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The recovery of non-pecuniary loss in European contract law
ISBN: 9781107098626 1107098629 9781316162378 1316317382 1316324087 1316310701 1316330761 1316334104 1316327426 1316162370 1316320723 1316290069 9781316320723 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom

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This is the first comprehensive work to capture the rise of moral damages (non-pecuniary loss) in European contract law through a historical and comparative analysis. Unique features of this study include the first classification scheme of the systems into liberal, moderate and conservative regimes, a taxonomy of non-pecuniary loss drawn from a European-wide jurisprudence, and a comprehensive bibliography of the subject. Written by a leading academic on comparative law, Palmer's precise and practical insights on Europe's leading cases will be of great interest to academic researchers and practitioners alike.

Agreed sums payable upon breach of an obligation
ISBN: 1283274760 9460944337 9786613274762 9789460944338 9789490947040 9490947040 Year: 2011 Publisher: The Hague, The Netherlands Portland, Or.

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Unique in its breadth, this book undertakes a comparative analysis of the ways in which legal systems in all regions of the world deal with agreed sums payable upon breach of an obligation. The book shows divergences and convergences and indicates trends as to the future development of the law. It also deals with the treatment of agreed sums under the 1980 UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), offering the first comprehensive solution to this issue based on comparative analysis. For practitioners as well as researchers, this book is a valuable source of informa

Vitiation of contracts
ISBN: 1139611151 1107237874 1139609335 1139613014 1139382829 1139616730 1139626035 1283870681 1139622315 9781139626033 9781283870689 9781139616737 9781139382823 9781139613019 9781107031784 1107031788 Year: 2013 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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Vitiation of Contracts proposes a new theory to explain the rationale of general vitiating factors in English contract law. It provides a clear link to voluntariness as the foundation of contractual liability and compares the English position, in light of this theory, with the Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL), the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) and the US Restatement (Second) of Contracts.

Chinese contract law : civil and common law perspectives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1316816915 1316821188 1107176328 1316629570 1316819507 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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This book is the product of a unique collaboration between Mainland Chinese scholars and scholars from the civil, common, and mixed jurisdiction legal traditions. It begins by placing the current Chinese Contract Law (CCL) in the context of an evolutionary process accelerated during China's transition to a market economy. It is structured around the core areas of contract law, anticipatory repudiation (common law) and defense of security (German law); and remedies and damages, with a focus on the availability of specific performance in Chinese law. The book also offers a useful comparison between the CCL and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, as well as the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The analysis in the book is undertaken at two levels - practical application of the CCL and scholarly commentary.

Remedies for breach of contract
ISBN: 0191738727 0191630055 0191630047 9780191738722 9780191630040 9780199606603 0199606609 Year: 2012 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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Presenting a comprehensive and timely examination of remedies for breach of contract, this text analyses and challenges fundamental features of English contract law.

De opzegging van overeenkomsten
ISBN: 9789050958851 9050958850 Year: 2014 Publisher: Antwerpen: Intersentia,

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Dit echte opus magnum biedt de lezer een algemene theorie over de (eenzijdige) opzegging van contracten. Een algemeen verbintenisrechtelijk leerstuk ter zake – dat kan gelden voor alle contracten waarvoor er geen bijzondere wettelijke opzeggingsregels bestaan – bestond immers nog niet in het Belgische recht. Dit omvangrijke boek biedt wetenschappelijk onderbouwde antwoorden op tal van vragen die de opzegging van overeenkomsten betreffen. De auteur bouwt haar theorie rondom vier grote onderzoeksvragen. Zij onderzoekt welke de verbintenisrechtelijke kwalificaties zijn die met de opzegging in verband kunnen worden gebracht, welke de opzeggingsgronden zijn en welke de uitoefeningsvoorwaarden zijn. Ten slotte – als sluitstuk van de algemene theorie – gaat zij na wat de rechterlijke controlemogelijkheden zijn en de mogelijke remedies ingeval de rechter vaststelt dat er iets schort met de opzegging. Dit uiterst vlot leesbare werk is verplichte lectuur voor advocaten, bedrijfsjuristen, notarissen, magistraten en iedereen die een vraag heeft over het opzeggen van contracten. Het is dan ook het onmisbare standaardwerk voor dit belangrijke deel van ons verbintenissenrecht.

The limits of Leviathan
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1107166985 1280703474 0511249977 0511248911 0511250487 0511319193 051151137X 0511249462 9780511249976 9780511250484 0511247834 9780511247835 0511251319 9780511251313 9780511511370 9780521858465 0521858461 0521858461 9780521367974 0521367972 Year: 2006 Publisher: Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press

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Much of international law, like much of contract, is enforced not by independent sanctions but rather through cooperative interaction among the parties, with repeat dealings, reputation, and a preference for reciprocity doing most of the enforcement work. Originally published in 2006, The Limits of Leviathan identifies areas in international law where formal enforcement provides the most promising means of promoting cooperation and where it does not. In particular, it looks at the International Criminal Court, the rules for world trade, efforts to enlist domestic courts to enforce orders of the International Court of Justice, domestic judicial enforcement of the Geneva Convention, the domain of international commercial agreements, and the question of odious debt incurred by sovereigns. This book explains how international law, like contract, depends largely on the willingness of responsible parties to make commitments.

Accounting for Profit for Breach of Contract
ISBN: 1847319521 1472561171 128365783X 1847319513 9781847319517 9781847319524 9781283657839 6613970336 9786613970336 9781849462518 1849462518 9781472561176 Year: 2012 Publisher: Oxford Hart

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This book defends the view that an award of an account of profits (or 'disgorgement damages') for breach of contract will sometimes be justifiable, and fits within the orthodox principles and cases in contract law. However there is some confusion as to when such an award should be made. The moral bases for disgorgement damages are deterrence and punishment, which shape the remedy in important ways. Courts are also concerned with vindication of the claimant's performance interest, and it is pivotal in these cases that the claimant cannot procure a substitute performance via an award of damages or specific relief. The book argues that disgorgement damages should be available in two categories of case: 'second sale' cases, where the defendant breaches his contract with the claimant to make a more profitable contract with a third party; and 'agency problem' cases, where the defendant promises the claimant he will not do a certain thing, and the claimant finds it difficult to supervise the performance. Moreover, disgorgement may be full or partial, and 'reasonable fee damages' for breach of contract are best understood as partial disgorgement rather than 'restitutionary damages'. Equitable bars to relief should also be adopted in relation to disgorgement damages, as should allowances for skill and effort. This book will be of interest to contract and commercial lawyers, and will be especially valuable to anyone with an interest in contract remedies and restitution. It draws on case law in a number of common law jurisdictions, primarily England and Wales, and Australia

Unexpected circumstances in European contract law
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781107003408 1107003407 9780511763335 9781107416871 1107416876 1107220750 9786613055071 1139041819 1139042580 1139041045 1139038672 0511763336 1283055074 1139045229 1139036351 9781139041041 9781139042581 9781139045223 9781107220751 9781283055079 6613055077 9781139041812 9781139038676 Year: 2011 Publisher: Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press

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The recent financial crisis has questioned whether existing contracts may be adapted, terminated or renegotiated as a result of unexpected circumstances. The question is not a new one. In medieval times the notion of clausula rebus sic stantibus was developed to cope with such situations, and Germany introduced the theory of Wegfall der Geschäftsgrundlage. In England, the Coronation cases provided one possible answer. This comparative study explores the possibility of classifying jurisdictions as 'open' or 'closed' in this regard.

Impossibility in Modern Private Law : A Comparative Study of German, Swiss and Turkish Laws and the Unification Instruments of Private Law
ISBN: 3319017039 3319017047 Year: 2014 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book provides an analysis of the treatment of impossibility in modern private law. The author explains the regulation of impossibility in German, Swiss and Turkish laws with a comparative analysis of the subject under (i) the United Nations Convention on International Sale of Goods (CISG), (ii) UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), (iii) Principles of European Contract Law (PECL also known as the Lando-Principles), (iv) Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) and (iv) Common European Sales Law (CESL).

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