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This book contributes new perspectives from the Global South on the ways in which linguistic and discursive boundaries shape inequalities in educational contexts, ranging from Amazonian missions to Mongolian universities. Through critical ethnographic and sociolinguistic analysis, the chapters explore how such boundaries contribute to the geopolitics of colonialism, capitalism and myriad, interwoven, forms of social life that structure both oppression and resistance. Boundaries are examined across time and space as relational constructs that mark the terms upon which admission to groups, institutions, territories, or practices are granted. The studies further present alternative educational approaches that demonstrate the potential for agency and transgression, highlighting moments of boundary crossing that disrupt existing linguistic ideologies, language policies and curriculum structures.
Language and education --- barriers to education. --- colonialism. --- educational inequality. --- globalisation. --- inequality. --- language ideology.
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Inequality in Latin America is very large and there is a great desire for greater social justice, inclusion and equal opportunities. In order to contribute to the understanding of such developments, this volume addresses the problem of economic inequality in Paraguay, Honduras and Chile. The studies show from different angles how an adverse family background has permanent negative effects on employment, wages and labour mobility, particularly in the presence of structural economic changes. In general, this book is a contribution to understand why inequality is highly persistent in Latin America
Equality --- Latin America --- Economic conditions. --- Social conditions. --- America --- Barría --- Change --- Decomposition of Income --- Economic --- Education --- Educational Inequality --- Family Economics --- Indigenous Background --- Inequality --- Latin --- Migration --- Structural --- Villalobos
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Lebenschancen werden heute immer stärker durch Schul-, Berufs-, Hochschul- und Weiterbildung bestimmt. Die Autorin untersucht die Durchlässigkeit zwischen Berufs- und Hochschulbildung - eine wichtige Voraussetzung zur Ermöglichung der Teilhabe an Bildung und Gesellschaft - im Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich. Im Fokus stehen dabei Stabilität und Wandel auf institutioneller Ebene und der Einfluss der europäischen Bildungsprozesse seit Ende der 1990er Jahre sowie ihre re-/produktive Bedeutung im Bezug auf soziale Bildungsungleichheiten. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Nachwuchspreis Bildungssoziologie der Sektion Bildung und Erziehung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Life chances today are increasingly determined by school, vocational, university and further education. The author examines the permeability between vocational and higher education - an important prerequisite for enabling participation in education and society - in comparison between Germany and France. The focus is on stability and change at the institutional level and the influence of European educational processes since the end of the 1990s as well as their re-/productive significance in relation to social educational inequalities. Awarded the Young Investigators' Prize for Sociology of Education by the Education Section of the German Society for Sociology.
Teacher training --- Vocational education --- Education, Higher --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Education --- Berufsbildung --- Bildungsungleichheit --- educational inequality --- higher education --- Hochschulbildung --- Vocational training
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This critical volume responds to the enduring challenge in mathematics education of addressing the needs of marginalized students in school mathematics, and stems from the 2015 Annual Meeting of the North American Group of the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA). This timely analysis brings greater clarity and support to such challenges by narrowing in on four foci: theoretical and political perspectives toward equity and justice in mathematics education, identifying and connecting to family and community funds of knowledge, student learning and engagement in preK-12 mathematics classrooms, and supporting teachers in addressing the needs of marginalized learners. Each of these areas examines how race, class, culture, power, justice and mathematics teaching and learning intersect in mathematics education to sustain or disrupt inequities, and include contributions from scholars writing about mathematics education in diverse contexts. Included in the coverage: Disrupting policies and reforms to address the needs of marginalized learners A socio-spatial framework for urban mathematics education Linking literature on allywork to the work of mathematics teacher educators Transnational families’ mathematical funds of knowledge Multilingual and technological contexts for supporting learners’ mathematical discourse Preservice teachers’ strategies for teaching mathematics with English learners Toward Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education is of significant interest to mathematics teacher educators and mathematics education researchers currently addressing the needs of marginalized students in school mathematics. It is also relevant to teachers of related disciplines, administrators, and instructional designers interested in pushing our thinking and work toward equity and justice in mathematics education. .
Mathematics --- Social justice. --- Educational equalization. --- Educational inequality --- Equal education --- Equal educational opportunity --- Equalization, Educational --- Education --- Affirmative action programs in education --- Equality --- Justice --- Study and teaching. --- Aims and objectives --- Mathematics. --- Mathematics Education. --- Math --- Science --- Mathematics—Study and teaching .
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Asks what makes schooling unfriendly to girls and examines the success or otherwise of interventions intended to bring about change.
Sex discrimination in education --- Educational equalization --- Educational equality --- Educational equity --- Educational inequality --- Equal education --- Equal educational opportunity --- Equality of education --- Equalization, Educational --- Equity, Educational --- Inequality, Educational --- Opportunity, Equal educational --- Education --- Affirmative action programs in education --- Aims and objectives
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Plaintext description.
Sexism in education --- Educational equalization --- Educational equality --- Educational equity --- Educational inequality --- Equal education --- Equal educational opportunity --- Equality of education --- Equalization, Educational --- Equity, Educational --- Inequality, Educational --- Opportunity, Equal educational --- Education --- Affirmative action programs in education --- Aims and objectives
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Educational equalization --- Educational equality --- Educational equity --- Educational inequality --- Equal education --- Equal educational opportunity --- Equality of education --- Equalization, Educational --- Equity, Educational --- Inequality, Educational --- Opportunity, Equal educational --- Education --- Affirmative action programs in education --- Aims and objectives
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"This edited book provides international insights and recommendations around topics of gender and diversity in higher education linking to larger societal goals of improving equality. Within each of the four sections - Student recruitment and retention, Student experience, Faculty and staff experiences and culture, and Higher education cultures of teaching and research - topics unpack and speak to gender and diversity, equity, inclusion and access, social justice, and leadership and sustainability in higher education institutions. Incorporating innovative processes and methods, the researchers address how the experiences of groups who have been subordinated and marginalized can be heard, proposing a re-imagination of empowerment and leadership within higher education and best practices for the benefit of ongoing higher education development. This book is ideal reading for students on Higher Education courses, Leadership courses, Gender in Education, researchers, practitioners, around topics of gender and diversity, equity, inclusion and access, social justice, leadership, and sustainability in HEIs"-- Provided by publisher.
Educational equalization. --- Educational equality --- Educational equity --- Educational inequality --- Equal education --- Equal educational opportunity --- Equality of education --- Equalization, Educational --- Equity, Educational --- Inequality, Educational --- Opportunity, Equal educational --- Education --- Affirmative action programs in education --- Aims and objectives --- Minorities --- Education (Higher) --- Minority college students
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Das Verhältnis von Eltern und Schule ist aktuell tief greifenden Veränderungen ausgesetzt. Ellen Kollender fragt nach der Rolle, die hierbei migrationsgesellschaftlichen Differenz- und Zugehörigkeitsordnungen zukommt: Wie werden Eltern in politischen Diskursen um Migration, Integration und Bildung positioniert? Welche Zuschreibungen erfahren vor allem türkisch-arabisch-muslimisch gelabelte Eltern in der Schule ihrer Kinder? Und welche Antworten entwickeln die Eltern hierauf? Mit Blick auf Berlin wird rekonstruiert, wie sich im Zuge des neoliberalen staatlichen Wandels rassistische Grenzziehungen verschleiern und neue Einfallstore für Diskriminierung von Eltern entstehen. Die Dispositivanalyse liefert Schlussfolgerungen für eine diskriminierungssensible Entwicklung von Schule als öffentlichem Raum. »Ellen Kollender begründet Rassismus im Zeitalter neoliberaler Staatlichkeit als einen Kontext für bildungsbezogene Fragestellungen und lenkt damit die sozialwissenschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit auf einen Kontext, der in deutschsprachigen erziehungswissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen nach wie vor viel zu selten dekonstruiert und reflektiert wird. Ein absolut lesenswertes Buch - im Wissenschaftskontext, wie auch für (angehende) Praktiker*innen und Entscheidungsträger*innen - und ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Schulentwicklung.« Lalitha Chamakalayil/ Oxana Ivanova-Chessex, Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue, 19/5 (2020) »Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eine wichtige Intervention für Debatten zu Elternarbeit an Schulen an der Schnittstelle von Migration, Rassismus und neoliberaler Aktivierungspolitik. Diskurse um Chancengleichheit in der Bildung, Integration und Diskriminierung werden auf eine theoretisch innovative und empirisch fundierte Weise fruchtbar gemacht.« Iris Glaser, Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 4 (2020) »Die vorliegende Analyse [leistet] eine interessante Darstellung darüber, wie sich neoliberale und rassistische Logiken im konkreten Fall zweier Stadtteile zeigen können, und so sei die Lektüre insbesondere denjenigen empfohlen, die diese Blickrichtung nachvollziehen und in gesellschaftskritische Denkweisen eintauchen möchten.« Carola Mantel, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften, 42/2 (2020) O-Ton: »Es ist ein System differentieller Teilhabe entstanden« - Ellen Kollender im Gespräch bei Radio Corax am 19.08.2020. O-Ton: »Die neoliberale Schule« - ein Gastbeitrag von Ellen Kollender auf ZEIT online am 19.07.2020. »Struktureller Rassismus in der Schule? Die Abwehr dieses Vorwurfs dürfte in etwa so vehement sein, wie bei den Sicherheitskräften in Deutschland. Doch die diskursanalytische Studie der Bildungsforscherin Ellen Kollender über die Situation von ›als migrantisch positionierten Eltern‹ legt genau solche rassistischen Logiken nahe.« Christoph David Piorkowski, Der Tagesspiegel, 03.07.2020 »Das Buch geht subtilen Ausschlüssen von Eltern und ihren Kindern in Schule und Migrationsgesellschaft auf den Grund.« Oliver Neumann,, 20.04.2020 Besprochen in: InfoDienst Migration, 3 (2020) Tagesspiegel, 17.07.2020, Christoph David Piorkowski Tagesspiegel, 05.08.2020, Sybille Volkholz IDA-NRW, 3 (2020)
Eltern; Schule; Migrationsgesellschaft; Berlin; Neoliberalismus; Rassismus; Diskriminierung; Schulentwicklung; Soziale Ungleichheit; Bildungsungleichheit; Migration; Integration; Differenzverhältnisse; Kinder; Politischer Diskurs; Familie; Bildung; Bildungsforschung; Pädagogik; Parents; School; Migration Society; Neoliberalism; Racism; Discrimination; School Development; Social Inequality; Educational Inequality; Differential Relationships; Children; Political Discourse; Family; Education; Educational Research; Pedagogy --- Berlin. --- Children. --- Differential Relationships. --- Discrimination. --- Education. --- Educational Inequality. --- Educational Research. --- Family. --- Integration. --- Migration Society. --- Migration. --- Neoliberalism. --- Pedagogy. --- Political Discourse. --- Racism. --- School Development. --- School. --- Social Inequality.
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In der globalisierten digitalisierten Medienwelt nehmen gerade bildungsferne Jugendliche einen privilegierten Platz ein. Anhand umfangreicher Texte aus einem Schreibprojekt zeigt Gerda Wurzenberger, wie das Medienwissen sowie die alltagssprachlichen Ressourcen der Jugendlichen genutzt werden können, um literarisches Schreiben aus der Lebenswelt der Jugendlichen heraus zu entwickeln und zugleich auch darin zu verorten. Der Style, den die Jugendlichen beim gemeinsamen Schreiben kreieren, macht das innovative Potenzial erkennbar, welches die (Inter-)Medialisierung des Alltags sowie die Migrationsbewegungen für die Sprache und das Erzählen bereithalten.
Young adult literature, German --- Youth in literature. --- German language --- Digital media --- Authorship. --- Style. --- Electronic media --- New media (Digital media) --- Mass media --- Digital communications --- Online journalism --- German young adult literature --- German literature --- Agency. --- Alltagssprache. --- Bildung. --- Bildungsungleichheit. --- Cultural Anthropology. --- Culture. --- Education. --- Educational Inequality. --- Intermediality. --- Intermedialität. --- Jugend. --- Kultur. --- Kulturanthropologie. --- Lebenswelt. --- Lifeworld. --- Literatur. --- Literature. --- Media. --- Medien. --- Migration Society. --- Migration. --- Migrationsgesellschaft. --- Mündlichkeit. --- Oral Language. --- Schreiben. --- Social Work. --- Sozialarbeit. --- Writing. --- Youth. --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural & Social. --- Sprache; Bildung; Intermedialität; Literatur; Lebenswelt; Medien; Schreiben; Jugend; Mündlichkeit; Alltagssprache; Bildungsungleichheit; Agency; Migrationsgesellschaft; Kultur; Migration; Kulturanthropologie; Sozialarbeit; Language; Education; Intermediality; Literature; Lifeworld; Media; Writing; Youth; Oral Language; Educational Inequality; Migration Society; Culture; Cultural Anthropology; Social Work
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