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Men and masculinities provides an engaging, accessible and provocative introduction to histories of masculinity for all readers interested in contemporary gender politics. The book offers a critical overview of ongoing historiographical debates and the historical making of men’s lives and identities and ideas of masculinity between the 1890s and the present day. In setting out a new agenda for the field, it makes an ambitious argument for the importance of writing histories which are present-centred and politically engaged. This means that the book engages head-on with ferocious debates about men’s social position and the status of masculinity in contemporary public life. In establishing a critical genealogy for the proliferation of this crisis talk, it sets out new ways of understanding how men’s lives and ideas of masculinity have changed over time while patriarchy and male power have persisted.
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Collection of papers and essays concerning the development of Canadian society. Includes a chapter on the gold rush society of British Columbia and the Yukon.
Canada --- Social conditions. --- HISTORY / Social History. --- Social conditions
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Eine modernen Standards genügende Erfassung, Dokumentation und Erforschung der materiellen Hinterlassenschaften des Steinkohlenbergbaus steckt vielerorts erst in den Anfängen. Die Publikation enthält die Beiträge einer Ende 2017 vom Montanhistorischen Dokumentationszentrum (montan.dok) am Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum veranstalteten Tagung, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hatte, Vertreter aus verschiedenen Museen und musealen Einrichtungen zusammenzubringen, um Sammlungen und Objekte im Spannungsfeld von Musealisierung, Digitalisierung, Restaurierung und Objektforschung zu diskutieren. Die Beiträge greifen dieses breite Themenspektrum auf und loten die Möglichkeiten einer methodisch reflektierten Montangeschichte aus. Dies mit Blick auf die Objektforschung und die Nutzung objektbezogener archivalischer Quellen wie auch in Hinsicht auf die Präsentation von objektbezogener Forschung in der digitalen Welt. Das Buch richtet sich daher im engeren Sinne an Forschende auf dem Gebiet der Montan- und Technikgeschichte sowie allgemein an diejenigen, die sich mit einer materiell basierten Erinnerungskultur beschäftigen. The essays published in this volume, taken from a 2017 conference at the German Mining Museum in Bochum, examine mining heritage with regard to museumization, digitalization, restoration, and object research. At the same time, the volume reflects the diversity of mining’s historical legacy, which extends from associations to large museums of technology.
Bergbaugeschichte. --- Digitalisierung. --- Restaurierungsforschung. --- material culture studies. --- HISTORY / Social History.
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Der ökonomische und soziale Strukturwandel der Industriegesellschaft findet seine kulturellen Entsprechungen in der post-industriellen „Landschaftsreparatur“ und in der „Musealisierung“ industrieller Hinterlassenschaft. Strategien der In-Wert-Setzung des industriekulturellen Erbes ließen neue Orte und Landschaften der Erinnerung entstehen, die zentrale Ankerpunkte regionaler, post-industrieller Identitäten sind. Dabei erscheint das Argument des Authentischen essentiell für die In-Wert-Setzungs-Prozesse des industriekulturellen Erbes. Aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven thematisieren die Beiträge des Bandes diese Zusammenhänge. Sie historisieren zugleich die industriekulturelle Authentizität. This volume examines commemorative cultures and sites, processes of authenticating industrial heritage, as well as the spatial dimensions of commemorative sites in a European and international comparison. It places a focus on former mining districts.
Industrial heritage. --- Industriedenkmale. --- Industriekultur. --- authenticity. --- historische Authentizität. --- HISTORY / Social History.
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Nationalism was declared to be dead too early. A postnational age was announced, and liberalism claimed to have been victorious by the end of the Cold War. At the same time postnational order was proclaimed in which transnational alliances like the European Union were supposed to become more important in international relations. But we witnessed the rise a strong nationalism during the early 21st century instead, and right wing parties are able to gain more and more votes in elections that are often characterized by nationalist agendas. This volume shows how nationalist dreams and fears alike determine politics in an age that was supposed to witness a rather peaceful coexistence by those who consider transnational ideas more valuable than national demands. It will deal with different case studies to show why and how nationalism made its way back to the common consciousness and which elements stimulated the re-establishment of the aggressive nation state. The volume will therefore look at the continuities of empire, actual and imagined, the role of "foreign-" and "otherness" for nationalist narratives, and try to explain how globalization stimulated the rise of 21st century nationalisms as well.
HISTORY / Social History. --- immigration. --- nationalism. --- populism. --- 2000-2099
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Children and youth belong to one of the most vulnerable groups in societies. This was the case even before the current humanitarian crises around the world which led millions of people and families to flee from wars, terror, poverty and exploitation. Minors have been denied human rights such as access to education, food and health services. They have been kidnapped, sold, manipulated, mutilated, killed, and injured. This has been and continues to be the case in both developed and developing countries, and it does not look as if the situation will improve in the near future. Rather, current geopolitical developments, political and economic uncertainties and instabilities seem to be increasing the vulnerability of minors, especially in the wars and armed conflicts currently being waged not only in Europe, but on almost every continent. How can risks children and youth are exposed to in times of transition be reduced? Which role do state agencies, non-governmental organisations, as well as children's coping strategies play in mitigating the vulnerabilities of minors?This volume addresses risks to which children and young people are exposed, especially in times of transition. The focus is on different groups of children in the European wartime and post-war societies of the Second World War, 'occupation children' in Germany, teenage National Socialist collaborators in Norway, and more recent cases such as child soldiers, refugee children, and children of European "Islamic State" fighters. The contributions come from international scholars and different academic disciplines (educational and social sciences, humanities, law, and international peace and conflict studies) and are based on historical, quantitative, and/or qualitative analyses.
HISTORY / Social History. --- Children. --- risk. --- societal transition. --- youth. --- History.
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This book underlines the importance of writing for the subordinate classes, and the variety of uses to which it was put. In eleven new studies by thirteen leading historians of scribal culture, it foregrounds the ‘common writer’ and contributes to a ‘New History from Below’. The book presents pauper letters, ego-documents, life-writing of various kinds, soldiers’ and emigrants’ correspondence, handwritten newspapers and graffiti in streets and prisons, analysing the major genres of ‘ordinary writings’. The studies draw on different disciplines, including cultural history, sociology and ethnography, folklore studies, palaeography and socio-historical linguistics. They range from the early modern Hispanic Empire to twentieth-century Australia, including studies of modern Britain, Iceland, Finland, Italy, Germany, South Africa and the USA. The book demonstrates the importance of studying manuscript culture to give a voice, a presence and dignity to the ordinary protagonists of history.
Working class authors --- History and criticism. --- HISTORY / Social History.
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This book underlines the importance of writing for the subordinate classes, and the variety of uses to which it was put. In eleven new studies by thirteen leading historians of scribal culture, it foregrounds the ‘common writer’ and contributes to a ‘New History from Below’. The book presents pauper letters, ego-documents, life-writing of various kinds, soldiers’ and emigrants’ correspondence, handwritten newspapers and graffiti in streets and prisons, analysing the major genres of ‘ordinary writings’. The studies draw on different disciplines, including cultural history, sociology and ethnography, folklore studies, palaeography and socio-historical linguistics. They range from the early modern Hispanic Empire to twentieth-century Australia, including studies of modern Britain, Iceland, Finland, Italy, Germany, South Africa and the USA. The book demonstrates the importance of studying manuscript culture to give a voice, a presence and dignity to the ordinary protagonists of history.
Working class authors --- HISTORY / Social History. --- History and criticism.
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The idea of planning economy and engineering social life has often been linked with Communist regimes' will of control. However, the persuasion that social and economic processes could and should be regulated was by no means limited to them. Intense debates on these issues developed already during the First World War in Europe and became globalized during the World Economic crisis. During the Cold War, such discussions fuelled competition between two models of economic and social organisation but they also revealed the convergences and complementarities between them. This ambiguity, so often overlooked in histories of the Cold War, represents the central issue of the book organized around three axes. First, it highlights how know-how on planning circulated globally and were exchanged by looking at international platforms and organizations. The volume then closely examines specificities of planning ideas and projects in the Communist and Capitalist World. Finally, it explores East-West channels generated by exchanges around issues of planning which functioned irrespective of the Iron Curtain and were exported in developing countries. The volume thus contributes to two fields undergoing a process of profound reassessment: the history of modernisation and of the Cold War.
Cold War. --- Internationale Organisation. --- Kalter Krieg. --- HISTORY / Social History. --- World politics --- Planning
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" This collection of short essays on texts in the history of democracy shows the diversity of ideas that contributed to the making of our present democratic moment. The selection of texts goes beyond the standard, Western-centric canonical history of democracy, with its beginnings in Ancient Athens and its climax in the French and American revolutions, recovering some of the significant body of democratic and anti-democratic thought in Latin America, Asia, and elsewhere. It includes discussions of well-known philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, but also of a variety of thinkers much less well known in English as writers on democracy: Al Farabi, Bolívar, Gandhi, Radishchev, Lenin, Sun Yat-sen, and many others. The essays thus de-center our understanding of the moments where the idea of democracy was articulated, rejected, and appropriated. Spanning antiquity to the present and global in scope, with contributions by key scholars of democracy from around the world, Democratic Moments is the ideal text for all students wishing to expand their understanding of the ways in which this contested concept has been understood. "--
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