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Mittelstädte haben eine besondere Relevanz für die Entwicklung von robusten, krisenfesten und nachhaltigen Raumstrukturen in Deutschland. Zugleich stehen sie vor fundamentalen Zukunftsaufgaben wie Klimawandel, demografischem Wandel und Strukturwandel - und zwar etwas anders als Großstädte. Die Beiträge zeigen, wie im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs »Mittelstadt als Mitmachstadt« Stadtforschung und Mittelstadtpraxis zusammenwirken, um gemeinsam Impulse für die Transformation kleiner Mittelstädte zu entwickeln. Besonderes Innovationspotenzial machen sie in der verbesserten Verknüpfung von Raum-, Governance- und Prozessgestaltung aus, an deren Schnittstellen sich neue Perspektiven für eine nachhaltige Zukunft eröffnen.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / Urban. --- Administration. --- City. --- Civil Society. --- Climate Change. --- Demographic Change. --- Local Government. --- Participation. --- Population. --- Space. --- Sustainability. --- Traffic. --- Transformation. --- Urban Planning. --- Urban Studies.
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Japan gilt als alte Gesellschaft. Eine Lesart dieser Aussage ist: Wo viele Alte sind, da sterben auch viele. Aber wer kümmert sich um die jährlich 1,4 Mio. Verstorbenen und deren Gräber? Geht es nach der japanischen Bestattungsindustrie, dann das Individuum selbst. In einer Gesellschaft, in der sich niemand mehr um einen sorgt, erscheint Eigenvorsorge als letzter Ausweg, um niemandem zur Last zu fallen. Dorothea Mladenova hinterfragt diese Diskurse kritisch und zeigt, wie im Zuge der »aktiven Planung des eigenen Lebensendes« (shukatsu) neoliberale Prinzipien des »unternehmerischen Selbst« auf den Tod übertragen werden: Aus Selbstbestimmung wird gemeinwohlorientierte Selbstverantwortung.
Social sciences. --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Gerontology. --- Aging Studies. --- Body. --- Capitalism. --- Death Industry. --- Death. --- Demographic Change. --- Dying. --- Economy. --- Funeral Home. --- Funeral. --- Grave. --- Neoliberalism. --- Self-Determination. --- Self-responsibility. --- Sociology of Work and Industry. --- Sociology. --- Subjectivation. --- Technologies of the Self.
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Across the EU, populations are shrinking and ageing. An increasing burden is being placed on a smaller working population to generate the taxes required for pensions and care costs. Welfare states are weakening in many countries and across Europe, households are being increasingly expected to plan for their retirement and future care needs within this risky environment. At the same time, the proportion of people buying their own home in most countries has risen, so that some two-thirds of European households now own their homes. Housing equity now considerably exceeds total European GDP. This book discusses questions like: to what extent might home ownership provide a potential cure for some of the consequences of ageing populations by realizing housing equity in order to meet the consumption needs of older people? What does this mean for patterns of inheritance and longer-term inequalities across Europe? And to what extent are governments banking on their citizens utilising their housing wealth now and in the future?
Affirmative action programs. --- Corporate culture. --- Demographic change. --- Home ownership --- Business & Economics --- Demography --- Real Estate, Housing & Land Use --- Population aging --- Aging of population --- Aging population --- Aging society --- Demographic aging --- Graying (Demography) --- Greying (Demography) --- Ownership of homes --- Social sciences. --- Geography. --- Population. --- Demography. --- Social Sciences. --- Geography, general. --- Population Economics. --- Age distribution (Demography) --- Housing --- Real estate business --- House buying --- Human population --- Human populations --- Population growth --- Populations, Human --- Economics --- Human ecology --- Sociology --- Malthusianism --- Historical demography --- Social sciences --- Population --- Vital statistics --- Cosmography --- Earth sciences --- World history
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As of 2015, U.S. log output per capita was 12 percent below what its pre-2008 linear trend would predict. To understand why, I develop and estimate a model of the US with demographics, real and monetary shocks, and the occasionally binding ZLB on nominal rates. Demographic changes generate slow-moving trends in the real interest rate, employment, and productivity. I find that demographics alone can explain one-third of the gap between log output per capita and its linear trend in 2015. Demographics also lowered real rates, causing the ZLB to bind between 2009 and 2015, contributing to the slow recovery after the Great Recession.
Banks and Banking --- Macroeconomics --- Demography --- Demographic Trends, Macroeconomic Effects, and Forecasts --- Interest Rates: Determination, Term Structure, and Effects --- Economics of the Elderly --- Economics of the Handicapped --- Non-labor Market Discrimination --- Labor Economics: General --- Population & demography --- Finance --- Labour --- income economics --- Demographic change --- Real interest rates --- Zero lower bound --- Aging --- Labor --- Population and demographics --- Financial services --- Interest rates --- Demographic transition --- Population aging --- Labor economics --- United States --- Income economics
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Mit Blick auf Herausforderungen, wie Strukturschwäche, Überalterung und Entvölkerung, gilt es in Japan seit der Dreifachkatastrophe 2011 mehr denn je, mithilfe verschiedenster Bottom-Up- und Top-Down-Initiativen ländliche Regionen wiederzubeleben. Nicht nur sollen Regionsanwohner in ihrer Heimatverbundenheit gestärkt, sondern periphere Gebiete selbst als attraktive Arbeits- und Lebensräume inszeniert sowie langfristig umstrukturiert werden. "Postkoloniale" Abhängigkeiten von Wirtschaftsmächten in den Großstädten, sozioökonomische Gefälle zwischen Stadt und Land sowie Versäumnisse im Hinblick auf Langzeitplanung und Wissensentwicklung sind nur eine Handvoll der Ursachen, die die heutigen Herausforderungen ländlicher Provinzen prägen. Von Graswurzelinitiativen zur Rettung traditioneller matsuri über Anime-Tourismus bis hin zur Heiratsmigration berichtet der Band von Hintergründen, Folgen und Wechselwirkungen der Probleme in Japans Regionen. Der dritte Band der Reihe "Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung" zeichnet so ein Japan der Regionen, dessen Image stets zwischen nostalgischem Rückzugsort und abgehängtem Landstrich, belebender Alternative zur Großstadt und menschenleerem Geisterdorf wandelt.
Cultural and Social Science Research on Japan, Demographic change, revitalisation of Japanese regions, diversity of the periphery, remigration, Furusato-zukuri, marriage migration, rural Japan, media construction, social reality, Anime Tourism, Iwami, Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, structural weakness, ageing, depopulation, bottom-up initiatives, top-down initiatives, homeland solidarity, post-colonial dependency, socio-economic disparities, traditional matsuri, grassroots initiatives, nostalgic place of retreat, suspended area, ghost village. --- Japan. --- Ländliche Region. --- Revitalisierung. --- Strukturschwäche. --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / General.
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Japan’s aging and shrinking population could lower the natural rate of interest and, together with low inflation expectations, challenge the Bank of Japan’s efforts to reflate the economy. This paper uses a semi-structural model to estimate the impact of demographics on the natural rate in Japan. We find that demographic change has a significantly negative impact on the natural rate by lowering trend potential growth. We also find that the negative impact has been increasing over time amid stronger demographic headwinds. These findings highlight the importance of boosting potential growth to offset the negative demographic impact and lift the natural rate in Japan.
Banks and Banking --- Investments: General --- Demography --- Production and Operations Management --- Bayesian Analysis: General --- Time-Series Models --- Dynamic Quantile Regressions --- Dynamic Treatment Effect Models --- Diffusion Processes --- State Space Models --- Interest Rates: Determination, Term Structure, and Effects --- Monetary Policy --- Demographic Trends, Macroeconomic Effects, and Forecasts --- Investment --- Capital --- Intangible Capital --- Capacity --- Demographic Economics: General --- Macroeconomics: Production --- Population & demography --- Finance --- Population & migration geography --- Macroeconomics --- Real interest rates --- Demographic change --- Population growth --- Return on investment --- Population and demographics --- Financial services --- National accounts --- Potential output --- Production --- Interest rates --- Population --- Demographic transition --- Saving and investment --- Economic theory --- Japan
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This Special Issue publishes the latest advances and developments concerning the modelling of flooding in urban areas and contributes to our scientific understanding of the flooding processes and the appropriate evaluation of flood impacts. This issue contains contributions of novel methodologies including flood forecasting methods, data acquisition techniques, experimental research in urban drainage systems and/or sustainable drainage systems, and new numerical and simulation approaches in nine papers with contributions from over forty authors.
machine learning --- flash flood --- GIS --- Iran --- decision trees --- ensemble techniques --- manhole flooding --- urban flooding --- grid-based modeling --- SWWM --- FIRM --- pollutant transport --- hydraulic structures --- urban drainage --- CFD --- dual drainage --- Iber --- SWMM --- hazard --- artificial neural network --- resilient backpropagation --- multistep urban flood forecast --- demographic change --- urbanization --- flooding --- drainage system --- vulnerability --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- Antananarivo --- parameterised power-linear model --- hyper concentration --- dilute concentration --- suspended sediment transport --- flood --- sediment size parameter --- rouse number --- mean concentration --- flow depth --- urban flood modeling --- porosity --- shallow-water model --- urban flood management --- flood forecasting --- weather radar --- integrated hydraulic modeling --- and evacuation lead time --- n/a
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Innerhalb von 20 Jahren wurde auf dem Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland ein Paradigmenwechsel zur Alterserwerbstätigkeit vollzogen, der sich in zwei Schüben entfaltete: Die Politik wandte sich im letzten Jahrzehnt des alten Jahrhunderts von der Frühverrentung ab, und im ersten Jahrzehnt des neuen Jahrhunderts stieg die Alterserwerbsbeteiligung in einem - auch im europäischen Vergleich - überraschend starken Ausmaß an. Dieses Buch zeichnet den Wandel des Altersübergangs differenziert nach: In welchen Schritten hat er sich vollzogen, und wie haben die vielen Stellschrauben beim Übergang vom Erwerbsleben in die Rente ineinandergegriffen? »Eine fundierte Empirie.« Mitbestimmung, 6 (2016) »Die Studie ist aufgrund des verwandten breiten Datenspektrums und der unterschiedlichen Blickwinkel einzigartig.« Wolfgang Keck, Deutsche Rentenversicherung, 4 (2016)
Early retirement --- Retirement, Early --- Retirement --- Political aspects. --- Social aspects. --- Aging Studies. --- Capitalism. --- Demographic Change. --- Retirement. --- Social Policy. --- Sociology of Work and Industry. --- Sociology. --- Work. --- Arbeitsmarkt; Demographischer Wandel; Ruhestand; Sozialpolitik; Alterserwerbstätigkeit; Frührente; Alter; Arbeit; Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie; Kapitalismus; Soziologie; Labour Market; Demographic Change; Retirement; Social Policy; Aging Studies; Work; Sociology of Work and Industry; Capitalism; Sociology --- Germany --- Social policy. --- Alemania --- Ashkenaz --- BRD --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Deguo --- 德国 --- Deutsches Reich --- Deutschland --- Doitsu --- Doitsu Renpō Kyōwakoku --- Federal Republic of Germany --- Federalʹna Respublika Nimechchyny --- FRN --- Gėrman --- German Uls --- Герман Улс --- Germania --- Germanii︠a︡ --- Germanyah --- Gjermani --- Grossdeutsches Reich --- Jirmānīya --- KhBNGU --- Kholboony Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Nimechchyna --- Repoblika Federalin'i Alemana --- República de Alemania --- República Federal de Alemania --- Republika Federal Alemmana --- Vācijā --- Veĭmarskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Weimar Republic --- Weimarer Republik --- ХБНГУ --- Германия --- جرمانيا --- ドイツ --- ドイツ連邦共和国 --- ドイツ レンポウ キョウワコク --- Germany (East) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : British Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : French Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : Russian Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) --- Germany (West) --- Holy Roman Empire
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For decades the European Union tried changing its institutions, but achieved only unsatisfying political compromises and modest, incremental treaty revisions. In late 2009, however, the EU was successfully reformed through the Treaty of Lisbon. Reforming the European Union examines how political leaders ratified this treaty against all odds and shows how this victory involved all stages of treaty reform negotiations--from the initial proposal to referendums in several European countries. The authors emphasize the strategic role of political leadership and domestic politics, and they use state-of-the-art methodology, applying a comprehensive data set for actors' reform preferences. They look at how political leaders reacted to apparent failures of the process by recreating or changing the rules of the game. While domestic actors played a significant role in the process, their influence over the outcome was limited as leaders ignored negative referendums and plowed ahead with intended reforms. The book's empirical analyses shed light on critical episodes: strategic agenda setting during the European Convention, the choice of ratification instrument, intergovernmental bargaining dynamics, and the reaction of the German Council presidency to the negative referendums in France, the Netherlands, and Ireland.
HISTORY / Modern / 21st Century. --- HISTORY / Europe / General. --- POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Leadership. --- POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations / Diplomacy. --- Treaties --- Revision of treaties --- Treaties, Revision of --- Treaty revision --- Ratification of treaties --- Treaty ratification --- Ratification. --- Revision. --- European Union. --- E.U. --- Treaty on European Union --- European Union countries --- Politics and government. --- EU constitution. --- EU countries. --- EU. --- European Convention. --- European integration. --- German Presidency. --- Lisbon Treaty. --- Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe. --- Treaty of Lisbon. --- Treaty of Nice. --- Valry Giscard d'Estaing. --- agenda control. --- agenda setting. --- democratic deficit. --- demographic change. --- domestic parliaments. --- domestic politics. --- institutional arrangements. --- institutional reform. --- intergovernmental bargaining. --- internal conflict. --- judiciary powers. --- negative referendums. --- political leaders. --- political parties. --- popular votes. --- principal-agent perspective. --- ratification instrument. --- reform crisis. --- social tension. --- veto players.
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Climate change poses a serious challenge to our health and wellbeing. The increasing frequency of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, and heatwaves, and the direct impacts of changes in temperature have direct impacts on health. At the same time, broader environmental change affects infectious disease risk, air pollution, and other forms of exposure. The different ways in which climate change will affect health are complex, interactive, and different communities are disproportionately affected. International actions such as the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals recognise the future risks to society and acknowledge that we are already committed to a certain level of climate change. Future adaptation measures therefore need careful assessment and implementation for us to be able to minimise the potential risks from climate change and, at the same time, maximise the potential health benefits of a cleaner, greener world. This Special Issue comprises original research articles and detailed reviews on the likely impacts of climate change on health in a range of geographical settings, and the potential for adaptation measures to reduce some of these risks. Ultimately, studies like these will motivate policy level action for mitigation and help in determining the most effective methods of adaptation to reduce negative impacts in future through embedding scientific evidence into practice.
heat-waves --- heat-related mortality --- 2003 --- 2015 --- climate change --- Germany --- air temperature --- hot days --- heat waves --- city --- urban area types --- Poznań --- Poland --- ambulance 999 calls --- extreme weather --- resource planning --- London --- UK --- heat --- mortality --- adaptation --- dwellings --- indoor temperature --- cold days --- cold waves --- health systems --- climate adaptation --- health infrastructure --- rescue services --- Northern Europe --- disaster risk reduction --- Sendai Framework --- demographic change --- infectious diseases --- vector-borne diseases --- aerosolized exposures --- pollen --- well-being --- public health --- land management --- patient and public involvement (PPI) --- land-use --- El Niño Southern Oscillation --- ENSO --- health --- climatic variability --- climate-sensitive disease --- workplace --- heat stress --- productivity loss --- beta distribution --- North Atlantic Oscillation --- weather --- emergency ambulance calls --- exacerbation of essential hypertension --- urban heat island --- urban planning --- heat resilience --- climate scenarios --- waterborne disease --- natural environment --- risks --- cryptosporidiosis --- cholera --- leptospirosis --- Legionnaires’ disease --- trends over time --- n/a --- Poznań --- El Niño Southern Oscillation --- Legionnaires' disease
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