco-Roman world. Through analysis of developments in the use of letters, variations in formatting conventions, layout and authentication patterns according to the sociocultural background and communicational needs of writers, this book sheds light on changing trends in epistolary practice in Graeco-Roman society over a period of roughly eight hundred years. This book will appeal to scholars of Epistolography, Papyrology, Palaeography, Classics, Cultural History of the Graeco-Roman World.
Briefe. --- Epistolografie. --- Epistolography. --- Graeco-Roman Egypt. --- Griechisch-Römisches Ägypten. --- Letters. --- Papyrus. --- papyrus. --- Brief --- Konvention --- Griechisch --- Papyrus --- HISTORY / Ancient / General. --- Papyri --- Beschreibstoff --- Handschrift --- Altgriechisch --- Klassisches Griechisch --- Hellenisch --- Indogermanische Sprachen --- Gräzistik --- Gewohnheit --- Konventionalismus --- Briefschreiben --- Korrespondenz --- Briefwechsel --- Literarischer Brief --- Briefverkehr --- Briefe --- Autobiografische Literatur --- Briefliteratur --- Gräzistik
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The volume contains a critical review of data, results and open problems concerning the principal Greek and Coptic majuscule bookhands, based on previous research of the author, revised and updated to offer an overview of the different graphic phenomena. Although the various chapters address the history of different types of scripts (i.e. biblical majuscule, sloping poitend majuscule, liturgical majuscule, epigraphic and monumental scripts), their juxtaposition allows us to identify common issues of the comparative method of palaeography. From an overall critical assessment of these aspects the impossibility of applying a unique historical paradigm to interpret the formal expressions and the history of the different bookhands comes up, due to the fact that each script follows different paths. Particular attention is also devoted to the use of Greek majuscules in the writing of ancient Christian books. A modern and critical awareness of palaeographic method may help to place the individual witnesses in the context of the main graphic trends, in the social and cultural environments in which they developed, and in a more accurate chronological framework.
Paleography, Greek. --- Manuscripts, Greek. --- Coptic manuscripts. --- Coptic manuscripts (Papyri) --- Greek imprints. --- Coptic language --- Bible --- Manuscripts (Papyri) --- Manuscripts. --- Majuscule scripts. --- dating of manuscripts. --- palaeography. --- Handschrift --- Majuskel --- Griechische Schrift --- Koptisch --- Griechisch --- Papyrus --- Koptische Schrift --- LITERARY CRITICISM / General. --- Altgriechisch --- Klassisches Griechisch --- Hellenisch --- Indogermanische Sprachen --- Gräzistik --- Ägyptisch --- Schriftsystem --- Phönikische Schrift --- Maiuskel --- Majuskeln --- Großbuchstabe --- Großbuchstaben --- Minuskel --- Schrift --- Buchhandschrift --- Handschriften --- Schriftdenkmal --- Manuskript --- Autograf --- Papyri --- Beschreibstoff --- Gräzistik --- Ägyptisch --- Phönikische Schrift
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Im Mittelpunkt des Sammelbandes steht die Frage nach der Bedeutung, die der schriftlichen Fixierung öffentlicher Botschaften wie privater Mitteilungen im öffentlichen Raum der Antike, Spätantike und Mittelalter zukam. Inschriften befanden sich - damals wie heute - auf Mauern und Wänden von Häusern und Tempeln, in Innenräumen von Kirchen, auf der Agora oder dem Forum, auf oder an öffentlich aufgestellten Bildwerken wie Statuen, Reliefs, Gemälden und Mosaiken. Die Gegenwart beschrifteter Objekte prägte und gestaltete den öffentlichen Raum, und selbst wenn die Inschriften nicht - oder nur partiell - gelesen wurden, so luden sie den Betrachter durch ihre oft extrem auffällige Präsenz doch zur Wahrnehmung und Interaktion ein. Durch den Versuch, die Artefakte in ihrem originären sozialen wie räumlichen Umfeld zu rekontextualisieren, eröffnen sich neue Deutungsperspektiven: Neben Beobachtungen zur konkreten Gestaltung des einzelnen Schriftzeugnisses gewinnen Fragen nach der räumlichen Beziehung zu benachbarten Monumenten, der Platzierung im öffentlichen Raum und der sich damit wandelnden Rezeptionsbedingungen an Bedeutung.
Civilization, Classical. --- Civilization, Medieval. --- Inscriptions --- Monuments --- Public spaces --- Antike und Mittelalter. --- Antiquity and the Middle Ages. --- Materialität von Schrift. --- Präsenz von Schrift. --- Rezeptionspraktiken. --- materiality of writing. --- practices of reception. --- presence of writing. --- Kollektives Gedächtnis --- Latein --- Griechisch --- Antike --- Inschrift --- HISTORY / Ancient / General. --- Epigraph --- Inschriften --- Epigraf --- Schriftdenkmal --- Epigraphik --- Klassisches Altertum --- Altertum --- Römerzeit --- Mittelmeerraum --- v1000-476 --- Altgriechisch --- Klassisches Griechisch --- Hellenisch --- Indogermanische Sprachen --- Gräzistik --- Lateinisch --- Lateinische Sprache --- Latinofaliskisch --- Latinistik --- Kollektive Erinnerung --- Kulturelles Gedächtnis --- Erinnerungskultur --- Gedächtniskultur --- Memorialkultur --- Gedächtnis --- Geschichtspolitik --- Public places --- Social areas --- Urban public spaces --- Urban spaces --- Cities and towns --- Historical monuments --- Architecture --- Sculpture --- Historic sites --- Memorials --- Public sculpture --- Statues --- Epigraphs (Inscriptions) --- Epigraphy --- Inscription --- Paleography --- Epigraphists --- Classical civilization --- Civilization, Ancient --- Classicism --- Civilization, Medieval --- Medieval civilization --- Middle Ages --- Civilization --- Chivalry --- Renaissance --- History. --- Social aspects --- History --- Kulturelles Gedächtnis --- Gedächtniskultur --- Gedächtnis --- Gräzistik --- Römerzeit --- Gedenkkultur
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