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Karl der Große gehört zu den dynamischsten literarischen Gestalten des europäischen Mittelalters. Die altfranzösische Karlsdichtung wurde dabei in kompilierter Form auch im Norden rezipiert: Als Karlamagnús saga liegt sie im Altwestnordischen vor, als Karl Magnus im Altschwedischen und Karl Magnus Krønike im Altdänischen. Durch Kontextualisierung der Karlsdichtung in den fünf überlieferten ostnordischen Handschriften aus dem 15. Jahrhundert werden intertextuelle Bezüge sichtbar, die zur Klärung der Frage beitragen, warum Karl der Große im Norden einerseits als aristokratischer Held, andererseits als Heiliger rezipiert wurde. Neben der philologischen Lektüre der altschwedischen, altdänischen und altfranzösischen Texte tragen vor allem kulturwissenschaftliche Ansätze aus den Feldern Memory Studies, Gender Studies sowie aus der Alteritätsforschung dazu bei, den Transfer scheinbar stabiler Konzepte wie Identität, Geschlecht und Alterität in der mittelalterlichen Literatur des Nordens nachzuvollziehen.
Charlemagne, --- Karol Wielki, --- Karl --- Carolus Magnus, --- Shārlmān, --- Charles the Great, --- Karl Velikiĭ, --- Carlo Magno, --- Carlos Magno, --- Karolus Magnus, --- Karl the Great, --- Carlomagno, --- Karl den store, --- شارلمان، --- Literature --- History and criticism --- Literary Criticism / Comparative Literature
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"An interdisciplinary study examining the origins of Anglo-Norman views of kingship in idealized interpretations of Charlemagne's imperium. Demonstrates how the idea of "Englishness" developed in the Middle Ages as much as a consequence of the Anglo-Norman imagination and experience as a reaction against it"--Provided by publisher.
Imperialism. --- Normans --- Northmen --- Colonialism --- Empires --- Expansion (United States politics) --- Neocolonialism --- Political science --- Anti-imperialist movements --- Caesarism --- Chauvinism and jingoism --- Militarism --- History --- Charlemagne, --- Karol Wielki, --- Karl --- Carolus Magnus, --- Shārlmān, --- Charles the Great, --- Karl Velikiĭ, --- Carlo Magno, --- Carlos Magno, --- Karolus Magnus, --- Karl the Great, --- Carlomagno, --- Karl den store, --- شارلمان، --- Influence. --- Great Britain --- England --- Civilization --- Politics and government
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Charlemagne is one of the few medieval figures to have maintained a constant presence in the cultural memory of later ages. One of the main factors in this phenomenon is the literary production that set in immediately after his death, with its tendency to model the figure of the Emperor in accordance with the interests of the authors, and frequently to elevate him to a mythical status. While the images of Charlemagne that came about in this way in the European literatures between the 9th and the 15th century obviously differ somewhat, they are in some cases astonishingly consistent throughout the period in question. They are presented here for the first time in one volume, and analyzed from the various perspectives adopted by different disciplines. Karl der Große zählt zu den wenigen Gestalten des Mittelalters, die im kulturellen Gedächtnis der Nachwelt immer präsent geblieben sind. Wesentlichen Anteil daran haben literarische Produktionen, die bereits kurz nach seinem Tod einsetzten, ihn dabei nach jeweils eigenen Interessen modellierend und oft ins Mythische überhöhend. Die auf diese Weise in den europäischen Literaturen zwischen dem 9. und 15. Jahrhundert entstandenen, teilweise differierenden, teilweise jedoch erstaunlich festen Karlsbilder werden hier erstmals in einem Band vorgestellt und aus dem Blickwinkel unterschiedlicher Fachdisziplinen analysiert.
Literature, Medieval --- History and criticism. --- Charlemagne, --- Karol Wielki, --- Karl --- Carolus Magnus, --- Shārlmān, --- Charles the Great, --- Karl Velikiĭ, --- Carlo Magno, --- Carlos Magno, --- Karolus Magnus, --- Karl the Great, --- Carlomagno, --- Karl den store, --- شارلمان، --- Romances --- In literature. --- Literature, Medieval - History and criticism --- Charlemagne --- Charlemagne, - Emperor, - 742-814 - Romances - History and criticism --- Charlemagne, - Emperor, - 742-814 - In literature --- Charlemagne, - Emperor, - 742-814
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The Battle of Rencesvals is the one of the most dramatic historical event of the entire eighth century, not only in Vasconia but in Western Europe. This monograph examines the battle as more than a single military encounter, but instead as part of a complex military and political conquest that began after the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 711 and culminated with the creation of the Kingdom of Pamplona in 824. The battle had major (and largely underappreciated) consequences for the internal structure of the Carolingian Empire. It also enjoyed a remarkable legacy as the topic of one of the oldest European epic poems, La Chanson de Roland. The events that took place in the Pyrenean pass of Rencesvals (Errozabal) on 15 August 778 defined the development of the Carolingian world, and lie at the heart of the early medieval contribution to the later medieval period.
Roncesvalles, Battle of, Spain, 778. --- Charlemagne, --- Roncesvalles, Battle of, 778 --- Roncevaux, Battle of, Spain, 778 --- Karol Wielki, --- Karl --- Carolus Magnus, --- Shārlmān, --- Charles the Great, --- Karl Velikiĭ, --- Carlo Magno, --- Carlos Magno, --- Karolus Magnus, --- Karl the Great, --- Carlomagno, --- Karl den store, --- شارلمان، --- Rencesvals/Roncevaux, Charlemagne, Roland, Vasconia, Marca Hispanica. --- Charlemagne
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Historia Karoli Magni et Rotholandi (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana).
Roland (Legendary character) --- Roland (Personnage légendaire) --- Romances --- Romans, nouvelles, etc. --- Charlemagne, --- Romances. --- Romans --- Romances, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- Latin romances, Medieval and modern --- Latin literature, Medieval and modern --- Karol Wielki, --- Karl --- Carolus Magnus, --- Shārlmān, --- Charles the Great, --- Karl Velikiĭ, --- Carlo Magno, --- Carlos Magno, --- Karolus Magnus, --- Karl the Great, --- Carlomagno, --- Karl den store, --- شارلمان، --- Medieval Latin literature --- Roland --- Orlando --- Roland (Legendary character) - Romances
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"Revisiting one of the great puzzles of European political history, Jennifer Davis examines how the Frankish king Charlemagne and his men held together the vast new empire he created during the first decades of his reign. Davis explores how Charlemagne overcame the two main problems of ruling an empire, namely how to delegate authority and how to manage diversity. Through a meticulous reconstruction based on primary sources, she demonstrates that rather than imposing a pre-existing model of empire onto conquered regions, Charlemagne and his men learned from them, developing a practice of empire that allowed the emperor to rule on a European scale. As a result, Charlemagne's realm was more flexible and diverse than has long been believed. Telling the story of Charlemagne's rule using sources produced during the reign itself, Davis offers a new interpretation of Charlemagne's political practice, free from the distortions of later legend"--
Impérialisme --- Empire carolingien --- Political leadership --- Imperialism --- Franks --- HISTORY / Europe / General. --- History --- Charlemagne, --- Europe --- Politique et gouvernement --- Politics and government --- Francs --- Histoire --- HISTORY --- Franks. --- Imperialism. --- Political leadership. --- Politics and government. --- Verwaltung. --- Herrschaft. --- Politiskt ledarskap. --- Franker. --- Historia. --- General --- Karl den store, --- To 1500. --- Europa. --- Europe. --- Fränkisches Reich. --- Leadership politique --- Impérialisme --- Empire carolingien. --- Colonialism --- Empires --- Expansion (United States politics) --- Neocolonialism --- Political science --- Anti-imperialist movements --- Caesarism --- Chauvinism and jingoism --- Militarism --- Leadership --- Karol Wielki, --- Karl --- Carolus Magnus, --- Shārlmān, --- Charles the Great, --- Karl Velikiĭ, --- Carlo Magno, --- Carlos Magno, --- Karolus Magnus, --- Karl the Great, --- Carlomagno, --- شارلمان، --- Charlemagne
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Charlemagne is often claimed as the greatest ruler in Europe before Napoleon. This magisterial study re-examines Charlemagne the ruler and his reputation. It analyses the narrative representations of Charlemagne produced after his death, and thereafter focuses on the evidence from Charlemagne's lifetime concerning the creation of the Carolingian dynasty and the growth of the kingdom, the court and the royal household, communications and identities in the Frankish realm in the context of government, and Charlemagne's religious and cultural strategies. The book offers a critical examination of the contemporary sources and in so doing transforms our understanding of the development of the Carolingian empire, the formation of Carolingian political identity, and the astonishing changes effected throughout Charlemagne's forty-six year period of rule. This is a major contribution to Carolingian history which will be essential reading for anyone interested in the medieval past. Rosamond McKitterick has also received the 2010 Dr A. H. Heineken Prize for History for her research into the Carolingians.
Carolingians --- Carlovingians --- Carolinians --- History --- Charlemagne, --- Karol Wielki, --- Karl --- Carolus Magnus, --- Shārlmān, --- Charles the Great, --- Karl Velikiĭ, --- Carlo Magno, --- Carlos Magno, --- Karolus Magnus, --- Karl the Great, --- Carlomagno, --- Karl den store, --- شارلمان، --- France --- Holy Roman Empire --- Kings and rulers --- Charles the Great [Holy Roman Emperor] --- Biography --- Carolingiens --- History. --- Histoire --- Saint Empire romain germanique --- Biography. --- Rois et souverains --- Biographies --- Carolingians - History --- Charlemagne, - Emperor, - 742-814 --- France - Kings and rulers - Biography --- Holy Roman Empire - Kings and rulers - Biography --- France - History - To 987 --- Holy Roman Empire - History - To 1517 --- Charlemagne (0742-0814) --- Empire carolingien --- 768-814 (Charlemagne) --- 840-924
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La versione antico provenzale dello »Pseudo Turpino« conservataci in un manoscritto unico, l'Add 17920 del British Museum di Londra, nota agli studiosi a partire dall'edizione del 1890 ma rimasta totalmente priva di adeguati commento ed interpretazione, rappresenta un anello essenziale nella trasmissione del leggendario epico carolingio, venendo a documentare una tendenza compositiva del tutto distinta dalla precedente diffusa in altre regioni di Francia. La corretta trascrizione ed interpretazione del testo hanno permesso al curatore di comprendere come nell'indicazione logistica della 'Via Jacobitana' resa come 'Via de predicadors' si nascondesse la possibilità di individuare la genesi del volgarizzamento e la sua elaborazione per conto del centro di devozione jacopea della rue de Saint Jacques a Parigi. In quest'ottica le indagini linguistiche di M. Pfister, le ricerche codicologiche di W.C.M. Wüstefeld, i recuperi testuali di A. Hämel e le cospicue intuizioni di A. de Mandach, alcuni tra i numerosi e precedenti studiosi del testo, sono servite di base per l'identificazione della tradizione di rinvio all'interno dell'ambiente papale avignonese e dell'effettiva stesura del volgarizzamento provenzale per l'occasione della fortunata coincidenza di nomina alla sede arcivescovile di Compostella di un famoso e colto Padre Predicatore, di antica e nobile famiglia. La versione in antico provenzale, segno sicuro del trasferimento del mito turpiniano in un inedito panorama culturale di riferimento, è cos sistemata all'interno del processo storico di sviluppo delle 'gesta' di Carlo Magno in connessione all'affermazione del cammino egidiano verso Compostella. La complessa figura di Bérenger de Landore, maestro generale dei Predicatori e nuovo arcivescovo compostellano per diretto intervento papale, appare cos emblematica per la vitalità e l'emergenza di nuovi e forti interessi culturali e insieme cultuali.
Romances, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- Roland (Legendary character) --- Latin romances, Medieval and modern --- Latin literature, Medieval and modern --- Charlemagne, --- Karol Wielki, --- Karl --- Carolus Magnus, --- Shārlmān, --- Charles the Great, --- Karl Velikiĭ, --- Carlo Magno, --- Carlos Magno, --- Karolus Magnus, --- Karl the Great, --- Carlomagno, --- Karl den store, --- شارلمان، --- British Library. --- Pseudo-Turpin. --- Turpin français --- Historia de Turpín --- Crónica de Turpín --- Turpín --- Pseudo Turpin chronicle --- Historia Karoli Magni et Rotholandi --- Turpini historia Karoli Magni et Rotholandi --- Turpin's chronicle --- Historia Turpini --- Chronique de Turpin
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Der Predigt in der Karolingerzeit hat die historische Forschung bisher wenig Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet, obwohl sie in der Gesetzgebung seit der Admonitio generalis von 789 eine große Rolle spielte. In diesem Text forderte der fränkische König Karl der Große nicht nur die Bischöfe und Priester auf zu predigen, sondern gab gleichzeitig auch die Inhalte vor. Tatsächlich setzt im letzten Viertel des 8. Jahrhunderts eine reiche Überlieferung von Predigthandschriften ein. Auf Basis dieser Überlieferung würdigt das Buch erstmals umfassend die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung, die der Predigt zur Zeit Karls des Großen zukam: Es untersucht ihr Verhältnis zu den Kapitularien und beleuchtet dabei ihre bisher kaum beachtete Funktion als politisches Instrument im Reich Karls des Großen. Many sermon manuscripts were created around 800 CE over the course of the Carolingian reform movement, but until now, historical researchers have largely overlooked them. The presentation analyzes selected sermon collections to reveal their importance as a medium for implementing reforms at the local level, thereby making them an important instrument of Carolingian rule.
Bishops --- Church and state --- Sermons, Latin --- Sermons, Medieval --- Evêques --- Eglise et Etat --- Sermons latins --- Sermons médiévaux --- Biography --- History --- History and criticism --- Biographies --- Histoire --- Histoire et critique --- Charlemagne, --- Arn, --- Europe --- Bavaria (Germany) --- Bavière (Allemagne) --- Kings and rulers --- Politics and government --- Rois et souverains --- Politique et gouvernement --- 251 "04/14" --- 27 <43 BAYERN> "04/14" --- Latin sermons --- Archbishops --- Clergy --- Major orders --- Metropolitans --- Orders, Major --- Chaplains, Bishops' --- Episcopacy --- History. --- History and criticism. --- Homiletiek. Verkondiging. Prediking:--middeleeuwen --- Kerkgeschiedenis--Duitsland--Middeleeuwen--BAYERN --- Arno, --- Karol Wielki, --- Karl --- Carolus Magnus, --- Shārlmān, --- Charles the Great, --- Karl Velikiĭ, --- Carlo Magno, --- Carlos Magno, --- Karolus Magnus, --- Karl the Great, --- Carlomagno, --- Karl den store, --- شارلمان، --- Rome --- 251 "04/14" Homiletiek. Verkondiging. Prediking:--middeleeuwen --- Evêques --- Sermons médiévaux --- Bavière (Allemagne) --- Medieval sermons --- Bishops - Austria - Salzburg (Archdiocese) - Biography --- Church and state - Europe - History --- Sermons, Latin - Europe, German-speaking - History and criticism --- Sermons, Medieval - Europe, German-Speaking - History and criticism --- Arno archiep. Salisburgensis --- Charlemagne, - Emperor, - 742-814 --- Arn, - Archbishop of Salzburg, - 740 or 741-821 --- Europe - Kings and rulers - Biography --- Europe - Politics and government - 476-1492 --- Europe - History - 392-814 --- Bavaria (Germany) - History - To 1180 --- Carolingians --- Bavarian history --- preaching
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Charlemagne never traveled farther east than Italy, but by the mid-tenth century a story had begun to circulate about the friendly alliances that the emperor had forged while visiting Jerusalem and Constantinople. This story gained wide currency throughout the Middle Ages, appearing frequently in chronicles, histories, imperial decrees, and hagiographies-even in stained-glass windows and vernacular verse and prose. In Emperor of the World, Anne A. Latowsky traces the curious history of this myth, revealing how the memory of the Frankish Emperor was manipulated to shape the institutions of kingship and empire in the High Middle Ages.The legend incorporates apocalyptic themes such as the succession of world monarchies at the End of Days and the prophecy of the Last Roman Emperor. Charlemagne's apocryphal journey to the East increasingly resembled the eschatological final journey of the Last Emperor, who was expected to end his reign in Jerusalem after reuniting the Roman Empire prior to the Last Judgment. Instead of relinquishing his imperial dignity and handing the rule of a united Christendom over to God as predicted, this Charlemagne returns to the West to commence his reign. Latowsky finds that the writers who incorporated this legend did so to support, or in certain cases to criticize, the imperial pretentions of the regimes under which they wrote. New versions of the myth would resurface at times of transition and during periods marked by strong assertions of Roman-style imperial authority and conflict with the papacy, most notably during the reigns of Henry IV and Frederick Barbarossa. Latowsky removes Charlemagne's encounters with the East from their long-presumed Crusading context and shows how a story that began as a rhetorical commonplace of imperial praise evolved over the centuries as an expression of Christian Roman universalism.
East and West --- East and West in literature. --- Authority in literature. --- Literature, Medieval --- Civilization, Western --- Civilization, Oriental --- Occident and Orient --- Orient and Occident --- West and East --- Eastern question --- History --- History and criticism. --- Asian influences --- Oriental influences --- Western influences --- Charlemagne, --- Influence. --- Legends --- Holy Roman Empire --- Kings and rulers. --- Karol Wielki, --- Karl --- Carolus Magnus, --- Shārlmān, --- Charles the Great, --- Karl Velikiĭ, --- Carlo Magno, --- Carlos Magno, --- Karolus Magnus, --- Karl the Great, --- Carlomagno, --- Karl den store, --- شارلمان، --- Littérature médiévale --- Autorité dans la littérature --- Orient et Occident dans la littérature --- Orient et Occident --- Histoire et critique --- Histoire --- Jusqu'à 1500 --- Saint Empire romain germanique --- Rois et souverains --- Authority in literature --- East and West in literature --- History and criticism --- Influence --- Kings and rulers --- History of Europe --- Charles the Great [Holy Roman Emperor] --- anno 800-1199 --- anno 1200-1299 --- Literature, Medieval - History and criticism --- East and West - History - To 1500 --- Charlemagne --- Charlemagne, - Emperor, - 742-814 - Legends - History and criticism --- Charlemagne, - Emperor, - 742-814 - Influence --- Holy Roman Empire - Kings and rulers --- Charlemagne, - Emperor, - 742-814
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